Chapter [Sarga] 5  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 5


Hanuma sees the denizens of city of Lanka rendered beautiful by the glorious moon, Hanuma also become anxious had not become to able to find Seetha.

tataH sa madhyaMgatamaMshumantaM |
jyotsnaavitaanam mahadudvamantam |
dadarsha dhiimaan divi bhaanumantam |
goshhThe vR^ishhaM mattamiva bhraamantam ||5-5-1
1. tataH= thereafter; dhiimaan saH= that intellectual Hanuma ; dadarsha= saw; bhaanuvantam= the moon; divi= in the sky; madhyamgatam= who obtaining the middle of sky; aomshumantam= who had rays; udvamantam= who spread; mahatjyotsnaavitaanam= a great quantity of moon shine; vR^ishhamiva= moon looked like a bull; mattam= in heat; goshhThebhramantam= among cows.
Thereafter that intellectual Hanuma saw the moon in the sky shining with rays, obtaining the middle portion of sky. Spreading a great quantity of moon shine, moon looked like a bull in heat among cows.
lokasya paapaani vinaashayantam |
mahodadhiM caapi samedhayantam |
bhuutaani sarvaaNi viraajayantam |
dadarsha shiitaamshumathaabhiyaantam || 5-5-2
2. atha= after that; dadarsha= (He) saw; shiitaamshum= the moon; abhiyaantam= coming up; vinaashayantam= destroying; lokasyapaapaani= the sins of the world; samedhayantam cha api= and also causing the growth of; mahodadhim= the great ocean; viraajayantam= causing to shine; sarvaaNibhuutaani= all the living beings.
After that Hanuma saw the moon coming up destroying the sins of the world, causing the great ocean to grow and causing all living beings to shine.
yaa bhaati lakshmiirbhuvi mandarasthaa |
tathaa pradoshheshhu ca saagarasthaa |
tathaiva toyeshhu ca pushhkarasthaa |
raraaja saa caarunishaakarasthaa || 5-5-3
3. yaa= what ever; lakshmiiH= splendour; mandarasthaabhaati= shines over Mount Mandara; bhuvi= on earth; tathaa= in the same way; saagarasthaa= over ocean; pradoshheshhu= during evenings; tathaiva= in the same way; pushhkarastaatoyeshhu= over lotuses in the waters; saa= the same splendour; raraaja= shone; charunishaakarastaa= on the beautiful moon.
What ever splendour shines over Mount Mandara on earth, on the ocean during evenings, over the lotuses in the waters, the same splendour shone on the beautiful moon.
hamso yathaa raajatapaJNjarasathaH |
simho yathaa mandarakandarasthaH |
viiro yathaa garvitakuJNjarastha |
shchandro vibabhraaja tathaamabharasthaH || 5-5-4
4. haMsaHyadaa= like a swan; raajatapaJNjarasthaH= in a silver cage; siMhahayathaa= like a lion; mandharakandarasthaH= in a cave of Mount Mandara; viiraHyathaa= like a warrior; garvitakuJNjarastaH= on proud elephant; tathaa= in the same way; ambarasthaH= in the sky; chandraHvibabhraaja= the moon shone.
Like a swan in a silver cage, like a lion in the cave of Mount Mandara, like a warrior on a proud elephant, in the same way the moon shone in the sky.
sthitah kakudmaaniva tiikshNashR^iN^go |
mahaacalaH shveta ivochchashR^iN^gaH |
hastiiva jaambuunadabaddhash^iN^go |
raraaja candrah paripuurNashR^iN^gaH || 5-5-5
5. candraH= the full moon; paripoorNasR^igaH= with its horn like spot; raraaja= shone; kakudmaaniva= like a high humped ox; stitaH= standing tiikshnasR^igaH= with a high hump; mahaachalaHiva= like a great mountain; svetaH= white in colour; vuchhasR^igaH= with tall summits; hastiiva= like an elephant; jaabuunada baddasR^igaH= with golden tusks.
The full moon with its horn like spot shone like a sharp horned standing ox with a high hump, like a great white mountain with tall summits, like an elephant with golden tusks.
vinashhTashiitaambutushhaarapaN^ko |
mahaagrahagraahavinashhTapaN^kaH |
prakaashalakshmyaashrayanirmalaaN^ko |
raraaja chandro bhagavaan shashaaN^kaH || 5-5-6
6. bhagavaan= Divine; chandraH= the moon; vinashhTashiitaambutushhaarapaN^kaH= who lost cold water and frost; mahaagrahagraahavinashhTapaN^kaH= with lost stain due to the eclipse of the sun; prakaashalakshmyaashrayanirmalaaN^kaH= one who has a calm spot which is an abode of brilliant splendour; shashaaN^kaH= with a symbol of hare; raraaja= shone brilliantly.
