Chapter [Sarga] 120  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 120


When Indra the lord of celestials asks Rama for a boon, Rama requested Indra to bring back to life, all the monkeys who had lost their life in the battle. Indra grants the boon and all the dead monkeys are restored to life. The celestials disperse and the whole army of monkeys enjoy their well-earned rest.

pratiprayaate kaakutthse mahendraH paakashaasanaH |
abraviit paramapriito raaghavaM praaJNjaliM sthitam || 6-120-1
1. kaakutthse pratiyaate= when Dasaratha returned; mahendraH= the Lord Indra; paaka shaasanaH= the destoryer of Paka, the demons; parama priitaH= was very much pleased; abraviit= and spoke; raaghavam= to Rama; sthitam= who stood; praaN^jalim= with joined palm.
When Dasaratha returned, the Lord Indra, the destroyer of Paka the demon, was very much pleased and spoke to Rama, who stood there with his oined palms.
amoghaM darshanaM raama tavaasmaakaM nararShabha |
priitiyuktaaH sma tena tvaM bruuhi yanmanasepsitam || 6-120-2
2. raama= O Rama; nararShabha= the foremost among men!; asmaakam you; darshanam= sight of us; tava= to you; amogham= should not go in vain; sma= we are; priitiyuktaaH= endowed with delight; tena= therefore; tvam= you; bruuhii= tell; yat= whatevr; iipsitam= is desized; manasaa= by your mind.
"O Rama, the foremost among men! Your sight of us, should not go in vain. Therefore, tell us whatever is desired by you."
evamukto mahendreNa prasannena mahaatmanaa |
suprasannamanaa hR^iShTo vachanam praaha raaghavaH || 6-120-3
3. evam= thus; uktaH= spoken; mahaatmanaa= by the great-souled; mahendreNa= Indra the lord of celestials; prasannena= having been pleased; raaghavah= Rama; suprasannaatmaa= with the most placid mind; praaha= spoke; vachanam= the following words; hR^iShTaH= with rejoice:
Hearing the words of the great souled Indra the lord of celestials, after having been pleased, Rama with the most placid mind spoke the following words with rejoice:
yadi priitiH samutpannaa mayi te vibudheshvara |
vakShyaami kuru me satyam vachanaM vadataaM vara || 6-120-4
4. vadataam vara= O the foremost among the eloquent!; vibudheshva= O Indra!; te mayi priiti samutpannaayadi= if you have affection in me; kuru= make; me vachanam= my words; vakShyaami= that I tell you; satyam= real.
"O the foremst among the eloquent! O Indra! If you have affection in me, I shall speak out my words. Make my words real."
mama hetoH paraakraantaa ye gataa yamasaadanam |
te sarve jiivitaM praapya samuttiShThantu vaanaraaH || 6-120-5
5. ye te sarve vaanaraaH= (Let) all those monkeys; yataaH yama saadanam= who reached the abode of Death; paraakraantaaH= after displaying their energy; mama hetoH= for my sake; praapya jiivitam= restore their life; samuttiShThantu= and get up.
"Let all the monkeys, who reached the abode of death, after displaying their energyfor
matkR^ite viprayuktaa ye putrairdaaraishcha vaanaraaH |
taan priitamanasaH sarvaan draShTumichchhaami maanada || 6-120-6
6. maanada= O the bestower of honour!; ichchhami= I wish; draShTum= to see; taan sarvaan= all those; vaanaraaH= monkeys; ye= who; matkR^ite= for my sake; viprayuktaaH= were removed from; putraiH= their sons; daaraishcha= and wives; priita manasaH= delighted at heart.
"O the bestower of honour! I wish to see all those monkeys, who for my sake, were removed from their sons and wives, be delighted at heart."
vikraantaashchaapi shuuraashcha na mR^ityuM gaNayanti cha |
kR^itayatnaa vipannaashcha jiivayainaan puraMdara || 6-120-7
7. vikraantaaH cha= (They all) displayed their energies; shuuraaH= were valiant; na gaNayanti cha= and did not take, into account; mR^ityum= their death; kR^itayatnaaaH= they, made their strenuous efforts; vipannaaH cha= and died; puramdara= O Indra!; jiivaya= restore their lives; etaan= to them.
"They were all valiant, proving their energies and did not take their death into account. They made their strenuous efforts and died. O Indra! Restore their lives to them."
matpriyeShvabhiraktaashcha na mR^ityuM gaNayanti ye |
tvatprasaadaatsameyuste varametamahaM vR^iNe || 6-120-8
8. te= those monkeys; ye= who; na gaNayanti= did not take into account; mR^ityum= their death; abhiraktaaH matpriyeShu= and who were fond of doing favour to me; te sameyuH= let them get reunited; (with their near and dear ones); tvatprasaadaat= by your grace; aham= I; vR^iNe= seek; etam= this varam= boon (of you).
