Chapter [Sarga] 107  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 107


Loosing arrows at each other, Rama and Ravana perform a fierce battle. Ravana's flag-staff is thrown down by Rama's arrows. When Rama begins to cut off Ravana's head, another head starts to crop up in its place. The fierce encounter continues thus for seven days.

tataH pravR^ittaM sukrUraM raamaraavaNayostadaa |
sumahaddvairathaM yuddhaM sarvalokabhayaavaham ||6-107-1
1. tataH= then; tadaa= and there; sukruuram= a very cruel; sumahat= and a very great; dvairatham= chariot-duel; yuddham= in battle; sarva loka bhayaavaham= which was frightful to all the worlds; pravR^ittam= occurred; raama raavaNayoH= between Rama and Ravana.
Then ensued a fierce and a prolonged chariot-duel between Rama and Ravana, which was frightful to all the worlds.
tato raakShasasainyaM cha hariiNaaM cha mahadbalam |
pragR^ihiitapraharaNaM nishcheShTaM samatiShThata ||6-107-2
2. tataH= then; raakShasa sainyam cha= the army of demons; mahatt balamcha= and the huge army; hariiNaam= of monkeys; pragR^ihiita praharaNam= having taken hold fast of their weapons; samavartata= stood; nishcheShTam= motionless.
Then, the army of demons and the huge army of mokeys, stood motionless with their weapons held fast in their hands.
samprayuddhau tato dR^iShTvaa balavannararaakShasau |
vyaakShiptahR^idayaaH sarve paraM vismayamaagataaH ||6-107-3
3. vyaakShipitahR^idayaH= having their hearts captivated; dR^iShTvaa= in seeing; tau= those two warriors; nara raakShasau= a human being and a demon; balavat= both in full strength; samprayuddhau= engaged in a fight; sarve= all for their part; aagataaH= experienced; param= a great; vismayam= wonder.
Having their hearts captivated in seeing those two warriors, a human being and a demon, both in full strength engaged in a fight, all for their part experienced a great wonder.
naanaapraharaNairvyagrairbhujairvismitabuddhayaH |
tasthuH prekShya cha sa~NgraamaM naabhijaghnuH parasparam ||6-107-4
4. naanaapraharaNaiH vyagraiH bhujaiH= having their hands occupied with various kinds of weapons; te sarve= all those warriors; tasthuH vismita buddhayaH= stood amazed in mind; prekShya= in beholding (the duel); na abhijagmuH= they did not go for war; parasparam= on each other.
Having their hands occupied with various kinds of weapons, all those warriors stood amazed in mind in beholding that duel. They did not go for war on each other.
rakShasaaM raavaNaM chaapi vaanaraaNaaM cha raaghavam |
pashyataaM vismitaakShaaNaaM sainyaM chitramivaababhau ||6-107-5
5. rakShasaam= the demons; vismitaakShaaNaam= with their eyes in amazement; pashyataam= beholding; raavaNam= Ravana; sainyam vaanaraaNaam cha= and the army of demons; raaghavam= (seeing) Rama; aababhau= appeared; chitramiva= as though they were paintings.
The demons beholding Ravana and the army of monkeys seeing Rama with their eyes in amazement appeared as though they were paintings.
te tu tatra nimittaani dR^iShTvaa raaghavaraavaNau |
kR^itabuddhii sthiraamarShau yuyudhaate abhiitavat ||6-107-6
6. kR^ita buddhii= having made up their minds; sthiraamarShau= and firm in their anger; tau tu= those two warriors for their part; raaghava raavaNau= Rama and Ravana; yuyudhaate= fought; abhiitavat= fearlessly; dR^iShTvaa= on seeing; nimittaani= the portents; tatra= there (in the battle).
Having made up their minds and being firm in their anger, those two warriors for their part, Rama and Ravana fought fearlessly, as it were, on seeing the portents in the battle.
jetavyamiti kaakutstho martavyamiti raavaNaH |
dhR^itau svaviiryasarvasvaM yuddhe.adarshayataaM tadaa ||6-107-7
7. kaakutsthaH= Rama; jetavyam iti= who was convinced that he was going to win; raavaNaH= and Ravana; dhR^itau martavyam iti= who was firmly persuaded that he would die; tadaa= then; adarshayataam= demonstrated svaviirya sarvasvam= the entire wealth of their prowess; yuddhe= in that battle.
Rama, who was convinced that he was going to win and Ravana who was firmly persuaded that he would die, then demonstrated the entire wealth of their prowess in battle on that occasion.
tataH krodhaaddashagriivaH sharaansandhaaya viiryavaan |
mumocha dhvajamuddishya raaghavasya rathe sthitam ||6-107-8
8. tataH= thereupon; viiryavaan= the valiant; dashagriivaH= Ravana; samdhaaya= fitting; sharaan= his arrows; krodhaat= with anger; mumocha= released (them); uddishya= directing; dhvajam= towards the flag-staff; sthitam= fixed; rathe= on the chariot; raaghavasya= of Rama.
