Chapter [Sarga] 16  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 16


Hanuma is grief stricken seeing the plight of Seetha, in that garden being surrounded by ogresses. He becomes firm in mind that She is indeed Seetha, based on Her auspicious bodily marks.

prashasya tu prashastavyaam siitaam taam hari pumgavaH |
guNa abhiraamam raamam ca punaH cintaa paro abhavat || 5-16-1
1. hari pumgavaH= the best among vanaras; prashasya= praising; taam siitaam= that Seetha; prashastavyaam= who is fit to be praised; raamam ca= and also (praising) Rama; guNa abhiraamam= pleasing with His virtues; cintaa paraH abhavat= became immersed in thought; punaH= again.
The best among vanaras praising that Seetha who is fit to be praised, and also praising Sri Rama pleasing with His virtues, became immersed in thought again.
sa muhuurtam iva dhyaatvaa baaSpa paryaakulekSaNaH |
siitaam aashritya tejasvii hanumaan vilalaapa ha || 5-16-2
2. saH hanumaan= That Hanuma; tejasvii= the radiant one; muhuurtam iva dhyaatvaa= thinking for a moment; vilalaapa ha= cried; siitaam aashritya= about Seetha; baaSpa paryaakulekSaNaH= (and) became with eyes tormented with tears.
That Hanuma the radiant one thinking for a moment, cried about Seetha and became with eyes tormented with tears.
maanyaa guru viniitasya lakSmaNasya guru priyaa |
yadi siitaa api duhkha aartaa kaalo hi duratikramaH || 5-16-3
3. maanyaa= respectable; lakSmaNasya= to Lakshmana; guru viniitasya= instructed by teachers; siita api= Seetha also; guru priyaa= dear to teachers; duhkha aartaa yadi= if She is stricken with grief; kaalaH= destiny; duratikramaH hi= is indeed difficult to withstand.
“Respectable to Lakshmana, instructed by teachers, Seetha is also dear to teachers; if She is stricken with grief, destiny is indeed difficult to withstand.”
raamasya vyavasaayaj~naa lakSmaNasya ca dhiimataH |
na atyartham kSubhyate devii gangaa iva jalada aagame || 5-16-4
4. vyavasaayaj~naa= (knowing) effort; raamasya= of Rama; dhiimataH lakSmaNasya ca= and of sagacious Lakshmana; devii= Seetha; na kSubhyate= is not worried; atyartham= a lot; gangaa iva= like Ganga; jalada aagame= in the rainy season.
“Knowing the effort of Sri Rama and of sagacious Lakshmana, Seetha is not worried a lot, like Ganga in the rainy season.”
tulya shiila vayo vR^ittaam tulya abhijana lakSaNaam |
raaghavo arhati vaidehiim tam ca iyam asita iikSaNaa || 5-16-5
5. raaghavaH= Rama; arhati= is suited; vaidehiim= to Seetha; tulya shiila vayo vR^ittaam= with Her well matched character age and conduct; tulya abhijana lakSaNaam= with well matched pedigree and characteristics; iyam= this; asitekSaNaa= black-eyed Seetha; tam arhati= is also suited to Him.
“Sri Rama is suited to Seetha with Her well matched character, age and conduct; with well matched pedigree and characteristics this black-eyed Seetha is also suited to Him.”
taam dR^iSTvaa nava hema aabhaam loka kaantaam iva shriyam |
jagaama manasaa raamam vacanam ca idam abraviit || 5-16-6
6. taam dR^iSTvaa= seeing that Seetha; nava hema aabhaam= with the radiance of new gold; shriyam iva= like the goddess Laksmi; loka kaantaam= delightful to the world; jagaama= (Hanuma) went; manasaa= by heart; raamam= to Sri Rama; abraviit= spoke; idam vachanam ca= these words also.
