Chapter [Sarga] 102  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 102


The battle between Rama and Ravana starts. Indra sends a chariot, an armour, some arrows and a powerful spear. A tumultuous and thrilling battle ensues between Rama and Ravana. A spear hurled by Ravana is thwarted by a powerful spear (sent by Indra) of Rama. Then, Rama strikes Ravana's horses with arrows. He also pierces the chest region and the forehead of Ravana with his fierce arrows. Ravana gets severely hurt.

lakShmaNena tu tadvAkyamuktan shrutvA sa rAghavaH |
saMdadhe paraviiraghno dhanuraadaaya viiryavaan || 6-102-1
1. shrutvaa= hearing; tat vaakyam= those words; uktam= spoken; lakShmaNena= by Lakshmana; raaghavaH= Rama; para viiraghnaH= the annihilator of his enemies; aadaaya= taking hold; dhanuH= his bow; samdadhe= fixed the arrow on the bow-string.
Hearing those words of Lakshmana, that valiant Rama, the annihilator of his enemies, taking hold of his bow, fixed an arrow on the bow-string.
rAvaNAya sharAnghorAnvisasarja chamUmukhe |
athaanyaM rathamaasthaaya raavaNo raakShasaadhipaH || 6-102-2
abhyadhaavaa kaakutsthaM svarbhaanuriva bhaaskaram |
2. chamuumukhe= in the forefront of battle; visasarja= (Rama) released; ghoraan= terrific; sharaan= arrows; raavaNaaya= towards Ravana; atha= then; aasthaaya= occupying; anyam= another; ratham= chariot; raavaNaH= Ravana; raakShasaadhipa= the king of demons; abhyyadhaavata= rushed; kaakutthsam= towards Rama; svarbhaanuH iva= as Rahu the seizer-demon(rushes towards); bhaaskaram= the sun.
In the forefront of battle, Rama released terrific arrows towards Ravana. Then, occupying another chariot, Ravana the king of demons rushed towards Rama, even as Rahu the seizer-demon rushes towards the sun.
dashagrIvo rathasthastu rAman vajropamaiH sharaiH || 6-102-3
AjaghAna mahAghorairdhArAbhiriva toyadaH |
3. dashagriivaH tu= Ravana for his part; rathasthaH= standing in his chariot;aajaghaana= struck; raamam= Rama; vajropamaiH sharaiH= with arrows equal to thunderbolts; toyadaH iva= as a cloud; (strikes); dharaabhiH= gushes of rain; mahashailam= on a huge mountain.
Ravana for his part, standing in his chariot struck Rama with thunderbolt-like arrows, as a cloud strikes gushes of rain on a huge mountain.
dIptapAvakasa~NkAshaiH sharaiH kA~nchanabhUShaNaiH || 6-102-4
nirbibheda raNe rAmo dashagrIvan samAhitaH |
4. samaahitaH= with an attentive mind; raamaH= Rama; abhyavarShat= showered; kaaNchana bhuuShaNaiH sharaiH= golden decked arrows; diipta paavaka samkaashaiH= looking like blazing flames of fire; dashagriivam= on Ravana; raNe= in the combat.
With an attentive mind, Rama showered golden decked arrows, looking like blazing flames of fire, on Ravana in the battle-field.
bhUmisthitasya rAmasya rathasthasya cha rakShasaH || 6-102-5
na saman yuddhamityAhurdevagandharvadAnavAH |
5. devagandharva kimnaraaH= the gods, celestial musicians and kinnaras the mythical beings; aahuH= uttered; iti= that yuddham= the battle; na samam= was not equal; raamasya= between Rama; sthitasya= standing; bhuumau= on the ground; raakShasaH= and Ravana; rathasthasya= occupying a chariot.
The gods, celestial musicians and kinnaras the mythical beings thought that the battle was not equal between Rama standing on the ground and Ravana fighting from a chariot.
tato devavaraH shriimaan shrutvaa teShaaM vacho.amR^itam || 6-102-6
aahuuya maataliM shakro vachanaM chedamabraviit |
6.shrutvaa= hearing; teShaam= their; vachomR^itam= nectar-like words; shriimaan= the illustrius; shakraH= Indra; deva varaH= chief of clestials; tataH= then; aahuuya= calling; maatalim= Matali; braviit= spoke; idam vachanamcha= te following words.
Hearing their nectar-like words, the illustrious Indra, the chief f celestials then called Matali and spoke as follows:
rathena mama bhuumiShThaM shiighraM yaahi raghuuttamam || 6-102-7
aayuuya bhuutalaM yaataH kuru devahitaM mahat |
7. yaahi= go; shiighram= quickly; mama rathena= with my chariot; raghottamam= to Rama; bhuumiShTham= who is standing on the earth; yaataH= after reaching; bhuutalam= the earth; aahuuya= calling (inviting Rama t take his seat in the chariot); kuru= and carry out; mahat= a great; devahitam= service to the gods.
"Go quickly with my chariot to Rama, who is standing on the earth. After reaching the earth, invite him to take his seat in the chariot and carry out a great service to the gods."
ityukto devaraajena maatalirdvasaarathiH || 6-102-8
praNamya shirasaa devaM tato vachanamabraviit |
8. iti uktaH= thus spoken; devaraajena= by Indra; maataliH= Matali; deva saarathiH= the charioteer of Indra; praNamya= offering salutation; shirasaa= by bowing his head; devam= to his lord; abraviit= spoke; tataH= then; vachanam= the following words:
Hearing the words of Indra, Matali, the charioteer of Indra, offering salutation to him by bowing his head, spoke then the following words:
shiighraM yaasyaami devendra saarathyaM cha karomyaham || 6-102-9
tato hayaishcha saMyojya haritaiH syandanottamam |
9. devendra= O Indra!; samyojya= providing with; haritaiH hayaiH= green horses; syandanottamam= the excellent chariot; aham= I; yaasyaami= will proceed; tataH= then; shiighram= immediately; karomi= I will perform; saarathyam cha= the duty of a charioteer (to Rama).