Thereupon, the valiant Ravana, fitting his arrows with anger, released them, directing them towards the flag-staff fixed on Rama's chariot.
te sharaastamanaasaadya purandararathadhvajam |
raktashaktiM paraamR^ishya nipeturdharaNiitale ||6-107-9
9. anaasaadya= without even reaching; tam= that; purandara rathadhvajam= standard of Indra's chariot; te= those; sharaaH= arrows; paraamR^ishya= on touching; rathashaktim= the staff which supported the banner of the chariot; nipetuH= fell; dharaNiitale= on the ground.
Without even reaching the ensign on Indra's chariot and touching off the staff which supported the banner of the chariot, the arrows fell on the ground.
tato raamo.abhisa~Nkruddhashchaapamaayamya viiryavaan |
kR^itapratikR^itaM kartuM manasaa samprachakrame ||6-107-10
10. tataH= thereafter; viiryavaan= the valiant; ramo.api= Rama too; samkruddhaH= in great anger; aakR^iShya= stretching; chaapam= his bow; samprachakrame= proceeded; manasaa= with his mind; kartum kR^ita pratikR^itam= to return blow for blow.
Thereafter, the valiant Rama too, in great anger, stretching his bow, proceeded with his mind, to return blow for blow.
raavaNadhvajamuddishya mumocha nishitaM sharam |
mahaasarpamivaasahyaM jvalantaM svena tejasaa ||6-107-11
11. mumocha= (Rama) released; nishitam= a sharp; sharam= arrow; mahaasarpamiva= looking like a huge serpent; asahyam= which was unbearable; jvalantam iva= as though blazing; svena tejasaa= with its own splendour; uddishya= directing towards; raavaNa dhvajam= Ravana's flag-staff.
Rama released a sharp arrow, looking like a huge serpent and which was unbearable, as though blazing with its own splendour, directing towards Ravana's flag-staff.
raamashchikShepa tejasvii ketumuddishya saayakam |
jagaama sa mahiiM bhittvaa dashagriivadhvajaM sharaH ||6-107-12
12. tejasvii= the brilliant; raamaH= Rama; chikShepa= released; saayakam= the arrow; uddishya= directing towards; ketum= the flag-staff; saH sharaH= that arrow; chhittvaa= having torn asunder; dashagriiva dhvajam= Ravana's flag-staff; jagaama= went; mahiim= towards the earth.
As the brilliant Rama released the arrow towards the flag-staff, that arrow, tearing asunder Ravana's flag-staf, entered the earth.
sa nikR^itto.apatadbhUmau raavaNasya rathadhvajaH |
dhvajasyonmathanaM dR^iShTvaa raavaNaH sumahaabalaH ||6-107-13
krodhajenaagninaa sa~Nkhye pradiipta iva chaabhavat |
sa roShavashamaapannaH sharavarShaM mahadvaman ||6-107-14
13, 14. saH= that; raavaNasyandana dhwajaH= standard mounted on Ravana's chariot; nikR^ittaH= having been torn off; apatat= fell; bhuumau= on the ground; dR^iShTvaa= seeing; unmathanam= the thrown-down piece; dhvajasya= of his flag-staff; saH mahaabalaH= that mighty; raavaNaH= Ravana; abhavat= appeared; prahasanniva= as though he was laughing; amarShaat= with intolerance; sampradiiptaH= flaming up; krodhaat= with anger; vavarSha ha= (he) showered; sharavarSham= a stream of arrows; aapannaH= afflicted as he was; roShavasham= with the power of wrath.
That standard, mounted on Ravana's chariot, having been torn off, fell on the ground. Seeing the thrown-down piece of his flag-staff, that mighty Ravana stood blazing as though he was laughing with intolerance. Flaming up with anger, he showered a stream of arrows afflicted as he was, with the power of wrath.
raamasya turagaandivyaa~nsharairvivyaadha raavaNaH |
te viddhaa harayastasya naaskhalannaapi babhramuH ||6-107-15
babhUvuH svasthahR^idayaaH padmanaalairivaahataaH |
15. raavaNaH= Ravana; vivyaadha= struck; raamasya turagaan= Rama's horses; diiptaiH sharaiH= with blazing arrows; te= those; divyaaH= divine; turagaaH= horses; naaskhalan= were neither shaken; na babhramuH= nor stumbled; tatra= there; babhuuvuH= (They) were; svastha hR^idayaaH= healthy at heart; aahataaH iva= and felt as though they were struck; padmanaalaiH= with lotus-stalks.
Ravana struck Rama's horses with blazing arrows. Those divine horses were neither shaken nor stumbled in the battle-field. They were indeed healthy at heart and felt as though they were just struck with lotus-stalks.
teShaamasambhramaM dR^iShTvaa vaajinaaM raavaNastadaa ||6-107-16
bhUya eva susa~NkruddhaH sharavarShaM mumocha ha |
16. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; teShaam= those; vaajinaam= horses; asambhramam= unstumbled; raavaNaH= Ravana; tadaa= then; bhuuyaH= was very much; susamkruddhaH= enraged; muocha ha= and released; shara varSham= showers of arrows.
