Chapter [Sarga] 9  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 9


This chapter further describes the inner buildings of Ravana's house. Hanuma passess through a hall filled with Ravana's wives.

tasya aalaya variSThasya madhye vipulam aayatam |
dadarsha bhavana shreSTham hanuumaan maaruta aatmajaH || 5-9-1
1. hanumaan= Hanuma; maarutaatmajaH= the son of Vayu; dadarsha= saw; bhavanashreshhTam= a best building; aayatam= which was a tall one; vipulam= and a wide one; madhye= in the middle; tasyaalayavarishhTasya= of that best group of houses.
Hanuma, the son of Vayu, saw a best tall building and a wide one in the middle of that best group of houses.
ardha yojana vistiirNam aayatam yojanam hi tat |
bhavanam raakSasa indrasya bahu praasaada samkulam || 5-9-2
2. tat= that; bhavanam= building; raakshasendrasya= of Ravana; bahupraasaadashamkulam= filled with many edifices; ardhayojanavisthiirNam= (was) half a Yojana long; yojanam aayatam= and one Yojana tall.
That building of Ravana filled with many edifices was half a Yojana long and one Yojana tall.
maargamaaNaH tu vaidehiim siitaam aayata locanaam |
sarvataH paricakraama hanuumaan ari suudanaH || 5-9-3
3. hanumaan= Hanuma; arisuudanaH= the destructor of enemies; parichakraama= moved around; sarvataH= in all directions; maargamaaNaH tu= searching; siitaam= Seetha; aayatalochanaam= the wide eyed; viadehiim= the daughter of King of Videha.
Hanuma, the destructor of enemies, moved around in all directions searching for Seetha the wide eyed daughter of King of Videha
uttamam raakshasaavaasam hanumaanavalokayan |
aasasaadaatha lakshmiivaan raakshasendraniveshanam || 5-9-4
catur viSaaNair dviradaiH triviSaaNaiH tathaiva ca |
parikSiptam asambaadham rakSyamaaNam udaayudhaiH || 5-9-5
4,5. atha= thereafter; hanumaan= Hanuma; lakshmiivaan= the glorious one; aasasaada= neared; uttamam raakshasaavaasam= the best residence of Rakshas; raakshasendraniveshanam= (and) the house of Ravana; parikshiptam= containing; chaturvishhaaNaiH= ( elephants) with four tusks; tathaivacha= and also; trivishhaaNaiH= those with three tusks; dviradaiH= two tusks; asambaadham= not crowded; rakshyamaaNam= protected; udaayudhaiH= by those bearing raised weapons; avalokayan= observing (it).
Thereafter, Hanuma the glorious one neared and observed the best residence of Rakshasas and the house of Ravana, containing elephants with four tusks and also those with three tusks, those with two tusks and still not crowded. It was protected by soldiers bearing raised weapons.
raakSasiibhiH ca patniibhii raavaNasya niveshanam |
aahRtaabhiH ca vikramya raaja kanyaabhir aavRtam || 5-9-6
tan nakra makara aakiirNam timimgila jhaSa aakulam |
vaayu vega samaadhuutam pannagair iva saagaram || 5-9-7
6,7. tat niveshanam= that building; aavR^itam= surrounded; raavaNasyapatniibhiH= by the wives of Ravana; raakshasiibhiH= by demonesses; raajakanyaabhiH= princesses; aahR^itaabhiH= brought; vikramya= by strength; saagaram iva= (was) like an ocean; nakramakaraakiirNam= by crocodiles, big fishes; timiN^gilajhashhaakulam= filled with sharks and other fishes; vaayuveghasamaadhuutam= moved by the speed of wind; pannagaiH= and together with serpants.
That building surrounded by the wives of Ravana, by demonesses, and princesses brought by strength, was like an ocean filled with crocodiles, big fishes, sharks and other fishes, moved by the speed of wind, and together with serpants.
yaa hi vaishvaraNe lakSmiir yaa ca indre hari vaahane |
saa raavaNa gRhe sarvaa nityam eva anapaayinii || 5-9-8
8. yaa lakshmiiH= whatever wealth; vaishravaNe= is at Kubera; yaa lakshmii= whatever riches; indre cha= at Indra; harivaahane= with green horses; saa sarvaa= all that affluence; raavaNagR^ihe= was at Ravana's house; nityameva= always; aanapaayinii= without reduction.
Whatever wealth is at Kubera, whatever riches at Indra with green horses, all that affluence was at Ravana's house. That wealth was always without reduction.
yaa ca raaj~naH kuberasya yamasya varuNasya ca |
taadRshii tad vishiSTaa vaa Rddhii rakSo gRheSv iha || 5-9-9
9. yaa= whatever fortune; kuberasya= of Kubera; raajJNaH= the King of Yakshaas; yamasya= of Yama; varuNasya cha= and of Varuna; taadrushii= the same fortune; vaa tadvishishhTaa= or even greater; buddiH= treasure; iha raakshogR^iheshhu= was at this house of Ravana.
Whatever was the fortune of Kubera the King of Yakshas, of Yama and of Varuna, the same fortune or even greater treasure was at this house of Ravana.
tasya harmyasya madhyastham veshma ca anyat sunirmitam |
bahuniryuuha samkiirNam dadarsha pavana aatmajaH || 5-9-10
10. pavanaatmajaH= Hanuma; dadarsha= saw; anyatveshma= another house; madhyastham= in the middle; tasya harmyasya= of that house; sunirmitam= a well build one; bahuniryuuhssamkiirNam= consisting of many elephants in rut.
