Chapter [Sarga] 13  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 13


In this chapter Hanuma starts to search for Seetha overcoming the depression. He begins to go towards Ashoka garden to continue his search.

vimaanaat tu susamkramya praakaaram hari yuuthapaH |
hanuumaan vegavaan aasiid yathaa vidyud ghana antare || 5-13-1
1. hanuman= Hanuma; hariyuudhapaH= the leader of vanaras; susamkramya= crossed; vimaanaat= from pushpaka; praakaaram= toward the fort wall; aasiit= and became; vegavaan= with speed; vidhyut yathaa= like a lighting; ghanantare= in the middle of cloud.
Hanuma the leader of Vanaras crossed from pushpaka toward the fort wall and became with speed like lighting in the middle of a cloud.
samparikramya hanumaan raavaNasya niveshanaan |
adR^iSTvaa jaanakiim siitaam abraviid vacanam kapiH || 5-13-2
2. kapiH hanuman= the simian Hanuma; samparikramya= went far; raavaNasya niveshanaat= from the house of Ravana; adR^ishhTvaa= not seeing; siitaam= Seetha; jaanakiim= the daughter of king Janaka; abraviit= said; vachanam= (these)words.
The simian Hanuma went far from the house of Ravana and not seeing Seetha, the daughter of King Janaka, said these words:
bhuuyiSTham loDitaa lankaa raamasya carataa priyam |
na hi pashyaami vaidehiim siitaam sarva anga shobhanaam || 5-13-3
3. laN^kaa= the city of Lanka; bhuuyishhTham lolitaa= had been mostly explored; charataa= (by me)attempting; raamasya priyam= the pleasure of Sri Rama; na hi pashyaami= but I am unable to see; siitaam= Seetha; sarvaaN^ga shobhanaam= beautiful in all limbs; vaidehiim= and the daughter of Videha.
“The city of Lanka has been mostly explored by me attempting for the pleasure of Rama. But I am unable to see Seetha, beautiful in all limbs, and the daughter of Videha.”
palvalaani taTaakaani saraamsi saritaH tathaa |
nadyo anuupavana antaaH ca durgaaH ca dharaNii dharaaH || 5-13-4
loDitaa vasudhaa sarvaa na ca pashyaami jaanakiim |
4. sarvaaH vasudaa= all earth; palvaalaani= (consisting of) pools; taTaakaani= ponds; saraamsi= lakes; tathaa= and; saritaH= streams; nadyaH= rivers; anupavanaantashcha= and forest areas; filled with water; dharaNiidharaaH= mountains; durgaaH= difficult of access; Lolitaa= have been explored; na tu pashyaami= but I did not see; jaanakiim= Seetha.
“All earth consisting of pools, ponds, lakes and streams, rivers and forest areas filled with water, mountains difficult of access have been explored but I did not see Seetha.”
iha sampaatinaa siitaa raavaNasya niveshane || 5-13-5
aakhyaataa gR^idhra raajena na ca pashyaami taam aham |
5. akhyaataa= it has been said; gR^idhraraajena sampaatinaa= by the eagle king Sampaati; siitaa= Seetha; iha= (to be) here; raavaNasya niveshane= in the house of Ravana; aham= I; na cha pashyaami= I am unable to see; taam= her.
“It has been said by the eagle King Sampati that Seetha is here in the house of Ravana. I am unable to see her.”
kim nu siitaa atha vaidehii maithilii janaka aatmajaa || 5-13-6
upatiSTheta vivashaa raavaNam duSTa caariNam |
6. atha= otherwise; siitaa= Seetha; vaidehii= belonging to Videha; maithilii= born in Mithila; janakaatmaja= and daughter of king Janaka; kim nu upatishhTheta= can she be; vivashaa= helplessly; dushhTachaariNam raavaNam= (together with) the evil minded Ravana.
“Otherwise Seetha belonging to Videha born in Mithila and daughter of king Janaka - Can she be helplessly together with the evil minded Ravana.”
kSipram utpatato manye siitaam aadaaya rakSasaH || 5-13-7
bibhyato raama baaNaanaam antaraa patitaa bhavet |
7. manye= I think; rakshasaH= while Ravana; bibhyataH= fearing; raamabaaNaanaam= Rama’s arrows; kshipramutpatataH= flew quickly; siitaam aadaaya= carrying Seetha; patitaa bhavet= (She) might have fallen down; antaraa= in the middle(of the journey).
“I think while Ravana fearing Rama’s arrows flew quickly carrying Seetha, she might have fallen down in the middle of the journey.”
athavaa hriyamaaNaayaaH pathi siddha niSevite || 5-13-8
manye patitam aaryaayaa hR^idayam prekSya saagaram |
8. athavaa= or; manye= I think; hR^idayam= the heart; aayraayaaH= of the noble Seetha; hR^iyamaaryaayaaH= being stolen; patii= in the path; sidhhanishhevite= served by Siddhaas; patitam= must have sunk; saagaram prekshya= at the site of the ocean.
