Chapter [Sarga] 11  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 11


Realizing that the woman he saw at Ravana's house was not Seetha, Hanuma begins to search again for Seetha.

avadhuuya ca taam buddhim babhuuva avasthitaH tadaa |
jagaama ca aparaam cintaam siitaam prati mahaa kapiH || 5-11-1
1. mahaakapiH= the great Hanuma; tadaa= then; avadhuuya= removing; taam buddhim= that thought; bhabhuuva= became avasthitaH= with the right mind; jagaama= and went; aparaam chintaam= (with)another thought; siitaam prati= about Seetha.
The great Hanuma then removing that thought became with the right mind and had another thought about Seetha.
na raameNa viyuktaa saa svaptum arhati bhaaminii |
na bhoktum na api alamkartum na paanam upasevitum || 5-11-2
na anyam naram upasthaatum suraaNaam api ca iishvaram |
na hi raama samaH kashcid vidyate tridasheSv api || 5-11-3
anyaa iyam iti nishcitya paana bhuumau cacaara saH |
2,3. saa bhaaminii= that Seetha; na arhate= is not suitable; svaptum= to sleep ; raameNa viyuktaa= separated from Rama; na bhoktum= will not eat; na apyalamkartum api= will not decorate also; na= not suited; upasevitum= to drink; paanam= a beverage; upasthaatum= to reach; anyam naram= another man; suraaNaam eshvaram api= even though he were Indra; hi= because; na vidyate hi= there is indeed no; kashchit= one; raamasamaH= equalling Rama; tridasheshhvapi= even among gods; iyam anyaa= this is another woman; iti= thus; nishchitya= deciding; saH= that Hanuma; chachaara= paced; paanabhuumau= in that banqueting hall.
That Seetha is not suitable to sleep separated from Rama, will not eat, will not decorate also, not suited to drink a beverage, to reach another man even though if he were Indra because there is indeed no one equaling Rama even among gods. This is another woman - thus deciding that Hanuma paced in that banqueting hall.
kriiDitena aparaaH klaantaa giitena ca tathaa paraaH || 5-11-4
nR^ittena ca aparaaH klaantaaH paana viprahataaH tathaa |
4. aparaaH= some women; klaantaaH= were tired; kriiDitena= from erotic dalliance; tathaa= and then; aparaaH= some other women; giitena= (were tired) from singing; aparaaH= some others; klaantaaH= were weary; nR^ittena= from dance; tathaa= and; paanaviprahataaH= were unconscious from consumption of liquor.
Some women were tired from erotic dalliance and then some other women were tired from singing; some others were weary from dance and were unconscious from consumption of liquor.
murajeSu mRdangeSu piiThikaasu ca samsthitaaH || 5-11-5
tathaa aastaraNa mukhyyeSu samviSTaaH ca aparaaH striyaH |
5. samsthitaaH= (some women) were stationed; murajeshhu= on tabors; mR^idaN^geshhu= on mrudangaas; piiThikaasu cha= on seats; aparaaH= some other; striyaH= women; samvishhThaaH= rested; aastaraNamukhyeshhu= on chief carpets.
Some women were stationed on tabors, on Mrudangas, on seats, some other women rested on chief carpets.
aN^ganaanaam sahasreNa bhuuSitena vibhuuSaNaiH || 5-11-6
ruupa samllaapa shiilena yukta giita artha bhaaSiNaa |
desha kaala abhiyuktena yukta vaakya abhidhaayinaa || 5-11-7
rata abhirata samsuptam dadarsha hari yuuthapaH |
6,7. hariyuudhapaH= the warrior among Vanaras; dadarsha= saw; anN^ganaanaam sahasreNa= a thousand of women; bhuushhitena= decorated; vibhuushhaNaiH= by jewellery; ruupasallaapashiilena= with a nature of talking about beauty; yuktagiitaarthabhaashhiNaa= conversing about the correct meaning of songs(being sung) deshakaalaabhiyuktena= behaving according to time and place; yuktavaakyaabhidhaayinaa= wont to speak appropriate words; rathaabhirathasamsuptam= indulged in sleep after sexual dalliance.