The Divine moon who lost the stain of cold water and frost, with lost stain due to eclipse by the great planet sun, one who has a calm spot which is an abode of brilliant splendour, with a symbol of hare, shone brilliantly.
shiilaatalam praapya yathaa mR^igendro |
mahaaraNam praapya yathaa gajendrah |
raajyam samaasaadya yathaa narendra |
stathaaprakaasho viraraaja chandraH || 5-5-7
7. yathaa= in whatever way; mR^igendraH= a lion; praapya= obtaining; shilaatalam= a level surfaced rock(shines); yathaa= in whatever way; gajendraH= best elephant; praapya= obtaining; mahaaraNam= a great battle; yathaa= in whatever way; narendraH= a king; samaasaadhya= obtaining; raajyam= kingdom; tathaa= in the same way; prakaashaH= the clear; candraH= moon; viraraaja= shone.
In whatever way a lion obtaining a level surfaced rock (shines), in whatever way best elephant obtaining a great battle(shines), in whatever way a king obtaining kingdom(shines), in the same way the clear moon shone.
prakaashachandrodayanashhTadoshhaH |
pravR^ittarakshaH pishitaashadoshhaH |
raamaabhiraameritachittadoshhaH |
svargaprakaasho bhagavaan pradoshhaH || 5-5-8
8. bhagavaan= the Divine; pradoshhaH= evening; prakaashachandrodayanashhTadoshhaH= with lost stain due to rise of shining moon; pravR^ittarakshaHpishitaashadoshhaH= with the stain due to meal of flesh eating rakshasas ; raamaabhiraameritacittadoshhaH= and in which the bitterness of mind of young women and their lover is wiped away; svargaprakaashaH= became with a heavenly glow.
The Divine evening with lost stain due to rise of shining moon, with the stain due to meal of flesh eating rakshasas, and in which the bitterness of mind of young women and their lovers is wiped away, became with a heavenly glow.
tantriisvanaah karNasukhaaH pravR^ittaaH |
svapanti naaryaH patibhiH suvR^ittaaH |
naktamcharaashchaapi tathaa pravR^ittaa |
vihartumatyadbhutaraudravR^ittaaH || 5-5-9
9. tantriisvanaaH= musical notes from stringed instruments; karNasukhaaH= which were comforting to ears; pravR^ittaaH= started ; naaryaH= women; suvR^ittaaH= with good character; svapanti= were sleeping; patibhiH= with husbands; tathaa= and also; nattamcharaashchaapi= rakshasas also; atyadbhutaraudravR^ittaaH= with extremely strange character; pravR^ittaah= started; vihartum= to roam.
Musical notes from stringed instruments which were comforting to ears started. Women with good character were sleeping with husbands and also rakshasas with extremely strange character started to roam.
mattapramattaani samaakulaani |
tathaashvabhadraasanasamkulaani |
viiraH shriyaa chaapi samaakulaani |
dadarsha dhiimaan sa kapiH kulaani || 5-5-10
10. saHkapiH= that Hanuma; viiraH= the courageous one; dhiimaan= the intellectual one; dadarsha= saw; kulaani= houses; mattapramattaani= with people in heat; samaakulaani= filled with people; rathaashvabhadraasanasaMkulaani= filled chariots, horses, elephants and best furniture; shriyaa chaapi samaakulaani= and also full of wealth.
That Hanuma the courageous one, the intellectual one, saw houses with people in heat, houses filled with people, full chariots, horses, elephants and best furniture and also full of wealth.
parasparaM chaadhikamaakshipanti |
bhuaamshcha piinaanadhinikshipanti |
mattapralaapaanadhikam kshipanti |
mattaani chaanyonyamadhikshipanti || 5-5-11
11. adikhamaakshipanti= (Hanuma saw rakshasas) railing a lot; parasparam= at one another; adhinikshipanti= moving; piinaanabhujaanca= their shoulders; kshipanti= throwing;adhikanmattapralaapaan= wild and incoherent words a lot; adhikshipanti= insulting; parasparam= one another; mattaani= being intoxicated.