“Or I think the heart of the noble Seetha being stolen in the path served by Siddhas must have sunk at the site of the ocean.”
raavaNasya uuru vegena bhujaabhyaam piiDitena ca || 5-13-9
tayaa manye vishaala akSyaa tyaktam jiivitam aaryayaa |
9. manye= I think; raavanasya uruvegeNa= due to great speed of Ravana; bhujaabhyaam piiDitenacha= and due to the torture of Ravana’s shoulders; jiivitam chaktam= the life has been given up; tayaa aaryayaa= by that noble one; vishaalaakshyaa= with wide eyes.
“I think due to great speed of Ravana and due to the torture of Ravana’s shoulders the life has been given up by that noble one with wide eyes.”
upari upari vaa nuunam saagaram kramataH tadaa || 5-13-10
viveSTamaanaa patitaa samudre janaka aatmajaa |
10. tadaa= then; kramataH= while being flown; saagaram upari upari= upon the surface of the ocean; janakaatmaja= Seetha; nunam= definitely; patitaa= fell down; saagare= in the ocean; viveshhThamaana= while wriggling.
“Then while being flown upon the surface of the ocean, Seetha definitely fell down in the ocean while wriggling.”
aaho kSudreNa ca anena rakSantii shiilam aatmanaH || 5-13-11
abandhur bhakSitaa siitaa raavaNena tapasvinii |
11. aho= or; tapasvinii siitaa bhakishtaa= has the austere Seetha been eaten; anena raavaNena= by this Ravana; kshudreNa= the evil minded one; atmanaH shiilam rakshantii= while she was protecting her chastity; abandhuH= without any relatives(near her).
“Or has the austere Seetha been eaten by this Ravana, the evil minded one while she was protecting her chastity without any relatives near her.”
athavaa raakSasa indrasya patniibhir asita iikSaNaa || 5-13-12
aduSTaa duSTa bhaavaabhir bhakSitaa saa bhaviSyati |
12. athavaa= otherwise; adushhTaa= not being evil; asitekshaNaa= with black eyes saa= she; bhakshitaa bhavishhyati= may have been eaten; raakshasendrasya patniibhi= by the wives of Ravana; dushhTabhaavaabhi= with evil thoughts.
“Otherwise not being evil with black eyes, She may have been eaten by the wives of Ravana with evil thoughts.”
sampuurNa candra pratimam padma patra nibha iikSaNam || 5-13-13
raamasya dhyaayatii vaktram pancatvam kR^ipaNaa gataa |
13. kR^ipaNaa= the pitiable Seetha; sampuurNachandra pratimam= equaling full moon; padmapatra nibhyekshaNam= with eyes equaling lotus petals; paJNchantvam gataa= must have obtained death; dhyaayatii= while meditating; raamasya vaktram= upon Rama’s face.
“The pitiable Seetha equaling full moon, with eyes equaling lotus petals must have obtained death while meditating upon Rama’s face.”
haa raama lakSmaNa iti eva haa ayodhyeti ca maithilii || 5-13-14
vilapya bahu vaidehii nyasta dehaa bhaviSyati |
14. vaidehii= the daughter of Videha; maithilii= Seetha; ha raamaa= O Rama; ha lakshmaNa= O Lakshmana; ha ayodhye= O Ayodhya; iti= thus; bahuvilapya= weeping greatly; nyasta dehaa bhavishhyati= may have given up her body.
“The daughter of Videha, Seetha. ‘O Rama!’ ‘O Lakshmana!’ ‘O Ayodhya!’, thus weeping greatly may have given up her body.”
athavaa nihitaa manye raavaNasya niveshane || 5-13-15
nuunam laalapyate mandam panjarasthaa iva shaarikaa |
15. manye= I think; athavaa= otherwise; nihitaa= being put; raavaNasya niveshane= in the house of Ravana; siitaa= Seetha; nunam laalpyate= is definitely crying; paJNjarastaa shaarikaa iva= like a caged myna.
“I think otherwise being put in the house of Ravana Seetha is definitely crying like a caged myna.”
janakasya kule jaataa raama patnii sumadhyamaa || 5-13-16
katham utpala patra akSii raavaNasya vasham vrajet |
16. katham= how(can); janakasya sutaa= the daughter of King Janaka; ramapatniim= Rama’s wife; siita= Seetha; su madhyamaa= with a beautiful waist; utpala patraakshi= with eyes like black lotus petals; vrajet= obtain; raavanasya vasam= Ravana’s capture.
“How can the daughter of King Janaka, Rama’s wife Seetha with a beautiful waist, with eyes like black lotus petals obtain Ravana’s capture.”
vinaSTaa vaa pranaSTaa vaa mR^itaa vaa janaka aatmajaa || 5-13-17
raamasya priya bhaaryasya na nivedayitum kSamam |
17. na kshamam= it is not fair; nivedayutum= to let know; raamasya priyabhaaryasya= to Rama who has a dear wife; janakaatmaja= (if) Seetha; vinashhTaa vaa= is lost; praNashhTavaa= or is not to be seen; mR^itaavaa= or has died.