Seeing those horses unstumbled, Ravana then was very much enraged and released showers of arrows.
gadaashcha parighaaMshchaiva chakraaNi musalaani cha ||6-107-17
girishR^i~NgaaNi vR^ikShaaMshcha tathaa shUlaparashvadhaan |
17. (He also hurled) gadaashcha= maces; parighaamshcha= iron bludgeous; chakraaNi= discs; musalaani= iron clubs; girishR^iNgaaNi= mountain-tops; vR^iskShaaNi= trees; tathaa= and; shuulaparishvadhaan= spikes and axes.
He also hurled maces, iron bludgeons, discs, iron clubs, mountain-tops, trees, spikes and axes.
maayaa vihitametattu shastravarShamapaatayat ||6-107-18
sahasrashastato baaNaanashraantahR^idayodyamaH |
18. ashraanta hR^idayodyamaH= unwearied in heart and in effort; tadaa= (Ravana) then; apaayat= employed; shastra varSham= streams of missiles; etat maaya vihitam= created out of his magic; sahasrashaH= and thousands of; baaNaan= arrows.
Unwearied as he was in his heart and in effort, Ravana then employed streams of missiles as a creation of magic and also thousands of arrows.
tumulaM traasajananaM bhiimaM bhiimapratisvanam ||6-107-19
durdharShamabhavadyuddhe naikashastramayaM mahat |
19. yuddhe= in that battle; mahat= abundant; varSham= rain; tat naikashastramayam= of those many missiles; tumulam= which were tumultuous; traasajananam= generating fear; bhiimam= terrific; bhiima pratisvanam= attended with a terrible echo; abhavat= descended.
In that battle, abundant rain of various missiles, which were tumultuous, generating fear, terrific and attended with a terrible echo, descended.
vimuchya raaghavarathaM samantaadvaanare bale ||6-107-20
saayakairantarikShaM cha chakaaraashu nirantaram |
20. vimuchya= leaving alone; raaghava ratham= Rama's chariot; saayakaiH= (he released) arrows; vaanare bale= on the army of monkeys; samantaat= on all sides sunirantaram chakaara= wholly covering; antarikSham= the sky.
Leaving alone Rama's chariot, Ravana released arrows on the army of monkeys on all sides, thus wholly covering the sky.
mumocha cha dashagriivo niHsa~Ngenaantaraatmanaa || 6-107-21
vyaayachchhamaanaM taM dR^iShTvaa tatparaM raavaNaM raNe |
prahasanniva kaakutsthaH sandadhe nishitaan sharaan ||6-107-22
sa mumocha tato baaNaanraNe shatasahasrashaH |
21, 22. dashagriivaH= Ravana; mumocha= released (arrows); antaraatmanaa= with a mind; niH saN^gena= which had given up all hope of survival; dR^iShTvaa= seeing; tam raavaNam= that Ravana; raNe tatparam= who was interested in battle; vyaayachachhamaanam= putting forth his great effort; kaakutsthaH= Rama; samdadhe= fitted; nishitaan sharaan= sharp arrows to his bow; prahasanniva= as though laughing; tataH= and thereupon; saH= he; mumocha= loosed; baaNaan= the arrows; shatashaH= in hundreds; sahasrashaH= and thousands.
Ravana released arrows with a mind, which had given up all hope of survival. Seeing that Ravana, who was interested in the battle, putting forth his great effort, Rama fitted Sharp arrows to his bow, as though laughing and thereupon he loosed the arrows in hundreds and thousands.
taan dR^iShTvaa raavaNashchakre svasharaiH khaM nirantaram ||6-107-23
tatastaabhyaaM prayuktena sharavarSheNa bhaasvataa |
sharabaddhamivaabhaati dvitiiyaM bhaasvadambaram ||6-107-24
23-24.dR^iShTvaa= seeing; taan= those; taan= arrows; raavaNaH= Ravana; chakre nirantaram= completely covered; kham= the sky; svasharaiH= with his own arrows; bhaasvataa sharavarSheNa= due to that dazzling shower of arrows; niyuktena= employed; tadaa= then; taabhyaam= by the two warriors; bhaasvat= the shining; ambaram= sky; aabhaati dvitiiyam iva= looked like a second sky; sharabaddham= built with arrows.