Seeing that Seetha with the radiance of new gold, like the goddess Laksmi, delightful to the world, Hanuma went by heart to Sri Rama spoke these words also.
asyaa hetor vishaala akSyaa hato vaalii mahaa balaH |
raavaNa pratimo viirye kabandhaH ca nipaatitaH || 5-16-7
7. asyaaH hetoH= for the sake of this Seetha; vishaala akSyaaH= the wide eyed one; mahaabalaH vaalii= Vali of great strength; hataH= has been killed; kabandhaH ca= Kabanda also; raavaNa pratimaH= equalling to Ravana; viirye= in strength; nipaatitaH= has been felled.
“For the sake of this Seetha, the wide eyed one, Vali of great strength has been killed, Kabanda also equalling Ravana in strength has been felled.”
viraadhaH ca hataH samkhye raakSaso bhiima vikramaH |
vane raameNa vikramya mahaa indreNa iva shambaraH || 5-16-8
8. vane= in the forest; samkhye= during war; viraadhaH= Virada; bhiima vikramaH= of horrible prowess; hataH= has been killed; raameNa= by Rama; vikramya= by valour; shambaraH iva= like Sambara; mahaa indreNa= by Mahendra.
“In the forest during war Virada of horrible prowess has been killed by Rama by valour, like Sambara by Mahendra.”
catur dasha sahasraaNi rakSasaam bhiima karmaNaam |
nihataani jana sthaane sharair agni shikha upamaiH || 5-16-9
9. jana sthaane= at Janastaana; catur dasha sahasraaNi= fourteen thousands; rakshasaan= of raksasas; bhiima karmaNaam= of terrible deed; nihataani= have been killed; agni shikha sharaiH= by arrows equalling tongues of fires.
“At Janastaana fourteen thousands of rakshasas of terrible deed have been killed by arrows equalling tongues of fires.”
karaH ca nihataH samkhye trishiraaH ca nipaatitaH |
duuSaNaH ca mahaa tejaa raameNa vidita aatmanaa || 5-16-10
10. raameNa= by Rama; vidita aatmanaa= with a famed mind; Kharashca nihataH= Khara has been killed; trishiraaH ca nipaatitaH= Trisira also has been fell down; mahaatejaaH duuSaNaH ca= Duushana with great glory also (has been killed); samkhye= in war.
“By Rama with a famed mind, Khara has been killed, Trisira also has been fell down, Duushana with great glory also has been killed in war.”
aishvaryam vaanaraaNaam ca durlabham vaali paalitam |
asyaa nimitte sugriivaH praaptavaan loka satkR^itam || 5-16-11
11. asyaaH= for Her; nimitte= sake; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; praaptavaan= obtained; aishvaryam= wealth; vaanaraaNaam= of Vanaras; vaali paalitam= ruled by Vali; durlabham= difficult to be obtained; loka satkR^itam= and worshiped by the world.
“For Her sake Sugreeva obtained wealth of vanaras ruled by Vali difficult to be obtained and worshiped by the world.”
saagaraH ca mayaa kraantaH shriimaan nada nadii patiH |
asyaa hetor vishaala akSyaaH purii ca iyam niriikSitaa || 5-16-12
12. asyaaH heto= for Her sake; vishaala akSyaaH= with wide eyes; saagaraH ca= the ocean; nada nadii patiH= lord of rivers and streams; kraantaH= has been crossed; mayaa= by me; iyam= this; purii ca= city also; niriikSitaa= has been explored.
“For the sake of Her, with wide eyes, the ocean, lord of rivers and streams, has been crossed by me; this city also has been explored.”
yadi raamaH samudraantaam mediniim parivartayet |
asyaaH kR^ite jagat ca api yuktam iti eva me matiH || 5-16-13
13. yadi= if; raamaH= Rama; asyaaH kR^ite= for Her sake; parivartayet= turns upside down; mediniim= earth; samudraantaam= with the ocean at the end; jagat ca api= and the entire universe; yuktam iti= it is fair; eva me matiH= this is my opinion.