"O Indra! Providing with green horses the excellent chariot, I will proceed then immediately and perform the duty of a charioteer to Rama."
tataH kA~nchanachitrA~NgaH ki~NkiNIshatabhUShitaH || 6-102-10
taruNAdityasa~NkAsho vaidUryamayakUbaraH |
sadashvaiH kA~nchanApIDairyuktaH shvetaprakIrNakaiH || 6-102-11
haribhiH sUryasa~NkAshairhemajAlavibhUShitaiH |
rukmaveNudhvajaH shrImAndevarAjaratho varaH || 6-102-12
devaraajena saMdiShTo rathamaaruhya maataliH |
abhyavartata kAkutsthamavatIrya triviShTapAt || 6-102-13
10, 11, 12, 13. tataH= then; (came); shriiman varaH devaraaja rathaH= the glorious and excellent chariot of Indra; kaaN^chanachitraaN^gaH= having a variegated body, decked in gold; kiN^kiNiishata bhuuShitaH= which was fitted with hundreds of tiny bells; taruNaaditya samkaashaH, vaiduuryamaya kuubaraH= with its pole of cat's eye gems shone like the morning sun; yuktaH= yoked to; sadashvaiH haribhiH= excellent green horses; kaaN^chanaapiiDaiH= having golden chaplets on their headsl shveta praNiirNakaiH= having white whisks; hemajaalavibhuuShitaiH= covered with nets of gold; suuryasamkaashaiH= shining like sun; rukmaveNu dhvajaH= and bearing a flag=staff raised on a golden bamboo; aaruhya= ascending; ratham= the chariot; samdiShTaH= as enjoined; devaraajena= by Indra; avatiirya= and descending; tsiviShTapaat= from paradise; maataliH= Matali; abhyavartata= approached; kaakutthsam= Rama.
Then came the glorious and excellent chariot of Indra, having variegated body decked in gold, which was fitted with hundreds of tiny bells, with its pole of cat's eye gems shone like the morning sun, yoked to excellent green horses, having golden chaplets on their heads, having white whisks, covered with nets of gold, shining like the sun and bearing a flag-staff raised on a golden bamboo. Ascending the chariot, as enjoined by Indra and descending from paradise, Matali approached Rama.
abravIchcha tadA rAman sapratodo rathe sthitaH |
prA~njalirmAtalirvAkyan sahasrAkShasya sArathiH || 6-102-14
14. tadaa= then; maataliH= Matali; sahasraakShasya saarathiH= the charioteer of Indra; sapratodaH= along with a whip in his hand; sthitaH= stayed; rathe= in the chariot itself; praaN^jaliH= and joining his palms in salutation; abraviit cha= spoke; vaakyam= the following words; raamam= to Rama.
Then Matali, the charioteer of Indra, along with a whip in his hand, stayed in the chariot itself and joining his palms in salutation, spoke the following words to Rama.
sahasrAkSheNa kAkutstha rathoayan vijayAya te |
dattastava mahAsattva shrImA~nshatrunibarhaNaH || 6-102-15
15. ayam= this; rathaH= chariot; dattaH= is given; sahasraakShaH= by Indra; tava= to you; te vijayaaya= for your victory; mahaasattva= O the mighty; shriimaan= the glorious; kaakutthsa= Rama; shatrunibarhaNa= the destroyer of enemies!
"Indra has sent this chariot to you for your victory, O the mighty and the glorious Rama, the destroyer of adversaries!"
idamaindraM mahachchApan kavachaM chAgnisaMnibham |
sharAshchAdityasa~NkAshAH shaktishcha vimalA shitAH || 6-102-16
16. idam= this; mahat chaapam= great bow; aindram= belonging to Indra; kavacham cha= an armour; agnisam nibham= shining as fire; sharaashcha= arrows; aaditya samkaashaaH= bright as the sun; vimalaa= and stainless; shivaa= auspicious; shaktishcha= spear; (were giving).
"Here is the great bow belonging to Indra, an armour shining as fire, some arrows as bright as sun and a stainless auspicious spear."
Aruhyeman rathaM vIra rAkShasan jahi rAvaNam |
mayA sArathinA rAma mahendra iva dAnavAn || 6-102-17
17. viira= O heroic; raajan= king!; aaruhya= mounting; imam= this; ratham= chariot; mayaa saarathinaa= with me as a charioteer; jahi= kill; raavaNam= Ravana; raakShasam= the king; mahendraH iva= as Indra the lord of celestials; (killed); daanavaan= the demons.
"O heroic king! Mounting this chariot with me as a charioteer, kill Ravana the king, as earlier Indra the lord of celestials killed the demons."
ityuktaH sa parikramya rathan tamabhivAdya cha |
Aruroha tadA rAmo lokANllakShmyA virAjayan || 6-102-18
18. iti= thus; uktaH= spoken; (by Matali); raamaH= Rama; abhivaadya cha= by offering his salutation; samparikramya= by circumambulating; tam= then; aaruroha= ascended it; viraajayan lokaan= causing the three worlds, to shine forth; lakShmyaa= with his splendour.