Hanuma saw another house in the middle of that house, a well built one consisting of many elephants in rut.
brahmaNo arthe kRtam divyam divi yad vishva karmaNaa |
vimaanam puSpakam naama sarva ratna vibhuuSitam ||5-9-11
pareNa tapasaa lebhe yat kuberaH pitaamahaat |
kuberam ojasaa jitvaa lebhe tad raakSasa iishvaraH || 5-9-12
11. yat= whatever; divyam vimaanam= wonderful aeroplane; pushhpakam naama= by the name of Pushpaka; sarvaratnavibhuushhitam= decorated with all kinds of precious stones; kR^itam= made; visvakarmaNa= by Visvakarma; divi= in heaven; brahmaNaH arthe= for lord Brahma; yat= whatever plane; kuberaH= Kubera; lebhe= obtained; pareNa tapasaa= by great austerity; pitaamahaat= from Lord Brahma; raakshasheshvaraH= Ravana; lebhe= obtained; tat= that plane; ojasaa= by prowess; jitvaa= defeating; kubera= Kubera.
Whatever wonderful aeroplane by the name of Pushpaka, decorated with all kinds of precious stones, made by Visvakarma in heaven for lord Brahma, whatever plane Kubera obtained by great austerity from Lord Brahma, Ravana obtained that plane by prowess defeating Kubera.
iihaa mRga samaayuktaiH kaarya svara hiraNmayaiH |
sukRtair aacitam stambhaiH pradiiptam iva ca shriyaa || 5-9-13
meru mandara samkaashair ullikhadbhir iva ambaram |
kuuTa agaaraiH shubha aakaaraiH sarvataH samalamkRtam || 5-9-14
13,14. aachitam= supported; stambhiaH= by pillars; iihaamR^igasamaayuktaiH= decorated with images of wolves; kaartasvarahiraNmayaiH= with silver and golden hue; sukR^itaiH= (and that were) well made; pradiiptamiva= radiant; shriyaa= with splendour; sarvataH samalankR^itam= decorated all around; kuuTaagaaraiH= with rooms; merumandarasamkaashaiH= equalling Mount Meru and Mount Mandara; ambaram vullikhadbhiriva= as though touching the sky; subhaakaaraiH= with an auspicious shape.
Supported by pillars decorated with images of wolves, with silver and golden hue and which were well made, radiant with splendour, decorated all around with rooms equalling Mount Meru and Mount Mandara, as though touching the sky with an auspicious shape.
jvalana arka pratiikaasham sukRtam vishva karmaNaa |
hema sopaana samyuktam caaru pravara vedikam || 5-9-15
15. sukR^itam= well made; vishvakarmaNa= by Visvakarma; jvalanaarkapratiikasham= resembling Fire and Sun(in splendour); hemasopaanasamyuktam= with stairways made of gold; chaarupravaravedikam= with beautiful and best platforms.
Well made by Visvakarma and resembling Fire and Sun in splendour, with stairways made of gold and with beautiful and best platforms;
jaala vaata ayanair yuktam kaancanaiH sthaaTikair api |
indra niila mahaa niila maNi pravaravedikam || 5-9-16
16. jaalavaataanaiH yuktam= with windows and ventilation holes; kaaJNchanaiH= made of gold; spaTikairapi= and also made of crystal; indraniilamahaaniilamaNipravaravedikam= with platforms made of sapphires and emeralds.
With windows and ventilation holes made of gold and also made of crystal, with platforms made of sapphires and emeralds;
vidrumeNa vichitreNa maNibhishcha mahaadhanaiH |
vistulaabhishcha muktaabhistalenaabhiviraajitam || 5-9-17
17. abhiviraajitam= shone; talena= by floors; vichitreNa vidrumeNa= embellished with corals of strange hue; maNibhishcha= and with precious stones; mahaadhanaiH= of great value; muktaabhiH= with pearls; nistulaabhiH= without comparison.
Shone by floors embellished with corals of strange hue and with precious stones of great value, with pearls without comparison;
chandanena cha raktena tapaniiyanibhena cha |
supuNyagandhinaa yuktamaadityataruNopamam || 5-9-18
18. raktena= reddish; tapaniiyanibhenacha= and resembling gold; yuktam= together; chandanena= with sandal wood; supuNyagandhinaa= having a good smell; aaditya taruNopamam= (brilliant) like the Sun at noon.
Reddish and resembling gold, together with sandal wood having a good smell and brilliant like the Sun at noon;
kuuTaagaarairvaraakaarairvividhaiH samalamkR^itam |
vimaanam puSpakam divyam aaruroha mahaa kapiH || 5-9-19
19. mahaakapiH= the great Hanuma; aaruroha= alighted; divyam pushhpakam vimaanam= the best aeroplane called Pushpaka; varaakaaraiH= with an excellent form; samalankR^itam= decorated; kuutaagaaraiH= by rows of upper floors
The great Hanuma alighted the best aeroplane called Pushpaka with an excellent form decorated by rows of upper floors.
tatrasthaH sa tadaa gandham paana bhakSya anna sambhavam |
divyam sammuurchitam jighran ruupavantam iva anilam || 5-9-20
20. saH= that Hanuma; tadaa= then; tatrasthaH= being there; jighram= smelled; divyamgandham= a wonderful sweet fragrance; anilamiva= like wind; ruupavantam= with an appearance; paanabhakshyaannsambhavam= created from drinks and foods including cooked rice; sammuurchhitam= diffused on all sides.