Hanuma saw rakshasas railing a lot at one another moving their heavy shoulders, throwing wild and incoherent words a lot, insulting one another being intoxicated.
rakshaamsi vakshaamsi cha vikshipanti |
gaatraaNi kaantaasu cha vikshipanti |
ruupaaaNi chitraaNi cha vikshipanti |
dR^iDhaani chaapaani cha vikshipanti || 5-5-12
12. (Hanuma saw) rakshaamsi= rakshasas; vikshipanti= who smote; vakaamsi= breast; vikshipanti= those who threw; gaatraani= limbs; kaantaasu= on women; vikshipanti= those who were spreading; chitraaNiruupaaNi= their strange forms; vikshipanti= sporting; dR^iDaani chaapaani= their strong bows.
(Hanuma saw) rakshasas who smote breast, those who threw limbs on women, those who were spreading their strange forms sporting their strong bows.
dadarsha kaantaashcha samaalabhantya |
stathaa paraastatra punaH svapantyaH |
suruupavaktraashcha tathaa hasantyaH |
kruddhaaH paraashchapi viniHshvasantyaH || 5-5-13
13. (Hanuma saw) kaantaHcha= some women; samaalabhantyaH= applying sandal paste on their bodies; tathaa= and also; aparaaHpunaH= some other women; svapantyaH= sleeping; tatra= there; tathaa= in the same way; suruupavraHcha= some women with good appearance; hasantyaH= were smiling; paraaHcha= and some other women; viniHshvasantyaH= were sighing; kR^iddaaH= in anger.
Hanuma saw some women applying sandal paste on their bodies and also some other women sleeping there, in the same way some women with good appearance were smiling, and some other women were sighing in anger.
mahaagajaishchaapi tathaa nadadbhiH |
supuujitaishchaapi tathaa susadbhiH |
raraaja viiraishcha viniHshvasadbhi |
rhrado bhujaN^gairiva niHshvasadbhiH || 5-5-14
14. tathaa= in the same way; raraaja= (the city of Lanka) shone; mahaagajaishchaapi= with great elephants making sound; tathaa= and, susadbhiH chaapi= also with gentlemen; supuujitaiH= well respected; raraaja= shone; viiraishcha= with warriors; viniHsvasabhiH= with long sighs; bhujaN^gairiva= like serpents in a lake; nisvasadbhiH= hissing.
Hanuma saw (the city of Lanka that) shone with great elephants making sound and also with gentlemen well respected, shone with warriors in a wresting bout, with long sighs, like serpents in a lake hissing.
buddhipradhaanaan ruchiraabhidhaanaan |
samshraddadhaanaan jagataH pradhaanaan |
naanaavidhaanaan ruchiraabhidhaanaan |
dadarsha tasyaam puri yaatudhaanaan || 5-5-15
15. dadarsha= (Hanuma) saw; yaatuddhaanaan= yatudhanaa; buddhipradhaanaan= who were intellectuals; ruchiraabhidhaanaanan= who were good talker's; samshraddadhaanaan= who had good devotion; jagataH pradhaanaan= important people to the world; naanaavidhaanaan= who had various ways; ruchiraavidhaanaanan= who had beautiful names; tasyaam puri= in that city.
Hanuma saw Yatudhanaas who were intellectuals, who were good talkers, who had good devotion, important people to the world, who had various ways, and people who had beautiful names in that city.
nananda dR^ishhTvaa sa cha taan suruupaa |
nnaanaaguNaanaatmaguNaanuruupaan |
vidyotamaanaansa tadaanuruupaan |
dadarsha kaamshchichcha punarviruupaan || 5-5-16
16. saH= That Hanuma; dR^ishhTvaa= seeing; suruupaan= people with good appearance; naanaaguNaan= who had various good virtues; atmaguNaanuruupaan= those who were according to their character; vidyotamaanaann= those who were radiant; taan= all those; nananda= became happy; tadaa= then; saH= that Hanuma; dadarsha= saw; virupaan= those who had horrific appearance; anurupaan= those who were according to their appearance; kaaMshchichcha= some of those too.
That Hanuma seeing people with good appearance, who had various good virtues, those who were according to their character, those who were radiant, all those - became happy. Then that Hanuma saw those who had horrific appearance, those who were according to their appearance - some of those too.
tato varaarhaH suvishuddhabhaavaa |
steshhaam striyastatra mahaanubhaavaah |
priyeshhu paaneshhu cha saktabhaavaa |
dadarsha taaraaiva suprabhaavaaH || 5-5-17
17. dadarsha= Hanuma saw; tataH= thereafter; tatra= there; streshhaaMstriyaH= their women; varaarhaaH= those who were eligible for distinction; mahaanubaaH= those who were of great skill; saktabhaavaa= with an interested heart; priyeshhu= in lovers; paaneshhucha= and in drinks; taaraaHiva= like stars; supraabhaavaaH= with good effect.