“If Sri Rama for Her sake turns upside down the earth with the ocean at the end, and the entire universe it is fair, this is my opinion.”
raajyam vaa triSu lokeSu siitaa vaa janaka aatmajaa |
trailokya raajyam sakalam siitaayaa na aapnuyaat kalaam || 5-16-14
14. triSu lokeSu= among three worlds; raajyam vaa= kingdom or; siitaa vaa= Seetha; janakaatmaja= the daughter of Janaka; sakalam trailokya raajyam= all the kingdom of three worlds; na aapnuyaat= will not approach; siitaayaaH kalaam= a sixteenth part of Seetha.
“Among three worlds, if it is a choice between kingdom or Seetha, the daughter of Janaka, all the kingdom of three worlds will not approach a sixteenth part of Seetha.”
iyam saa dharma shiilasya janakasya mahaatmanaH |
sutaa maithilaraajasya siitaa bhartR^idR^iDha vrataa || 5-16-15
15. iyam= This She; saa siitaa= is that Seetha; sutaa= the daughter; janakasya maithilaraajasya= of king Janaka of Mithila; mahaatmanaH= the great soul; dharma shiilasya= and noble one; bhartR^idR^iDavrata= with a firm resolution towards husband.
“This She is that Seetha, the daughter of king Janaka of Mithila, the great soul, and noble one with a firm resolution towards husband.”
utthitaa mediniim bhittvaa kSetre hala mukha kSate |
padma reNu nibhaiH kiirNaa shubhaiH kedaara paamsubhiH || 5-16-16
16. kSetre hala mukha kSate= while a field was being ploughed; utthitaa= (She) rose up; mediniim bhittvaa= splitting the earth; kiirNaa= covered; shubhaiH kedaara paamsubhiH= by auspicious dust of field; padma reNu nibhaiH= equalling pollen.
“While a field was being ploughed She rose up splitting the earth covered by auspicious dust of field equalling pollen.”
vikraantasya aarya shiilasya samyugeSu anivartinaH |
snuSaa dasharathasya eSaa jyeSThaa raaj~no yashasvinii || 5-16-17
17. eSaa= She is; yashasvinii= the famed; jyeSThaa snuSaa= eldest daughter-in-law; raaj~naH dasharathasya= of king Dasaratha; vikraantasya= valorous one; anivartinaH= not turning back; samyugeSu= in the battle.
“She is the famed eldest daughter-in-law of king Dasaratha the valorous one, not turning back in the battle.”
dharmaj~nasya kR^itaj~nasya raamasya vidita aatmanaH |
iyam saa dayitaa bhaaryaa raakSasii vasham aagataa || 5-16-18
18. iyam= this She; dayitaa bhaaryaa= dear wife; raamasya= of Rama; dharmaj~nasya= the righteous one; kR^itaj~nasya= grateful one; vidita aatmanaH= knower of Self; aagataa= has obtained; raakSasii vasam= capture of demonesses.
“This She the dear wife of Rama the righteous one, grateful one, knower of Self has obtained capture of demonesses.”
sarvaan bhogaan parityajya bhartR^i sneha balaat kR^itaa |
acintayitvaa duhkhaani praviSTaa nirjanam vanam || 5-16-19
samtuSTaa phala muulena bhartR^i shushruuSaNaa paraa |
yaa paraam bhajate priitim vane api bhavane yathaa || 5-16-20
saa iyam kanaka varNa angii nityam susmita bhaaSiNii |
sahate yaatanaam etaam anarthaanaam abhaaginii || 5-16-21
19-21. yaa= whoever Seetha; parityajya= abandoning; sarvaan bhogaan= all comforts; bhartR^i sneha balaakR^itaa= forced by the love towards husband; acintayitvaa= not thinking; duhkhaani= (about) sorrows; praviSTaa= entering; nirjanam vanam= forest unpopulated with humans; samtuSTaa= being happy; phala muulena= with fruits and roots; bhartR^i shushruuSaNaa paraa=devoted to the service of Her husband; vane api= even in forest; bhajate= is getting; paraam priitim= great happiness; bhavane yathaa= like in a palace; kanaka varNa angii= the one with golden limbs; nityam susmita bhaaSiNii= always with a smiling talk; anarthaanaam abhaaginii= not suited to misfortunes; saa iyam= that this Seetha; sahate= is bearing; etaam yaatanaam= all this suffering.
