Chapter [Sarga] 112  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 112


Matali, Indra's charioteer leaves the battle-field and returns to his heaven. Then, Rama instructs Lakshmana to arrange for the installation of Vibhishana on the throne of Lanka. Lakshmana arranges to get sea-water from some monkey-chiefs and sprinkles it on vibhishana, to instal him as the King of Lanka, in the presence of the demons there. Then, Rama sends his message to Seetha through Hanuma.

te raavaNavadhaM dR^iShTvaa devagandharvadaanavaaH |
jagmuH svaiH svai rvimaanaiste kathayantaH shubhaaH kathaaH || 6-112-1
1. dR^iShTvaa= Having seen; raavaNa vadham= the destruction of Ravana; te= those; devagandharvadaanavaaH= gods, Gandharvas the celestial musicians and the demons; jagmuH= went away; svaiH svaiH vimaanaiH= in their respective aerial cars; te kathayantaH= narrating as they were; shubhaaH kathaaH= about the auspicious narratives.
Having seen the destruction of Ravana, those gods, celestial musicians and demons, while chatting about the auspicious narrative, went away in their respective aerial cars.
raavaNasya vadhaM ghoraM raaghavasya paraakramam |
suyuddhaM vaanaraaNaaM cha sugriivasya cha mantritam || 6-112-2
anuraagaM cha viiryaM cha saumitre rlakShmaNasya cha |
pativrataatvam siitaayaa hanuumati paraakramam || 6-112-3
kathayanto mahaabhaagaa jagmurhR^iShTa yathaagatam |
2-3. kathayantaH= chatting themselves about; ghoram vadham= the awful destruction; raavaNasya= of Ravana; raaghavasya paraakramam= the prowess of Rama; vaanaraaNaam suyuddham= the admirable combat of the monkeys; sugrivasya mantritam= the counsel of Sugreeva; anuraagam cha viiryam cha= the affection and the valour; lakShmaNasya= of Lakshmana; saumitreH= the son of Sumitra; pativrataatvam siitaayaaH= the loyalty of Seetha to her husband; hanumati paraakramam= and the strength; mahaabhaagaaH= the illustrious gods and others; of Hanuma; hR^iShTaaH= were rejoiced; jagmuH= and returned; yathaagatam= as they had come.
Chatting themselves about the awful destruction of Ravana, the terrific prowess of Rama, the admirable combat of the monkeys, the counsel tendered by Sugreeva, the affection and valour of Lakshmana; the son of Sumitra; the loyaltyof Seetha to her husband and about the strength of Hanuma, the illustrious celestials and others rejoicingly returned as they had come.
raaghavastu rathaM divyamindradattaM shikhiprabham || 6-112-4
anujJNaaya mahaabaahurmaataliM pratyapuujayat |
4. anujJNaaya= taking leave; divyam ratham= of the celestial chariot; indradattam= which had been given by Indra the lord of celestials; shikhiprabham= and which= shone like fire; mahaabaahuH= the mighty armed; raaghavastu= Rama; pratya puujayat= respectfully saluted; maatalim= Matali.
Taking leave of the celestial chariot, which had been given by Indra the lord of celestials and which shone like fire, the mighty armed Rama respectfully saluted Matali.
raaghaveNaabhyanujJNaato maataliH shakrasaarathiH || 6-112-5
divyaM taM tathamaasthaaya divamevotpapaata ha |
5. abhyanujJNaataH= as assented; raaghaveNa= by Rama; maataliH= Matali; shakrasaarathiH= Indra's charioteer; aasthaaya= mounting; divyam tam ratham= that celestial chariot; utpapaata= ascended; diNameva= to the heaven itself.
As assented by Rama, Matali Indra's charioteer, mounting that celestial chariot, ascended to the heaven itself.
tasmiMstu divamaaruDhe sarathe rathinaaM varaH || 6-112-6
raaghavaH paramapriitaH sugriivaM pariShasvaje |
6. tasmin= when that matali; aaruuDhe= ascended; divam= to heaven; sarathe= along with his chariot; raaghavaH= Rama; varaH= the foremost one; rathinaam= among the chariot-warriors; paramapriitaH= was extremely pleased; pariShasvaje= and embraced; sugriivam= Sugreeva.
