Chapter [Sarga] 106  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 106


Seeing Ravana’s chariot coming, Rama asks Matali the charioteer to be on his guard. Bad omens prognosticating the fall of Ravana and good omens predicting the victory of Rama appeared in the scene of battle-field.

saarathiH sa ratham hR^iShTaM parasainyapradharShaNam |
gandharvanagaraakaaraM samuchchhritapaataakinam || 6-106-1
yuktaM paramasaMpannairvaaibhirhemamaalibhiH |
yuddhopakaraNaiH puurNaM pataakaadhvajamaalinam || 6-106-2
grasantamiva chaakaashaM naadayantaM vasuMdharaam |
praNaashaM paranainyaanaaM svanainyasya praharShaNam || 6-106-3
raavaNasya rathaM kShipraM chodayaamaasa saarathiH |
1, 2. saH saarathiH= that charioteer; hR^iShTaH= thrilling with rapture; kShipram= quickly; chodayaamaasa= drove forward; raavaNasya ratham= Ravana’s chariot; para sainya pradharShaNam= which attacked the army of enemies; gandharva nagaraakaaram= which was in form of Gandharva-city, an imaginary city in the sky; samuchchhrita pataakinam= mounted with flags; yuktam= yoked; vaajibhiH= with horses; parama sampannaiH= of excellent quality; hema maalibhiH= having golden necklaces; puurNam= filled; yuddhopakaraNaiH= with war-implements; patakaadhvajamaalinam= garlanded with flags and banners; grasantamiva= as though devouring the sky; naadayantam vasundharaam= making the earth, resound; praNaasham= which destroyed; parasainyaanaam= the army of adversaries; para sainyaanaam= the army of adversaries; pracharShaNam= and caused delight; sva sainyasya= to its own army.
Thrilling with rapture, that charioteer, the charioteer of Ravana, drove forward quickly, his chariot, a chariot, which was capable of attacking the army of enemies, a wonderful piece of art like Gandharva-city, an imaginary city in the sky, mounted with flags, yoked with horses of excellent quality adorned with golden necklaces, filled with war-implements, adorned with rows of flags and banners, which was devouring the sky as it were, making the earth resound, which was the destroyer of the army of adversaries and caused delight to its own.
tamaapatantan sahasaa svanavantaM mahaadhvajam || 6-106-4
rathan raakShasaraajasya nararaajo dadarsha ha |
kR^iShNavaajisamaayuktan yuktaM raudreNa varchasA || 6-106-5
diipyamaanamivaakaashe vimaanaM suuryavarchasaM |
taDitpataakaagahanan darshitendraayudhaayudham || 6-106-6
3, 4, 5, 6. nararaajaH= Rama; dadarshaha= saw; tam= that; raakShasa raajasya ratham= Ravana’s chariot; aapatantam= which was coming; sahasaa= speedily; svanavantam= with a noise; mahaa dhvajam= with a large flag-staff; kR^iShNa raajisamaayuktam= yoked with black horses; yuktam= endowed; raudreNa varchasaa= with a terrific luster; vimaanamiva= like an aerial car; diipyamaanam= blazing; aakaashe= in the sky; suuryavarchasam= with a luster of the sun; taDitpataakaagahanam= filled with lightning-like flags; darshitendraayudhaprabham= and with a beautiful appearance of a rain-bow.
Rama saw that Ravana’s chariot, which was coming speedily with a noise, bearing a large flag-staff, yoked with black horses, endowed with a terrific luster, blazing like an aerial car in the sky, with a luster of the sun, filled with lightning-like flags and with a beautiful appearance of a rain-bow.