“Whoever Seetha abandoning all comforts, forced by the love towards husband not thinking about sorrows, entering forest unpopulated with humans, being happy with fruits and roots, devoted to the service of Her husband, even in forest is getting great happiness like in a palace, the one with golden limbs, always with a smiling talk, not suited to misfortunes - that this Seetha is bearing all this suffering.”
imaam tu shiila sampannaam draSTum icchati raaghavaH |
raavaNena pramathitaam prapaam iva pipaasitaH || 5-16-22
22. raaghavaH= Rama; draSTum icchati= likes to see; imaam= this Seetha; siilasampannaam= who is endowed with excellent character; raavaNena pramathitaam= and tormented by Ravana; pipaasitaH prapaam iva= like a thirsty one for a place where water is available freely.
“Sri Rama likes to see this Seetha who is endowed with excellent character and tormented by Ravana, like a thirsty one for a place where water is available freely.”
asyaa nuunam punar laabhaad raaghavaH priitim eSyati |
raajaa raajya paribhraSTaH punaH praapya iva mediniim || 5-16-23
23. asyaaH laabhaad= by Her gain; punaH= again; raaghavaH= Rama; nuunam= definitely; eSyati= will get; priitim= happiness; raajaa iva= like a king; raajya paribhraSTaH=who lost kingdom; praapyaH punaH= getting back; mediniim= the land.
“By Her gain again Sri Rama definitely will get happiness like a king who lost kingdom getting back the land.”
kaama bhogaiH parityaktaa hiinaa bandhu janena ca |
dhaarayati aatmano deham tat samaagama kaankSiNii || 5-16-24
24. parityaktaa= left; kaama bhogaiH= by coveted enjoyments; hiinaa= lacking; bandhu janena ca= relatives also; dhaarayati= (Seetha) is keeping; deham= body; tat samaagama kaankSiNii= desirous of meeting with Rama.
“Left by coveted enjoyments, lacking relatives also Seetha is keeping body desirous of meeting with Sri Rama.”
na eSaa pashyati raakSasyo na imaan puSpa phala drumaan |
ekastha hR^idayaa nuunam raamam eva anupashyati || 5-16-25
25. eSaa= She; na pashyati= is not seeing; raakSasyaH= demonesses; na= not; puSpa phala drumaan= flowers, fruits or trees; ekastha hR^idayaa= with a single heart; raamam eva anupashyati= is meditating only on Sri Rama; nuunam= this is sure.
“She is not seeing demonesses, not flowers, fruits or trees and with a single heart is meditating only on Sri Rama - this is sure.”
bhartaa naama param naaryaa bhuuSaNam bhuuSaNaad api |
eSaa hi rahitaa tena shobhana arhaa na shobhate || 5-16-26
26. bhartaa naama= husband is; hi= indeed; param bhuuSaNam= the greatest adornment; naaryaaH= for a woman; bhuuSaNaad api= greater than jewellery; eSaa= this Seetha; shobhana arhaa= though deserving of decoration; na shobhate= is not looking charming; tena rahitaa= without Sri Rama.
“Husband is indeed the greatest adornment for a woman greater than jewellery; this Seetha though deserving of decoration, is not looking charming without Sri Rama.”
duSkaram kurute raamo hiino yad anayaa prabhuH |
dhaarayati aatmano deham na duhkhena avasiidati || 5-16-27
27. raamaH= Sri Rama; hiinaaH= (although) bereft; anayaa= of Her; prabhuH= that Lord Sri Rama; kurute= is doing; duSkaram= an impossible task; dhaarayati iti yad= by retaining; aatmanaH deham= His body; na avasiidati= not being depressed; duhkhena= by sorrow.