Seeing those arrows, Ravana completely covered the sky with his own arrows. Due to that dazzling shower of arrows then employed by the two warriors, the shining sky looked like a second sky built with arrows.
naanimitto.abhavadbaaNo naatibhettaa na niShphalaH |
anyonyamabhisaMhatya nipeturdharaNiitale ||6-107-25
tathaa visR^ijatorbaaNaanraamaraavaNayormR^idhe |
25. raama raavaNayoH= while Rama and Ravana; visR^ijatoH= were discharging; baaNaan= the arrows; tathaa= thus; mR^idhe= in the battle; na baaNaH abhavat= no arrow was; animittaH= without a target; na anirbhettaa= nor one which failed to pierce its target; na niShphalaH= nor gone in vain; abhisamhatya= colliding; anyonyam= with each other; nipetuH= (they) fell; dharaNiitale= on the earth's surface.
While Rama and Ravana were discharging the arrows thus in the battle0field, no arrow missed the target, no one failed to pierce the target and none had gone in vain. Colliding with each other, they fell on the ground.
praayudhyetaamavichchhinnamasyantau savyadakShiNam ||6-107-26
chakratustau sharaughaistu niruchchhvaasamivaambaram |
26. asyantau= releasing the arrows; savya dakShiNam= left and right; avichchhinnam= continually; praayudhyaitaam= they fought (at each other); ghoraiH sharaiH= with their terrific arrows; chakratuH cha= they made; ambaram= the sky; niruchchhvaasamiva= bereft of even a breathing space.
Releasing the arrows left and right continually, they fought at each other. With their terrific arrows, they made the sky, bereft of even a breathing space.
raavaNasya hayaanraamo hayaanraamasya raavaNaH ||6-107-27
jaghnatustau tadaanyonyaM kR^itaanukR^itakaariNau |
27. raamaH= Rama; raavaNasa hayaan= (struck) Ravana's horses; raavaNaH= Ravana; raamasya hayaan= (struck) Rama's horses; tau= both the warriors; tadaa= then; jaghnatuH= struck at; anyonyam= each other; kR^itaanukR^ita kaariNau= doing anything before and after.
Rama struck Ravana's horses. Ravana struck Rama's horses. Both the warriors then struck at each other, doing anything before and after.
evaM tu tau susaMkruddhau chakraturyuddhamuttamam ||6-107-28
muhuurtamabhavadyuddhaM tumulaM romaharShaNam |
28. susamkruddhau tau= those two extremely enraged warriors; evam= in this way; chakratuH= carried out; uttamam= an excellent; yuddham= battle; tumulam= a tumultuous; yuddham= battle; abhavat= occured; muhuurtam= for an hour or so; romaharShaNam= causing the hair to stand erect.
Those two extremely enraged warriors in this way, carried out are excellent combat. A tumultuous battle ensued for an hour or so, causing the hair to stand erect.
prayudhyamaanau samare mahaabalau |
shitaiH sharai raavaNalakShmaNaagrajau |
dhvajaavapaatena sa raakShasaadhipo |
bhR^ishaM prachukrodha tadaa raghuuttame ||6-107-29
29. mahaa balau= the mighty; raavaNa lakShma Naagrajau= Ravana and Rama; prayudhyamaanau= carried out the fight well; shitaiH= with sharp; sharaiH= arrows; samare= in the battle-field; saH raakShasaadhipaH=that Ravana; tadaa= at that time; bhR^isham prachukrodha= was very much enraged; raghuuttame= with Rama; dhvajaa vapaatena= as his flag-staff was thrown down.
The mighty Ravana and Rama carried out the fight well with sharp arrows in the battle-field. That Ravana at that time was very much enraged with Rama, as his flag-staff was thrown down.
tau tathaa yudhyamaanau tu samare raamaraavaNau |
dadR^ishuH sarvabhuutaanni vismitenaantaraatmanaa ||6-107-30
30. sarva bhuutaani= all the created beings; dadR^ishuH= gazed; vismitena antaraatmanaa= with an astonished mind; raama raavaNau= on Rama and Ravana; tathaa= who were thus; yudhyamaanau= fighting; samare= in the battle-field.
All the created beings for their part gazed with an astonished mind on Rama and Ravana, who thus were fighting at each other in the battle-field.
ardayantau tu samare tayostau syandanottamau |
parasparamabhikruddhau parasparamabhidrutau ||6-107-31
31. abhikruddhau= furiously; ardayantau= attacking; parasparam= each other; (in the battle-field); tayoH syandanottamau= those excellent chariots of the two warriors; abhidrutau= ran towards; parasparam= each other.
Furiously attacking each other in the battle-field, those excellent chariots of the two warriors ran towards each other.
parasparavadhe yuktau ghoraruupau babhuuvatuH |
maNDalaani cha viithiishcha gatapratyaagataani cha ||6-107-32
darshayantau bahuvidhaaM suutasaamarthyajaaM gatim |
32. yuktau= intent on; paraspara vadhe= destroying each other; (those chariots);darshayantau= displaying; bahuvidhaam gatim= various types of movements; maN^Dalaani= (such as) moving in circles; viithiishcha= moving straight; gata pratyaagataani= and darting forward as also receding forthwith; suutasaamarthyajaam= created from the capabilities of the charioteers; babhuuvatuH- assumed; ghoraruupaa= a terrible aspect.
