Chapter [Sarga] 13  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 13


Advised by Mahaparsva to take charge of Sita by force, Ravana expresses his inability to do so, because of a curse pronounced against him by Brahma (lord of creation) in the past. Ravana then boasts of his own prowess.

raavaNam kruddhamaajJNaaya mahaapaarshvo mahaabalaH |
muhuurta manusamcintya praaJNjalirvaakya mabraviit || 6-13-1
1. aaG^yaaya= noticing; raavaNam= Ravana; kruddham= enraged; mahaabalaaH= a very strong; mahaapaarshvaH= Mahaparsva; anusanchintya= thought; muhuurtam= for a while; praaNjaliH= and with joined palms; abraviit= spoke; vaakyam= these words:
Perceiving Ravana enraged, a very strong demon named Mahaparsva thought for a while and with joined palms, spoke as follows:
yaH khalvapi vanam praapya mR^igavyaalaniSevitam |
na pibenmadhu sampraapya sa naro baalisho dhruvam || 6-13-2
2. khaluapi= besides indeed; yaH naraH= which man; praapya= after reaching; vanam= a forest; mR^igavyaala nishhevitam= inhabited by wild beasts and vicious elephants; sampraapya= obtained; madhu= honey; na pibet= does not drink; saH= he; dhruvam= surely; baalishaH=is a fool.”
“That man indeed is a fool, who after reaching a forest inhabited by wild beasts and vicious elephants and having duly found honey, does not drink it.”
iishvarasyeshvaraH ko.asti tava shatrunibarhaNa |
ramasva saha vaidehyaa shatruunaakramya muurdhasu || 6-13-3
3. shatrunibarhaNa= O, annihilator of enemies! KaH= who; asti= is; iishvaraH= a lord; tava =to you; iishvarsya= who are a lord of all? aakramya= stepping upon; muurdhasu= the heads; shatruun= of your enemies; ramasva= you take pleasure; vaidehyaa saha= with Sita.”
“O,annihilator of enemies! Who is a lord to you, who are a lord of all? Setting your foot upon the heads of your enemies, take pleasure with Sita.”
balaatkukkuTavR^ittena pravartasva mahaabala |
akramyaakramya siitaam vai taam bhuN^iksva ca ramasva ca || 6-13-4
4. mahaabala= O, ruler endowed with a mighty prowess! pravartasva= Behave; kukkuTa vR^ittena= in the mode of a cock; balata= using force against her; bhuNkshhva= enjoy; taam siitaam= that Sita; aakramya aakramya=charging and charging; ramasya cha= and revel with her.”
“O, ruler endowed with a mighty prowess! Act in the mode of a cock, forcibly against her. Enjoy that Sita, by charging on her again and again and revel with her.”
labdhakaamasya te pashcaadaagamiSyati kim bhayam |
praaptamapraaptakaalam vaa sarvam pratividhaasyate || 6-13-5
5. kim bhayam= what fear; aagamishhyati= will come; pashchaat= after; labdhakaamasya= fulfilling your lust? sarvam= All; praaptum= that comes; apraaptakaalam= or yet to come ; pratividhaanyate= will be prevented.”
“What fear will be there to you, after fulfilling your lust? All that comes or yet to come will be prevented (by us).”
kumbhakarNaH sahaasmaabhirindrajicca mahaabalaH |
pratiSedhayitum shaktau savajramapi vajriNam || 6-13-6
6. kumbhakarNaH= Kumbhakarna; indrajitcha= and Indrajit; mahaabalaH= of great might; asmaabhiHcha= with us; shaktou= are capable; pratishhedhayitum= of keeping off; vajriNam api= even Devendra(god of celestials); savajram= wielding the weapon of a thunderbolt”.
“Kumbhakarna and Indrajit of great might together with us are capable of keeping off even Devendra (god of celestials), wielding the weapon of a thunderbolt.”
upapradaanam saantvam vaa bhedam vaa kushalaiH kR^itam |
samatikramya daNDena siddhimartheSu rocaye || 6-13-7
7. samatikramya=having overstepped; upapradaanam= the method of giving away gifts; saa stvam vaa= or gentle means; bhedamvaa= or showing dissention; kR^itam= being done; kushalaiH= by right men ,rochaye= I like; siddhim= accomplishment; artheshhu= in actions; daNDena= through hostility.”