“It is not fair to let know Rama who has a dear wife if Seetha is lost or is not to be seen or has died.”
nivedyamaane doSaH syaad doSaH syaad anivedane || 5-13-18
katham nu khalu kartavyam viSamam pratibhaati me |
18. nivedyamaane= to be let known; syaat doshhaH= becomes an error; anivedane= not to let know; syaat= becomes; doshhaH= an error; khatham= how; kartavyam nu khalu= to perform the duty; me= to me; pratibhaati= (this) seems; vishhamam= dire (situation).
“To be let known becomes an error; not to let know becomes an error how to perform the duty? To me this seems dire situation.”
asminn evam gate karye praapta kaalam kSamam ca kim || 5-13-19
bhaved iti matim bhuuyo hanumaan pravicaarayan |
19. asmin kaarye= this task; evam gate= while it goes this way; praaptakaalam= the time is approaching; kim bhavet= what becomes; kshamam= appropriate; iti= thus; hanuman= Hanuma; bhuuyaH pravichaarayat= thought again; matam= (this) view point.
“This task while it goes this way the time is approaching. What becomes appropriate” thus Hanuma thought again this view point.
yadi siitaam adR^iSTvaa aham vaanara indra puriim itaH || 5-13-20
gamiSyaami tataH ko me puruSa artho bhaviSyati |
20. yadi aham gamishhyaami= if I go; vaanarendra puriim= towards Sugreeva’s city; ita ha= from here; adR^ishhTvaa= without seeing; siitaam= Seetha; tataH= from that; kaH= (to) what; purushhaarthaH bhavishhyati= avail will this effort be.
“If I go towards Sugreeva’s city from here without seeing Seetha from that to what avail will this effort be?”
mama idam langhanam vyartham saagarasya bhaviSyati || 5-13-21
praveshaH civa lankaayaa raakSasaanaam ca darshanam |
21. idam= this; mama= my; saagarasya laN^ghanam= crossing of the ocean; laN^kaayaaH praveshascha= entering the city of Lanka; raakshasaanaam darshanam= the site of Rakshasas; vyartham bhavishhyati= (all this) will become waste.
"My crossing of the ocean entering the city of Lanka the site of rakshasas - all this will become waste."
kim vaa vakSyati sugriivo harayo va samaagataaH || 5-13-22
kiSkindhaam samanupraaptau tau vaa dasharatha aatmajau |
22. maam= to me; samanupraaptam= reaching; kishkindhaam= Kishkindha; kim vaksyati sugriivaH= what would Sugreeva say; samaagataaH harayaH vaa= or vanaras there; tau dasharaathmajau vaa= or those sons of Dasharatha (what would they say).
“To me reaching Kishkindha what would Sugreeva say or Vanaras there or those sons of Dasharatha what would they say?”
gatvaa tu yadi kaakutstham vakSyaami param apriyam || 5-13-23
na dR^iSTaa iti mayaa siitaa tataH tyakSyanti jiivitam |
23. gatvaa= going(there); mayaa= by me; kaakustham= for Rama; siitaa na dR^ishhTeti= Seetha has not been seen; iti= thus; vakshaami yadi= if I say; param apriyam= a very unpleasant (word); tataH= thereafter; jiivitam tyakshati= (Rama) will give up life.
“Going there by me for Rama, ‘Seetha has not been seen’ - thus if I say a very unpleasant word thereafter Rama will give up life.”
paruSam daaruNam kruuram tiikSNam indriya taapanam || 5-13-24
siitaa nimittam durvaakyam shrutvaa sa na bhaviSyati |
24. shrutvaa= hearing; durvaakhyam= bad words; siitaa nimittam= belonging to Seetha; parushham= (that is) harsh; daaruNam= horrible; kruram= cruel; tiikshaNam= sharp; indriyataapanam= sense agonizing; saH na bhavishhyati= He will not exist.
“Hearing bad word belonging to Seetha that is harsh, horrible, cruel, sharp, sense agonizing, He will not exist.”
tam tu kR^icchra gatam dR^iSTvaa pancatva gata maanasam || 5-13-25
bhR^isha anurakto medhaavii na bhaviSyati lakSmaNaH |
25. dR^ishhTvaa= seeing; tam= that Rama; kR^ichchhra gatam= being with troubles; paJNchatva gatamaanasam= being with a heart towards death; lakshmaNaH= Lakshmana; bhR^ishaanuraktaH= one with great love; medhaavi= and an intellectual; na bhavishhyati= will not exist.
“Seeing that Rama being with troubles, being with a heart towards death, Lakshmana, one with great love and an intellectual will not exist.”
vinaSTau bhraatarau shrutvaa bharato api mariSyati || 5-13-26
bharatam ca mR^itam dR^iSTvaa shatrughno na bhaviSyati |
26. shR^itvaa= hearing; braatarau= brothers; vinashhTau= to be dead; bharataH api= Bharata also; marishhyati= will die; dR^ishhTvaa= seeing; mR^itam= the dead; bharatam= Bharata; shatrughnashcha= Shatrughana also; na bhavishhyati= will not exist.