Hanuma saw thereafter there, their women - those who were eligible for distinction, those who were of great skill with an interested heart in lovers and in drinks and those who were like stars with good effect.
shriyaa jvalantiistrapayoguuDhaa |
nishiithakaale ramaNopaguuDhaaH |
dadarsha kaashchitpramadopaguuDhaa |
yathaa vihaN^gaaH kusumopaguuDhaaH || 5-5-18
18. dadarsha= Hanuma saw; kaashchit= some women; jvalantiH= who were brilliant; shriyaaH= with radiance; upaguuDaaH= adorned a lot; trapaya= with bashfulness; ramaNopaguuDhaaH= those who were hugged by lovers; nishiithakaale= in the middle of night; pramadopaguuDaaH= those who were hugged with great pleasure; kusumopaguuDhaaH= those who were hugged by flowers; vihaN^gaH= like birds.
Hanuma saw some women who were brilliant with radiance, adorned a lot with bashfulness, those who were hugged by lovers in the middle of night, those who were hugged with great pleasure, those who were hugged by flowers like birds.
anyaaH punarharmyatalopavishhTaa |
statra priyaaN^keshhu sukhopavishhTaaH |
bhartuH priyaa dharmaparaa nivishhTaa |
dadarsha dhiimaan madanaabhivishhTaaH || 5-5-19
19. dhiimaan= the intellectual Hanuma; dadarsha= saw; anyaaH= some other women; tatra= there; priyaaN^keshhu sukhopavishhTaaH= comfortably sitting on the laps of the lovers; nivishhTaaH= sitting; harmyatalopavishhTaaH= at the top of their buildings; bhartuH priyaaH= dear to their husbands(some other women); dharmaparaaH= interested in virtuous deeds; madanaabhivishhTaaH= (some other women) possessed by the lord of love.
The intellectual Hanuma saw some other women there comfortably sitting on the laps of their lovers, at the top of their buildings, dear to their husbands and (some other women) interested in virtuous deeds, and some possessed by the lord of love.
apraavR^itaaH kaaJNchanaraajivarNaaH |
kaashchitparaarthyaastapaniiyavarNaaH |
punashcha kaashchichchhashalakshmavarNaaH |
kaantaprahiiNaaruchiraaN^gavarNaaH || 5-5-20
20. kaaJNchanaraajivarNaaH= (Hanuma saw)women with a golden complexion; apraavR^itaaH= lacking clothes; tapaniiyavarNaaH= women with a complexion of refined gold; paraarthyaaH= suitable for mating; kaashchit= and some other women; punashcha= also; shashalakshmavarNaaH= with the colour of moon; kaashchit= and some other women; ruchiraaN^gavarNaaH= with beautiful bodies; kaantaprahiiNaaH= lacking lovers.
Hanuma saw women with golden complexion lacking clothes, women with a complexion of refined gold suitable for mating and some other women also with the colour of moon and some other women with beautiful bodies lacking a lover.
tatah priyaan praapya manobhiraamaan |
supriitiyuktaaH sumanobhiraamaaH |
gR^iheshhu hR^ishhTaaH paramaabhiraamaaH |
haripraviiraH sa dadarsha raamaaH || 5-5-21
21. tataH= thereafter; haripraviiraH= that Vanara warrior; dadarsha= saw; supriitayuktaaH= those with great happiness; priyaanpraapya= obtained lovers; manobhiraamaan= who entertained (them); sumanobhiraamaaH= those who attracted like flowers; paramaabhiraamaaH= those with great beauty; raamaaH= and women; hR^ishhTaaH= filled with happiness; gR^iheshhu= in their houses.
Thereafter that Vanara warrior saw those with great happiness, those who obtained lovers who entertained, those who attracted like flowers, those with great beauty and women in their houses filled with happiness.
chandraprakaashaashcha hi vaktramaalaa |
vakraakshipakshmaashcha sunetramaalaaH |
vibhuushhaaNaanaam cha dadarsha maalaaH |
shatahradaanaamiva chaarumaalaaH || 5-5-22
22. dadarsha= (Hanuma) saw; vaktramaalaashcha= rows faces; chandraprakaashaaH= shining like the moon; sunetramaalaaH= beautiful rowus of eyes; vkraakshipakshmaashcha= with curved eyebrows; vibhuushhaNaanaam cha= and rowus of ornaments; chaarumaalaaH= like beautiful rowus; satahradaanaam= of lighting.
