Chapter [Sarga] 7  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 7


Hanuma continues his search for mother Seetha in Ravana's inner city. He sees the aerial plane Pushpaka in Ravana's building.

sa veshma jaalam balavaan dadarsha |
vyaasakta vaiduurya suvarNa jaalam |
yathaa mahat praavRSi megha jaalam |
vidyut pinaddham savihamga jaalam || 5-7-1
1. saH= That Hanuma; balavaan= the strong one; dadarsha= saw; veshmajaalam= a group of houses; vyaasaktavaiDuuryasuvarNajaalam= with windows in golden hue embedded with cats eye gems; mahat meghajaalam yathaa= like a great group of clouds; praavR^ishhi= in rainy season; vidyutpinaddham= made with lighting; savihaN^gajaalam= together with a group of birds.
That Hanuma, the strong one, saw a group of houses with windows in golden hue, embedded with cat's-eye gems, like a great group of clouds in rainy season with lighting, together with a group of birds.
niveshanaanaam vividhaaH ca shaalaaH |
pradhaana shankha aayudha caapa shaalaaH |
mano haraaH ca api punar vishaalaa |
dadarsha veshma adriSu candra shaalaaH || 5-7-2
2. dadarsha= (Hanuma) saw; vividhaaH shaalaaH= various halls; niveshanaanaam= of the houses; pradhaanashaN^khaayudhachaapashaayudhaaH= important buildings storing conches, bows, and other weapons; punaH= and also; manoharaaH= heartening; vishaalaaH chandrashaalaaH= spacious attics; veshmaadR^ishhu= on the top of mountain like houses.
Hanuma saw various halls of the houses, important buildings storing conches, bows, and other weapons, and also heartening spacious attics at the top of mountain- like houses.
gR^ihaaNi naanaa vasu raajitaani |
deva asuraiH ca api supuujitaani |
sarvaiH ca doSaiH parivarjitaani |
kapir dadarsha sva bala arjitaani || 5-7-3
3. kapiH= Hanuma; dadarsha= saw; gR^ihaaNi= houses; naanaavasuraajitaani= glittered by various riches; supuujitaaNi= well worshipped; devaasuraishchaapi= by devas and asuraas; parivarjitaani= left; sarvaiHdoshhaiH= by all flaws; svabaalaarjitaani= obtained by the self-might of rakshasas;
Hanuma saw houses glittered by various riches, well worshipped by Devas and Asuras, devoid of all flaws and obtained by the self-might of rakshasas.
taani prayatna abhisamaahitaani |
mayena saakSaad iva nirmitaani |
mahii tale sarva guNa uttaraaNi |
dadarsha lankaa adhipater gRhaaNi || 5-7-4
4. dadarsha= (Hanuma) saw; taaNigR^ihaaNi= those houses; laN^kaadhipateH= of the ruler of Lanka; prayanaabhisamaahitaani= constructed by great effort; nirmitaaniiva= as though constructed; saakshaatmayena= by Mayaa himself; mahiitale= on Earth; sarvaguNottaraaNi= with all best qualities.
Hanuma saw those houses of the ruler of Lanka, constructed by great effort as though constructed by Mayaa himself on earth with all best qualities.
tato dadarsha ucchrita megha ruupam |
mano haram kaancana caaru ruupam |
rakSo adhipasya aatma bala anuruupam |
gR^iha uttamam hi apratiruupa ruupam || 5-7-5
5. tataH= thereafter; dadarsha= Hanuma saw; gR^ihottamam= the best house; rakshodhipasya= of the lord of Rakshas; uchchhitamegharuupamam= having the appearance of a cloud; manoharam= soul-captivating one; kaanchanachaarurupam= having a beautiful form made of gold; apratiruparuupam= with that has no comparison; aatmabalaanuruupam= suitable of Ravana's might.
Thereafter Hanuma saw the best house of the lord of rakshasas, having the appearance of a cloud, soul-captivating one having a beautiful form made of gold which has no comparison, suitable of Ravana's might
mahii tale svargam iva prakiirNam |
shriyaa jvalantam bahu ratna kiirNam |
naanaa taruuNaam kusuma avakiirNam |
girer iva agram rajasaa avakiirNam || 5-7-6
6. (Hanuma saw Ravana's house) svargamiva= like heaven; prakiirNam= thrown; mahiitale= upon earth; jvalantam= effulgent; shriyaa= with glory; bahuratnakiirNam= embedded with variety of diamonds; kusumaavakiiraNam= covered by flowers; naanaataruuNaam= of various trees; gireH agramiva= like the summit of mountain; avakiirNam= covered; rajasaa= by pollen.