Intent on destroying each other, those chariots, displaying various types of movements such as, moving in circles, moving straight and darting forward as also receding forthwith, originated from the capabilities of those charioteers, assumed a terrible aspect.
ardayan raavaNaM raamo raaghavaM chaapi raavaNaH ||6-107-33
gativegaM samaapannau prativegapravartane |
33. raamaH= Rama; ardayan= wounding; raavaNam= Ravana; raavaNaH chaapi= and Ravana too; raaghavam= (wounding) Rama; (both of them); samaapannau= had recourse to; gativegam= speed in movement; prativega pravartane= in their forward and backward motion.
Rama wounding Ravana and Ravana too wounding Rama, both of them had recourse to speed in movement in their forward and backward motions.
kShipatoH sharajaalaani tayostau syandanottamau ||6-107-34
cheratuh saMyugamahiiM saasaarau jaladaaviva |
34. syandanottamaiH= those excellent chariot; kShipatoH= casting; sharajaalaami= streams of arrows; cheratuH= strolled; samyugamahiim= in the battle-field; jalaan iva= like two clouds; saasaarau= pouring showers.
Those excellent chariots, casting streams of arrows, strolled in the battle-field, like two clouds pouring showers.
darshayitvaa tadaa tau tu gatiM bahuvidhaaM raNe ||6-107-35
parasparasyaabhimukhau punareva cha tasthatuH |
35. darshayitvaa= showing; bahuvidhaam= various kinds; gatim= of movement; raNe= in the battle-field; tau= those chariots; tadaa= then; punareva= again; tasthatuH= stood; abhimukhau= facing; parasparasya= each other.
Showing various kinds of movement in the battle-field, those chariots then again stood facing each other.
dhuraM dhureNa rathayorvaktraM vaktreNa vaajinaam ||6-107-36
pataakaashcha pataakaabhiH samiiyuH sthitayostada |
36. dhuram= the shafts; rathayoH= of the two chariots; sthitayoH= even as they stood; tadaa= at that moment; samiiyuH= met; dhureNa= (one) with the other shaft; vaktram= the muzzle; vaktreNa vaajinaam= of the horses (met) the one with the other; pataakaaH= and the flags; pataakaabhiH cha= met the one with the other flags.
The shaft of the two chariots even as they stood at that moment, met one with the other shaft the muzzle of the horses met the one with the other and the flags met the one with the other flags.
raavaNasya tato raamo dhanurmukaiH shitaiH sharaiH ||6-107-37
chaturbhishchaturo diiptaan hayaan pratyapasarpayat |
37. tataH= then; raamaH= Rama; chaturbhiH shitaiH sharaiH= with his four sharp arrows; dhanurmuktaiH= discharged from his bow; pratya pasarpayat= drove back; chaturaH= the four; diiptaan= splendid; hayaan= horses; raavaNasya= of Ravana.
Then Rama, with his four sharp arrows discharged from his bow, drove back the four splendid horses of Ravana.
sa krodhavashamaapanno hayaanaamapasarpaNe ||6-107-38
mumocha nishitaan baaNaan raaghavaaya dashaananaH |
38. saH dashaananaH= that Ravana; aapannaH krodha vasham= falling a prey to anger; apasarpaNe= for retreating; hayaanaam= his horses; mumocha= discharged; nishitaan sharaan= sharp arrows; raaghavaaya= on Rama.
That Ravana, falling a prey to anger for retreating his horses, discharged sharp arrows on Rama.
so.atividdho balavataa dashagriiveNa raaghavaH ||6-107-39
jagaama na vikaaram cha na chaapi vyathito.abhavat |
39. raaghavaH= Rama; atividdhaH= severely struck; balavataa dashagriiveNa= by the mighty Ravana; na jagaama= did not get; vikaaram= upset; na abhavat= nor was vyathitaH cha api= even tottered.
Rama, who was severely struck by the mighty Ravana, did not get upset nor was even tottered.
chikShepa cha punarbaaNaan vajrapaatasamasvanaan ||6-107-40
saarathiM vajrahastasya samuddishya dashaananaH |
40. uddishya= directing towards; saarathim= the charioteer; vajrahastasya= of Indra; dashagriivaH= Ravana; punaH= again; chikShepa= hurled; baaNaan= arrows; vajrapaata sama svanaan= with a sound similar to that of a thunder-bolt.
Directing towards Matali, Indra's charioteer, Ravana hurled arrows with a sound similar to that of a thunder-bolt.
maatalestu mahaavegaaH sariire patitaaH sharaaH ||6-107-41
na suukShmamapi saMmohaM vyathaaM vaa pradaduryudhi |
41. sharaaH= arrows; mahaavegaaH= of great speed; patitaaH= fallen; maataleH shariire= on Matali's body; na pradaduH= did not cause; susuukShmam api= even a pretty little; sammoham= of bewilderment; vyathaam vaa= or hurt (on him); yudhi= in the battle.