That Hanuma then being there, smelled a wonderful sweet fragrance like wind with an appearance, created from drinks and foods, including cooked rice diffused on all sides.
sa gandhaH tam mahaa sattvam bandhur bandhum iva uttamam |
ita ehi iti uvaaca iva tatra yatra sa raavaNaH || 5-9-21
21. saH gandhaH= that sweet smell; uvaacheva iti= was as though saying thus; tam= to that Hanuma; itaH ehi= come here; bandhuriva= like a relative; uttamam bhandhum= to a best relative; tatra= there; yatra= wherever; saH raavaNaH= that Ravana(was).
That sweet smell was as though saying thus to that Hanuma : "Come here!", like a relative to a best relative pointing to there wherever that Ravana was.
tataH taam prasthitaH shaalaam dadarsha mahatiim shubhaam |
raavaNasya manaH kaantaam kaantaam iva vara striyam || 5-9-22
22. prasthitaH= Hanuma started; tataH= thereafter; tataH= there(in that direction); dadarsha= and saw; shubhaam= in auspicious; mahatiimshaalaam= great hall; manaH kaantaam= close to heart; raavanasya= of Ravana; kaantaam varastriyamiva= like a delightfull best woman.
Hanuma started thereafter there (in that direction) and saw an auspicious great hall, close to heart of Ravana, like a delightful best woman.
maNi sopaana vikRtaam hema jaala viraajitaam |
sphaaTikair aavRta talaam danta antarita ruupikaam || 5-9-23
23. (That hall was)maNisopaanavkR^itaam= made of stairways embedded with diamonds; hemajaalavibhuushhitaam= decorated with golden windows; spatikaiH aavR^itatalaam= with a floor embellished with crystal; dantaantaritaruupikaam= with shapes made ivory in the middle.
That hall was made of stairways embedded with diamonds, decorated with golden windows, with a floor embellished with crystal, with shapes made from ivory in the middle.
muktaabhiH ca pravaalaiH ca ruupya caamii karair api |
vibhuuSitaam maNi stambhaiH subahu stambha bhuuSitaam || 5-9-24
24. vibhuushhitaam= well decorated; muktaabhishcha= with pearls; pravaaLaishca= with corals; ruupyachaamiikarairapi= and also with silver and gold; maNistambhaiH= and with diamond studded pillars; shubhahusthambhabhuushhitaam= and also decorated with many pillars.
Well decorated with pearls, corals and also with silver and gold and with diamond studded pillars and also decorated with many pillars.
namrairR^ijubhiratyuchchaiH samantaatsuvibhuushhitaiH |
stambhaiH pakSair iva atyuccair divam samprasthitaam iva || 5-9-25
25. sthambhaiH= by pillars; namraiH= slightly bent; R^ijubhiH= with no distortion; atyuchchaiH= which were very tall; suvibhuushhitaiH= and well decorated; samantaat= all over; samprasthitaamiva= (that hall) was like starting; divam= for sky; atyuchchaiH pakshaiH= with very high wings.
By pillars slightly bent with no distortion, which were very tall and well decorated all over, that hall was as though starting for sky with very high wings.
mahatyaa kuthaya aastriiNam pRthivii lakSaNa ankayaa |
pR^ithiviim iva vistiirNaam saraaSTra gRha maaliniim || 5-9-26
26. aasthiirNaam= covered; mahatyaa kuthayaa= by a wonderful large carpet; pR^ithiviilakshaNaaN^kayaa= with all earth's characteristics (like rivers mountains, oceans, forests, painted over); vistiirNaam pR^ithiviimiva= (that hall was)like the vast earth; saraashhTragR^ihamaaliniim= together with states and rows of houses.
Covered by a wonderful large carpet with all earth's characteristics like rivers, mountains, oceans, forests, painted over, that hall was like the vast earth together with states and rows of houses.
naaditaam matta vihagair divya gandha adhivaasitaam |
para ardhya aastaraNa upetaam rakSo adhipa niSevitaam || 5-9-27
27. naaditaam= resounded; mattavihagaiH= by birds in heat; divyagandhaadhivaasitaam= made fragrant by excellent perfumes; paraarthyaastaraNopetaam= hung with best tapestries; rakshodhipanishhevitaam= inhabited by the King of rakshasas.
It was resounded by birds in heat, made fragrant by excellent perfumes, hung with best tapestries and inhabited by the king of rakshasas
dhuumraam agaru dhuupena vimalaam hamsa paaNDuraam |
citraam puSpa upahaareNa kalmaaSiim iva suprabhaam || 5-9-28
28. dhuumraam= smokey; agarudhuupena= by the fumes of agallocum; vimalaam= a pure one; hamsapaaNDuraam= white like a swan; chitraam= wonderful; pushhpopahaareNa= by the decoration of flowers; kalmaashhiimiva= like divine cow; suprabhaam= with a great radiance.
It was made smokey by the fumes of agallocum. It was a pure one white like a swan, wonderful by the decoration of flowers, like divine cow with a great radiance.
manaH samhlaada jananiim varNasya api prasaadiniim |
taam shoka naashiniim divyaam shriyaH samjananiim iva || 5-9-29
29. taam divyaam= that excellent hall; manaHsamhlaadajananiim= causing happiness to heart; prasaadiniim= causing; varnasyaapi= a fair complexion; sokanaashaniim= destroying sorrow; samjananiim iva= and was as though producing; sriyaH= prosperity.