The warrior among Vanaras saw a thousand of women decorated by jewellery with a nature of talking about beauty, conversing about the correct meaning of songs being sung, behaving according to time and place, wont to speak appropriate words, indulged in sleep after sexual dalliance.
taasaam madhye mahaa baahuH shushubhe raakSasa iishvaraH || 5-11-8
goSThe mahati mukhyaanaam gavaam madhye yathaa vR^iSaH |
8. madhye= in the middle; taasaam= of that group of women; rakshasheshvaraH= Ravana; mahaabaahuH= with great arms; shushubhe= shone; vR^ishhabhaiva= like a bull; gavaam madhye= in the middle of cows; mahatighoshhThe= in a big cow-pen.
In the middle of that group of women, Ravana with great arms shone like a bull in the middle of cows in a big cow-pen.
sa raakSasa indraH shushubhe taabhiH parivR^itaH svayam || 5-11-9
kareNubhir yathaa araNyam parikiirNo mahaa dvipaH |
9. saH raakshasendraH svayam= that Ravana himself; parivR^itaH= surrounded; taabhiH= by those women; shushubhe= shone; mahaadvipaH yathaa= like a great elephant; parikiirNaH= surrounded; kareNubhiH= by she elephants; mahaaraNye= in a great forest;
That Ravana himself surrounded by those women, shone like a great elephant surrounded by she elephants in a great forest.
sarva kaamair upetaam ca paana bhuumim mahaatmanaH || 5-11-10
dadarsha kapi shaarduulaH tasya rakSaH pater gR^ihe |
10. harishaardhuulaH= the best among Vanaras; dadarsha= saw; tasya mahaatmanaH rakshaHpateH= in that wealthy Ravana's; gR^ihe= house; paanabhuumim cha= a bar also; upetaam= consisting; sarvakaamaiH= of all desirables.
The best among Vanaras saw in that wealthy Ravana's house a bar also, consisting of all desirables.
mR^igaaNaam mahiSaaNaam ca varaahaaNaam ca bhaagashaH || 5-11-11
tatra nyastaani maamsaani paana bhuumau dadarsha saH |
11. saH= Hanuma; dadarsha= saw; tatra= there; paanabhuumau= in that bar; maamsaani= meat; mR^igaaNaam= of dear; mahishhaaNaam cha= and of buffalo; varaahaaNaam cha= of wild boar; nyastaani= kept; bhaagashaH= separately;
Hanuma saw there in that bar, meat of dear and of buffalo, of wild boar kept separately.
raukmeSu ca vishaleSu bhaajaneSv ardha bhakSitaan || 5-11-12
dadarsha kapi shaarduula mayuuraan kukkuTaamH tathaa |
12. harishaarduulaH= the best among Vanaras; dadarsha= saw; ardhabhakshitaan= half eaten; mayuraan= peacocks; tathaa= and; kukuTaan= chicken; vishaaleshhu bhaajaneshhu= in wide vessels; raukmeshhu= of golden colour.
The best among Vanaras saw half eaten peacocks and chicken in wide vessels of golden colour.
varaaha vaardhraaNasakaan dadhi sauvarcala aayutaan || 5-11-13
shalyaan mRga mayuuraamH ca hanuumaan anvavaikSata |
13. hanumaan= Hanuma; anvavaikshata= observed; varaahavaardhraaNashakaan= meat of pigs and goat; shalyaan= porcupines; mR^igamayuuraamshcha= deer and peacocks; dadhisauuvarchalaayutaan= preserved in curds and sochal salt.
Hanuma observed meat of pigs and goats, porcupines, deer and peacocks preserved in curds and sochal salt.
kR^ikaraan vividhaan siddhaamH cakoraan ardha bhakSitaan || 5-11-14
mahiSaan eka shalyaamH ca chaagaamH ca kR^ita niSThitaan |
lekhyam ucca avacam peyam bhojyaani vividhaani ca || 5-11-15
14,15. (Hanuma saw) krakaraan= birds called Krakara; vividhaansiddhaan= cooked ready(to be eaten) in variety of ways; chakoraan= birds called Chakoras; ardhabhakshitaan= half eaten; mahishhaan= wild buffalos; ekashalyaamshcha= fishes called ekashleya; chhaagaamshcha= goats; lehyaan= food to be licked; vuchchaavachaan= of various kinds; peyaan= beverages; vividhaani bhojyaani= (and) various foods.