When Matali ascended to heaven along with his chariot, Rama, the foremost one among the chariot-warriors was highly rejoiced and embraced Sugreeva.
parShvajya cha sugriivaM lakShmaNenaabhivaaditaH || 6-112-7
puujyamaano harigaNairaajagaama balaalayam |
7. pariShvajya cha= having embraced; sugriivam= Sugreeva; abhivaaditaH= and having been greeted; lakShmaNena= by Lakshmana; puujyamaanaH= and having been honoured; harigaNaiH= by the monkey-troops; aajagaama= (Rama) came; balaalayam= to the camp where the army had been stationed.
Having embraced Sugreeva greeted by Lakshmana and having been honoured by the monkey-troops. Rama came to the camp where the army had been stationed.
athovaacha sa kaakutsthaH samiipaparivartinam || 6-112-8
saumitriM sattvasaMpannaM lakShmaNaM shubhalakShaNam |
8. atha= then; saH kaakutthsaH= Rama; uvaacha= spoke; (as follows) lakShmaNam= to Lakshmana; saumitrim= the son of Sumitra; sattva sampannam= endowed as he was with strength; shubhalakShaNam= and having auspicious marks; samiipa parivartanam= who stayed nearby.
Then, Rama spoke (as follows) to Lakshmana, son of Sumitra, who was endowed with strength and having auspicious marks, who stayed nearby.
vibhiiShaNamimaM saumya laN^kaayaamabhiShechaya || 6-112-9
anuraktaM cha bhaktaM cha tathaa puurvopakaariNam |
9. saumya= O the benevolent Lakshmana!; abhiShechaya= consecrate; laN^kaayaam= on the throne of Lanka; imam vibhiiShaNam= this Vibhishana; anuraktam= to whom everyone is attached; bhaktam cha= a loyal person; tathaa= and; puurvopakaariNam= the one who has formerly done a service to us.
"O the benevolent Lakshmana! Consecrate on the throne of Lanka, this Vibhishana to whom everyone is attached, a loyal person as he is and the one who has formerly done a service to us."
eSha me paramaH kaamo yadimaM raavaNaanujam || 6-112-10
laN^kaayaaM saumya pashyeyamabhiShiktaM vibhiiShaNam |
10. saumya= O gentle one! eShaH= this; me= is my; paramaH= paramount; kaamaH= desire; yat= that; pashyeyam= I should see; imam vibhiiShaNam= this Vibhishana; raavaNaanujam= the brother of Ravana; abhiShiktam= being consecrated for throne; laN^kaayaam= in Lanka.
"O gentle one! This s my paramount desire that I should see this Vibhishana, the brother of Ravana being consecrated for throne in Lanka."
evamuktastu saumitrii raaghaveNa mahaatmanaa || 6-112-11
tathetyuktvaa susaMhR^iShTaH sauvarNam ghaTamaadade |
11. evam= thus; uktaH= spoken; mahaatmanaa= by the great souled; raaghaveNa= Rama; saumitriH= Lakshmana; uktvaa tatheti= saying; "so it be"; susamhR^iShTaH= and rejoicingly; aadade= procured; sauvarNam= a golden; ghaTam= pot.
Hearing the words of the great soled Rama, Lakshmana replied, 'so it be' and rejoicingly procured a golden pot.
taM ghaTaM vaanarendraaNaam haste dattvaa manojavaan || 6-112-12
vyaadidesha mahaasattvaH samudrasalilaM tadaa |
12. mahaasattvaH= that mighty Lakshmana; tadaa= then; dattvaa= placing; tam= that; ghaTam= pot; haste= in the hands; vaanerendraaNaam= of the monkey-chiefs; vyaadidesha= instructed; manojavaan= them, who were as swift as thought; samudra salilam= (to bring) sea-water.
That mighty Lakshmana, then placing that pot in the hands of the monkey-chiefs, instructed them, who were as swift as thought, to bring sea-water.
atishiighram tato gatvaa vaanaraaste manojavaaH || 6-112-13
aagataastu jalaM gR^ihya samudraadvaanarottamaaH |
13. tataH= thereupon; te vaanarottamaaH= those excellent monkeys; manojavaaH= with the swiftness of thought; gattvaa= moving; atishiighram= very quickly; aagataaH= returned; gR^ihya= having obtained; jalam= the water; samudraat= from the sea.