That excellent hall was causing happiness to heart, causing a fair complexion, destroying sorrow and was as though producing prosperity.
indriyaaNi indriya arthaiH tu panca pancabhir uttamaiH |
tarpayaam aasa maataa iva tadaa raavaNa paalitaa || 5-9-30
30. maateva= like a mother; tadaa= then; raavaNapaalitaa= that hall governed by Ravana; tarpayaamaasa= caused satisfaction; paJNchadriyaaNii = to all five sense organs; uttamaiH paJNchabhiH indriyaarthaiH= with the excellent five objects of the senses.
Like a mother, then that hall governed by Ravana caused satisfaction to all five sensory organs with all the excellent five objects of the senses.
svargo ayam deva loko ayam indrasya iyam purii bhavet |
siddhir vaa iyam paraa hi syaad iti amanyata maarutiH || 5-9-31
31. maarutiH= Hanuma; amanyataa= thought; iti= thus; iyam svargaH= this is heaven; iyam devalokaH= this is the aboard of Devas; iyam= this; bhavet= is; indrasya purii= a city of Indra; iyam= this; syaadvaa= might be; paraasiddhiH= the result of great austerity.
Hanuma thought thus : "This is heaven! This is indeed the abode of Devas! This is a city of Indra. This might be the result of a great austerity."
pradhyaayata iva apashyat pradiipaamH tatra kaancanaan (Hiatus!)|
dhuurtaan iva mahaa dhuurtair devanena paraajitaan || 5-9-32
32. dhuurtaaniva= like gamblers; paraajitaan= defeated; mahaadhuuraiH= by greater gamblers; devanena= in gambling; apashyat= Hanuma saw; kaaJNchanaan pradiipaan= golden hued lamps; pradhyaata iva= being still as though in thought.
Like gamblers defeated by greater gamblers in gambling, Hanuma saw golden hued lamps being still, as though in thought.
diipaanaam ca prakaashena tejasaa raavaNasya ca |
arcirbhir bhuuSaNaanaam ca pradiiptaa iti abhyamanyata || 5-9-33
33. amanyata= Hanuma thought; iti= thus; pradiipta= (this building) shines; diipaanaamprakaashena= by the light of lamps; raavaNasya tejasaa cha= and the brilliance of Ravana; bhushhNaanaam archirbhiH cha= and also due to the radiance of jewellery.
Hanuma thought thus : "This building shines by the light of lamps and the brilliance of Ravana and also due to the radiance of jewellery."
tato apashyat kuthaa aasiinam naanaa varNa ambara srajam |
sahasram vara naariiNaam naanaa veSa vibhuuSitam || 5-9-34
34. tataH= thereafter; apasyat= Hanuma saw; sahasram= a thousand; varanaariiNaam= of best women; kuthaasiinam= sitting on the rug; naanaavarNaambarasrajam= with clothing of various colours; naanaaveshavibhuushhitam= and decorated in a variety of ways.
Thereafter Hanuma saw a thousand of best women sitting on the rug with clothing of various colours and decorated in a variety of ways.
parivRtte ardha raatre tu paana nidraa vasham gatam |
kriiDitvaa uparatam raatrau suSvaapa balavat tadaa || 5-9-35
35. tadaa= then; ardharaatreparivR^itte= at the turn of midnight; shushhvaapa= (that women folk)slept; balavat= deeply; uparatam= resting; raatraukriiDitvaa= after playing during night; paananidraavasham gatam= getting the sleep caused by liquor.
Then at the turn of midnight, those women slept deeply resting after playing during night, with a deep sleep caused by liquor.
tat prasuptam viruruce nihshabda antara bhuuSaNam |
nihshabda hamsa bhramaram yathaa padma vanam mahat || 5-9-36
36. tat prasuptam= that sleeping group of women; nishabdaantarabhuushhaNam= adorned with jewels which were not making sound; viruruche= shone; mahat padmavanam yathaa= like a great park of lotuses; niHshebdahamsabramaram= with calm swans and bees.
That sleeping group of women, adorned with jewels which were not making sound, shone like a great park of lotuses with calm swans and bees.
taasaam samvRta dantaani miilita akSaaNi maarutiH |
apashyat padma gandhiini vadanaani suyoSitaam || 5-9-37
37. maarutiH= Hanuma; apasyat= saw; vadanaani= faces; taasaam shuyoshhitaam= of those best women; samvR^itadantaani= with teeth covered (by lips); miilitaakshiiNi= with closed eyes; padmaghandhiini= and with lotus fragrance.
Hanuma saw faces of those best women, with teeth covered by lips with closed eyes and with lotus fragrance.
prabuddhaani iva padmaani taasaam bhuutvaa kSapaa kSaye |
punaH samvRta patraaNi raatraav iva babhuH tadaa || 5-9-38
38. tadaa= at that time; taasaam= those faces; babhuH= shone; prabudhaaniva padmaaniva bhuutvaa= became like lotuses in blossom; kshaapakshyaye= during day time; punaH= and again; samvR^itapatraaNiiva= were like lotuses with closed petals; raatrau= at night.