Hanuma saw birds called Krakara cooked ready to be eaten in variety of ways, birds called Chakoras half eaten, wild buffalos, fishes called ekashleya, goats, food to be licked of various kinds, beverages and various foods.
tathaa amla lavaNa uttamsair vividhai raaga SaaDavaiH |
haara nuupura keyuurair apaviddhair mahaa dhanaiH || 5-11-16
paana bhaajana vikSiptaiH phalaiH ca vividhair api |
kR^ita puSpa upahaaraa bhuur adhikam puSyati shriyam || 5-11-17
16, 17. tathaa = In the same way; bhuuH = that floor; shriyam pushhyati = was obtaining glory; adhikam = greatly; raagashhaaDabaiH = with Ragas and Shadabas; aamla lavaNottaM saiH = seasoned with sour and salty sauces; haaranuupurakeyuuraiH = with necklaces, anklets and armlets; mahaadhanaiH = of great value; apaviddhaiH = thrown around; vividhaiH phalaishcha = with various fruits; paanabhaajana vikshiptaiH = left in drinking vessels; kR^ita pushhpopa haaraa = with flowers sprinkled.
In the same way that floor was obtaining glory greatly with Ragas and Shadabas seasoned with sour and salty sauces, with necklaces, anklets and armlets of great value thrown around, with various fruits left in drinking vessels, with flowers sprinkled.
tatra tatra ca vinyastaiH sushliSTaiH shayana aasanaiH |
paana bhuumir vinaa vahnim pradiiptaa iva upalakSyate || 5-11-18
18. paana bhuumiH = That bar; upalakshyate = was seen; pradiipteva = as though radiant; vinaa vahnim = without fire; shayanaasanaiH = with couches and chairs; sushlishhTaiH = well arranged; vinyastaiH = (and) placed; tatra tatra = there and there.
That bar was seen as though radiant without fire, with couches and chairs well arranged and placed there and there.
bahu prakaarair vividhair vara samskaara samskR^itaiH |
maamsaiH kushala samyuktaiH paana bhuumi gataiH pR^ithak || 5-11-19
19. bahuprakaaraiH maamsaiH = Many meats; vividhaiH = of different kinds; varasamskaara samskR^itaiH = cultured with various best seasonings; kushala saMyuktaiH = well arranged; pR^ithak = separately; paanabhuumigataiH = obtained that bar.
Many meats of different kinds cultured with various best seasonings, well arranged separately obtained that bar.
divyaaH prasannaa vividhaaH suraaH kR^ita suraa api |
sharkara aasava maadhviikaaH puSpa aasava phala aasavaaH || 5-11-20
vaasa cuurNaiH ca vividhair mR^iSTaaH taiH taiH pR^ithak pR^ithak |
20. divyaaH = excellent; prasannaaH = clear; vividhaaH = various (liquors); suraaH = liquor called Sura; sharkaraa sava = liquor made of sugar; maadhviika = (liquor) made of honey; pushpaa sava = liquor made of flowers; phalaa savaaH = and liquors made of fruits; kR^ita suraaH api = also artificially made liquors; taiH taiH = those and those; mR^ishhTaaH = were cultured; pR^ithak pR^ithak = separate separately; vividhaiH vaasachuurNaiH = with various fragrant powders
Excellent and clear various liquors, a liquor called Sura, liquor made of sugar, liquor made of honey, liquor made of flowers and liquors made of fruits also, artificially made liquors - those and those were cultured separately with various fragrant powders.
samtataa shushubhe bhuumir maalyaiH ca bahu samsthitaiH || 5-11-21
hiraNmayaiH ca karakair bhaajanaiH sphaaTikair api |
jaambuunadamayaishchaanyaaH karakairabhivamvR^itaa || 5-11-22
21,22. bhuumiH = The floor; shushubhe = shone; saMtataa = filled; maalyaishcha = by flower garlands; bahu saMsthitaiH = in a variety of forms; vividhaiH bhaajanaiH = with various vessels; hiraNmayaiH = of golden hue; sphaaTikair api = and also made of crystal; abhisaMvR^itaa = filled; anyaiH karakaiH = with other small vessels; jaambuunadamayaiH = of golden colour.
The floor shone filled by flower garlands in a variety of forms, with various vessels of golden hue and also made of crystal, filled with other small vessels of golden colour.
raajateSu ca kumbheSu jaambuunadamayeSu ca |
paana shreSTham tadaa bhuuri kapiH tatra dadarsha ha || 5-11-23
23. kapiH = Hanuma; dadarsha ha = saw indeed; tadaa = then; bhuuri paana shreshhTham = lot of best quality liquor; kumbheshhu = in pots; raajateshhu = of silver; jaambuunadamayeshhu = and of golden colour.