“Overstepping the methods of giving away gifts or conciliation or even showing dissention being followed by right men, I like accomplishment of actions through hostile means.”
iha praaptaanvayam sarvaan shatruumstava mahaabala |
vashe shastraprataapena kariSyaamo na samshayaH || 6-13-8
8. mahaabala=O, ruler endowed with great might! Vayam =We; karishhyaamaH= shall make; sarvaan= all; tava= your; shatruun= enemies; praaptaan= reached; iha = here; vashe= to surrender; shastraprataapena= by the power of our weapons; na samshayaH= there is no doubt.”
“O, ruler endowed with great might! We shall make all your enemies reaching here to surrender, by the power of our weapons. There is no doubt about it.”
evamuktastadaa raajaa mahaapaarshvaena raavaNaH |
tasya sampuujayanvaakyamidam vacanamabraviit || 6-13-9
9. tadaa= then; sampuujayan= appreciating; tasya=his; vaakyam= words; evam= thus; uktaH= spoken; mahaapaarshvena=by Mahaparsva; raajaa=king; raavaNaH= Ravana; abraviit= spoke; idam= these; vachanam= words:
Appreciating the words spoken thus by Mahaparsva, King Ravana spoke the following words:
mahaapaarshva nibodha tvam rahasyam kimcidaatmanaH |
ciravR^ittam tadaakhyaasye yadavaaptam puraa mayaa || 6-13-10
10. mahaapaarshva= “ O,Mahaparsva; nibodha= know; kimchit= a little; rahasyam= secret; aatmanaH= about me; aakhyaasye= I shall tell; tat= that; yat= which; avaaptam= was obtained; mayaa= by me; puraa= previously; chiravR^ittaam= which occurred long ago.”
“O, Mahaparsva! Know a little secret about me. I shall tell you an incident, which occurred to me long ago.”
pitaamahasya bhavanam gacchantiim puJNjikasthalaam |
caJNcuuryamaaNaamadraakshamaakaashe.agnishikhaamiva || 6-13-11
11. adraakshham= I saw; puNjikasthala= Punjikasthala; (by name); agnishikhaamiva= gleaming like a flame; chaNchuuryamaaNaam= concealing herself (for fear of me); aakaashe= in the sky; gachchhantiim= and proceeding; bhavanam= to the abode; pitaamahasya= of Brahma.”
“Once I saw a celestial nymph, Punjikasthala(by name) flashing like a flame, concealing herself in the sky and proceeding towards the abode of Brahma.”
saa prasahya mayaa bhuktaa kR^itaa vivasanaa tataH |
svayambhuubhavanam praaptaa lolitaa nalinii yathaa || 6-13-12
12. saa= she; kR^itaa= was made; vivasanaa= unclothed; bhuktaa= and was enjoyedmayaa= by me; prahasya= forcibly; tataH= thereafter; praaptaa= she reached; svayambhuu bhavanam= the abode of Brahma; naliniiyathaa= like a lotus; lolitaa= which was crumled.”
“She was made unclothed by me and was enjoyed forcibly. Thereafter, appearing like a crumpled lotus, she went to the abode of Brahma.”
tacca tasya tadaa manye jJNaatamaasiinmahaatmanaH |
atha samkupito vedhaa maamidam vaakyamabravii || 6-13-13
13. manye= I think; tachcha= it; G^yaatam= was informed; tadaa= then; tasya= to Brahma; mahaatmanaH= the high soled; atha= and then; samkupitaH= the enraged; vedhaaH= Brahama; abraviit= spoke; idam= these; vaakyam= words; maam= to me.”
“I think that the matter was made known to the high soled Brahama and then the enraged Brahma spoke to me the following words:
adyaprabhR^iti yaamanyaam balaannaariim gamiSyasi |
tadaa te shatadhaa murdhaa phaliSyati na samshayaH || 6-13-14
14. adya prabhR^ti= from today onwards; gamishhyasi= if you revel with ; yaam anyaam= any other; naariim= woman; balaan= forcibly; tadaa= then; te= your; muurthaa= head; phalishhyati= will break asunder; shatadhaa= into hundred (pieces); na samshayaH= there is no doubt.”