At that time, those faces shone which became like lotuses in blossom during day time and again were like lotuses with closed petals at night.
imaani mukha padmaani niyatam matta SaTpadaaH |
ambujaani iva phullaani praarthayanti punaH punaH || 5-9-39
39. (Hanuma thought that) mattashhaTpadaaH= drunk bees; niyatam= definitely; praatrhayantii= are desiring; punaH punaH= again and again; imaanii= these; mukhapadmaani= lotuses faces; pullaani ambujaaniiva= like lotuses in blossom.
Hanuma thought that drunk bees definitely are desiring again and again these lotus faces like lotuses in blossom.
iti vaa amanyata shriimaan upapattyaa mahaa kapiH |
mene hi guNataH taani samaani salila udbhavaiH || 5-9-40
40. shriimaan= the glorious; mahaakapiH= the great Hanuma; amanyata= thought; itiiva= thus; upapatya= by reason; mene hi= thought also that; taani= those faces; samaani= equal salilodbhavaiH= lotuses; guNataH= by their qualities.
The glorious great Hanuma thought as above by recourse to reason. He also thought thus "Those faces equal lotuses by their qualities such as beauty, fragrance, and others".
saa tasya shushubhe shaalaa taabhiH striibhir viraajitaa |
shaaradii iva prasannaa dyauH taaraabhir abhishobhitaa || 5-9-41
41. saa shaalaa= that hall; tasya=of Ravana's; viraajitaa= being shone; tabhiHstriibhi=by those women; shushubhe= glittered; prasannaa dyauH iva= like a calm cloudless sky; shaaradiiva= in autumn; abhishobhitaa= shone; taaraabhiH= by stars.
That hall of Ravana's being shone by those women, glittered like a calm cloudless sky in autumn shone by stars.
sa ca taabhiH parivRtaH shushubhe raakSasa adhipaH |
yathaa hi uDu patiH shriimaamH taaraabhir abhisamvRtaH || 5-9-42
42. saH raakshasaadhipaH= that lord of Rakshasas; parivR^itaH= surrounded; taabhH= by those women; shushubhe=shone; hyuDupathiH yathaa= like the moon; sriimaan= with radiance; abhisamvR^itaH= surrounded; taaraabhiH= by stars.
That lord of Rakshasas surrounded by those women shone like the radiant moon surrounded by stars.
yaaH cyavante ambaraat taaraaH puNya sheSa samaavRtaaH |
imaaH taaH samgataaH kRtsnaa iti mene hariH tadaa || 5-9-43
43. tadaa= then; hariH= Hanuma; mene= thought; iti= thus; yaaH= whatever; taaraaH= meteors; puNyasheshhasamaavR^itaaH= together with residue of piety; chyavante= fall down; ambaraat= from the sky; taaH kR^istnaaH= all those meteors; imaaH sangataaH= had been together as these women.
Then Hanuma thought thus : "Whatever meteors together with residue of piety fall down from the sky, all those meteors had been together as these women".
taaraaNaam iva suvyaktam mahatiinaam shubha arciSaam |
prabhaa varNa prasaadaaH ca virejuH tatra yoSitaam || 5-9-44
44. tatra= there; prabhaavarNaprasaadaashcha= the luster, complexion and grace; yoshhitaam= of those women; suvyaktam= clearly; mahatiinaam taaraaNaam iva= resembled great stars; virejuhu = which emitted; shubhaarchishhaam= an auspicious radiance.
There the luster, complexion and grace of those women clearly resembled great stars which emitted an auspicious radience.
vyaavRtta guru piina srak prakiirNa vara bhuuSaNaaH |
paana vyaayaama kaaleSu nidraa apahRta cetasaH || 5-9-45
45. vyaavR^ittagurupiinasrakprakiirNavarabhuushhaNaaH= those women with dishevelled large thick garlands and scattered excellent jewels; paanavyaayamakaaleshhu= during the time of drinking dancing etc., nidraapahR^itachetasaH= were with a consciousness stolen by sleep.
Those women with dishevelled large thick garlands and scattered excellent jewels during the time of drinking, dancing etc., were with consciousness stolen by sleep.
vyaavRtta tilakaaH kaashcit kaashcid udbhraanta nuupuraaH |
paarshve galita haaraaH ca kaashcit parama yoSitaH || 5-9-46
46. kaashchitparamayoshhitaH= best women; vyaavR^ittatilakaaH= became with disturbed marks on forehead; kaashchitkaashchidudbhraantanuupuraaH= became with displaced anklets; kaashchitkaagaLitahaaraashcha= became with necklaces fallen off; paarshve= to side.
Best women with disturbed sacred marks (tilaka) on forehead became with displaced anklets, became with necklaces fallen off to side.
mukhaa haara vRtaaH ca anyaaH kaashcit prasrasta vaasasaH |
vyaaviddha rashanaa daamaaH kishorya iva vaahitaaH || 5-9-47
47. anyaaH= some other women; muktaahaaraavR^itaaH= became tied with pearl necklaces; kaashchit= some others; visrastavaasasaH= became with tropped raiment; vyaaviddharashanaadaamaaH= (some others) became with tied-up waist ornaments; kishoryaH iva= (and) resembled young female horses; vaahitaaH= who had walked long.
Some other women became tied with pearl necklaces, some others became with tied-up waist ornaments (and) resembled young female horses who had walked long.
sukuNDala dharaaH ca anyaa vicchinna mRdita srajaH |
gaja indra mRditaaH phullaa lataa iva mahaa vane || 5-9-48
48. anyaaH = some others; sukuNDala dharaaH = wearing nice earrings; vicchinna mR^idita srajaH = with flower garlands that were torn and disturbed; lataaH iva = resembled creepers, gajendra mR^iditaaH iva = tread upon by an elephant; mahaavane = in a big forest.