sharadhaaraa vimu~nchantan dhaaraasaaramivaanbudam |
tan dR^iShTvaa meghasa~Nkaashamaapatantan rathaM ripoH || 6-106-7
girervajraabhimR^iShTasya dIryataH sadR^ishasvanam |
vispaarayanvai vegena baalachandraanataM dhanuH || 6-106-8
uvaacha maatalin raamaH sahasraakShasya maatalim |
7, 8. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; vimuNchantam= (that chariot) releasing; sharadharaaH= streams of arrows; ambudamiva= like a cloud; (releasing) dharaasaaram= streams of rain; sadR^isha svanam= with a noise equal to that; diiryataH gireH= of a bursting mountain; vajraabhimR^iShTasya= struck with a diamond; raamaH= Rama; vegena= quickly; visphaarayan= after stretching; dhanuH= his bow; baalachandraanatam= in a crescent shape; uvaacha= spoke; maatalim= to Matali; sahasraakShasya saarathin= Indra’s charioteer (as follows):
Seeing that chariot, releasing streams of arrows, like a cloud releasing streams of rain, with a noise equal to that of a bursting mountain, struck with a diamond, Rama after stretching his bow in a crescent shape, spoke to Matali, Indra’s charioteer as follows:
maatale pashya sanrabdhamaapatantan rathaM ripoH || 6-106-9
yathaapasavyaM patataa vegena mahataa punaH |
samare hantumaatmaanan tathaanena kR^itaa matiH || 6-106-10
9, 10. Maatale= O Matali!; pashya= look at; ripoh ratham= this chariot of the enemy; aapatantam= coming forward; samrabdham= furiously; yathaa= as; anena= by him; punaH= once more; patataa= comng; mahataa vegena= with a great speed; apasavyam= from the right to the left; tathaa= therefore; matikR^itaa= heart has been set; hantum= upon destroying; aatmaanam= himself samara= in the battle.
“O Matali! From the way in which the enemy is marching forward from left to right with a great speed in his chariot more, it appears that heart has been set by him upon destroying himself in the battle.”
tadapramaadamaatiShTha pratyudgachchha rathan ripoH|
vidhvansayitumichchhaami vaayurmeghamivotthitam || 6-106-11
11. tat= therefore; aatiShTha apramaadam= take care; pratyudgachchha= and go opposite to; ripoH ratham= the chariot of the enemy; ichchhaami= I wish; vidhvamsayitum= to destroy (it); vaayuH iva= even as the wind; utthitam= would blow; megham= a cloud.
“Therefore, take care and march forward, facing the chariot of the enemy I wish to destroy it, even as the wind would blow a cloud.”
aviklavamasambhraantamavyagrahR^idayekShaNam |
rashmisa~ncaaraniyataM prachodaya rathan drutam || 6-106-12
12. aviklabam= without fear; asambhraantam= and without flurry; avyagrahR^idayekShaNam and with a steady heart and vision; rashmi samchaara niyatam= and the move of the reins fully controlled; prachodaya= drive; ratham= the chariot; drutam= swiftly.
“Without fear and flurry and with a steady heart and vision, and the movement of the reins fully controlled, drive the chariot swiftly.”
kaamaM na tvan samaadheyaH purandararathochitaH |
yuyutsurahamekaagraH smaaraye tvaaM na shikShaye || 6-106-13
13. tvam= you; na samaadheya= need not be instructed (by me); purandara rathochitaH= accustomed as you are to drive the chariot of Indra the lord of celestials; aham yuyutsuH= keen as I am to fight; ekaagraH= with a close attention smaaraye= I am just reminding; tvaam= you; na shikShaye= and not teaching you.
“You need not be instructed by me, accustomed as you are to drive the chariot of Indra the lord of celestials. Keen as I am to fight with a close attention, I am just reminding you and not teaching you.”
parituShTaH sa raamasya tena vaakyena maataliH |
prachodayaamaasa rathan surasaarathisattamaH || 6-106-14
14. parituShTaH= extremely gratified; tena vaakyena= with those words; raamasya= of Rama; saH maataliH= that Matali; uttamaH= the excellent; sura saarathiH= charioteer of gods; prachodayaamaase= drove on; ratham= the chariot.
Extremely gratified with those words of Rama, that Matali the excellent charioteer of gods drove on the chariot.
apasavyan tataH kurvanraavaNasya mahaaratham |
chakrotkShiptena rajasaa raavaNan vyavadhUnayat || 6-106-15
15. kurvan= passing; mahaa ratham= the huge chariot; raavaNasya= of Ravana; apasavyam= on the right; tataH= (the charioteer) then; raavaNam= (set) Ravana; vyavadhuunayam= shaking; chakra sambhuuta rajasaa= by the dust risen from the wheels (of his own chariot).