“From today onwards, if you revel with any other woman forcibly, your head then undoubtedly will break asunder into a hundred pieces.”
ityaham tasya shaapasya bhiitaH prasabhameva taam |
naarohaye balaatsiitaam vaidehiim shayne shubhe || 6-13-15
15. bhiitaH= fearing; tasya= his; shaapasya= curse; iti= in this manner; aham=I; naarohye taam siitaam vaidehiim= am not making that Sita, the daughter of king Videha to mount; shube= (my) beautiful; shayane= bed; prasabhameva= hurriedly.”
“Fearing the curse given in this manner by Brahama, I am not violently making Sita the daughter of Videha, to mount on my beautiful bed forcibly.”
saagarasyeva me vego maarutasyeva me gatiH |
naitaddaasharathirveda hyaapaadayati tena maam || 6-13-16
16. me= my; vegaH= swiftness; saagarasyeva= is like that of an ocean; me= my; gatiH= movement; maarutasyeva= is like that of wind; daasarathiH= Rama= na veda= does not know; etad= this; tena= that is why; aasaadayati hi= he is indeed attacking; maam= me.”
“My swiftness is like that of an ocean. My movement is like that of a wind. Rama does not know this and hence he is indeed having an encounter with me.”
ko hi simhamivaasiinam suptam giriguhaashaye |
kruddham mR^ityumivaa.asiinam sambodhayitumicchati || 6-13-17
17. kohi= who; ichchhati= wants; sambodhayitum= to arouse; (me); aasiinam= sitting; simham iva= like a lion; suptam= sleeping; giriguhaashaye= at a place in a mountain cave; mR^ityum iva= like death; aasiinam= sitting; kR^Iddham= enraged.”
“If not otherwise, who wants to arouse me (for a combat) as one would awaken a lion asleep, sitting at a place in a mountain cave or arouse into activity an enraged Death?”
na matto nirgataan baaNaan dvijihvaan panngaaniva |
raamaH pashyati samgraame tena maamabhigacchati || 6-13-18
18. raamaH= Rama; na pashyati= did not see; baaNaam= the arrows; pannagaaniva= looking like serpents; dvijihvaan= with two tongues; nirgataan= coming forth; mattaH= from me; tena= for that reason; abhigachchhati= he is coming against; maam= me; samgraame= in battle.”
“Rama did not see the arrows, looking like two tongued serpents, coming forth from me. That is why he is marching against me for a battle”
kshipram vajrasamairbaaNaiH shatadhaa kaarmukachutaiH |
raamamaadiipayiSyaami ulkabhiriva kuJNjaram || 6-13-19
19. aadiipayishhyaami= I shall blaze up; raamam= Rama; kshhipram= quickly; baaNaiH= by arrows; vajrasamaiH= resembling thunderbolts; shatadhaa= in hundreds; kaarmukachyutaiH= released from my bow; kuNjaram iva= like an elephant; ullaabhiH= with fire brands.”
“I shall blaze up Rama swiftly with my arrows in hundreds resembling thunder bolts discharged from my bow, like tormenting an elephant with fire brands.”
taccaasya balamaadaasye balena mahataa vR^itaH |
uditaH savitaa kaale nakshatraaNaam prabhaamiva || 6-13-20
20. vR^itaH= surrounded; mahataa balena= by a great army; aadasya= I shall take away; asya= his; tat= that; balam= strength; prabhaamiva= like taking away the light; nakshhatraaNaam = of the stars; uditaH= by a rising; savitaa= sun; kaale= in dawn.”
“Surrounded by great army, I shall take away that strength of Rama, as a rising sun at dawn takes away radiance of the stars.”
na vaasavenaapi sahasracakshuSaa |
yudhaasmi shakyo varuNena vaa punaH |
mayaa tviyam baahubalena nirjitaa |
puraa purii vaishravaNena paalitaa || 6-13-21
21. vaasavenaapi= even by Devendra(Lord of celestials) ; sahasra chakshhushhaa= with thousand eyes; varuNenavaa= or by Varuna(king of the universe); nashakyaH asmi= I am not capable of being conquered; yudhaa= in a battle; puraa= once; iyam purii= this city; paalitaa= ruled; vaishrevaNena= by Kubera; (Lord of riches); nirjitaa= was conquered; mayaa= by me; baahubalena= with the power of my arms.”
“Even Devendra (lord of celestials) with thousand eyes or Varuna (king of the Universe) can not conquer me in battle. Once upon a time, this city of Lanka ruled by Kubera (Lord of riches) was conquered by me with the power of my arms.”

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe trayodashaH sargaH
Thus completes 13th Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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