"Those mokeys - who coutned death as nothing and who were fond of doing favour to me - let them get re-united with their near and dear ones by your grace. I seek this boon of you."
niirujo nirvraNaaMshchaiva saMpannabalapauruShaan |
golaaN^guulaaMstatharkShaaMshcha draShTumichchhaami maanada || 6-120-9
9. maanada= O bestower of honour; ichchhaami= I wish; draShTum= to see; golaaNguulaan= the monkeys; tathaa= and; R^ikShaamshcha= bears; niirujaH= free from pain; nirvraNaamshchaiva= even free from wounds; sampannabala pauruShaan= and having augmented strength and valour.
"O bestower of honour! I wish to see the monkeys and bears, free from wounds and pains, with augmented strength and valour."
akaale chaapi puShpaaNi muulaani cha phalaani cha |
nadyashcha vimalaastatra tiShTheyuryatra vaanaraaH || 6-120-10
10. yatra= whereever; vaanaraaH= the monkeys; tiShTheyuH= stay; tatra= let there be; vimalaaH nadyashcha= rivers with pure water; puShpaaNi= flowers; muulaani cha= roots; phalaanicha= and fruits; akaalecha api= even in an off-season.
"Wherever the aforesaid monkeys live, let there be rivers with crystal-clear water, flowers, roots and fruits even in an off-season."
shrutvaa tu vachanaM tasya raaghavasya mahaatmanaH |
mahendrah pratyuvaachedaM vachanaM priitisaMyutam || 6-120-11
11. shrutvaa tu= hearing vachanam= the words; tasya mahaatmanaH raaghavasya= of that great-souled Rama; mahendraH= Indra the lord of celestials; priiti samyutam= endowed with delight; pratuvaacha= again spoke; idam vachanam= the following words:
Hearing the words of that great-souled Rama, Indra the lord of celestials endowed as he was with delight, again spoke the following words:
mahaanayaM varastaata yastvayokto raghuttama |
dvirmayaa noktapurvaM cha tasmaadevadbhaviShyati || 6-120-12
12. taata raghuuttama= O beloved Rama!; ayam varaH= this boon; yaH uktaH= which has been sought; tvayaa= by you; mahaan= is very great (is hard to gratn); na ukta puurvam= nothing was spoken before; mayaa= by me; dviH= twice; tasmaat= therefore; etat= this; evam bhaviShyati= will come to be.
"O beloved Rama! This boon, which has been sought by you is hard to grant. No offer has, however, been revised by me in the past. Therefore this will come to be."
samuttiShThantu te sarve hataa ye yudhi raakShasaiH |
R^ikShaashcha saha gopuchchhairnikR^ittaananabaahavaH || 6-120-13
13. te sarve= (Let) all those monkeys; R^ikShaashcha= and bears; gopuchchhaiH= along with long-tailed monkeys; ye hataaH= who have been killed; yudhi= in battle; raakShasaiH= by the demons; nikR^ittanana baahavaH= and whose heads and arms have been severed; samuttiShThantu= be active again.
"Let all those monkeys and bears along with long-tailed monkeys, who have been killed in battle, by the demons and whose heads and arms have been severed, be alive and active again."
niirujo nirvriNaashchava saMpannabalapauruShaaH |
samutthaasyanti harayaH suptaa nidraakShaye yathaa || 6-120-14
14. niirujaH= without any ill-health; nirvraNaashchaiva= without any and with boosted strength and valour; harayaH= the monkeys; samutthaasyanti= will rise again; suptaaH yathaa= as those fallen asleep (rise); nidraakShaye= at the end of their sleep.
"Without any ill-health andwounds and with boosted strength and valour, the monkeys will srise again, as those fallen asleep would do at the end of their sleep."
suhR^idbhirbaandhavaishchava jJNaatibhiH svajanena cha |
sarva eva sameShyanti saMyuktaaH parayaa mudaa || 6-120-15
15. sarve eva= all of them; parayaa mudaa= with great delight; sameShyanti= will get re-united with; suhR^idbhiH= their friends; samyuktaaH= together with; baandhavaishchaiva= their relatives; jJNaatibhiH= kinsmen; svajanena= and family-members.
"All of them, full of delight, will get re-united with their friends, relatives, kinsmen and family members."
akaale puShpashabalaaH phalavantashcha paadapaaH |
bhaviShyanti maheShvaasa nadyashcha nalilaayutaaH || 6-120-16
16. maheShvaasa= O the wielder of a great bow!; paadapaaH= the trees; bhaviShyanti= will be; puSpashabalaaH= colourful with flowers; phalavantashcha= and fruits; akaale= even in the off-season; nadyashcha= rivers too; salilaayutaaH= will remain (constantly) with water.
"O the wielder of a great bow! The trees will look colourful with flowers and fruits even in the off-season. Rivers too will remain constantly with water."
savraNaiH prathamaM gaatrairidaaniiM nirvraNaiH samaiH |
tataH samutthitaaH sarve suptveva hariyuuthapaaH || 6-120-17
babhuuvurvaanaraaH sarve kiM nvetaditi vismitaaH |
17. tataH= thereupon; sarve hariyuuthapaaH= all those monkey-warriors; samutthitaaH= got up; sustvaiva= as of from a sleep; samaiH gaatraiH= with even limbs; idaaniim= now; nirvraNaiH= without any wounds; prathamam savraNaiH= which were injured earlier; vaanaraaH= all the mokeys; babhuuvuH= became; vismitaaH= surprised; etat kim nu iti= saying to one another, "what (miracle) is this?"