Duly circumambulating that chariot (as a mark of respect) and offering his salutation, when thus spoken by Matali, Rama then ascended the chariot, causing the three worlds to shine forth with his splendour.
babhuuva cha mahaayuddhaM tumulaM romaharShaNam |
rAmasya cha mahAbAho rAvaNasya cha rakShasaH || 6-102-19
19. mahaayuddham= a great battle; tumulam= which was tumultuous; roma harShaNam= causing the hair to stand erect; babhuuva cha= ensued; mahaabaahoH raamasya cha= between the great armed Rama; raavaNasya cha= and Ravana; rakShasaH= the demon.
Then ensued a tumultuous and thrilling battle, between the great armed Rama and Ravana, the demon.
sa gAndharveNa gAndharvan daivaM daivena rAghavaH |
astran rAkShasarAjasya jaghAna paramAstravit || 6-102-20
20. saH raaghavaH= that Rama; paramaastravit= who was skilled in the use of great missiles; jaghaana= struck; gaandharvam= the missile presided over by Gandharvas; daivam= and the missile presided over the gods; raakShasa raajasya= discharged by Ravana the king of demons; gaandharveNa daivena= by means of Gandharva missile and Daiva missile.
That Rama, who was skilled in the use of great missiles, struck the missile presided over by Gandharvas and the missile presided over by gods, by means of missiles of the same type.
astran tu paramaM ghoran rAkShasaM rAkasAdhipa |
sasarja paramakruddhaH punareva nishAcharaH || 6-102-21
21. nishaacharaH= Ravana; raakShasaadhipaH= the king of demons; paramakruddhaH= was very much enraged; punareva= and again; sasarja= released; paramam ghoram= an extra ordinarily terrific; raakShasam astram= missile presided over by demons.
Ravana, the king of demons was very much enraged and again released another extra-ordinarily terrific missile presided over by demons.
te rAvaNadhanurmuktAH sharAH kA~nchanabhUShaNAH |
abhyavartanta kAkutsthan sarpA bhUtvA mahAviShAH || 6-102-22
22. te sharaaH= those arrows; kaaN^chana bhuuShaNaaH= decked with gold; raavaNadhanurmuktaaH= discharged from Ravana's bow; bhuutvaa= turning into; mahaaviShaaH sarpaaH= highly poisonous snakes; abhyavartanta= rolled towards; kaakutthsam= Rama.
Those arrows, decked with gold, discharged from Ravana's bow, turning as they were into highly poisonous snakes and rolled towards Rama.
te dIptavadanA dIptan vamanto jvalanaM mukhaiH |
rAmamevAbhyavartanta vyAditAsyA bhayAnakAH || 6-102-23
23. te= those serpents; diipta vadanaaH= with flaming mouths; vyaaditaasyaaH= with mouths wide open; vamantaH= and vomiting; diiptam jvalanam= blazing fire; mukhaiH= by their mouths; bhayaanakaaH= those dreadful (arrows); abhyavartanta= dashed towards; raamameva= Rama alone.
With flaming mouths wide open and vomiting blazing fire, those dreadful snake-like arrows dashed towards Rama alone.
tairvAsukisamasparshairdIptabhogairmahAviShaiH |
dishashcha santatAH sarvAH pradishashcha samAvR^itAH || 6-102-24
24. sarvaaH= all; dishshcha= the quarters; samtataaH= stood covered; taiH= by serpents; vaasukisamasparshaiH= whose impact was as hard as that of Vasuki (the king of serpents); diipta bhogaiH= with flaming coils; mahaaviShaiH= and having strong poison; vidishashcha= even the corners between the quarters; samaavR^itaaH= stood enveloped (by them).
All the quarters stood covered by highly poisonous serpents, whose impact was as hard as that of Vasuki (the king of serpents), with the flaming coils. Even the corners between the quarters stood enveloped by them.
tAndR^iShTvA pannagAnrAmaH samApatata Ahave |
astran gArutmataM ghoraM prAdushchakre bhayAvaham || 6-102-25
25. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; taan pannagaan= those serpents; samaapatataH= rushing towards him; aahave= in the battle-field; raamaH= Rama; praadushchakre= created; ghoram= the terrific; bhyaavaham= and dangerous; gaarutmatam astram= missile presided over by Garuda the eagle (an enemy of serpents).
Seeing those serpents rushing towards him in the battle-field, Rama released the terrific and dangerous missile presided over by Garuda the eagle (an enemy of serpents).
te rAghavadhanurmuktA rukmapu~NkhAH shikhiprabhAH |
suparNAH kA~nchanA bhUtvA vicheruH sarpashatravaH || 6-102-26
26. te= those arrows; rukmapuN^khaaH= with golden shafts; shikhiprabhaaH= and which shone like flames; raaghava dhanur-muktaaH= discharged from Rama's bow; bhuutvaa= turning into; kaaN^chanaaH suparNaaH= golden eagles; sarpashatravaH= the enemies of serpents; vicheruH= flew all around.
With golden shafts which shone like flames, discharged by Rama's bow turning into golden eagles (the enemies of serpents) those arrows flew all around.
te tAnsarvA~nsharA~njaghnuH sarparUpAnmahAjavAn |
suparNarUpA rAmasya vishikhAH kAmarUpiNaH || 6-102-27
27. te vishikhaaH= those arrows; raamasya= of Rama; kaamaruupiNaH= which can assume any form at will; suvarNaruupaH= assumed the eagles; jaghnuH= and destroyed; taan sarvaan sharaan= all those arrows; mahaajavaan= which flew with a great speed; sarparuupaan= in the form of snakes.