“Sri Rama although bereft of Her that Lord Rama is doing an impossible task by retaining His body and not being depressed by sorrow.”
imaam asita kesha antaam shata patra nibha iikSaNaam |
sukha arhaam duHkhitaam j~aatvaa mama api vyathitam manaH || 5-16-28
28. j~aatvaa= knowing; imaam= Her; asita kesha antaam= with black ended hairs; shata patra nibha iikSaNaam= with lotus like eyes; sukha arhaam= deserving of comforts; duHkhitaam= in sorrow; mama manaH api= my mind also; vyathitam= is gloomy.
“Knowing Her with black ended hairs, with lotus like eyes, deserving of comforts, and in sorrow, my mind also is gloomy.”
kSiti kSamaa puSkara samnibha akSii |
yaa rakSitaa raaghava lakSmaNaabhyaam |
saa raakSasiibhir vikR^ita iikSaNaabhiH |
samrakSyate samprati vR^ikSa muule || 5-16-29
29. yaa= whoever (Seetha); kSiti kSamaa= with earth like patience; puSkara samnibha akSii= with eyes resembling lotuses; rakSitaa= was protected; raaghava lakSmaNaabhyaam= by Sri Rama and Lakshmana; saa= that Seetha; samprati= now; samrakSyate= is being guarded; raakSasiibhiH= by ogresses; vikR^ita iikSaNaabhiH= with crooked eyes; vR^ikSa muule= at the base of a tree.
“Whoever Seetha with earth-like patience, with eyes resembling lotuses, was protected by Sri Rama and Lakshmana, that Seetha now is being guarded by ogresses with crooked eyes at the base of a tree.”
hima hata nalinii iva naSTa shobhaa |
vyasana paramparayaa nipiiDyamaanaa |
saha cara rahitaa iva cakra vaakii |
janaka sutaa kR^ipaNaam dashaam prapannaa || 5-16-30
30. naSTa shobhaa= with lost glory; hima hata nalinii iva= like a lotus plant hit by snow; nipiiDyamaanaa= being tormented; vyasana paramparayaa= by a series of calamities; janaka sutaa= Seetha; prapanna= obtained; kR^ipaNaam dashaam= a pitiable condition; cakra vaakii iva= like a chakravaka bird; saha cara rahitaa= without a companion.
“With lost glory like a lotus plant hit by snow, being tormented by a series of calamities, Seetha obtained a pitiable condition like a chakravaka bird without a companion.”
asyaa hi puSpa avanata agra shaakhaaH |
shokam dR^iDham vai janayati ashokaaH |
hima vyapaayena ca shiitarashmiH |
rabhyutthito na eka sahasra rashmiH || 5-16-31
31. ashokaaH= Ashoka trees; puSpa avanata agra shaakhaaH= with bent branches due to flowers; janayanti= are giving rise to; shokam= gloom; dR^iDham= a lot; asyaaH= to Her; hima vyapaayena= due to melting of snow; abhyutthitaH= the risen up; siitarashmiH ca= moon also; na eka sahasra rashmiH= with thousands of rays (is causing grief).
“Ashoka trees with bent branches due to flowers are giving rise to gloom a lot to Her; Due to melting of snow the risen up moon also with thousands of rays is causing grief.”
iti evam artham kapir anvavekSya |
siitaa iyam iti eva niviSTa buddhiH |
samshritya tasmin niSasaada vR^ikSe |
balii hariiNaam R^iSabhaH tarasvii || 5-16-32
32. balii= the mighty one; hariiNaam R^iSabhaH= the best among vanaras; tarasvii= quick one; kapiH= Hanuma; iti evam= thus; anvavekSya= observed; artham= the subject; iyam siitaa = this is Seetha; iti eva= thus; niviSTa buddhiH= with a firm mind; niSasaada= sat; tasmin vR^ikSe= at that tree; samshritya= leaning against (it).
The mighty one, the best among vanaras, quick one, Hanuma thus observed the subject: “This is Seetha!” - thus with a firm mind sat at that tree, leaning against it.

ityaarSe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe SoDashaH sargaH
Thus completes 16th Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

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