Thereupon, those excellent monkeys, with the swiftness of thought, moving very quickly from that place, returned, having obtained the water from the sea.
tatastvekaM ghaTaM gR^ihya saMsthaapya paramaasane || 6-112-14
ghaTena tena saumitrirabhyaShiJNchadvibhiiShaNam |
laN^kaayaaM rakShasaaM madhye raajaanaM raamashaasanaat || 6-112-15
vidhinaa mantradR^iShTena suhR^idgaNasamaavR^itaH |
14-15. tataH= thereafter; saumitriH= Lakshmana; suhR^idgaNa samaavR^itaH= together with his friends; gR^ihya= taking; ekam= one; ghaTam= pot; vibhiishaNam samsthaapya= making Vibhishana to sit; paramaasane= on the throne; abhyaShiN^chat= sprinkled (him); tena ghaTena= (with sea-water) from that pot; vidhinaa= in accordance with the rule (in Vedic scriptures); rakShasaam madhye= in the middle of the demons; raajaanaam= to make him the king; laN^kaayaam= for the kingdom of Lanka; raama shaasanaat= as directed by Rama.
Thereupon, Lakshmana together with his friends, taking one pot and making Vibhishana to sit on the throne, sprinkled him with sea-water from that pot in accordance with the rule prescribed in Vedic scriptures, while the demons were witnessing the ceremony, to make him the king for Lanka, as directed by Rama.
abhyaShiJNchaMstadaa sarve raakShasaa vaanaraastathaa || 6-112-16
praharShamatulaM gatvaa tuShTuvuu raamameva ha |
16. tadaa= then; sarve raakShasaaH= all the demons; tathaa= as well as; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; abhyaShiN^chan= consecrated; (Vibhishana); gatvaa= having obtained; atulam praharSham= extra ordinary delight; tuShTuvuH= (they) eulogized; raameva hi= Rama indeed.
Then, all the demons as well as the monkeys consecrated Vibhishana. Having gained extra ordinary delight, they indeed eulogized Rama.
tasyaamaatyaa jahR^iShire bhaktaa ye chaasya raakShasaaH || 6-112-17
dR^iShTvaabhiShktaM laN^kaayaaM raakShasendraM vibhiiShaNam |
17. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; vibhiiShaNam= Vibhishana; raakShasendram= the lord of demons; abhShiktam= consecrated; laN^kaayaam= for the throne of Lanka; tasya= his; amaatyaaH= (four) counsellors; ye raakShasaaH= and those demons; asya bhaktaaH= who were devoted to him; jahR^iShire= were rejoiced.
Seeing Vibhishana the lord of demons consecrated for the throne of Lanka, his four counsellors who were always together with him and such of those demons who were devoted to him, were rejoiced.
raaghavaH pramaaM priitiM jagaama sahalakShmaNaH || 6-112-18
sa tadraajyaM mahatpraapya raamadattaM vibhiiShaNaH |
18. raaghavaH= Rama; saha lakShmaNaH= together with Lakshmana; jagaama= obtained; paramaam= great; priitim= delight; saH= that; vibhiiShaNaH= Vibhishana; praapya= having gained; tat mahat raajyam= that great kingdom; raama dattam= bestowed on him by Rama; (was also greatly delighted).
Rama together with Lakshmana were greatly delighted. That Vibhishana, having gained that great kingdom bestowed on him by Rama, was also greatly delighted.
prakR^itiiH saantyayitvaa cha tato raamamupaagamat || 6-112-19
dadhyakShataan modakaaMshcha laajaaH sumanasastathaa |
aajahruratha saMtuShTaaH pauraastasmai nishaacharaaH || 6-112-20
19-20. saantvayitvaa= after consoling; prakR^itiiH= his people; tataH= (Vibhishana) then; upaagamat= approached; raamam= Rama; tataH= then; nishaacharaaH= the demons; pauraaH= who were residing in the city; samtuShTaaH= were quite delighted; aajahruH= and brought; tasmaiH= to him; (by way of presents) dadhi= curds; akShataan= unbroken grains of rice; modakaamshcha= sweets shaped like balls; laajaaH= parched grains of unhusked rice; tathaa= and; sumanasaH= flower also.
