Chapter [Sarga] 118  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 118


The fire-god appears in person from the burning pyre, carrying Seetha in his arms and restores her to Rama, testifying to her purity. Rama later joyfully accepts her.

etachchhrutvaa shubhaM vaakyaM pitaamahasamiiritam |
aN^kenaadaaya vaidehiimutpapaata vibhaavasuH || 6-118-1
1. shrutvaa= hearing; etat shubham vaakyam= these auspicious words; pitaamaha samiiritam= spoken by Brahma (creator); vibhaavasuH= the fire-god; utpapaata= came up; aadaaya= taking; vaidehiim= Seetha; aN^kena= in his arms.
Hearing the foregoing auspicious words of Brahma (the creator), the fire-god came up, taking Seetha in his arms.
vidhuuyaatha chitaaM taaM tu viadehiiM havyavaahanaH |
uttasthau muurtimaanaashu gR^ihiitvaa janakaatmajaam || 6-118-2
2. vidhuuya taam chitaam= shaking off that funeral pile; gR^ihitvaa= and taking; taam siitaam= that Seetha; janakaatmajam= the daughter of Janaka (in his arms); havyavaahanaH= the fire-god; atha= forthwith; uttasthau= sprang up; aashu= at once; marurtimaan= in a personified form.
Shaking off that funeral pile and taking that Seetha, the daughter of Janaka in his arms, the fire-god forthwith sprang up at once in a personified form.
taruNaadityasaMkaashaaM taptakaaJNchanabhuuShaNaam |
raktaambaradharaaM baalaaM niilakuJNchitamuurdhajaam || 6-118-3
akliShTamaalyaabharaNaaM tathaaruupaamaninditaam |
dadau raamaaya vaidehiimaN^ke kR^itvaa vibhaavasuH || 6-118-4
3-4. kR^itvaa= bearing; aN^ke= in his arms; baalaa viadehiim= the youthful Seetha; taruNaaditya samkaasham= who was shining brightly as the rising sun; taptakaaN^chana bhuuShaNaam= was decked in ornaments of refined gold; raktaambaradharaam= and attired in a red robe; niilakuN^chita muurdhajaam= and wore dark curly hari; akliShTa maalyaabharaNaam= who was further adorned with ornaments of flowers which had not abraded (on her entering the fire and coming out of it); aninditaam= who was absolutely beyond reproach; tathaaruupam= and looked just the same (as she did while entering the flames); vibhaavasuH= the fire-god; dadau= restored (her); raamaaya= to Rama.
Bearing in his arms the youthful Seetha, who was shining brightly as the rising sun, was decked in ornaments of refined gold, attired in a red robe and wore dark curly hair, who was further adorned with ornaments of flowers, which had not abraded (on her entering the fire and coming out of it), who was absolutely beyond reproach and looked just the same (as she did while entering the fire and coming out of it), who was absolutely beyond reproach and looked just the same (as she did while entering the flames), the fire-god restored her to Rama.
abraviittu tadaa raamaM saakShii lokasya paavakaH |
eShaa te raama vaidehii paapamasyaaM na vidyate || 6-118-5
5. tadaa= then; paavakaH= the fire-god; lokasya saakShii= the witness of the world; abraviit tu= spoke; raamam= to Rama (as follows); eShaa= here; te vaidehii= is your Seetha; na vidyate paapam= no sin exists; asyaam= in her.
Then, the fire-god, the witness of the whole world, spoke to Rama as follows "Here is your Seetha. No sin exists in her."
naiva vaachaa na manasaa naiva buddhyaa na chakShuShaa |
suvR^ittaa vR^ittashauNDiiryaM na tvaamatyacharachchhubhaa || 6-118-6
6. shubhaa= this auspicious lady; suvR^ittaa= whose character has been good; na atyacharat= has never been unfaithful; tvaam= to you; vR^ittashauN^Diiryam= who are endowed with strength of character; vaachaa= either by word; na manasaa= nor by mind; naiva buddhyaa= nor even by intellect; na chakShuShaa= nor by her glances.
"This auspicious lady, whose character has been good, has never been unfaithful to you who are endowed with strength of character either by word or by mind or even by intellect or by her glances."
raavaNenaapaniitaiShaa viiryotsiktena rakShasaa |
tvayaa virahitaa diinaa vivashaa nirjanaadvanaat || 6-118-7
7. virahataa tvayaa= separated from you; eShaa diinaa vivashaa= this miserable and helpless lady; apaviitaa= was taken away; raavaNena= by Ravana; rakShasaa= the demon; viiryotsiktena= who was arrogant of his valour; nirjanaat vanaat= from a lonely hermitage.