Some others wearing nice earrings with flower garlands that were torn and disturbed, resembled creepers, tread upon by an elephant in a big forest.
candra amshu kiraNa aabhaaH ca haaraaH kaasaamcid utkaTaaH |
hamsaa iva babhuH suptaaH stana madhyeSu yoSitaam || 5-9-49
49. utkaTaaH = big; haaraaH = (pearl) necklaces; chandraaMshhu kiraNaabhaashcha = with the radiance of moon rays; stana madhyeshhu = in the middle of breasts; kaasaaMchit yoshhitaam = of some other women; babhuH = shone; suptaaH haMsaaH iva = like sleeping swans.
Big pearl necklaces with the radiance of moon-rays in the middle of breasts of some other women shone like sleeping swans.
aparaasaam ca vaiduuryaaH kaadambaa iva pakSiNaH |
hema suutraaNi ca anyaasaam cakra vaakaa iva abhavan || 5-9-50
50. aparaasaaM cha = And for some other women, vaiDuuryaaH = necklaces made with cat's eye gems; kaadaMbaaH pakshiNaH iva = resembled birds called Kadambas; anyaasaam = and for some others; hemasuutraaNi = golden chains; abhavan chakravaakaaH iva = were like Chakravaka birds.
And of some other women, necklaces made with cat's eye gems resembled birds called Kadambas and for some others golden chains were like Chakravaka birds.
hamsa kaaraNDava aakiirNaaH cakra vaaka upashobhitaaH |
aapagaa iva taa rejur jaghanaiH pulinair iva || 5-9-51
51. taaH = those women; jaghanaiH = with buttocks; pulinairiva = resembling sand dunes; rejuH = shone; aapagaa iva = like rivers; hamsa kaaranDavapakshrNaaH = filled with swans and bird called Karandas; chakravaakopishobhitaaH = and decorated by Chakravaka birds.
Those women with buttocks resembling sand dunes, shone like rivers filled with swans and birds called Karandas and decorated by Chakravaka birds.
kinkiNii jaala samkaashaaH taa hema vipula ambujaaH |
bhaava graahaa yashaH tiiraaH suptaa nadya iva aababhuH || 5-9-52
52. suptaaH = those sleeping women; aababhuH = shone; nadyaH iva = like rivers; kiN^kiNiijaalashaMkoshaaH = with their smiles as flower buds; haimavipulaaMbujaaH = with golden jewellery as big lotuses; bhaava graahaaH = with their behaviours as crocodiles; yashastiiraaH = with fame as banks.
Those sleeping women shone like rivers with their smiles as flower buds, with golden jewellery as big lotuses, with their behaviours as crocodiles, with fame as banks.
mR^iduSv angeSu kaasaamcit kuca agreSu ca samsthitaaH |
babhuuvur bhuuSaNaani iva shubhaa bhuuSaNa raajayaH || 5-9-53
53. shubhaaH = auspicious; bhuushhaNa raajayaH = lines of decoration; saMstitaaH = which were; mR^idushhu aNgeshhu = on smooth parts; kaasaaMchit = of some other women; kuchaagreshhu cha = and on nipples; babhuuvuH = were; bhuushhaNaaniiva = were like jewellery.
Auspicious lines of decoration which were on smooth parts of some other women and on nipples, were like jewellery.
amshu kaantaaH ca kaasaamcin mukha maaruta kampitaaH |
upari upari vaktraaNaam vyaadhuuyante punaH punaH || 5-9-54
54. amshukantaashcha = Edges of clothing (worn by them); mukha maaruta kampitaaH = disturbed by air from breathing; kaasaamchit = of some other women; vyaadhuuyante = were being fluttered; punaH punaH = again and again; vaktraaNaam uparyupari = on their faces.
Edges of clothing (worn by them) disturbed by air from breathing of some other women, were being fluttered again and again on their faces.
taaH paataakaa iva uddhuutaaH patniinaam rucira prabhaaH |
naanaa varNa suvarNaanaam vaktra muuleSu rejire || 5-9-55
55. taaH = Those edges of clothes; naanaa varNa suvarNaanaam = with various beautiful colours; rejire = shone; patniinaam vaktra muuleshhu = at the base of Ravana's wives' throats; ruchira prabhaaH pataakaaH = like flags of beautiful shine; uddhuutaaH = hoisted.
Those edges of clothes with various beautiful colours, shone at the base of Ravana's wives' throats like hoisted flags of beautiful shine.
vavalguH ca atra kaasaamcit kuNDalaani shubha arciSaam |
mukha maaruta samsargaan mandam mandam suyoSitaam || 5-9-56
56. atra = Here; kuNDalaani = ear-rings; kaasaamchit suyoshhitaam = of some beautiful women; shubhaarchishhaam = with a good glory; vavalgushcha = also moved; mandam mandam = lightly; mukha maaruta saMsargaat = due to the air from breathing (of those women).
Here ear-rings of some beautiful women with a good glory, also moved lightly due to the air from breathing of those women.
sharkara aasava gandhaH sa prakRtyaa surabhiH sukhaH |
taasaam vadana nihshvaasaH siSeve raavaNam tadaa || 5-9-57
57. tadaa = then; sukhaH = comforting; vadananiHshvaasaH = breath from the faces; taasaam = of those women; prakR^ityaa = by nature; surabhiH = fragrant; sharkaraasava gandhaishcha = with the smell of liquor made of Sarkara; sishheve = served; raavaNam = Ravana.