Those arrows of Rama, which can assume any form at will, appeared in the form of eagles and destroyed all those arrows, which flew with a great speed in the form of snakes.
astre pratihate kruddho rAvaNo rAkShasAdhipaH |
abhyavarShattadA rAman ghorAbhiH sharavR^iShTibhiH || 6-102-28
28. raakShasaadhipaH= Ravana; tadaa= then; kruddhaH= enraged; astre pratihate= as his missile was frustrated; abhyavarShat= streamed forth; ghoraabhiH= terrific; sharavR^iShTibhiH= showers of arrows; raamam= on Rama.
Enraged on his missile having been frustrated by Rama, Ravana streamed forth terrific showers of arrows on Rama.
tataH sharasahasreNa rAmamakliShTakAriNam |
ardayitvA sharaugheNa mAtaliM pratyavidhyata || 6-102-29
29. ardayitvaa= tormenting; raamam= Rama; akliShTakaariNaa= of unwearied action; sharasahasreNa= with thousand arrows; tataH= (Ravana) then; pratya vidhyata= pierced; maatalim= Matali; sharaugheNa= with a multitude of arrows.
Tormenting Rama of unwearied action with thousand arrows, Ravana then pierced Matali with a multitude of arrows.
chichchheda ketumuddishya shareNaikena raavaNaH |
pAtayitvA rathopasthe rathAtketun cha kA~nchanam || 6-102-30
aindrAnabhijaghAnAshvA~nsharajAlena rAvaNaH |
30. uddishya= targetting; ekena shareNa= with only one arrow; raavaNaH= Ravana; chichheda= tore off; ketum= the flag-staff; paatayitvaa= striking down; kaaN^chanam ketum= the golden flag-staff; rathaat= from the (top of the) chariot; rathopasthe= down to the seat of the chariot; raavaNaH= Ravana; jaghaana= struck; indraanashvaan api= eve Indra's horses; sharajaalena= with a multitude of arrows.
Targeting with only one arrow, Ravana tore off the flag-staff. Striking down the golden flag-staff from the top of the chariot down to the seat of the chariot, Ravana struck even Indra's horses with a multitude of arrows.
viShedurdevagandharvA dAnavAshchAraNaiH saha || 6-102-31
rAmamArtan tadA dR^iShTvA siddhAshcha paramarShayaH |
vyathitA vAnarendrAshcha babhUvuH savibhIShaNAH || 6-102-32
rAmachandramasan dR^iShTvA grastan rAvaNarAhuNA |
31, 32. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; raamam= Rama; aartam= afflicted; devagandharva chaaraNaaH= the gods, Gandharvas the celestials musicians, Charanas teh celestial bards; daanavaiH saha= along with demons; siddhaashcha= as also Siddhas, the demi-gods; paramarShayaH= the great sages; viSheduH= felt dejected; dR^iShTvaa= seeing; raamachandramasam= the moon in the shape of Rama; grastam= eclipsed; raavaNaraahunaa= by Rahu in the shape of Ravana; vaanarendraashcha= the mokey-cheifs too; savobhiiShaNaaH= including Vibhishana; babhuuvuH= became; vyathitaaH= perturbed.
Seeing Rama afflicted, the gods, Gandharvas the celestial musicians, Charanas the celestials bards along with the demons, as also Siddhas the demi-gods and the great sages felt dejected. Seeing the moon in the shape of Rama eclipsed by Rahu in the shape of Ravana, the monkey-chiefs too, along with Vibhishana, felt perturbed.
prAjApatyan cha nakShatran rohiNIM shashinaH priyAm || 6-102-33
samAkramya budhastasthau prajAnAmashubhAvahaH |
33. budham= the planet Mercury; tasthau= stood; aakramya= assailing; rohiNiim= the constellation Rohini; praajaapatyam= presided over by the god Prajapati (the lord of creation); priyaam= the beloved; shasinaH= of the moon nakShatram= the heavenly body; ashubhaavahaH= and spelling disaster; prajaanaam= to the created beings.
Seeing thus the moon in the shape of Rama eclipsed by the planet Rahu in the shape of Ravana, the planet Mercury stood, assailing the constellation Rohini presided over by the god Prajapati (the lord of creation), the beloved of the moon the heavenly body and spelling disaster to all created beings.
sadhUmaparivR^ittormiH prajvalanniva sAgaraH || 6-102-34
utpapAta tadA kruddhaH spR^ishanniva divAkaram |
34. prajvalanniva= blazing as it were; kruddhaH= in fury; saagaraH= the ocean; utpapaata= rose high; tadaa= at that time; spR^ishanniva= as though it was going to touch; divaakaram= the sun; sadhuumaparivR^ittormiH= its mist-wreathed waves moving to-and-fro.
Blazing as it were in fury, the ocean rose high at that time, as though it was going to touch the sun, its mist-wreathed waves moving to-and-fro.
shastravarNaH suparuSho mandarashmirdivAkaraH || 6-102-35
adR^ishyata kabandhA~NgaH sansakto dhUmaketunA |
35. divaakaraH= the sun; shastravaraNaH= looking ashy in colour; suparuShaH= and assuming a piercing aspect; mandarashmiH= its rays grown exhilarated; adR^ishyata= appeared; kabandhaaNkaH= in a headless trunk in its lap; samsaktaH= and united; dhuumaketunaa= with a comet.