Passing the huge chariot of Ravana on the right, the charioteer then set Ravana shaking, by the dust risen from the wheels of his own chariot.
tataH kruddho dashagrIvastaamravisphaaritekShaNaH |
rathapratimukhan raamaM saayakairavadhUnayat || 6-106-16
16. kruddhaH= the enraged; dashagriivaH= Ravana; tataH= then; taamra visphaaritekShaNaH= with his coppery eyes wide open; avadhuunayat= trembled; raamam= Rama; rathapramukhan= who stood facing his chariot; saayakaiH= with arrows.
The enraged Ravana then, with his coppery eyes wide open, trembled Rama, who stood facing his chariot, with arrows.
dharShaNaamarShito raamo dhairyan roSheNa la~Nghayan |
jagraaha sumahaavegamaindran yudhi sharaasanam || 6-106-17
17. lambhayan dhairyam= meeting fortitude; roSheNa= with anger; dharShaNaamarShitaH= though provoked with assault; raamaH= Rama; jagraaha= took hold; aindram sharaasanam= of Indra’s bow; sumahaavegam= which was possessed of extra ordinary impulse; yudhi= in the battle-field.
Meeting fortitude with anger, though provoked with assault, Rama took hold of Indra’s bow, which was possessed of extra ordinary impulse in the battle-field.
sharaaMshcha sumahaatejaaH sUryarashmisamaprabhaan |
tadupoDhaM mahadyuddhamanyonyavadhakaa~NkShiNoH || 6-106-18
parasparaabhimukhayordR^iptayoriva sinhayoH |
18. sharaan cha= he also seized hold of arrows; sumahaavegaan= of exceeding swiftness; suurya rashmi samaprabhaan= which were shining like sun-beams; upoDham= (Then) began; tat mahat= that great; yuddham= battle; anyonya vadrakaaNkShiNau= between the two warriors (Rama and Ravana) who wee desirous of killing each other; parasparaabhimukhayoH= and who were facing each other; dR^iptayoH simhayoriva= like two proud lions.
He also seized hold of arrows of exceeding swiftness, which were shining like sun-beams. Then began that great battle between the two warriors (Rama and Ravana) who were desirous of killing each other, while facing each other like two proud lions.
tato devaaH sagandharvaaH siddhaashcha paramarShayaH || 6-106-19
samIyurdvairathan draShTun raavaNakShayakaa~NkShiNaH |
19. tataH= then; devaah= the gods; sagandharvaaH= along with Gandharvas the celestial musicians; siddhaashcha= Siddhas, the demigods; paramarShayaH= and great sages; raavaNa kShayakaaNkShiNaiH= desirous of Ravana’s ruin; samiiyuH= arrived; draShTum= to see; dvairatham= the battle of both the chariot-warriors.
Then, the gods along with the Gandharvas the celestial musicians, Siddhas the demigods and great sages, desirous of Ravana’s ruin, arrived to see the battle of both the chariot-warrriors.
samutpeturathotpaataa daaruNaa lomaharShaNaaH || 6-106-20
raavaNasya vinaashaaya raaghavasya jayaaya cha |
20. atha= thereupon; daaruNaaH= terrific; utpaataaH= portents; romaharShaNaaH= that caused one’s hair to stand on end; samutpetuH= appeared; raavaNasya vinaashaaya= giving an augury of doom to Ravana; raaghavasya udayaaaya cha= and prosperity to Rama.
Thereupon, terrific portents that caused one’s hair to stand on end, appeared giving an augury of doom to Ravana and prosperity to Rama.
vavarSha rudhiran devo raavaNasya rathopari || 6-106-21
vaataa maNDalinastIvraa apasavyaM prachakramuH |
21. devaH= the god of rains; vavarSha= poured; rudhiram= blood; raavaNasya rathopari= on Ravana’s chariot; tiivraaH- horrible; vaataaH= winds; rachakramuH= blew; apasavyam= from right to the left; maN^DalinaH= forming circles.
The god of rains poured blood on Ravana’s chariot. Horrible winds blew from right to left, forming circles.
mahad gR^idhrakulan chaasya bhramamaaNaM nabhastale || 6-106-22
yena yena ratho yaati tena tena pradhaavati |
22. mahat= a large; gR^idhrakulam= flock of vultures; bhramamaaNam= roaming about; nabhastale= in the sky; pradhaavati= was flying forward; tena tena= in the same way; yena yena= in which; asya rathaH= Ravana’s chariot; yaati= was going.