“Hearing brothers to be dead, Bharata also will die. Seeing the dead Bharata, Shatrughana also will not exist.”
putraan mR^itaan samiikSya atha na bhaviSyanti maataraH || 5-13-27
kausalyaa ca sumitraa ca kaikeyii ca na samshayaH |
27. atha= thereafter; sa miikshya= seeing; putraan= sons; mR^itaan= to be dead; maataraH= the mothers; kausalyaa cha= Kausalya sumitraa; cha= and Sumitra; kaikeyii cha= and Kaikeyi; na bhavishhyanti= will not exist; samsayaH na= there is no doubt.
“Thereafter seeing sons to be dead the mothers Kausalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi will not exist - there is no doubt.”
kR^itaj~naH satya samdhaH ca sugriivaH plavaga adhipaH || 5-13-28
raamam tathaa gatam dR^iSTvaa tataH tyakSyanti jiivitam |
28. kR^itajJNaH= grateful; satyasandhashcha= true to pledge; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; plavagaadhi paH= the leader of Vanaras; dR^ishhTvaa= seeing; raamam= Rama; tathaa gatam= die in that way; jiivitam tyakshyati= will give up life; tataH= thereafter.
“Grateful, true to pledge Sugreeva, the leader of Vanaras, seeing Rama the leader of Vanaras seeing Rama die in that way will give up life thereafter.”
durmanaa vyathitaa diinaa niraanandaa tapasvinii || 5-13-29
piiDitaa bhartR^i shokena rumaa tyakSyati jiivitam |
29. piiDitaa= being tortured; bhartrushokena= by the sorrow of husband; vyathitaa= made sad; durmanaaH= by a gloomy heart; diinaa= disconsolate; niraanandaa= without happiness; tapasvinii= to be pitied; rumaa= Ruma; tyakshati= will give up; jiivitam= life.
“Being tortured by the sorrow of husband, made sad by a gloomy heart, disconsolate without happiness, to be pitied, Ruma will give up life.”
vaalijena tu duhkhena piiDitaa shoka karshitaa || 5-13-30
pancatva gamane raaj~naH taaraa api na bhaviSyati |
30. piiDitaa= being distressed; vaalijenadukhena= from the sorrow of Vali; shokakarshitaa= being emaciated from grief; taaraapi= Tara also; na bhavishhyati= will not exist; raajJNi= (while) the king Sugreeva; paJNchatvam gate= is obtaining death.
“Being distressed from the sorrow of Vali, being emaciated from grief, Tara also will not exist while the king Sugreeva is obtaining death.”
maataa pitror vinaashena sugriiva vyasanena ca || 5-13-31
kumaaro api angadaH kasmaad dhaarayiSyati jiivitam |
31. kumaaraH= the young; angada api= Angada also; vinaashenaa= from the death; maataa pitro= of mother and father; vyasanena= from the grief; suriivasya= of Sugreeva; kasmaat= why will (he); dhaarayishhyati jiivitam= retain life.
“The young Angada also from the death of mother and father, from the grief of Sugreeva - why will he retain life?”
bhartR^ijena tu shokena abhibhuutaa vana okasaH || 5-13-32
shiraamsi abhihaniSyanti talair muSTibhir eva ca |
32. vanaukasaH= Vanaras; hyabhibhuutaaH= being rejected; bhatrujena duHkhena= by the sorrow due to their lord; abhihanishhyanti= will strike; shiraamsi= their heads; talaiH= with palms; mushhTibhirevacha= and fists.
“Vanaras being rejected by the sorrow due to their lord will strike their heads with palms and fists.”
saantvena anupradaanena maanena ca yashasvinaa || 5-13-33
laalitaaH kapi raajena praaNaamH tyakSyanti vaanaraaH |
33. vaanaaraaH= Vanaras; laalitaaH= loved; yashasvinaa kapiraajeH= by the famous Sugreeva; saantvenaa= through good words; anupradaanena= through small gifts; maanena= through respect; chakshyanti= will give up praNaan= lives.
“Vanaras loved by the famous king Sugreeva through good words, through small gifts, through respect will give up lives.”
na vaneSu na shaileSu na nirodheSu vaa punaH || 5-13-34
kriiDaam anubhaviSyanti sametya kapi kunjaraaH |
34. kapikuJNjaraaH= best among Vanaras; na anubhavishhyanti= will not enjoy; sametya= together; kriiDaam= sport; vaneshhu= in forest; na shaileshhu= not on mountains; nirodheshhu vaa punaH= not again in covered places.
“Best among Vanaras will not enjoy together sport in forest, not on mountains, not again in covered places.”
saputra daaraaH saamaatyaa bhartR^i vyasana piiDitaaH || 5-13-35
shaila agrebhyaH patiSyanti sametya viSameSu ca |
35. sa putra dhaaraaH= together with wife and children; saamaatyaaH= and together with ministers; bhartuvyasana piiDitaaH= being tortured by grief of their lord; patishhyanti= they will fall down; shailaagrebhyaH= from top of mountains; sameshhu= on to flat lands; vishhameshhu cha= and on to rugged lands.