The sun, looking ashy in colour assuming a piercing aspect, and its rays grown exhilarated, appeared in a headless trunk in its lap and united with a comet.
kosalAnAn cha nakShatran vyaktamindrAgnidaivatam || 6-102-36
AkramyA~NgArakastasthau vishAkhAmapi chAmbare |
36. aN^gaarakaH= the planet Mars; tasthau= stood; aakramya= assailing; ambare= in the sky; nakShatram vishaakhaam= the coustellation Vishakha; aindraagnidaivatam= presided over by the gods Indra and Agni (the god of fire) kosalaanaam vyaktam= which is adorned by the kings of Kosala.
The planet Mars stood assailing in the sky, the constellation Vishakha, presided over by the gods Indra and Agni (the god of fire), which is adorned by the kings of Kosala.
dashAsyo viMshatibhujaH pragR^ihItasharAsanaH || 6-102-37
adR^ishyata dashagrIvo mainAka iva parvataH |
37. dashagriivaH= (That) Ravana; dashaasyaH= having ten faces; vimshati bhujaH= and twenty arms; pragR^ihiita sharaasanaH= holding a bow tightly in his hands; adR^ishyata= looked; mainaakaH parvataH iva= like Mount Mainaka.
That Ravana, having ten faces and twenty arms, holding a bow tightly in his hands, looked like Mount Mainaka.
nirasyamAno rAmastu dashagrIveNa rakShasA || 6-102-38
nAshakadabhisandhAtun sAyakAnraNamUrdhani |
38. nirasyamaanaH= being overwhelmed; dashagriiveNa= by Ravana; rakShasaa= the demon; raNamuurdhani= in the battle-front; raamaH= Rama; na ashaknot= could not; saayakaan abhisamdhaatum= fit his arrows to his bow.
Being overwhelmed by Ravana the demon in the battle-front, Rama could not fit his arrows to his bow.
sa kR^itvA bhrukuTIn kruddhaH kiM chitsanraktalochanaH || 6-102-39
jagAma sumahAkrodhaM nirdahanniva rakshasaan |
39. saH= that Rama; kruddhaH= enraged; bhR^ikuTim kR^itvaa= knitting his eye-brows; kimchit samrakta lochanaH= his eyes turned slightly blood-red; jagaama= got; sumahaakrodham= into a fierce anger; nirdahanniva rakShasaan= as though he would burn out the demons.
The enraged Rama, knitting his eye-brows and with his eyes turned slightly blood-red, was provoked to fierce anger, as though he would burn out the demons.
tasya kruddhasya vadanaM dR^iShTvaa raamasya dhiimataH || 6-102-40
sarvabhuutaani vitresuH praakampata cha medinii |
40. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; vadanam= the face; tasya= dhiimataH raamasya= of that sagacious Rama; kruddhasya= getting provoked of anger; sarva bhuutaani= all the living bengs; vitreShu= got frightened; medinii cha= the earth too; praakampata= began to tremble.
Seeing the face of the sagacious Rama getting provoked of anger, all the living beings got frightened. The earth too began to tremble.
siMhashaarduulavaan shailaH saMchachaala chaladdrumaH |
babhuuva chaapi kShubhitaH samudraH saritaaM patiH || 6-102-41
41. shailaH= the mountain; simha saarduulaan= with lions and tigers; chaladrumaH= as also with swaying trees; samchchaala= was trembled; samudraH chaapi= even the ocean; saritaampatiH= the lord of rivers; babhuuva= became; kShubhitaH= agitated.
The mountain, with lions, tigers and swaying trees, was trembled. Even the ocean, the lord of rivers, became agitated.
kharaashcha kharanirghoShaa gagane paruShaa ghanaaH |
autpaatikaashcha nardantaH samantaat parichakramuH || 6-102-42
42. ghanaaH= the clouds; kharaaH= which were dense; khara nirghoShaaH= with harsh sounds; paruShaaH autpaatikaaH= and assuming a stern aspect; parichakramuH= roamed; samantaat= all over; gagane= in the sky; nardantaH= thundering.
Dense clouds, emitting harsh sounds and assuming a stern aspect, roamed all over in the sky, thundering.
raamaM dR^iShTvaa susaMkruddhamutpaataaMshaiva daaruNaan |
vitresuH sarvabhuutaani raavaNasyaabhavadbhayam || 6-102-43
43. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; susamkruddham= the very much enraged; raamam= Rama; daaruNaan utpaataan cha= and terrific portents; sarvabhuutaani= all the living beings; vitresuH= were frightened; bhayam= fear; abhavat= seized; raavaNasya= Ravana (too).
Seeing the very much enraged Rama and also the terrific portents, all the living beings were frightened. Fear seized Ravana too.
vimaanasthaasthadaa devaa gandharvaashcha mahoragaaH |
R^iShidaanavadaityaashcha garutmantashcha khecharaaH || 6-102-44
dadR^ishuste tadaa yuddhaM lokasaMvartasaMsthitam
naanaapraharaNairbhiimaiH shuurayoH saMprayudhyatoH || 6-102-45
44, 45. vimaanasthaaH= seated in their aerial cars; devaaH= gods; gandharvaashcha= Gandharvas the celestial musicians; mahoragaaH= great Nagas (semi divine beings having the face of a man and the tail of serpent); R^iShidaanavadaityaashcha= the sages, demons and giants; khecharaaH te garutmantashcha= and those eagles remaining in the air; dadR^ishaH= saw; tadaa= then; yuddham shuurayoH= the battle of two heroes; samprayudhyatoH= fighting steadily; bhiimaiH naanaa praharaNaiH= with various dreadful weapons; lokasamvarta samsthitam= looking like the final dissolution of the world.