Arrows of great speed, fallen on Matali's body, did not cause even a pretty little of bewilderment or hurt on him in that battle.
tayaa dharShaNayaa kruddho maatalerna tathaatmanaH ||6-107-42
chakaara sharajaalena raaghavo vimukhaM ripum |
42. raaghavaH= Rama; kruddhaH= was enraged; tayaa dharShaNayaa= at that daring; attack; maataleH= on Matali; na= not; tathaa= in the same way; aatmanaH= (at an attack) on himself; chakaare= (He) made; ripum= the enemy; vimukham= turn away; sharajaalena= by his net work of arrows (on him).
Enraged at that daring attack on Matali, Rama who for his part did not feel provoked by the attack on himself, made his enemy turn away by hurling a net work of arrows on him.
viMshatiM triMshatiM ShaShTiM shatasho.atha sahasrashaH ||6-107-43
mumocha raaghavo viiraH saayakaan syandane rapoH |
43. viiraH= the valiant; raaghavaH= Rama; mumocha= discharged; vishatim= twenty; trimshatim= thirty; ShaSTim= sixty; atha= and; shatashaH= hundreds; sahasrashaH= and thousands; saayakaan= of arrows; ripoH syandane= on the enemy's chariot.
The valiant Rama discharged twenty, thirty, sixty and hundreds and thousands of arrows on the enemy's chariot.
raavaNo.api tataH kruddho rathastho raakShaseshvaraH ||6-107-44
gadaamusalavarSheNa raamaM pratyardayaraNe |
44. tataH= thereupon; raavaNaH.api= even Ravana; kruddhaH raakShaseshvaraH= the enraged king of demons; rathasthaH= who was seated in the chariot; pratyardayat= tormented; raamam= Rama; gadaamusala varSheNa= by showering maces and mallets (on him); raNe= in the battle.
Thereupon, even Ravana, the enraged king of demons, who was seated in the chariot, tormented Rama, by showering maces and mallets on him in the battle.
tatprayuktaM punaryuddhaM tu mulaM romaharShaNam ||6-107-45
gadaanaaM musalaanaaM cha parighaaNaaM cha niHsvanaiH |
sharaNaaM puN^khavaataishcha kShubhitaaH sapta saagaraaH ||6-107-46
45-46. yuddham= the battle; punaH= again; tatprayuktam= started by them; tumulam= was tumultuous; roma harShaNam= causing one's hair to stand erect; niH svanaiH= with the sounds; gadaanaam= of maces; musalaanaamcha= mallets; parishaaNaam cha= and iron rods; puNkhavaataishcha sharaaNaam= and with the gusts raised; sapta saagaraaH= the seven ocean; kShubhitaaH= became agitated.
The battle thus started again by then, was tumultuous, causing one's hair to stand erect. With the sounds of maces, mallets and iron rods and with the gusts raised by the plumes adorning the flying arrows, the seven agitated oceans felt disquieted.
kShubdhaanaaM saagaraaNaaM cha paataalatalavaasinaH |
vyathitaa daanavaaH sarve pannagaashcha sahasrashaH ||6-107-47
47. sahasrashaH= thousands of; sarve= all; daanavaaH= the demons; pannagaashcha= and serpents; paataala vaasinaH= inhabiting in the nethermost subterranean region; kShubdhaanaam saagaraaNaam= of the agitated oceans; vyathitaaH= felt disturbed.
Thousands of all the demons and serpents, inhabiting in the nethermost subterranean region of the agitated oceans, felt disturbed.
chakampe medinii kR^itsnaa sashailavanakaananaa |
bhaaskaro niShprabhashchaasiinna vavau chaapi maarutaH ||6-107-48
48. kR^isnaa= the entire; medinii= earth; sa shailavanakaananaa= including mountains, groves and forests; chakampe= trembled; bhaaskarashcha= the sun too; aasiit= became; niShprabha= gloomy; maarutashchaapi= even the wind too; na vavau= did not blow.
The entire earth, including mountains, groves and forests trembled. The sun too became gloomy even the wind did not blow.
tato devaaH sagandharvaaH siddhaashcha paramarShayaH |
chintaamaapedire sarve sakiMnaramahoragaaH ||6-107-49
49. tataH= then; devaaH= the gods; sagandharvaaH= along with Gandharvas the celestial musicians; siddhaascha= Siddhas the semi-divine beings; paramarShayaH= great sages; sarve= and all; sakimnaramahoragaaH= including kinnaras the mythical beings and great serpents aapedire= obtained; chintaam= anxiety.