“Together with wife and children and together with ministers being tortured by grief of their lord, they will fall down from top of mountains on to flat lands and on to rugged lands.”
viSam udbandhanam vaa api pravesham jvalanasya vaa || 5-13-36
upavaasam atho shastram pracariSyanti vaanaraaH |
36. vaanaraaH= Vanaras; pracharishhyanti= will perform(death); vishham= (taking) poison; utbandhanam vaapi= or get hanged; jvalanasya pravesham vaa= or entering fire; upavaasam= or fasting; atho= or; shastram= a weapon.
“Vanaras will perform death by taking poison or getting hanged or entering fire or fasting or a weapon.”
ghoram aarodanam manye gate mayi bhaviSyati || 5-13-37
ikSvaaku kula naashaH ca naashaH caiva vana okasaam |
37 mayi gate= while I am going; manye= I think; ikshvaaku kula naashashcha= (about) the destruction of Ikshvaaku dynasty; naashashcaiva= and destruction; vanaukasaam= of Vanaras; bhavishhyati= and there will be; ghoram aarodhanam= a terrible wail.
“While I am going I think about the destruction of Ikshvaaku dynasty and destruction of Vanaras and there will be a terrible wail.”
so aham na eva gamiSyaami kiSkindhaam nagariim itaH || 5-13-38
na hi shakSyaami aham draSTum sugriivam maithiliim vinaa |
38. aham= I; naiva gamishhyaami= will not go; itaH= from here; kishkindhaam nagariim= to the kishkindha city; aham= I; na cha shakshyaamyaham= (am)not capable; drashhTum= to see; sugriivam= Sugreeva; maithiliim vinaa= without Seetha.
“I will not go from here to the Kishkindha city. I am not capable to see Sugreeva without Seetha.”
mayi agacchati ca ihasthe dharma aatmaanau mahaa rathau || 5-13-39
aashayaa tau dhariSyete vanaraaH ca manasvinaH |
39. mayii= I; agachchhati= while not going; ihasthe= being here; dharmaatmaanau= those virtuous ones; mahaa rathau= those great warriors; tau= those two Rama and Lakshmana; dharishhyate= will live; aashayaa= by hope; vaanaraashcha= Vanaras also; manasvinaH= who are agile.
“I while not going, being here those virtuous ones, those great warriors those two Rama and Lakshmana will live by hope. Vanaras also who are agile will live.”
hasta aadaano mukha aadaano niyato vR^ikSa muulikaH || 5-13-40
vaanaprastho bhaviSyaami adR^iSTvaa janaka aatmajaam |
saagara anuupaje deshe bahu muula phala udake || 5-13-41
40, 41. adR^ishhtvaa= without seeing; janakaatmajaa= Seetha; hastaa danaH= (subsisting on) whatever falls on hand; mukhaadaanaH= whatever comes to mouth; niyataH= being self restrained; bhavishhyaami= will become; vaana prastaH= a hermit; vR^ikshamuulikaH= living on trees and herbs; saagaraanupaje dese= at a region near ocean; bahumuulaphalodake= which has many roots, fruits and much water.
“Without seeing Seetha subsisting on whatever falls on hand, whatever comes to mouth, being self restrained I will become a hermit living on trees and herbs at a region near ocean which has many roots, fruits and much water.”
citaam kR^itvaa pravekSyaami samiddham araNii sutam |
upaviSTasya vaa samyag linginam saadhayiSyataH || 5-13-42
shariiram bhakSayiSyanti vaayasaaH shvaapadaani ca |
42. pravekshyaami= or I will enter; araNiisutam= fire; samidham= which is glowing; chitaam kR^itvaa= after making a funeral pile; vaa= or; upavishhTasya= while sitting; saadhayishhyataH= performing; liN^gnam= fasting onto death; sariram bhakshayishhyanti= my body will be eaten; vaayasaaH= by crows; shvapadaani cha= and by beasts of prey.
“Or I will enter fire which is glowing after making a funeral pile or while sitting performing fasting onto death my body will be eaten by crows and by beasts of prey.”
idam api R^iSibhir dR^iSTam niryaaNam iti me matiH || 5-13-43
samyag aapaH pravekSyaami na cet pashyaami jaanakiim |
43. idam= this; niryaaNam= way to giving up body; dR^ishhTam= has been seen; maharshhibhi= by sages; iti= this; me matiH= is my; opinion; jaanakiim na chetpashyaami= if I do not see Seetha; pravekshyaami= I will enter; samyak aapaH= lot of water.
“This way to giving up body has been seen by sages. This is my opinion if I do not see Seetha, I will enter lot of water.”
sujaata muulaa subhagaa kiirti maalaa yashasvinii || 5-13-44
prabhagnaa cira raatrii iyam mama siitaam apashyataH |
44. siitaam apashyataH= not seeing Seetha; mama kiirtimaalaa= my garland of glory; chiraraatraaya= of long time; sujaatamuula= with a strong foundation; subhagaa= beautiful one; yashasvinii= together with fame; prabhagnaa= has been destroyed.