Seated in their aerial cars, gods, Gandharvas the celestial musicians, great Nagas (semi divine beings having the face of a man and the tail of a serpent), the sages, demons, giants and those eagles remaining in the air, saw then the battle of two heroes, fighting steadily with various dreadful weapons and looking like the final dissolution of the world.
uuchuH suraasuraaH sarve tadaa vigrahamaagataaH |
prekShamaaNaa mahadyuddhaM vaakyaM bhaktyaa prahR^iShTavat || 6-102-46
46. prahR^iShTavat= getting rejoiced; prekShamaaNaaH= on observing; mahat yuddham= that great battle; sarve= all; suraasuraaH= the gods and demons; vigraham aagataaH= who had come to witness the conflict; tadaa= at that time; uuchuH= spoke; vaakyam= the following words; bhaktyaa= with devotion.
Getting rejoiced on observing that great battle, all the gods and demons who had come to witness the conflict at that time, responded:
dashagriivaM jayetyaahurasuraaH samavasthitaaH |
devaa raamamavochaMste tvaM jayeti punaH punaH || 6-102-47
47. asuraaH= the demons; samavasthitaaH= who reached there; aahuH= cried out; dashagriivam= to Ravana; jaya it= "Be Victorious!"; te= those; devaaH= gods; aahuH= called; raamam= to Rama; punaH punaH iti= saying again and again; jaya tvam= "Be you victorious!".
The demons who reached there cried out to Ravana, "Be victorious!". Those gods called to Rama saying again and again: "Be you victorious!".
etasminnantare krodhaadraaghavasya sa raavaNaH |
prahartukaamo duShTaatmaa spR^ishan praharaNaM mahat || 6-102-48
vajrasaaraM mahaanaadaM sarvashatrunibarhaNam |
shailashR^iN^ganibhaiH kuuTaishchittadR^iShTibhayaavaham || 6-102-49
sadhuumamiva tiikShaNagraM yugaantaagnichayopamam |
atiraudramanaasaadyaM kaalenaapi duraasadm || 6-102-50
traasanaM sarvabhuutaanaaM daaraNaM bhedanaM tathaa |
pradiiptamiva roSheNa shuulaM jagraaha raavaNaH || 6-102-51
48-51. etasmin antare= in the meanwhile; saH raavaNaH= that Ravana; duShTaatmaa= the evil-minded; raavaNaH= who caused enemies to cry; krodhaat= with anger; spR^ihan= stroking; mahat praharaNam= a great weapon; prahartukaamaH= wishing to strike; raaghavasya= Rama; jagraaha= took hold; roSheNa= with fury; shuulam= of a spike; vajrasaaram= which was powerful as a thunderbolt; mahaanaadam= which made a loud noise (when hurled at its target); sarvashatrunibarhaNam= capable of exterminating all enemies; shailashR^iN^ga nibhaiH= resembling mountain-peaks; kuuTaiH= which with its sharp points; chittadR^iSTibhayaavaham= dreadful to conceive and to behold; sadhuumamiva tiikShNaagram yugaantaagnichayopamam= resembling a smoke-crested mass of fire blazing at the end of the world-cycle; atiraudram= exceedingly furious; anaasaadyam= which was difficult to approach; kaalenaapi= even for Death; duraasaasaadyam= which was unassailable; traasanam sarvabhuutaanaam= which was a terror for all living beings; daaruNam tathaa bhedanam= capable as it was of tearing and splitting them; pradiiptam iva= and blazing as it was.
In the meantime, that evil-minded Ravana, who caused enemies to cry, stroking with anger a great weapon wishing to strike Rama, took hold off with fury, a spike, which was powerful as a thunderbolt, which made a loud noise (when hurled at a target), capable of exterminating all enemies, resembling the mountain-peaks, which with its sharp points dreadful to conceive and to behold, resembling a smoke-crested mass of fire blazing at the end of the world-cycle, exceedingly furious, which was difficult to approach even for Death, which was unassailable, which was a terror for all beings, capable as it was of tearing and splitting them and blazing as it was.
tachchhuulaM paramakruddho madhye jagraaha viiryavaan |
aniikaiH samare shuurai raakShasaiH parivaaritaH || 6-102-52
52. viiryavaan= that valiant Ravana; parivaaritaH= surrounded; shuuraiH aniikaiH= by warriors of demons; samare= in battle; parama kruddhaH= was very much enraged; jagraaha= and took hold of; tat= that; shuulam= spear; madhye= at its middle.
That valiant Ravana, surrounded by warriors of demons in battle, was very much enraged and took hold of that spear at its middle.
samudyamya mahaakaayo nanaada yudhi bhairavam |
saMraktanayano roShaat svasainyamabhiharShayan || 6-102-53
53. samraktanayanaH= with blood-red eyes; roShaat= in anger; mahaakaayaH= Ravana with his collossal body; samudyamya= duly lifting his spear and bringing rejoice to; svasainyam= his own army; nanaada= roared; bhairavam= terribly; yudhi= in battle.
With blood-red eyes in anger, Ravana with his collossal body, duly raising the spear and bringing rejoice to his own army, roared terribly in battle.
pR^ithiviiM chaantarikShaM cha dishashcha pradishastathaa |
praakampayattadaa shabdo raakShasendrasya daaruNaH || 6-102-54
54. daaruNaH= the terrific; shabdaH= roar; raakShasendrasya= of Ravana; tadaa= then; praakampayat= trebled; pR^ithiviimcha= the earth; antarikShamcha= the sky; dishashcha= the four quarters; tathaa= and; pradishashcha= and the angles of the compass.