"Separated from you, this miserable and helpless lady, was taken away by Ravana the demon, who was arrogant of his valour, from a lonely hermitage."
ruddha chaantaHpure guptaa tvachchittaa tvatparaayaNaa |
rakShitaa raakShasiibhishcha ghoraabhirghorabuddhibhiH || 6-118-8
8. tvachchittaa= (This Seetha) fixing her mind upon you; tvatparaayaNaa= and having you as her final attainment; ruddhaa= was detained; antaHpure= in the gynaecium; guptaa= and hidden there; rakShitaa= (she) was guarded; ghoraabhiH= raakShasiibhiH= by frightful female-demons; ghorabuddhibhiH= with horrible intellect.
"This Seetha, who was fixing her mind upon you ad looking on you as her final attainment, was detained in the gynaecium and hidden there. She was guarded by rightful female-demons with horrible intellect."
pralobhyamaanaa vividhaM tarjyamaanaa cha maithilii |
naachintayata tadrakShastvadgatenaantaraatmanaa || 6-118-9
9. maithilii= Seetha; tvadgatea antaraatmanaa= whose mind was directed towards you; naachintayata= ignored; tat= that; rakShaH= demon; pralobhyamaanaa= even though allured; tarjyamaanaa= and frightened; vividham= through various means.
"Seetha, whose mind was directed towards you, ignored that demon even though allured and frightened through various means."
vishuddhabhaavaaM niShpaapaaM pratigR^ihNiiShva maithiliim |
na kiMchirabhidhaatavyaa ahamaajJNaapayaami te || 6-118-10
10. pratigR^ihNiiShva= take back; maithiliim= Seetha; niShpaapam= who is sinless; vishuddha bhaavaam= with a pure character; na abhidhaatavyaa= she should not be told; kimchit= anything (harsh); aham= I; aajJNaapayaami= (hereby) command; te= you.
"Take back Seetha, who is sinless, with a pure character. She should not be told anything harsh. I hereby command you."
tataH priitamanaa raamaH shrutvaivaM vadataaM varaH |
dadhyau muhuurtaM dharmaatmaa baaShpavyaakulalochanaH || 6-118-11
11. tataH= then; shrutvaa= having heard; evam= thus; raamaH= Rama; varaH= the excellent; vadataam= among the eloquent; dharmaatmaa= whose mind was sent on virtue; priitamanaaH= with a pleasant mind; baaShpa vyaakula lochanaH= with his eyes entirely filled with tears of joy; dadhyau= reflected; muhuurtam= for a while.
Rama, the excellent among the eloquent, whose mind was set on virtue, with a pleasant mind to hear the aforesaid speech, reflected for a while, his eyes, entirely filed with tears of joy.
evamukto mahaatejaa dhR^imaanuruvikramaH |
uvaacha tridashashreShThaM raamo dharmabhR^itaaM varaH || 6-118-12
12. evam= thus; uktaH= spoken; dhR^itimaan= the courageous; raamaH= Rama; uruvikramaH= of great prowess; dharma bhR^itaam varaH= the foremost among those upholding the virtue; uvaacha= spoke; tridasha shreShTham= to the fire-god, the best of gods.
Hearing those words, the courageous Rama of great prowess and the foremost of those upholding the virtue, replied to the fire-god, the best of gods.
avashyaM chaapi lokeShu siitaa paavanamarhati |
diirghakaaloShitaa hiiyaM raavaNaantaHpure shubhaa || 6-118-13
13. siitaa= Seetha; avashyam= certainly; arhat= deserves; paavanam= this purefactory ordeal; lokeShu= in the eyes of the people; iyam shubhaa= (in as much as) this blessed woman; diirgha kaaloShitaa hi= had resided for a long time; raavaNaantaH pure hi= indeed in the gynaecium of Ravana.
"Seetha certainly deserves this pure factory ordeal in the eyes of the people in as much as this blessed woman had resided for a long time indeed in the gynaecium of Ravana.
baalisho bata kaamaatma raamo dasharathaatmajaH |
iti vakShyati maaM loko jaanakiimavishodhya hi || 6-118-14
14. lokaH= the world; vakShyati= would chatter; maam= against me; iti= saying that; bata= Alas!; raamaH= Rama; dasharaatmajaH= the son of Dasaratha; baalishaH= was really foolish; kaamaratmaa= and that his mind was dominated by lust; avishodhya jaanakiim hi= without indeed examinig Seetha with regard to her chastity.
"The world would chatter against me, saying that Rama, the son of Dasaratha, was really foolish and that his mind was dominated by lust, if I accept Seetha without examining her with regard to her chastity."
ananyahR^idayaaM bhaktaaM machattaparivartiniim |
ahamapyavagachchhaami maithiliiM janakaatmajaam || 6-118-15
15. ahamapi= I also; avagachchhaami= know; maithiliim= (that) Seetha; janakaatmajaam= the daughter of Janaka; machchittaparivartiniim= who revolves in my mind; bhaktaam ananya hR^idayaam= is undivided in her affection to me.