“Not seeing Seetha, my garland of glory of long time with a strong foundation, beautiful one together with fame has been destroyed.”
taapaso vaa bhaviSyaami niyato vR^ikSa muulikaH || 5-13-45
na itaH pratigamiSyaami taam adR^iSTvaa asita iikSaNaam |
45. bhavishhyaami= I will become; taapasovaa= as a hermit; niyataH= who is self restrained; vR^ikshamuulikaH= resorting to trees and herbs; na pratigamishhyaami= I will not go; itaH= from here; adR^ishhTvaa= not seeing; taam= Seetha; asitekshanaam= with black eyes.
“I will become a hermit who is self restrained resorting to trees and herbs, I will not go from here not seeing Seetha with black eyes.”
yadi itaH pratigacchaami siitaam anadhigamya taam || 5-13-46
angadaH sahitaiH sarvair vaanarair na bhaviSyati |
46. yadi pratigachchhaami= if I go back; itaH= from here; anadhigamyaa= without knowing; taam siitaam= that Seetha; na bhavishhyati= there will not be; angadhaH= Angada; sarvaiH tai vaanaraiH saH= together with all those Vanaras.
“If I go back from here without knowing that Seetha, there will not be Angada together with all those Vanaras.”
vinaashe bahavo doSaa jiivan praapnoti bhadrakam || 5-13-47
tasmaat praaNaan dhariSyaami dhruvo jiivati samgamaH |
47. bahavaH doshhaaH= there are lot of blemishes; vinaashe= in dieing; jiivan= one who is alive; pashyati= sees; bhadraaNi= auspicious things; tasmaat= for that reason; dharishhyaami= I will keep; praaNaan= my life; druvaH= it is definite; jiivitasamgaaH= for the meeting of people who are alive.
“There are lots of blemishes in dying; one who is alive sees auspicious things. For that reason I will keep my life. It is definite for the meeting of people who are alive.”
evam bahu vidham duhkham manasaa dhaarayan muhuH || 5-13-48
na adhyagacchat tadaa paaram shokasya kapi kunjaraH |
48. kapikuJNjaraH= Hanuma; dhaarayan= carrying; manasaa= in mind; bahuvidham duHkham= sorrow of various kinds; muhuH= again and again; naadhyagachchhat= did not get; tadaa= then; shokhasya paaram= the crossing of sorrow.
Hanuma carrying in mind sorrow of various kinds again and again did not get then the crossing of sorrow.
raavaNam vaa vadhiSyaami dashagriivam mahaa balam || 5-13-49
kaamam astu hR^itaa siitaa pratyaaciirNam bhaviSyati |
49. vaa= otherwise; vadhishhyaami= I will kill; raavaNam= Ravana; dashagriivam= with ten heads; mahaabalam= with great prowess; hR^itaa= the stolen; siitaa= Seetha; kaamam astu= whatever happened to her; pratyaachiirNam bhavishhyati= this will be a revenge to that.
“Otherwise I will kill Ravana with ten heads, with great prowess. Whatever happened to the stolen Seetha, this will be revenge to that.”
athavaa enam samutkSipya upari upari saagaram || 5-13-50
raamaaya upahariSyaami pashum pashu pater iva |
50. athavaa= otherwise; samutkshipyaa= carrying; evam= this Ravana; saagaram uparyupari= over the surface of ocean; upaharishhyaami= I will take him; raamaaya= to Rama; pashum iva= like an animal; pashupate= to the lord of animals.
“Otherwise carrying this Ravana over the surface of ocean I will take him to Rama like an animal to the lord of animals.”
iti cintaa samaapannaH siitaam anadhigamya taam || 5-13-51
dhyaana shokaa pariita aatmaa cintayaam aasa vaanaraH |
51. vaanaraH= Hanuma; anadhigamya= not seeing; taam siitaam= that Seetha; iti= thus; samaapannaH= begetting; chintaam= sorrow; chintayaamaasa= thought; dhyaanashokapariitaatma= with a mind cluttered with thoughts and sorrow.
Hanuma not seeing that Seetha thus begetting sorrow, thought with a mind cluttered with thoughts and sorrow.
yaavat siitaam na pashyaami raama patniim yashasviniim || 5-13-52
taavad etaam puriim lankaam vicinomi punaH punaH |
52. yaavat= to wherever; pashyaami= I see; siitaam= Seetha; raamapatniim= the wife of Sri Rama; yashasviniim= and one with fame; tavat= till there; vichinomi= I will search; etaam laN^kaam puriim= the city of Lanka; punaH punaH= again and again.
“To wherever I see Seetha, the wife of Sri Rama and one with fame, till there I will search the city of Lanka again and again.”
sampaati vacanaac ca api raamam yadi aanayaami aham || 5-13-53
apashyan raaghavo bhaaryaam nirdahet sarva vaanaraan |
53. sampaati vachanaat= based on words of Sampati; aham aanayaami yadi= if I bring; raamam= Sri Rama(then); raghavaH= Sri Rama; apasyan= not seeing; bhaaryaam= wife; nirdahet= will burn; sarva vaanaraan= all Vanaras.