The terrific noise made by Ravana then trembled the earth, the sky, the four quarters and the angles of the compass
atikaayasya naadena tena tasya duraatmanaH |
sarvabhuutaani vitresuH saagarashcha prachukShubhe || 6-102-55
55. tena naadena= by that roar; tasya duraat manaH= of that evil-minded Ravana; atikaayasya= of a collossal body; sarvabhuutaani= all the living beings; vitresuH= were frightened; saagarashcha= the ocean too; prachukShubhe= got agitated.
By that roar of that evil-minded Ravana of a collossal body, all the living beings were frightened. The ocean too got agitated.
sa gR^ihiitvaa mahaaviiryaH shuulaM tadraavaNo mahat |
vinadya sumahaanaadaM raamaM paruShamabraviit || 6-102-56
56. gR^ihiitvaa= taking hold of; tat mahat shuulam= that large spear; saH raavaNaH= that Ravana; mahaaviirya= of great prowess; vinadya= emitting; sumahaanaadam= a very loud roar; abraviit= spoke; paruSham= the following harsh words; raamam= to Rama.
Taking hold of that large spear, that Ravana of great prowess, emitting a very loud roar, spoke the following harsh words to Rama:
shuulo.ayaM vajrasaaraste raama roShanmayodyataH |
tava bhraatR^isahaayasya samyak praaNaan hariShyati || 6-102-57
57. udyataH= raised; roShaat= in fury; mayaa= by me; raama= O Rama!; ayam shuulaH= this spear; vajrasaaraH= with the power of a thunder-bolt; samyak hariShyati= will surely take away; tava praaNaan= the lives of you; bhraatR^ihaayasya= along with life of your brother, your help-mate.
"Raised in fury by me, O Rama! This spear with the power of a thunder-bolt, will take away surely your life along with the life of your bother, your help-mate."
rakShasaamadya shuuraaNaaM nihataanaaM chamuumukhe |
tvaaM nihatya raNashlaaghii karomi tarasaa samam || 6-102-58
58. nihatya= killing; tvaam= you; tavasaa= with my strength; adya= now; raNashlaaghii= I, who always commend war-fare; karomi= will make you; samam= equal; shuuraaNaam rakShasaam= with the valiant demons; nihataanaam= who have been killed; chamuumukhe= in the battle front.
"Killing you with my strength now, I, who always commend war-fare, will make you level with the valiant demons, who have been killed in the battle-front."
tiShThedaaniiM nihanmi tvaameSha shuulena raaghava |
evamuktvaa sa chikShepa tachchhuulaM raakShasaadhipaH || 6-102-59
59. tiShTha= wait; eShaH= this I; nihanmi= will kill; tvaam= you; shuulena= with the spear, idaaniim= now; raaghava= O Rama!; evam uktvaa= thus speaking; saH raakShasaadhipaH= that demon; chikShepa= hurled; tat shuulam= the spear.
"Wait, I will kill you with the spear now, O Rama!" Saying so, that demon hurled that spear.
tadraavaNakaraanmuktaM vidyunmaalaasamaavR^itam |
aShTaghaNTaM mahaanaadaM viyadgatamashobhata || 6-102-60
60. tat= that spear; vidyummaalaasamavR^itam= wreathed as it was in a circle of lightning; aShTaghaN^Tam= provided as it was with eight bells; mahaanaadam= and making a loud noise; muktam= released; raavaNakaraat= from the hand of Ravana; ashobhata= splashed; viyadgatam= as it went into the sky.
That spear, wreathed as it was in a circle of lightning, provided as it was with eight bells and making a loud noise, released from Ravana's hand, splashed, as it went into tehs sky.
tachchhuulaaM raagavo dRiShTvaa jvalantaM ghoradarshanam |
sasarja vishikhaan raamashchaapamaayamya viiryavaan || 6-102-61
61. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; tat= that; jvalantam= blazing; shuulam= spear; ghora darshanam= of terrible appearance; viiryavaan= the valiant; raamaH= Rama; raaghavaH= who was born in Raghu dynasty; aayamya= having stretched; chaapam= his bow; sasarja= released; vishikhaan= the arrows.
Seeing that blazing spear of terrible appearance, the valiant Rama who was born in Raghu dynasty, having stretched his bow, released the arrows.
aapatantaM sharaugheNa vaarayaamaasa raaghavaH |
utpatantaM yugaantaagniM jalaughairiva vaasavaH || 6-102-62
62. sharaugheNa= with streams of arrows; raaghavaH= Rama; vaarayaamaasa= warded off; aapatantam= that spear which was rushing upon him; jalaughaiH iva= as with streams of water; vaasavaH= Indra the lord of celestials (warded off); utpatantam yugaantaagnim= the fire shooting up at the time of dissolution of the world.
With streams of arrows, Rama warded off that spear, which was rushing upon him, as with streams of water, Indra the lord of celestials warded off the fire shooting up at the time of dissolution of the world.
nirdadaaha sa taan baaNaan raamakaarmukaniHsR^itaan |
raavaNasya mahaan shuulaH pataN^gaaniva paavakaH || 6-102-63
63. saH= that; mahaan= large; shuulaH= spear; raavaasya= of Ravana; nirdadaaha= consumed; taan baaNaan= those arrows; raama kaarmukaniHsR^itaan= coming forth from Rama's bow; paavakaH iva= as fire; (would consumed); pataN^gaan= the moths.