Hanuma saw indeed then lot of best quality liquor in pots of silver and of golden colour.
so apashyat shaata kumbhaani shiidhor maNimayaani ca |
raajataani ca puurNaani bhaajanaani mahaa kapiH || 5-11-24
24. saH mahaa kapiH = That great Hanuma; apashyat = saw; bhaajanaani = vessels; puurNaani = full; shiidhoH = of liquor; shaatakumbhaani = of golden colour; maNimayaani cha = embedded with gem stones; raajataani cha = and also of silver hue.
That great Hanuma saw vessels full of liquor of golden colour, embedded with gem stones and also of silver hue.
kvacid ardha avasheSaaNi kvacit piitaani sarvashaH |
kvacin na eva prapiitaani paanaani sa dadarsha ha || 5-11-25
25. saH = That Hanuma; dadarsha ha = saw indeed; kvachit = at some places; paanaani = drinks; ardhaava sheshhaaNi = half filled; kvachit = (and) some places; sarvashaH piitaani = completely drunk; kvachit = (and) some places; naiva prapiitaani = not at all drunk.
That Hanuma saw indeed at some places drinks half filled and at some places completely drunk and some places not at all drunk.
kvacid bhakSyaamH ca vividhaan kvacit paanaani bhaagashaH |
kvacid anna avasheSaaNi pashyan vai vicacaara ha || 5-11-26
26. vichachaara ha = (Hanuma) paced about; pashyan = seeing; kvachit = (at) some places; vividhaan bhakshaaMshcha = various eatables; kvachit = (and) some places; paanaani = drinks; bhaagashaH = separately; kvachit = some places; annavasheshhaaNi = remnants of cooked rice.
Hanuma paced about seeing at some places various eatables and at some places drinks separately, and at some places remnants of cooked rice.
kvacit prabhinnaiH karakaiH kvacid aaloDitair ghaTaiH |
kvacit sampR^ikta maalyaani jalaani ca phalaani ca || 5-11-27
27. kvachit = (Hanuma saw) some places; karakaiH = with vessels; prabhinnaiH = broken; kvachit = some places; ghaTaiH = with pots; aloLitaiH = in shambles; kvachit = some places; jalaani cha = (with) water; saMpR^iktamaalyaani = together with flower garlands; phalaani cha = and fruits.
Hanuma saw some places with vessels broken, some places with pots in shambles, some places with water together with flower garlands and fruits.
shayanaani atra naariiNaam shuunyaani bahudhaa punaH |
parasparam samaashliSya kaashcit suptaa vara anganaaH || 5-11-28
28. atra = Here; shayanaani punaH = couches again; naariNaam = of women; bahudhaa shubhraaNi = were varied and clean; kaashchit = some; varaaN^ganaaH = best women; suptaaH = slept; samaashlishhya = hugging; parasparam = one another
Here couches again of women were varied and clean, some best women slept there hugging one another.
kaacic ca vastram anyasyaa apahRtya upaguhya ca |
upagamya abalaa suptaa nidraa bala paraajitaa || 5-11-29
29. kaashchit abalaaH = Some women; nidraabalaparaajitaaH = conquered by the power of sleep; aahR^itya = pulled; anyasyaaH svapantyaaH vastram = other sleeping women's clothing; suptaaH = and slept; paridhaaya = covering (themselves).
Some women conquered by the power of sleep pulled other sleeping women's clothing and slept covering themselves.
taasaam ucchvaasa vaatena vastram maalyam ca gaatrajam |
na atyartham spandate citram praapya mandam iva anilam || 5-11-30
30. vastram maalyam cha = Clothing and garland; taasaam gaatrajam = on the throats of those (women); spandate = was moving; na atyartham = slightly; chitram = (and) wonderfully; praapya iva = as though obtaining; anilam = air; uchchhvaasavaatena = from the air of breath.
Clothing and garland on the throats of those women was moving slightly and wonderfully as though obtaining air from the air of breath.
candanasya ca shiitasya shiidhor madhu rasasya ca |
vividhasya ca maalyasya puSpasya vividhasya ca || 5-11-31
bahudhaa maarutaH tatra gandham vividham udvahan |
31. tatra = There; maarutaH = wind (blew); udvahan = carrying; bahudhaa = in a lot (of directions); vividham gandham = a variety of fragrances; shiitasya gandhasya = of cool sandal-paste; madhurasasya shiidhoH cha = and of sweet liquor; vividhasya maalyasya = of various flower garlands; vividhasya dhuupasya cha = and of various kinds of agallocum fumes.