“Based on words of Sampati if I bring Sri Rama then Sri Rama not seeing wife will burn all Vanaras.”
iha eva niyata aahaaro vatsyaami niyata indriyaH || 5-13-54
na mat kR^ite vinashyeyuH sarve te nara vaanaraaH |
54. niyataahaaraH= with limited food; yatendriyaH= and with restrained senses; vatsyaami= and I live; ihaiva= here itself; matkR^ite= by my deed; te naravaanaraaH= those men and vanaras; na vinasheyuH= let they not be destroyed.
“With limited food and with restrained senses, I live here itself. By my deed those men and vanaras - let they not be destroyed.”
ashoka vanikaa ca api mahatii iyam mahaa drumaa || 5-13-55
imaam abhigamiSyaami na hi iyam vicitaa mayaa |
55. yaa= whatever; iyam= this; ashokavanikaa= Ashoka garden; mahaadR^imaa= with great trees; dR^ishyate= is being seen; imam= this; adhigamishhyaami= I will obtain; iyam= this; na vichitaaH= has not been searched; mayaa= by me.
“Whatever this Ashoka garden with great trees is being seen this I will obtain. This has not been searched by me.”
vasuun rudraamH tathaa aadityaan ashvinau maruto api ca || 5-13-56
namaH kR^itvaa gamiSyaami rakSasaam shoka vardhanaH |
56. namaskR^itvaa= saluting; vasuun= the eight Vasus; rudraan= Rudras; tathaa= and; aadityaan= Adityas; aswinau= the two Aswinis; maruto api cha= seven maruts; gamishhyaami= I will go; shokavardhanaH= to increase the grief; rakshasaam= of Rakshasas.
“Saluting the eight Vasus, Rudras and Adityas, the two Aswinis, seven Maruts, I will go to increase the grief of Rakshasas.”
jitvaa tu raakSasaan deviim ikSvaaku kula nandiniim || 5-13-57
sampradaasyaami raamaayaa yathaa siddhim tapasvine |
57. jitvaatu= defeating; sarvaan rakshasaan= all Rakshasas; sampradaasyaami= I will give; ikshvaaku kulanandinii= Seetha who gives happiness to Ikshvaaku dynasty; raamaya= to Sri Rama; sidhhim yathaa= as the fruit of austerity; tapasvine= to an ascetic.
“Defeating all rakshasas, I will give Seetha, who gives happiness to Ikshvaaku dynasty to Sri Rama as the fruit of austerity to an ascetic.”
sa muhuurtam iva dhyaatvaa cintaa vigrathita indriyaH || 5-13-58
udatiSThan mahaa baahur hanuumaan maaruta aatmajaH |
58. mahaa tejaaH= the great gloried; maarutaatmajaH= son of Vayu; saH hanuman= that Hanuma; vudatishhTat= got up; chintaaH grathitedriyaH= with his senses tied by grief; dhyaatvaa= meditating; muhurtam iva= for a moment.
The gloried son of Vayu that Hanuma got up with his senses tied by grief.
namo astu raamaaya salakSmaNaaya |
devyai ca tasyai janaka aatmajaayai |
namo astu rudra indra yama anilebhyo |
namo astu candra arka marud gaNebhyaH || 5-13-59
59. namaH astu= salutation; raamaaya= to Rama; sa lakShmaNaaya= together with Lakshmana; (Salutation); tasyaiH janakaatmajaayaicha= to that Seetha; devyai= the divine lady; namaH astu= salutations; rudrendra yamaanilebhyaH= to Rudra the god of destruction, Indra the lord of celestials, Yama the lord of Death and the wind-god; namaH astu= salutations; chandraarkamarudgaNebhyaH= to Chandra the moon-god; Arka the sun-god and all the hosts of Maruts, the storm-gods.
"Salutation to Rama, together with Lakshmana Salutation to that Seetha, the divine lady. Salutations to Rudra the god of destruction, Indra the lord of celestials, Yama the lord of Death and the wind-god. Salutations to Chandra the moon-god, Arka the sun-god and all the hosts of Maruts, the strom gods."
sa tebhyaH tu namaH kR^itvaa sugriivaaya ca maarutiH |
dishaH sarvaaH samaalokya ashoka vanikaam prati || 5-13-60
60. saH marutiH= that Hanuma; namaskR^itvaa= saluting; tebhyaH= to all those; sugriivaaya cha= and also to Sugreeva; samaalokya= observing; sarvaaH dishaH= all directions; gataH= went; ashokavanikaam= towards Ashoka garden.
That Hanuma saluting to all those and also to Sugreeva, observing all directions went towards Ashoka garden.
sa gatvaa manasaa puurvam ashoka vanikaam shubhaam |
uttaram cintayaam aasa vaanaro maaruta aatmajaH || 5-13-61
61. maarutaatmajaH= the son of Vayu; saH vaanara= that Vanara; gatvaa= went; manasaa= by mind; puurvam= before itself; ashoka vanikaam= toward that Ashoka garden; shubham= the auspicious one; chintayaamaasa= pondered; uttaram= the task to be done later.