"I also know that Seetha, the daughter of Janaka, who ever revolves in my mind, is undivided in her affection to me."
imaamapi vishaalaakShiiM rakShitaaM svena tejasaa |
raavaNo naativarteta vela miva mahodadhiH || 6-118-16
16. raavaNaH= Ravana; naativarteta= could not violate; imaam vishaalaakShiim= this wide-eyed woman; rakShitaam= protected as she was; svena tejasaa= by her own splendour; mahodadhiH iva= any more than a sea; velaam= would transgress (its bounds).
"Ravana could not violate this wide-eyed woman, protected as she was by her own splendour, any more than an ocean would transgress its bounds."
pratyayaarthaM tu lokaanaaM trayaaNaam satyasaMshrayaH |
upekShe chaapi vaidehiiM pravishantiiM hutaashanam || 6-118-17
17. pratyayaartham= in order to convince; trayaaNaam lokaanaam= the three worlds; satya samshrayaH= I, whose refuge is truth; upekShechaapi= ignored; viadehiim= Seetha; pravishantiim= while she was entering; hutaashanam= the fire.
"In order to convince the three worlds, I, whose refugee is truth, ignored Seetha while she was entering the fire."
na cha shaktaH suduShTatmaa manasaapi hi maithiliim |
pradharShayitumapraapyaaM diiptaamagnishikhaamiva || 6-118-18
18. suduShTaatmaa= the evil-minded Ravana; na cha shaktaH= was not even able; pradharShayitum= to lay his violent hands; manasaapi= even in thought; apraapyaam maithiliim= on the unobtainable Seetha; diiptaam= who was blazing; agnishikhaamiva= like a flaming tongue of fire.
"The evil-minded Ravana was not able to lay his violent hands, even in thought, o the unobtainable Seetha, who was blazing like a flaming tongue of fire."
neya marhati chaishvaryaM raavaNaantaHpure shubhaa |
ananyaa hi mayaa siitaa bhaaskareNa prabhaa yathaa || 6-118-19
19. iyam shubhaa= this auspicious woman; naarhati= could not (give way) aishvaryam= to the sovereignty; raavaNaantaH pure= existing in the gynaecium of Ravana; siitaa= in as much as Seetha; ananyaahi= is not different; mayaa= from me; prabhaa yathaa= even as sunlight; bhaaskareNa= (is not different) from the sun.
"This auspicious woman could not give way to the sovereignty, existing in the gynaecium of Ravana, in as much as Seetha is not different from me, even as sunlight is not different from the sun."
vishuddhaa triShu lokeShu maithilii janakaatmajaa |
na vihaatuM mayaa shakyaa kiirtiraatmavataa yathaa || 6-118-20
20. maithilii= Seetha; janakaatmajaa= the daughter of Jankaa; vishuddhaa= is completely pure in her character; triShu lokeShu= in all the three worlds; na shakyaa= and can no longer be; vihaatum= renounced; mayaa= by me; kiirtiH yathaa= as a good name (cannot be cast aside); aatmavataa= by a prudent man.
"Seetha, the daughter of Janaka, is completely pure in her character, in all the three worlds and can no longer be renounced by me, as a good name cannot be cast aside by a prudent man."
avashyaM cha mayaa kaaryaM sarveShaaM vo vacho hitam |
snigdhaanaaM lokanaathaanaamevaM cha vadataaM hitam || 6-118-21
21. hitam= the salutary; vachaH= worlds; vaH sarveShaam= of all of you; lokanaathaam= the guardians of the world; snighdhaanaam= who are affectionate; evam= thus; vadataam= speaking; avashyam= certainly; kaaryam= are to be carried out; mayaa= by me.
The salutary advice of you all, the affectionate guardians of the world, who are saying what is conducive to our good, must be certainly carried out by me."
ityevamuktvaa vijayii mahaabalaH |
prashasyamaanah svakR^itena karmaNaa |
sametya raamaH priyayaa mahaayashaaH |
sukhaM sukhaarho.anubabhuuva raaghavaH || 6-118-22
22. uktvaa= saying; ityevam= thus; sametya= and getting reunited; priyayaa= with her beloved (Seetha); vijayii= the victorious; mahaayashaaH= and highly illustrious; raamaH= Rama; raaghavaH= a scion of Raghu dynasty; mahaabalaH= who was endowed with a great strength; sukhaarhaH= and deserved with a great strength; sukhaarhaH= and deserved happiness; prashasyamaanaH= and was being glorified; karmaNaa= by his feats; svakR^itena= performed by own self; anubabhuuva= experienced; sukham= joy.
Saying thus and getting reunited with her beloved Seetha, the victorious and highly illustrious Rama, a scion of Raghu dynasty, who was endowed with a great strength and deserved happiness and was being glorified by his exploits, performed by his own self, experienced joy.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe aShTaadashaadhika shatatamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 118th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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