A large flock of vultures, roaming about in the sky, was flying forward in the same direction in which Ravana’s chariot was going.
sandhyayaa chaavR^itA la~Nkaa japaapuShpanikaashayaa || 6-106-23
dR^ishyate sampradIteva divaseapi vasundharaa |
23. laN^kaa= Lanka; aavR^itaa= was overcast; samdhyayaa= with dusk; japaapuShpanikaashayaa= resembling a (red) Japa flower; vasumdharaa= the land (in Lanka); divase.api= as also the day; dR^ishyate= appeared; sampradiipteva= as if, they were blazing.
Lanka was overcast with dusk, resembling a (red) Japa flower. The land in Lanka, as also the day appeared as if they were blazing.
sanirghaataa maholkaashcha sampracheturmahaasvanaaH || 6-106-24
viShaadayantyo rakShaansi raavaNasya tadaahitaaH |
24. maholkaashcha= Large meteors; sanirghaataaH= along with lightnings; samprapetuH= fell; mahaasvanaaH= with great noise; te= those entities ahitaaH= inimical; raavaNasya= to Ravana; rakShaamsi viShaadayan= made demons to lament.
Large meteors, along with lightnings fell with great noise. Those entities, inimical to Ravana, made demons to lament.
raavaNashcha yatastatra prachachaala vasundharaa || 6-106-25
rakShasaan cha praharataaM gR^ihItaa iva baahavaH |
25. vasumdharaa= the earth; yataH= on which; raavaNaH= Ravana; tatra= was there; prachachaala= trembled; baahavaH= the arms; rakShasaamcha= of demons; praharataam= who were fighting; gR^ihiitaa iva= were like as if they were clasped.
The earth on which Ravana was there, trembled. The arms of fighting demons looked as if they were clasped.
taamraaH pItaaH sitaaH shvetaaH patitaaH sUryarashmayaH || 6-106-26
dR^ishyante raavaNasyaa~Nge parvatasyeva dhaatavaH |
26. patitaaH= fallen; agre= before; raavaNasya= Ravana; suurya rashmayaH= the rays of the sun; dR^ishyante taamraaH= appeared coppery; piitaaH= yellow; sitaashvetaaH= white and dark; dhaatavaH iva= like mineral-ores on a mountain.
Fallen before Ravana, the rays of the sun appeared coppery, yellow, white and dark, like mineral ores on a mountain.
gR^idhrairanugataashchaasya vamantyo jvalanaM mukhaiH || 6-106-27
praNedurmukhamIkShantyaH sanrabdhamashivan shivaaH |
27. shiraaH= the she-jackals; anugataaH= followed; gR^idhraiH= by vultures; samrabanam= hastily; praNeduH= uttered; ashivam= inauspicious howls; iikShyantaH= on beholding; asya mukham= Ravana’s face; vamantyaH= (as also) vomiting; jvalanam= fire; mukhaiH= from their mouths.
The she-jackals followed by vultures hastily uttered inauspicious howls, on beholding Ravana’s face as also vomiting fire from their mouths.
pratikUlan vavau vaayU raNe paansUn samutkiran || 6-106-28
tasya raakShasaraajasya kurvandR^iShTivilopanam |
28. kurvan dR^iShTivilopanam= clouding the vision; tasya raavaNasya= fo that Ravana, vaayuH= the wind; samutkiran paamsuun= scattering dust upwards; vavau= blew; pratikuulam= in an inverted order.
Scattering the dust upwards over the battle-field and clouding the vision of that Ravana, the wind blew in a direction inimicable to him.
nipeturindraashanayaH sainye chaasya samantataH || 6-106-29
durviShahya svanaa ghoraa vinaa jaladharasvanam |
29. jala dharodayam vinaa= even without the appearance of clouds; ghoram= terrific; indraashanayaH= thunderbolts; nipetuH= fell; asya sainye= on his army; samantataH= on all sides; durviShahya svanaaH= with a noise; which was hard to endure.