The son of Vayu, that Vanara went by mind before itself toward that Ashoka garden. The auspicious one pondered the task to be done later.
dhruvam tu rakSo bahulaa bhaviSyati vana aakulaa |
ashoka vanikaa cintyaa sarva samskaara samskR^itaa || 5-13-62
62. ashokavanikaa= the Ashoka garden; dR^ivam= definitely; bhavishhyati= will be; rakshobahulaa= with many rakshasas; vanaakulaa= filled with trees; sarvasamsaara samskR^itaa= adorned with various cultures; puNyaa= and sacred.
“The Ashoka garden definitely will be with many rakshasas, filled with trees, adorned with various cultures and sacred.”
rakSiNaH ca atra vihitaa nuunam rakSanti paadapaan |
bhagavaan api sarva aatmaa na atikSobham pravaayati || 5-13-63
samkSipto ayam mayaa aatmaa ca raama arthe raavaNasya ca |
63. tatra= there; muulam= definitely; rakshinashcha= guards; rakshyanti= will be protecting; vihitaaha= assigned; paadapaan= trees; sarvaatma= omni present; bhagavaan api= lord Vayu also; pravaati vai= will be blowing by; naatikshobham= without force; mayaa= by me; iyam atmaa= this body; samkshiptaH= has been made small; raamaadhe= for the sake of Sri Rama; ravaNasya cha= and (to avoid) Ravana.
“There definitely guards will be protecting assigned, trees, omnipresent Lord Vayu also will be blowing by without force, and by me this body has been made small for the sake of Sri Rama and to avoid Ravana.”
siddhim me samvidhaasyanti devaaH sarSi gaNaaH tv iha || 5-13-64
brahmaa svayambhuur bhagavaan devaaH caiva dishantu me |
siddhim agniH ca vaayuH ca puru huutaH ca vajradhR^it || 5-13-65
varuNaH paasha hastaH ca soma aadityai tathaiva ca |
ashvinau ca mahaatmaanau marutaH sarva eva ca || 5-13-66
siddhim sarvaaNi bhuutaani bhuutaanaam caiva yaH prabhuH |
daasyanti mama ye ca anye adR^iSTaaH pathi gocaraaH || 5-13-67
64-67. devaaH= Devas; sarshhigaNaaH= together with ascetics; samvidhaasyanti= will make; siddhim= success; me= to me; iha= here; svayambhuuH= self born; brahmaa= Brahma; bhagvaan= the divine one; devaashchaivaa= and devas; agnishcha= and Agni; vaayushcha= and Vaayu; puruhuutashcha= devendra; vajrabhR^it= wearing the weapon of Vajra; varuNashcha= and Varuna ; paashahastaH= with Pasha in hand; tathaiva cha= and also; somaadityau= the Sun and the moon; aswinau cha= and the aswinis; mahaatmaanau= the great ones; marutaH= maruts; sharvaH eva cha= and Eshwara; dishantu= may give; me siddhim= my success; yaH= whoever; prabhuuH= is the lord; bhuutaanaam= of all living creatures; sarvaaNi bhuutaani= among all living beings; anye= others; ye= who; adR^ishhTaaH= being unseen; ghocharaaH= exist; pathi= in the path; daasyanti= may give; sidhhim= success; mama= to me.
“Devas together with ascetics will make success to me here, self born Brahma the divine one and devas and Agni and Vaayu, Devendra wearing the weapon of Vajra and Varuna with Pasha in hand and also the Sun and the moon and the aswinis. The great ones Maruts and Eshwara may give my success. Whoever is the lord of all living creatures among all living beings others who being unseen exist in the path may give success to me.”
tad unnasam paaNDura dantam avraNam |
shuci smitam padma palaasha locanam |
drakSye tad aaryaa vadanam kadaa nv aham |
prasanna taaraa adhipa tulya darshanam || 5-13-68
68. kadaa= when; aham drakshye nu= will I see; tat aarya vadanam= that noble face; unnasam= with a high nose; paaNDuram dantam= with white teeth; avraNam= without any injuries; shuchismitam= with a bright smile; padmaphalaasha lochanam= with eyes resembling lotus petals; prasanna taaradhipa tulya darshanam= with sight equaling the splendor of clear full moon.
“When will I see that noble face with a high nose, with white teeth without any injuries with a bright smile, with eyes resembling lotus petals with sight equaling the splendor of clear full moon?”
kSudreNa paapena nR^ishamsa karmaNaa |
sudaaruNa alaamkR^ita veSa dhaariNaa|
bala abhibhuutaa abalaa tapasvinii |
katham nu me dR^iSTa pathe adya saa bhavet || 5-13-69
69. kadam= how; saa abalaa= that powerless Seetha; tapasvinii= helpless one; balaabhibhuutaa= forcefully taken away; kshudreNa= (by the) mean ; paapena= vile (Ravana); nR^ishamsa karmaNa= with a cruel action; sudaaruNa alankR^ita veshha dhaariNaa= with a horribly decorated form; bhavet nu= will fall; me dR^ishhTipathe= in the range of my sight; adya= today.
“How that powerless Seetha, a helpless one, forcefully taken away by the mean vile Ravana with a cruel action, with a horribly decorated form will fall in the range of my sight today.”

ityaarshhe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe trayodashaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 13th chapter in Sundara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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