After consoling his people, Vibhishana then sought to presence of Rama. Now, the demons who were residing in the city were quite delighted and brought to him (by way of presents) curds, unbroken grains of rice, sweets shaped like balls, parched grains of unhusked rice and flowers too.
sa taan gR^ihiitvaa durdharSho raaghavaaya nyavedayat || 6-112-21
maaN^galyaM maN^galaM sarvaM lakShmaNaaya cha viiryavaan |
21. gR^ihiitvaa= accepting; taan= them; viiryavaan= the valiant; saH= Vibhishana; durdharShaH who was unconquerable; nyavedayat= offered; sarvam= all; maaN^galyam= those auspicious objects; raaghavaaya= to Rama; lakShmaNaaya= and to Lakshmana; mangalam= happily.
Accepting them, the valiant and unconquerable Vibhishana happily offered all those auspicious objects to Rama and Lakshmana.
kR^itakaaryaM samR^iddhaarthaM dR^iShTvaa raamo vibhiiShaNam || 6-112-22
pratijagraaha tatsarvaM tasyaiva priyakaamyayaa |
22. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; vibhiiShaNam= Vibhishana; kR^ita kaaryam= who had accomplished his act; samR^iddhaartham and increased his resources; raamaH= Rama; pratijagraaha= accepted; tat= it; sarvam= all; tasya priya kaamyayaa eva= with a sole desire to show gracefulness to him.
Seeing Vibhishana, who had accomplished his act and increased his resources, Rama accepted it all, with a sole desire to show gratefulness to him.
tatah shailopamaM viiraM praaJNjaliM praNataM sthitam || 6-112-23
uvaachedaM vacho raamo hanuumantaM plavaN^gamam |
23. taaH= thereupon; raamaH= Rama; uvaacha= spoke; idam vachaH= the following words; viira hanuumantam= to the valiant;plavaN^gamam= the monkey; shailopamam= who was equal in size to a mountain; sthitam= and who was standing; praNatam= humbly; praaN^jalim= with his palms joined together for salutation.
Thereupon, Rama spoke the following words to the valiant Hanuma the monkey who was equal in size to a mountain and who was standing in humility, with his hands joined in salutation.
anujJnaapya mahaaraajamimaM saumya vibhiiShaNam || 6-112-24
pravishya nagariiM laN^kaaM kaushalaM bruuhimaithiliim |
24. saumya= O the benevolent one!; anujJNaapya= taking permission from; imam vibhiiShaNam= this Vibhishana; maahaaraajam= the great king; praveshya= and entering into; laN^kaam nagarim= the City of Lanka; bruuhi= inform; kaushalam= about our welfare; maithiliim= to Seetha.
"O the benevolent one! Taking permission from this Vibhishana, the great king and entering into the City of Lanka, inform about our welfare to Seetha."
vaidehyai maaM kushalinaM sugriivaM cha salakShmaNam || 6-112-25
achakShva vadataaM shreShTha raavaNaM cha hataM raNe |
25. shreShTha vadataam= O Hanuma, the proficient one in speech!; aachakShva= tell; vaidehyai= Seetha; (that); maam= myself; sa lakShmaNam= along with Lakshmana; sugriivam cha= and Sugreeva; kushalinam= are well; raavaNam= and that Ravana; hatam= had been killed; raNe= in battle.
"O Hanuma, the proficient one in speech! Inform Seetha that myself together with Lakshmana and Sugreeva are well and that Ravana had been killed in battle."
priyametadudaahR^itya vaidehyastvaM hariishvara || 6-112-26
pratigR^ihya cha saMdeshamupaavartitumarhasi |
26. hariishvara= O the master of monkeys!; udaahR^itya= making clear; etat= this; priyam= favourite news; vaidehyaaH= to Seetha; arhasi= you ought; upaavartitum= to return; pratigR^ihya= taking back; samdesham= her message.
"O Hanuma the master of monkeys! Making clear this favourite news to Seetha, you ought to return, taking back her message."

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe dvaadashaadhikashatatamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 112th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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