Hanuma saw Ravana's house like heaven thrown upon earth, effulgent with glory, embedded with variety of diamonds covered by flowers of various trees, like the summit of a mountain covered by pollen.
naarii pravekair iva diipyamaanam |
taDidbhir ambhodavad arcyamaanam |
hamsa pravekair iva vaahyamaanam |
shriyaa yutam khe sukRtaam vimaanam || 5-7-7
7. diipyamaanamiva= being shone; naaripravekaaH= by the best among the women; ambhodavat= like a cloud; taTidbhiH= by lightening; archyamaanam= being worshipped; vaahyamaanamiva= like being carried; hamsapravekaiH= by the best swans; shriiyaayutam= full of splendor; vimaanam= (like an) aerial car; sukR^itaam= of good people; khe= in sky.
Being shone by the best among women like a cloud by lightening, being worshipped, like being carried by the best swans, like an aerial car full of splendor, of good people in sky.
yathaa naga agram bahu dhaatu citram |
yathaa nabhaH ca graha candra citram |
dadarsha yuktii kR^ita megha citram |
vimaana ratnam bahu ratna citram || 5-7-8
8. dadarsha= Hanuma saw; vimaanaratnam= the best house; yuktiikR^ita meghachitram= like a beautiful cloud endowed with many hues; nabhaH yathaa= like the sky; graHchandrachitram= illumined by planets including the moon; bahuratnachitram= decked with numerous precious stones; nagaagram yathaa= like a mountain peak; bahudhaatu chitram= looking picturesque with numerous minerals.
Hanuma saw the best house like a beautiful cloud endowed with many hues, like the sky illumined by planets including the moon, decked with numerous precious stones like a mountain peak, looking picturesque with numerous minerals.
mahii kR^itaa parvata raaji puurNaa |
shailaaH kR^itaa vR^ikSa vitaana puurNaaH |
vR^ikSaaH kRtaaH puSpa vitaana puurNaaH |
puSpam kRtam kesara patra puurNam || 5-7-9
9. mahii= the earth; kR^itaa= was made; parvataraajapuurNa= to be full of mountain ranges; shailaaH= the mountains; kR^itaaH= were made; vR^ikshavitaanapuurNaaH= to be abounding of tree; vR^ikshaaH= the trees; kR^itaaH= were made; pushhpavitaaHpuurNaaH= to be full of flowers; pushhpam= the flower; kR^itam= was made; kesarapatrapuurNam= to be full of filaments and petals.
The earth was made to be full of mountain ranges. The mountains were made to be abounded of trees. The trees were made to be full of flowers. The flower was made to be full of filaments and petals.
kR^itaani veshmaani ca paaNDuraaNi |
tathaa supuSpaa api puSkariNyaH |
punaH ca padmaani sakesaraaNi |
dhanyaani citraaNi tathaa vanaani || 5-7-10
10. paanDuraaNi veshmaani cha= white mansions were also; kR^itaani= built; tathaa= in the same way; pushhkaraaNicha= lakes also; supushhpaaNi= with beautiful flowers; punashcha= and also; padmaani= lotuses; sakesaraaNi= together with filaments; tathaa= and; vanaani= forest; dhanyaani chitraaNi= (that were) the best and wonderful.
White mansions were also built in the same way. Lakes also with beautiful flowers and also lotuses together with filaments and forest that were the best and wonderful.
puSpa aahvayam naama viraajamaanam |
ratna prabhaabhiH ca vivardhamaanam |
veshma uttamaanaam api ca ucca maanam |
mahaa kapiH tatra mahaa vimaanam || 5-7-11
11. tatra= there; mahaakapiH= the great Hanuma(saw); mahaavimaanam= a great aerial car; veshmottamaanaamapi uchchamaanam= the best among best of aerial cars; naamaviraajamaanam= shining with the name; pushhpaaHvayam= of Pushpaka; ratnaprabhaabhiH= with the rays of precious stones; vighuurNamaanam= capable of traveling long distances.
There the great Hanuma saw a great aerial car, the best among best of aerial cars, shining with the name of Pushpaka with the rays of precious stones, and capable of traveling long distances.
kR^itaaH ca vaiduuryamayaa vihamgaa |
ruupya pravaalaiH ca tathaa vihamgaaH |
citraaH ca naanaa vasubhir bhujamgaa |
jaatyaa anuruupaaH turagaaH shubha angaaH || 5-7-12
12. vihaN^gaaH= birds; vaiDuuryamayaaH= of cats eye gems; tathaa= as well as; vihaN^gaaH= birds; ruupyapravaaLaishcha= made of silver and coral; chitraaH bhujaN^gaaH= wonderful serpants; naanaavasubhiH= made of various jewels; turagaaH= horses; subhaaN^gaaH= of beautiful limbs; anuruupaaH= suitable; jaatyaa= by their noble breed; kR^itaa= were arranged.