Then comforting breath from the faces of those women, by nature fragrant with the smell of liquor made of Sarkara, served Ravana.
raavaNa aanana shankaaH ca kaashcid raavaNa yoSitaH |
mukhaani sma sapatniinaam upaajighran punaH punaH || 5-9-58
58. kaashchit = Some; raavaNa yoshhitaH = women of Ravana; upaajighran = smelled; sapatniinaam = co-wives'; mukhaani = faces; punaH punaH = again and again; raavaNaanana shaNkaashcha = imagining them to be face of Ravana.
Some women of Ravana smelled co-wives' faces again and again imagining them to be face of Ravana.
atyartham sakta manaso raavaNe taa vara striyaH |
asvatantraaH sapatniinaam priyam eva aacaramH tadaa || 5-9-59
59. taaH= those; varastriyaH= best women; atyartham saktamanasaH= with greatly devoted mind; raavaNe= in Ravana; tadaa= then; asvatantraaH= not being on own will; aacharan= brought; priyameva= delight only; sapatniinaam= to their co-wives.
Those best women with greatly devoted mind in Ravana, then not being on own will, brought delight only to their co-wives.
baahuun upanidhaaya anyaaH paarihaarya vibhuuSitaaH |
amshukaani ca ramyaaNi pramadaaH tatra shishyire || 5-9-60
60. anyaaH= some other; pramadaaH= women; shishyire= slept; tatra= there; upanidhaayaa= making as pillows; baahuun= their arms; paarihaarya vibhuushhitaan= decorated with bracelets; ramyaaNi amshukaaNi= and beautiful clothes.
Some other women slept there, making as pillows their arms decorated with bracelets and beautiful clothes.
anyaa vakSasi ca anyasyaaH tasyaaH kaacit punar bhujam |
aparaa tv ankam anyasyaaH tasyaaH ca api aparaa bhujau || 5-9-61
61. anyaa= another woman; anyasyaaH vakshasii= (slept) on another's bosom; kaachitpunaH= again another women; tasyaaH bhujam= (slept) on her shoulder; aparaatu= another woman; anyasyaaH aN^kam= (slept) on another woman's thigh; aparaa= another; tasyaaH kuchau= (slept) on her breasts.
Another woman slept on another's bosom, again another woman slept on her shoulder, another woman slept on another woman's thigh and another slept on her breasts.
uuru paarshva kaTii pRSTham anyonyasya samaashritaaH |
paraspara niviSTa angyo mada sneha vasha anugaaH || 5-9-62
62. madasneH= overcome with heat and friendship; samaashritaaH= resorting; uurupaarshva kaTiipR^ishhTam= to thighs, sides, waist and back; anyonyasya= of one another; parasparanivishhTaaN^gyaH= with mutual limbs placed on one another.
Overcome with heat and friendship, they resorted to thighs, sides, waist and back of one another, with mutual limbs placed on one another.
anyonyasya anga samsparshaat priiyamaaNaaH sumadhyamaaH |
ekii kRta bhujaaH sarvaaH suSupuH tatra yoSitaH
anyonya bhuja suutreNa strii maalaa grathitaa hi saa |
maalaa iva grathitaa suutre shushubhe matta SaTpadaa || 5-9-63
63. saa= that; striimaalaa= garland of women; grathitaa= tied; anyonyabhujasuutreNa= with the rope of each other's shoulders; shushubhe= shone; maaleva= like a flower garland; mattashhTpataa= with dragon flies on it; ghrathitaa= tied; suutre= in thread.
That garland of women tied with the rope of each other's shoulders shone like a flower garland with dragon flies on it tied in thread.
lataanaam maadhave maasi phullaanaam vaayu sevanaat |
anyonya maalaa grathitam samsakta kusuma uccayam || 5-9-64
vyativeSTita suskantham anyonya bhramara aakulam |
aasiid vanam iva uddhuutam strii vanam raavaNasya tat || 5-9-65
64,65. tat striivanam= that group of women; raavanasya= of Ravana; anyonyamaalaagrathitam= tied by each other as garland; samsaktkusumochchhayam= with mixed group of flowers; vyativeshhTitasuskhandham= with beautiful shoulders entwined; anyonyabhramalaakulam= promiscuously hair; aasiit= was; uddhutam vanamiva= like an exalted garden; anyonyamaalaagrathitam= with a flower garland tied together; lataanaam= of creepers; pullaanaam= in bloom; vaayusamsevanaat= due to the caress of the lord of wind; madhavemaasi= in the vernal in the month of Vaisaakha; vyativeshhTitasuskhandam= with entwined beautiful trees
That group of women of Ravana, tied by each other as garland with mixed group of flowers, with beautiful shoulders entwined promiscuously, hair like an exalted garden with a flower garland tied together of creepers in bloom due to the caress of the lord of wind in the vernal in the month of Vaisakha, with entwined beautiful trees.
uciteSv api suvyaktam na taasaam yoSitaam tadaa |
vivekaH shakya aadhaatum bhuuSaNa anga ambara srajaam || 5-9-66
66. tadaa= then; na shekyaH= it was not possible; aadhaatum= to make; suvyaktam= clear; vivekaH= the knowledge; bhuushhN^gaambarasrajam= of jewellery body parts and clothes; taasaamyoshhitaam= of those women; vuchiteshhvapi= even for those used (to them).