There wind blew carrying in a lot of directions, a variety of fragrances of cool sandal-paste and of sweet liquor, of various flower garlands and of various kinds of agallocum fumes.
snaanaanaam candanaanaam ca dhuupaanaam caiva muurchitaH |
pravavau surabhir gandho vimaane puSpake tadaa || 5-11-32
32. tadaa = Then; surabhiH gandhaH = the blossoming fragrance; snaanaanaam chandanaanaam cha = from the baths and sandal paste; dhuupaanaam chaiva = and from agallocum fumes; pravavau = blew; muurchitaH = spreading (all around); pushhpake vimaane = in that Pushpaka plane.
Then the blossoming fragrance from the baths and sandal paste and from agallocum fumes blew spreading all around in that Pushpaka plane.
shyaama avadaataaH tatra anyaaH kaashcit kR^iSNaa vara anganaaH || 5-11-33
kaashcit kaancana varNa angyaH pramadaa raakSasa aalaye |
33. tatra= there; raakshasaalaye= in that Ravana's house; anyaaH= some (women); shyaamaavadaataaH= had fair and white complexion; kaashchit= some; varaaN^ganaaH= best women; kR^ishhnaaH= were black; kaashchit pramadaaH= some women; kaaJNchanavarNaaN^gyaH=had a body of golden complexion.
There in that Ravana's house, some women had fair and white complexion some best women were black, some women had a body of golden complexion.
taasaam nidraa vashatvaac ca madanena vimuurchitam || 5-11-34
padminiinaam prasuptaanaam ruupam aasiid yathaiva hi |
34. ruupam= appearance; taasaam= of those; prasuptaanaam= sleeping (women); vimuurchitam= tired; nidraavashatvaacha= from being possessed by sleep; madanenacha= and from lust; aasiit= was; yathaiva= like; padminiinaam= lotuses; prasuptaanaam= sleeping.
Appearance of those sleeping women, tired from being possessed by sleep and from lust, was like lotuses sleeping.
evam sarvam asheSeNa raavaNa antaH puram kapiH || 5-11-35
dadarsha sumahaa tejaa na dadarsha ca jaanakiim |
35. kapiH= Hanuma; sumahaatejaaH= with great radiance; evam= thus; dadarsha= saw; sarvam= entire; raavaNaatHpuram= Ravana's house; asheshhena= completely; na dadarsha= (but) did not see; jaanakiim cha= Seetha.
Hanuma with great radiance thus saw entire Ravana's house completely but did not see Seetha.
niriikSamaaNaH ca tataH taaH striyaH sa mahaa kapiH || 5-11-36
jagaama mahatiim cintaam dharma saadhvasa shankitaH |
36. tadaa= then; saH mahaakapiH= that Hanuma; niriikshmaaNaH= seeing; taaH striyaH= those women; jagaamaa= obtained; mahatiim chintaam= great anguish; dharmasaadvaHsasheN^kitaH= being in doubt because of fear in the matter of dharma.
Then that Hanuma seeing those women obtained great anguish being in doubt because of fear in the matter of dharma.
para daara avarodhasya prasuptasya niriikSaNam || 5-11-37
idam khalu mama atyartham dharma lopam kariSyati |
37. mama= my; idam= this; niriikshaNam= seeing; prasuptasya= sleeping; paradaaraavarodhasya= house of other people's wives; karishhyati= will do; atyartham dharmalopam= a great deficit to dharma.
“My seeing sleeping house of other people's wives will do a great deficit to dharma.”
na hi me para daaraaNaam dR^iSTir viSaya vartinii ||5-11-38
ayam ca atra mayaa dR^iSTaH para daara parigrahaH |
38. me= my; dR^ishhTaH= sight; na hi= is indeed not; paradaaraaNaam vishhayavartinii= in the matter of others wives; atra= here; ayam= these paradaaraparigrahaH= other's wives; dR^ishhTashcha= have been seen ; mayaa= by me;
“My sight is indeed not in the matter of other wives here. These other’s wives have been seen by me.”
tasya praadur abhuuc cintaa punar anyaa manasvinaH || 5-11-39
nishcita eka anta cittasya kaarya nishcaya darshinii |
39. tasya= to that Hanuma; manasvinaH= with an excellent mind; nishchitaikaantachittasya= with a fixed and concentrated mind; pradurabhuut= was born; anyaa= another; chintaa= thought; punaH= again ; kaaryanishchayadarshinii= showing a fixed resolve in the task at hand.