Artificial birds made of cat's-eye gems, as well as birds made of silver and coral, wonderful serpants made of various jewels, horses of beautiful limbs suitable by their noble breed were arranged.
pravaala jaambuunada puSpa pakSaaH |
saliilam aavarjita jihma pakSaaH |
kaamasya saakSaad iva bhaanti pakSaaH |
kR^itaa vihamgaaH sumukhaaH supakSaaH || 5-7-13
13. vihaN^gaaH= birds; kR^itaaH= were made; pravaaLajaambuunadapushhpapakshaaH= with corals on their wings and with golden flowers; supakshaaH= with good wings; aavarjitajihmapakshaaH= with curved and bent wings; saliilam= in a playful way; bhaanti= shining; pakshaaHiva= like helpers; kaamasya= of the god of love; saakshaat= himself.
Birds were made with corals on their wings and ogether with golden flowers, with good wings, with curved and bent wings in a playful way, shining like helpers of the god of love himself
niyujyamaanaaH ca gajaaH suhastaaH |
sakesaraaH ca utpala patra hastaaH |
babhuuva devii ca kR^itaa suhastaa |
lakSmiiH tathaa padmini padma hastaa || 5-7-14
14. gajaaH= Elephants; padmini= in a lotus-pool; sakesaraashcha= with filaments of lotus petals on body; suhastaa= with shapely trunks; utpalapatrahastaaH= with lotus petals held in their trunks; niyujyamaanaaH tu= devoted to the worship; lakshmiiH= of Goddess Lakshmi; tathaa= and deviicha= (an image of) Goddess Lakshmi also; suhastaa= with graceful hands; padmahastaa= holding lotus in Her hand; kR^itaa babhuuva= was made to exist in Pushpaka;
Images of elephants in a lotus-pool with filaments of lotus on body, with lotus petals held in their trunks, were devoted to the worship of an image of Goddess Lakshmi. And also an image of Goddess Lakshmi with four graceful hands and holding lotus in Her hand was made to exist in Pushpaka.
iti iva tad gRham abhigamya shobhanam |
savismayo nagam iva caaru shobhanam |
punaH ca tat parama sugandhi sundaram |
hima atyaye nagam iva caaru kandaram || 5-7-15
15. itiiva= in this fashion; abhigamyaa= nearing; tatgR^iham= that house; shobhanam= which was shining; nagamiva= like a mountain; chaarushobhanam= with a beautiful glow; savismayaH= became surprised; punashcha= and saw (again); tat= that house; paramasugandhi= with a great sweet fragrance; sundaram nagamiva= like a beautiful mountain; himaatyaye= during spring; chaarukandaram= with beautiful case.
In this fashion, nearing that house which was shining like a mountain with a beautiful glow that house with great sweet fragrance like a beautiful mountain during spring, with beautiful cave became surprised and saw (again). 
tataH sa taam kapir abhipatya puujitaam |
caran puriim dasha mukha baahu paalitaam |
adR^ishya taam janaka sutaam supuujitaam |
suduhkhitaam pati guNa vega nirjitaam || 5-7-16
16. tataH= thereafter; saH kapiH= that Hanuma; abhipatyaa= nearing; taam puriim= that city of Lanka; pujitaam= worshipped (by Rakshasas) dashamukhabaahupaalitaam= ruled by arms of ten-headed Ravana; charan= moving(thereabout); sudukhitaa= became very gloomy; adR^ishyaa= (on) not seeing; taamjanakasutaam= that Seetha; supuujitaam= well worshipped (by all); patiguNaveganirjitaam= greatly conquered by the virtues of Her husband Sri Rama.
Thereafter that Hanuma nearing that city of Lanka worshipped by Rakshasas, ruled by arms of ten-headed Ravana, moving thereabout became very gloomy on not seeing that Seetha well worshipped by all and greatly conquered by the virtues of Her husband Sri Rama
tataH tadaa bahu vidha bhaavita aatmanaH |
kR^ita aatmano janaka sutaam suvartmanaH |
apashyato abhavad atiduhkhitam manaH |
sucakSuSaH pravicarato mahaatmanaH || 5-7-17
17. tataH= Thereafter; tadaa= then; manaH= the heart; mahaatmanaH= of the great souled Hanuma; bahuvidhabhaavitaatmanaH= who contemplated supreme Spirit in many ways; kR^itaatmanaH= with a disciplined mind; suvartmanaH= following ritues path; suchakshushhaH= with good eyes; pravicharataH= moving about(in the city of Lanka) ; abhavat= became; atidukhitam= greatly sorrowful; apasyataH= not seeing; janakasutaam= Seetha;
Thereafter then the heart of the great souled Hanuma who contemplated supreme spirit in many ways with a disciplined mind following righteous path, with good observant eyes, moving about in the city of Lanka became greatly sorrowful on not seeing Seetha.

iti vaalmiiki raamaayaNe aadi kaavye sundara kaaNDe saptamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 7th chapter in Sundara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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