Then it was not possible to make clear the knowledge of jewellery, body parts and clothes of those women even for those used to them.
raavaNe sukha samviSTe taaH striyo vividha prabhaaH |
jvalantaH kaancanaa diipaaH prekSanta animiSaa iva || 5-9-67
67. raavaNe shukhasamvishhTe= while Ravana slept comfortably; kaaJNchanaaH diipaaH= golden lamps; jvalantaH= shining brilliant; praikshanta iva= were as though seeing; animishhaaH= without closing eyes; taaH striyaH= those women; vividhaprabhaaH= of various glows.
While Ravana slept comfortably, golden lamps shining brilliant, were as though seeing without closing eyes, those women of various glows.
raaja RSi pitR daityaanaam gandharvaaNaam ca yoSitaH |
rakSasaam ca abhavan kanyaaH tasya kaama vasham gataaH || 5-9-68
68. yoshhitaH= women; raajarshhipitrudaityaanaam= of royal sages, brahmanas and demons; gandharvaNaam= and of Gandharvas; raakshasaanaam= of Rakshasas; yaaH kanyaaH= all those unmarried girls; kaamavasham gataaH= surrendered from lust; tasya= to Ravana.
Women of royal sages, brahmanas and demons and of Gandharvas, of Rakshasas - all those unmarried girls surrendered from lust to Ravana.
yuddhakaamena taaH sarvaa raavaNena hR^itaaH striyaH |
samadaa madanenaiva mohitaaH kaashchidaagataaH || 5-9-69
69. sarvaaH= all; taaH striyaH= those women; hR^itaaH= have been stolen; raavaNena= by Ravana; yuddhakaamena= with a desire for war; kaashchit= some; samadaa= together with heat (of youth); aagataaH= obtained (Ravana); madanenaivamohitaaH iva= being desired by god of love.
All those women had been stolen by Ravana with a desire for war, some together with heat of youth obtained Ravana being desired by god of love.
na tatra kaacit pramadaa prasahya |
viirya upapannena guNena labdhaa |
na ca anya kaamaa api na ca anya puurvaa |
vinaa vara arhaam janaka aatmajaam tu || 5-9-70
70. tatra= there; kaachitpramada= even one woman; na labhdhaa= has not been obtained; prasahya= forcefully; viiryopapannena= by the strong Ravana; taam janakaatmajaam vinaa= except for that daughter of Janaka Seetha; varaarhaam= the best among women; guNena= (every other woman has been obtained) by character; na cha= and there is no(woman); anyakaamaapi= who had desire in another(man); na anyapuurvaacha= and also there was no one with another (lover).
There, even one woman had not been obtained forcefully by the strong Ravana, except for that daughter of Janaka, Seetha. Every other woman had been obtained by her character alone and there was no woman who had desire in another man, and there also was none with another lover.
na ca akuliinaa na ca hiina ruupaa |
na adakSiNaa na anupacaara yuktaa |
bhaaryaa abhavat tasya na hiina sattvaa |
na ca api kaantasya na kaamaniiyaa || 5-9-71
71. na cha abhavat= and there was no; tasya bhaarya= wife of his; akuliinaa= without a good lineage; nahiina ruupaacha= and there was no one with less beauty; na adakshiNaa= no one without skill; na anupachaara yuktaa= no one without service; na hiinastvaa= none with low intellect; na= no one; kaantasya na kaamaniiyaa cha= without causing desire to lover.
And there was no wife of his without a good lineage, there was no one with less beauty, no one without skill, no one without service, none with low intellect, no one without causing desire to lover.
babhuuva buddhiH tu hari iishvarasya |
yadi iidRshii raaghava dharma patnii |
imaa yathaa raakSasa raaja bhaaryaaH |
sujaatam asya iti hi saadhu buddheH || 5-9-72
72. iti budhistu= following thought; babhuuva= occurred; hariishvarasya= to Hanuma; saadhubudhhe= with a pious mind; sujaatam= it is good; asya= for this Ravana; raaghava dharmapatniim= (if) the virtuous wife of Rama(had been left happy with her husband) idR^ishii yatha= in the same such manner; imaaH rakshasaraaja bhaaryaaH= as these wives of the king of rakshasas.
Following thought occurred to Hanuma with a pious mind : "It would have been good for this Ravana if the virtuous wife of Rama had been left happy with her husband in the same such manner as these wives of the king of rakshasas."
punaH ca so acintayad aarta ruupo |
dhruvam vishiSTaa guNato hi siitaa |
atha ayam asyaam kRtavaan mahaatmaa |
lankaa iishvaraH kaSTam anaarya karma || 5-9-73
73. saH= Hanuma; aartharuupaH= became gloomy; punashcha so.achintayat= and thought (thus;); siitaa= Seetha; dhruvamvishishhTaaH= is definitely the best guNataH= by virtues; atha= then; ayam laN^keshvaraH= this lord of Lanka; mahaatma= even though being great otherwise; kR^itavaan= did; kashhTam= evil; anaaryam= (and)an un-gentlemanly deed) asyaam= with her.
Hanuma became gloomy and thought thus: "Seetha is definitely the best by virtues; then this lord of Lanka even though being great otherwise, did an evil and an un-gentlemanly deed with her.

iti vaalmiiki raamaayaNe aadi kaavye sundara kaaNDe navamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 9th chapter in Sundara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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