Then, the gods along with Gandharvas the celestial musicians, Siddhas the semi-divine beings, great sages and all including Kinnaras the mythical beings and great serpents became disquieted.
svasti gobraahmaNebhyo.astu lokaastiShThantu shaashvataaH |
jayataaM raaghavaH saMkhye raavaNaM raakShaseshvaram ||6-107-50
evaM japanto.apashyaMste devaaH sarShigaNaastadaa |
raamaraavaNayoryuddhaM sughoraM romaharShaNam ||6-107-51
50-51. tadaa= at that time; te devaaH= those gods; sarShigaNaaH= along with troops of sages; japantaH= saying; evam= thus; svasti astu= "May all be well; gobraahmaNebhyaH= with the cows and Brahmanas; lokaaH= May all the worlds; tiShThantu= endure; shaashvataaH= forever; raaghavaH= May Rama; jayataam= conquer; raavaNam= Ravana!" apashyan= saw; ghoram= a terrific; yuddham= battle; raamaraavaNayoH= between Rama and Ravana; romaharShaNam= which caused one's hair to stand on end.
At that time, those gods along with troops of sages, saying "May all be well with the cows and Brahmanas, May all the worlds endure forever, May Rama conquer Ravana!", saw a terrific battle between Rama and Ravana, which caused one's hair to stand on end.
gandharvaapsarasaaM saMghaa dR^iShTvaa yuddhamanuupamam |
gaganaM gaganaakaaraM saagaraH saagaropamaH ||6-107-52
raamaraavaNayoryuddhaM raamaraavaNayoriva |
evaM bruvanto dadR^ishustadyuddhaM raamaraavaNam ||6-107-53
52-53. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; anuupamam= that matchless; yuddham= struggle; gaganaakaaram= (and observing) that the sky is its own compeer; saagaraH= and the ocena; saagaropamaH= is its own analogue; raama raavaNayoH yuddham= the battle between Rama and Ravana; raama raavaNayoH iva= can be likened only to the battle between Rama and Ravana; gandharva apsarasaam= the hosts of Gandharvas the celestial musicians and Apsaras, the heavenly nymphs; dadR^ishuH= looked on; tat yuddham= that battle; raama raavaNaam= between Rama and Ravana.
Seeing that matchless struggle and observing that the sky is its own compeer and the ocean is its own analogue, the battle between Rama and Ravana can be likened only to the battle between Rama and Ravana, the hosts of Gandharvas the celestial musicians and Apsaras, the heavenly lymphs, looked on that battle between Rama and Ravana.
tataH krodhaanmahaabaahuu raghuuNaaM kiirtivardhanaH |
saMdhaaya dhanuShaa raamaH sharamaashiiviShopamam ||6-107-54
raavaNasya shoro.achchhindachchhriimajjvalitakuNDalam |
tachchhiraH patitaM bhuumau dR^iShTaM lokaistribhistadaa ||6-107-55
54-55. tataH= thereupon; raamaH= Rama; mahaabaahuH= the great-armed; kiirtivardhanaH= and who augmented the fame; raaghuuNaam= of the kings born in Raghu dynasty; krodhaat= with anger; samdhaaya= stretching; aashiiviShopamam= the serpent-like; sharam= arrow; dhanuShaa= with his bow; achchhindat= chopped off; raavaNasya= shiraH= the head of Ravana; jvalita kuN^Dalam= which was graced with blazing ear-rings; tadaa= then; tat= that; shriimat= glorious; shiraH= head; dR^iShTam= was seen; patitam= fallen; bhuumau= on the ground; tribhiH lokaiH= by the three worlds.
Thereupon, the great-armed Rama who augmented the fame of the kings born in Raghu dynasty, stretching with anger, the serpent-like arrow with his bow, chopped off the glorious head of Ravana, which was graced with blazing ear-rings. Then, all the three worlds saw that head, fallen on the ground.
tasyaiva sadR^ishaM chaanyadraavaNasyotthitaM shiraH |
tat kShiptaM kShiprahastena raameNa kShiprakaariNaa ||6-107-56
56. anyat= another; shiraH= head; sadR^isham= similar; tasyaiva= exactl to that head; utthitam= cropped up; raavaNasya= (on the shoulders) of Ravana; tat= that (second head); kShiptam= was chopped off; raameNa= by Rama kShiprahatena= having swift hand; kShiprakaariNaa= and who performs his act swiftly.
Another head, exactly similar to that head, cropped up on the shoulders of Ravana. That second head was again chopped off by Rama, possessing a swift hand and who was swift in his act.
dvitiiyaM raavaNashirashchinnaM saMyati saayakaiH |
chinnamaatraM cha tachchhiirShaM punareva pradshyate ||6-107-57
57. dvitiiyam= that second; raavaNaH shiraH= head of Ravana; chhinnam= was cut off; saayakaiH= by arrows; samyati= in the battle; tat shiirSham chhinnamaatram= soon after that head was chopped off; punareva= (it) again; dR^ishyate= rose into view.