Even without the appearance of clouds, thunderbolts fell on his army on all sides, with a noise which was hard to endure.
dishashcha pradishaH sarvaa babhUvustimiraavR^itaaH || 6-106-30
paansuvarSheNa mahataa durdarshan cha nabhoabhavat |
30. sarvaah= all; dishaH cha= the quarters; pradishashcha= and intermediate points of the compass; babhuuvaH= became; timiraavR^itaaH= covered with darkness; mahataa paamsu varSheNa= and due to outpourings of dust; nabhaH= the sky; abhavat= became; durdarsham= difficult to be seen.
All the quarters and intermediate points of the compass became covered with darkness and due to outpourings of dust, the sky became difficult to be seen.
kurvantyaH kalahan ghoran saarikaastadrathaM prati || 6-106-31
nipetuH shatashastatra daaruNaa daaruNasvanaaH |
31. shatashaH= hundreds of; daaruNaah= dreadful, saarikaaH*= Sarika birds; daaruNaarutaaH= with awful howls; kurvantyaH kalaham= fighting, ghoram= terribly; tatra= there; nipetuH= fell; tadratham prati= down upon Ravana’s chariot.
Hundreds of dreadful Sarika* birds, with their awful howls, terribly fighting there, fell down upon Ravana’s chariot.
*Sarika bird: zoological name: Turdus salica.
jaghanebhyaH sphuli~NgaaMshcha netrebhyoashrUNi santatam || 6-106-32
mumuchustasya turagaastulyamagnin cha vaari cha |
32. tasya= his; turagaaH= horses; mumuchuH= discharged; sphuliN^gaan= sparks of fire; jaghanebhyaH= from their hips and loins; ashruuNicha= tears; netrebhyaH= from their eyes; vaaricha= and water; agnimcha= as also fire; tulyam= equally; samtatam= and continuously.
His horses discharged sparks of fire from their hips and loins as also tears from their eyes, releasing out fire and water at the same time continuously.
evaM prakaaraa bahavaH samutpaataa bhayaavahaaH || 6-106-33
raavaNasya vinaashaaya daaruNaaH samprajajiJNire |
33. daaruNaaH= frightful; samutpaataaH= portents; baharaH= in multitude; samprajaJNire= sprang up; evamprakaaraaH= in the way; bhayaavahaaH= bringing danger; vinaashaaya= and destruction; raavaNasya= of Ravana.
Frightful portents in multitude thus sprang up, bringing danger and destruction to Ravana.
raamasyaapi nimittaani saumyaani cha shivaani cha || 6-106-34
babhUvurjayashansIni praadurbhUtaani sarvashaH |
34. saumyaani shivaani cha= pleasant and auspicious; jaya shamsiini= depicting victory; raamasya= of Rama; babhuuvuH= arose; praadurbhuutaani= and appeared; sarvashaH= on all sides.
Pleasant and auspicious omens, depicting victory of Rama appeared on all sides, before Rama.
nimittaani cha saumyaani raaghavaH svajayaaya vai || 6-106-35
dR^iShTvaa paramasaMhR^iShTo hataM mene cha raavaNam |
35. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; saumyaani nimittaani= the pleasant omens; svajayaaya= depicting his victory; raaghavaH= Rama; param asamhR^iShTaH= was very much pleased; mane= and considered; raavaNam= Ravana; hatam= as (already) dead.
Seeing the pleasant omens depicting his victory, Rama was very much pleased and considered Ravana as (already) dead.
tato nirIkShyaatmagataani raaghavo |
raNe nimittaani nimittakovidaH |
jagaama harShan cha paraaM cha nirvR^itiM |
chakaara yuddheabhyadhikan cha vikramam || 6-106-36
36. tataH= then; raaghavaH= Rama; nimitta kovidaH= having a knowledge of the omens; niriikShya= having seen; nimittaani= the portents; aatmagatani= in his own way; raNe= in the battle-field; jagaama= got; harShamcha= rejoice; paraam nirvR^itim= and extreme happiness; chakaara adhikam vikramamcha= as also shown enhanced prowess; yuddhe= in combat.
Then Rama, with the knowledge of all omens, having seen those portents in his own way in the battle-field, obtained rejoice as well as extreme happiness and shown enhanced prowess in combat.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe ShaDuttarashatatamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 106th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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