To that Hanuma with an excellent mind, with a fixed and concentrated mind, was born another thought again, showing a fixed resolve in the task at hand.
kaamam dR^iSTvaa mayaa sarvaa vishvastaa raavaNa striyaH || 5-11-40
na tu me manasaH kimcid vaikR^ityam upapadyate |
40. sarvaaH= all; raavaNastriyaH= Ravana's women; vishvastaaH= who were in faith; kaamam dR^ishhTaaH= could have been seen; mayaa= by me; me manasaH= to my mind; na upajaayate hi= there indeed was not; kimchit= even a little; vaikR^ityam= disturbance.
“All Ravana's women who were in faith could have been seen by me; to my mind there indeed was not even a little disturbance”.
mano hi hetuH sarveSaam indriyaaNaam pravartate || 5-11-41
shubha ashubhaasv avasthaasu tac ca me suvyavasthitam |
41. shubhaashubhaasu= among auspicious or inauspicious; avasthaasu= states; pravartane- in the behavior; sarveshhaanaam indriyaaNaam= of all senses; manaH hetuH= mind is the reason; me= my; tachcha= that mind; suvyavasthitam= is very steady.
“Among auspicious or inauspicious states in the behavior of all senses mind is the reason. My that mind is very steady.”
na anyatra hi mayaa shakyaa vaidehii parimaargitum || 5-11-42
striyo hi striiSu dRshyante sadaa samparimaargaNe |
42. mayaa= by me; na shakhyaa hi= it is not possible; parimaargitum= to search; vaidehii= Seetha; anyatra= at another place; sadaa= always; samparimaargaNe= during search; striyaH= women; dR^ishyante= will be seen; strishhu= among women.
“By me it is not possible to search Seetha at another place. Always during search women will be seen among other women.”
yasya sattvasya yaa yoniH tasyaam tat parimaargyate || 5-11-43
na shakyam pramadaa naSTaa mR^igiiSu parimaargitum |
43. yasya sattvasya= to an animal; yaa yoniH= whatever race; tat= that animal; parimaargyate= is searched; tasyaam= in that race; pramadaa= a woman; nashhTaa= missing; na shakhyaa= is not possible; parimaargitum= to be searched; mR^igiishhu= among female deer.
“To an animal of whatever race that animal is searched in that race; a woman missing is not possible to be searched among female deer.”
tad idam maargitam taavat shuddhena manasaa mayaa || 5-11-44
raavaNa antaH puram saram dR^ishyate na ca jaanakii |
44. tat= for that reason; idam sarvam= all this; raavaNaataHpuram= Ravana's house; maargitam= has been search; mayaa= by me; shuddhena= with a pure; manasaa= mind; Aramaic= Seetha alone; na dR^ishyate= cannot be seen.
“For that reason all this Ravana's house has been search by me with a pure mind Seetha alone cannot be seen.”
deva gandharva kanyaaH ca naaga kanyaaH ca viiryavaan || 5-11-45
avekSamaaNo hanumaan na eva apashyata jaanakiim |
45. viiryavaan= the strong; hanumaan= Hanuma; avekshamaaNaH= observing; devagandharvakanyaashcha= girls from devas, Gandharvas; naagakanyaashcha= and girls from nagas; naivaavaikshata= did not see; jaanakiim= Janaki.
The strong Hanuma observing girls from devas, gandharvas and girls from nagas did not see Janaki.
taam apashyan kapiH tatra pashyamH ca anyaa vara striyaH || 5-11-46
apakramya tadaa viiraH pradhyaatum upacakrame |
46. viiraH kapiH= the powerful Hanuma; apashyan= not seeing; taam= Her; tatra= there; pashyamshcha= and seeing; anyaaH varastriyaH= other best women; tadaa= then; upachakrame= started; pradhyaatum= to think deeply; apakramya= going far(from there).
The powerful Hanuma not seeing Her there and seeing other best women then started to think deeply going far from there.
sa bhuuyastu param shriimaan maarutiryatnamaasthitaH || 5-11-47
apaanabhuumimutsR^ijya tadvichetum prachakrame |
47. saH maarutiH= that Hanuma; shriimaan= the glorious one; aastitaH= adopting; param yatnam= a great task; bhuuyaH= again; utsR^ijya = left; aapaanabhuumim= that bar; prachakrame= (and) began; vichetum= to search; tat= that (house).
That Hanuma the glorious one adopting a great task again left that bar and began to search that house.

ityaarshhe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe ekaadashaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 11th chapter in Sundara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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