Thereupon, all those monkey-warriors got up, as if from a sleep, with all their limbs completely healed of wounds. All the monkeys felt surprised, saying to one another "What miracle is this?"
kaakutthsaM paripuurNaarthaM dR^iShTvaa sarve surottamaaH || 6-120-18
abruvan paramapriitaaH stutvaa raamaM salakShmaNam |
18. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; kaakutthsam= Rama; paripuurNaartham= whose wish has been fully realised; sarve= all; surottamaaH= the foremost of celestials; parama priitaaH= with a great delight; abruvan= spoke; stutvaa= praisingly; raamam= to Rama; sa lakShmaNam= and Lakshmana.
Seeing Rama, whose wish has been fully realised, all the foremost of celestials, with a great delight, spoke praisingly to Rama and Lakshmana:
gachchhaayodhyaamito raajan visarjaya cha vaanaraan || 6-120-19
maithiliiM saantvayasvainaamanuraktaaM yashasviniim |
19. raajan= O monarch!; gachchha= proceed; ayodhyaam= to Ayodhya; itaH= from here; visarjaya cha= and disband; vaanaraan= the monkeys; saautvayasva= reassure; enaam yashasviniim maithilim= this illustrious Seetha; anuraktaam= who is affectionate towards you.
"O monarch! Proceed to Ayodhya from here and disband the monkeys. Reassure this illustrious and devoted Seetha."
bhraataraM bharataM pashya tvachchhokaadvratachaariNam || 6-120-20
shatrughnaM cha mahaatmaanaM maatR^iiH sarvaaH paraMtapa |
abhiShechaya chaatmaanam pauraangatvaa praharShaya || 6-120-21
20-21. paramtapa= O destroyer of adversaires!; pashya= see; bharatam= Bharata; bhraataram= your brother; vratachaariNam= who is practising austerities; tvachchokaat= through frief caused by separation from you; mahaatmaanam= the great-souled; shatrughnam cha= the Shatrughna; sarvaaH maatR^iiH= and all your mothers; aatmaanam abhiShechaya= get yourself consecrated on the throne; gatvaa= by going there; praharShaya= bring rejoice; pauraan= to the citizens.
"O destroyer of adversaries! See Bharata, your brother, who is practising austerities through grief caused by separation from you, the great-souled Shatrughna and all your mohters. Get yourself consecrated on the throne. Bring rejoice to the citizens, by going there."
evamuktvaa sahasraakSho raamaM saumitriNaa saha |
vimaanaiH suuryasaMkaashairyayau hR^iShTaH suraih saha || 6-120-22
22. evam= thus; uktvaa= speaking; raamam saumitreNa saha= to Rama and Lakshmana; sahasraakShaH= Indra the thousand-eyed god of celestials; hR^iShTaH= having been pleased; yayau= returned (to heaven); suraiH saha= with other gods; vimaanaiH= in their aerial cars; suurya samkaashaiH= shining like the sun.
Thus speaking to Rama and Lakshmana, Idnra the thousand-eyed god of celestials, having beenpleased, returned to heaven with other gods in their aerial cars, shining liek the sun.
abhivaadya cha kaakutthsaH sarvaamstaaMstridashottamaan |
lakShmaNena saha bhraatraa vaasamaajJNaapayattadaa || 6-120-23
23. tadaa= then; kaakutthsaH= Rama; bhraatraa lakShmaNena saha= along with Lakshmana, his brother; abhivaadya= having respectfully saluted; taan sarvaan tridashottamaan= all those celestials; aajJnaapayat= instructed; vaasam= (all the monkeys) to take rest in their respective places.
having respectfully saluted all those celestials, Rama along with Lakshmana his brother, then instructed all the monkeys to take rest in their respective places.
tatastu saa lakShmaNaraanupaalitaa |
mahaachamuurhR^iShTajanaa yashasvinii |
shriyaa jvalantiiviraraaja sarvato |
nishaa praNiiteva hi shiitarashminaa || 6-120-24
24. tataH= thereupon; saa yashasvinii= that illustrious; mahaachamuuH= and mighty army; hR^iShTajanaa= of rejoiced troops; tu= (for its part); lakShmaNa raama paalitaa= which was protected by Lakshmana and Rama; jvalantii= and was blazing; shriyaa= wth slepndour; sarvataH= on all sides; viraraaja= shone brightly; nisheva= like the might; praNiitaa= illumined; shiitarashminaa= by the moon.
Thereupon, that illustrious and mighty army of rejoiced troops, for its part, whichw as protected by Lakshmana and Rama, and was blazing with splendour on all sides, shone brightly like the might, illumined by the moon.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe viMshatyadhikashatatamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 120th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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