Hanuma saw rows of faces shining like the moon, beautiful rows of eyes with curved eyebrows and rows of ornaments like beautiful rows of lighting.
na tveva siitaam paramaabhijaataam |
pathi sthite raajakule prajaataam |
lataam prapullaamiva saadhu jaataam |
dadarsha tanviim manasaabhijaataam || 5-5-23
23. nadadarsha= Hanuma did not see; siitaamtu= Seetha; paramaabhijaataam= one with great beauty; prajaataam= born; raajakule= in a royal family; pathi sthite= in virtuous path; saadhujaataam= well brought up; lathaamiva= like a creeper; prapullaam= in full blossom; tanviim= one who was thin; abhijaataam= born; manasaa= from the mind(of creator).
Hanuma did not see Seetha, one with great beauty born in a royal family following a virtuous path, well brought up, like a creeper in full blossom, one who was thin, and one who was born from the mind (of creator).
sanaatane vartmaani samnivishhTaam |
raamekshaNaaM taaM madanaabhivishhTaam |
bharturmanaH shriimadanupravishhTaam |
striibhyo varaabhyashcha sadaa vishishhTaam || 5-5-24
24. (Hanuma did not see) taam= that Seetha; saMnivishhTaam= who stood; sanaatane vartmaani= in the path of ancient righteousness; raamekshaNaam= with Her sight on Sri Rama; madanaabhivishhTaam= who was possessed by the love for Sri Rama; anupravishhTaam= who entered; shrrimatmanaH= the glorious mind; bhartuH= of husband; sadaa= always; vishishhtaam= the best; striibhyashcha= among women; varaabhyaH= who were the best.
Hanuma did not see that Seetha who stood in the path of ancient righteousness with Her sight on Sri Rama, who was possessed by the love for Sri Rama, who entered the glorious mind of husband and always the best among women who were the best.
ushhNaarditaam saanusR^itaasrakaNThiim |
puraa varaarhottamanishhkakaNThiim |
sujaatapakshmaamabhiraktakaNThiim |
vane.apranR^ittaamiva niilakaNThiim || 5-5-25
25. (Hanuma did not see Seetha) ushhNaarditaam= tourched by separation from Sri Rama; saanusR^itaashrakhanThiim= with unabounding tears in her throat; puraa= in earlier times; varaarhottamanishhkakaNThiim= who had invaluable and best jewellery on her neck; sujaatapakshmaam= born with beautiful eyebrows; abhiraktakaNThiiM= with a sweet voice; niilakaNThiim iva= like a she hen; apranuttaan= who did not dance; vane= in a forest.
Hanuma did not see Seetha, tortured by separation from Sri Rama, with unabounding tears in her throat, in earlier times who had invaluable and best jewellery on her neck, born with beautiful eyebrows, with a sweet voice, like a she- hen who did not dance in a forest because of Her current sorrow.
avyaktarekhaamiva chandrarekhaaM |
paamsupradigdhaamiva hemarekhaam |
kshatapraruuDhaamiva baaNarekhaaM |
vaayuprabhinnaamiva megharekshaam || 5-5-26
26. (Hanuma did not see Seetha)chandrarekhaamiva= like a crescent; avyaktarekhaam= with a blurred outline; hemarekhaamiva= like a streek of gold; paamsupradhigdhaam= coated by dust; baaNarekhaamiva= like an arrow; kshatapraruuDhaamiva= in an injury; megharekhaamiva= like a series of clouds; vaayuprabhinnaan= scattered by wind.
Hanuma did not see Seetha who was like a crescent with a blurred outline, like a streek of gold coated by dust, like an arrow in an injury, like a series of clouds scattered by wind.
siitaamapashyan manujeshvarasya |
raamasya patniim vadataam varasya |
babhuuva duHkhaabhihatashchirasya |
plavaN^gamo manda ivaachirasya || 5-5-27
27. plavaN^gamo = Hanuma; babhuva= became; mandaH iva= like a numb minded one; achirasya= for sometime; dukhaabhi hataH= stricken with grief; apashyan= not seeing; chirasya= for a moment; siitaam= Seetha; patniim= wife; raamasya= of Sri Rama; varasya= the best; vadataam= among those who talk; manujeshvarasya= the lord of all humans.
Hanuma became a numb minded one for sometime, stricken with grief not seeing for a moment Seetha, wife of Sri Rama the best among those who talk, and the lord of all humans.

iti vaalmiiki raamaayaNe aadi kaavye sundara kaaNDe pa~nchamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 5th chapter in Sundara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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