That large spear of Ravana consumed those arrows coming forth from Rama's bow, as fire would consume the moths.
taan dR^iShTvaa bhasmasaadbhuutaan shuulasaMsparshachuurNataan |
saayakaanantarikShasthaan raagavaH krodhamaaharat || 6-102-64
64. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; taan saayakaan= those arrows; shuulasamsparsha chuurNitaan= smashed, by coming into contact with the spear; bhasma saadbhuutaan= and reduced to ashes; antarikShasthaan= even while positioned in the sky; raaghavaH= Rama; aaharat= was seized; krodham= with fury.
Seeing those arrows smashed by coming into contact with the spear and reduced to ashes even while positioned in the sky, Rama was seized with fury.
sa taaM maatalinaaniitaaM shaktiM vaasavasaMmataam |
jagraaha paramakruddho raaghavo raghavanandanaH || 6-102-65
65. saH raaghavaH= that Rama; raaghunandanaH= te delight of the Raghus; parama kruddhaH= was quite enraged; jagraaha= and took hold; taam shaktim= of that spear; aaniitaam= brought; maatalinaa= by Matali the charioteer; vaasaasammataam= as desired by Indra the lord of celestials.
That Rama, the delight of Raghus, was quite enraged and took hold of that spear brought by Matali the charioteer, as desired by Indra the lord of celestials.
saa tolitaa balavataa shaktirghaNTaakR^itasvanaa |
nabhaH prajvaalayaamaasa yugaantolkeva saprabhaa || 6-102-66
66. saa shaktiH= that spear; tolitaa= lifted up; balavataa= by the powerful Rama; ghaNTaakR^ita svanaa= which was rendered resonated by the bells; prajvaalayaamaasa= began to blaze; saprabhaa yugaantolkeva= like a blazing meteor at the time of dissolution of the world.
That spear, lifted up by the powerful Rama, which was rendered resonated by the bells, began to blaze like a blazing meteor at the time of the dissolution of the world.
saa kShiptaa raakShasendrasya tasmin shuule papaata ha |
bhinnaH shaktyaa mahaan shuulo nipapaata hatadyutiH || 6-102-67
67. saa= that spear; kShiptaa= hurled (by Rama); nipapaata ha= fell; tasmin raakShasendrasya shuule= on that Ravana's spear; bhinnaH= torn down; shaktyaa= by Rama's spear; mahaan shuulaH= the large spear of Ravana; nipapaata= fell (on the ground); hata dyutiH= with its lustre extinguished.
That spear, hurled by Rama, fell on that Ravana's spear. Torn down by Rama's spear, the large spear of Ravana fell on the ground, with its lustre extinguished.
nirbhabheda tato baaNairhayaanasya mahaajavaan |
raamastriikShaNairmahaavegairbaaNavadbhirajihmagaiH || 6-102-68
68. tiikShNaiH= with terrific arrows; mahaavegaiH= of high speed; baaNavadbhiH= with their shafts made of reeds; ajihmagaiH= going straight to their target; raamaH= Rama; nirbibheda= pierced; mahaajavaan= the exceedingly fleet; hayaan= horses; asya= of Ravana.
With terrific arrows of high speed, with their shafts made of reeds, going straight to their target, Rama pierced the exceedingly fleet horses of Ravana.
nirbadhedorasi tadaa raavaNaM nishitaiH sharaiH |
raaghavaH paramaayatto lalaaTe pattribhistribhiH || 6-102-69
69. raaghavaH= Rama; tadaa= then; nirbibheda= pierced; nishitaiH sharaiH= with his sharp arrows; urasi= the chest-region; raavaNam= of Ravana; paramaayattaH= quite deliberately; (he struck); lalaaTe= the forehead of Ravana; tribhiH= with three; pattribhiH= arrows.
With his sharp arrows, Rama then pierced the chest-region of Ravana. He also struck, quite deliberately, the forehead of Ravana with three arrows.
sa sharairbhinnasarvaaN^go gaatraprasR^itashoNitaH |
raakShasendraH samuuhasthaH pullaashoka ivaababhau || 6-102-70
70. bhinna sarvaaN^gaH= with all his limbs torn down; sharaiH= by arrows; gaatra prashR^ita shoNitaH= with blood flowing from his limbs; saH raakShasendraH= that Ravana; aababhau= shone; phullaashokaH iva= like a blooming Ashoka tree; samuuhasthaH= in the midst of a multitude of trees.
With all his limbs torn down by arrows and with blood flowing from his limbs, that Ravana in the midst of demons, shone like a blooming Ashoka tree in the midst of a multitude of trees.
sa raamabaaNairatividdhagaatro |
nishaacharendraH kShatajaardragaatraH |
jagaama khedaM cha samaajamadhye |
krodhaM cha chakre subhR^ishaM tadaaniim || 6-102-71
71. saH nishaacharendraH= that Ravana; atividdhagaatraH= with his limbs severely= injured; raama baaNaiH= by Rama's arrows; kShatajaardragaatraH= and his body bathed in blood; jagaama khedam= felt exhausted; samaajamadhye= in the midst of a multitude of demons; subhR^isham krodham cha chakre= gave went to a violent anger; tadaaniim= at that time.
With his limbs severely injured by Rama's arrows and with his body bathed in blood, that Ravana felt exhausted in the middle of a multitude of demons and gave went to a violent anger at that time.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe dvyadhikashatatamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 102nd chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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