The second head of Ravana was cut off by arrows in that battle. Soon after that head was chopped off, it again rose into view.
tadapyashanisaMkaashaishchhinnaM raamasya saayakaiH |
evameva shataM chinnaM shirasaaM tulyavarchasaam ||6-107-58
58. tadapi= that head too; chhinnam= was chopped off; raama saayakaiH= by Rama's arrows; ashanisamkaashaiH= which were looking like thunder-bolt; evemeva= in the same way; shatam= a hundred; shirasaam= of heads; tulyavarchasaam= of equal splendour; chhinnam= were chopped off.
Rama chopped off that head too with his arrows looking like thunderbolts. In the same manner, a hundred of Ravana's heads of equal splendour were chopped off by Rama.
na chaiva raavaNasyaanto dR^ishyate jiivitakShaye |
tataH sarvaastravidviiraH karusalyaanandavardhanaH ||6-107-59
maargaNairbahubhiryuktashchintayaamaasa raaghavaH |
59. na antaH chaiva= yet no certainty; jiivita kShaye= about the death raavaNasya= of Ravana; dR^ishgate= could be seen; tataH= then; viiraH= the valiant; raamaH= Rama; kausalyaanandavardhanaH= the augmentor of the joy of Kausalya yuktaH= and endowed with; bahubhiH baaNaiH= many arrows; sarva astravit= and the knower of all missiles; chintayaamaasa= became thoughtful (said to himself as follows:)
Yet, no certainty about Ravana's death could be seen. Thought equipped with many arrows and well-versed with all kinds of missiles, the valiant Rama, the augmentor of Kausalya's joy, then became thoughtful (said to himself as follows):
maariicho nihato yaistu kharo yaistu saduuShaNaH |
krauJNchaavane viraadhastu kabando daNDake vane |
yaiH saalaa girayo bhagnaa vaalii cha kShubhito.ambudhiH ||6-107-60
ta ime saayakaaH sarve yuddhe praatyayikaa mama |
kiM nu tatkaaraNaM yena raavaNe mandatejasaH ||6-107-61
60-61. kim= what; tat kaaraNam= is that reason te ime saayakaaH= these arrows; yaiH= by which maariichaH= Mareecha; nihataH= was killed; yaiH= by which; kharaH= Khara; saduuShaNaH= along with Dushana; kabandhaH= kabandha; krounchavane= in Krouncha forest; viraadhuH tu= Viradha; daN^Dakaavane= in the forest of Dandaka (were killed); yaiH= by which; saalaaH= Sala trees; girayaH= and mountains; bhagnaaH= were broken; vaaliicha= Vali too was killed; ambudhiH= the ocean; kShubhitaH= was skaken up; sarve= all these arrows; praatyayikaaH= kShubhitaH= was shaken up; sarve= all these arrows; praatyayikaaH= which provided immediate help; mama= to me; yuddhe= in battle; manda tejasaH= have proved of little efficacy; raavane= in the case of Ravana.
"What is the reason, these arrows by which Mareecha, Khara, Dushana, Kabandha in Kroucha-forest, and Viradha in Dandaka-forest were killed, by which seven Sala trees and the mountains were burst, by which Vali was killed and the ocean shaken up all these arrows which provided immediate succour to me in battle, have proved of little efficacy in the case of Ravana."
iti chintaaparashchaasii dapramattashcha saMyuge |
vavarSha sharavarShaaNi raaghavo raavaNorasi ||6-107-62
62. iti= thus; chintaaparaH= absorbed in thought; raaghavaH= Rama; aasiit= remained; apramattashcha= vigilant; samyuge= in the battle-filed; vavarSha= (He) showered; sharavarShaaNi= streams of arrows; raavaNorasi= in Ravana's chest.
Thus absorbed in thought, Rama remained vigilant in the battle-field. He showered streams of arrows in Ravana's chest.
raavaNo.api tataH kruddho rathastho raakShaseshvaraH |
gadaamusalavarSheNa raamaM pratyardayadraNe ||6-107-63
63. tataH= thereupon; raavaNaH.api= even Ravana; kruddhaH raakShaseshvaraH= the enraged king of demons; rathasthaH= who was seated in the chariot; pratyardayat= tormented; raamam= Rama; gadaa musale varSheNa= by showeing maces and mallets (on him); raNe= in the combat.
Thereupon, even Ravana, the enraged king of demons, who was seated in his chariot, tormented Rama by showering maces and mallets on him in the combat.
tatpravR^ittaM mahadyuddhaM tumulaM romaharShaNam |
antarikShe cha bhuumau cha punashcha girimuurdhani ||6-107-64
64. tat= that; mahat= great; tumulam= tumultuous; yuddham= battle; romaharShaNam= which caused one's hair to stand on end; pravR^ittam= took place; antarikShe cha= in the sky; bhuumau cha= on the ground; punashcha= and furthermore; girimuurdhani= on the mountain.
That great tumultuous battle, which caused one's hair to stand on end, took place in the sky, on the ground and furthermore on the mountain.
devadaanavayakShaaNaaM pishaachoragarakShasaam |
pashyataaM tanmahaayuddhaM saptaraatramavartata ||6-107-65
65. devadaanava yakShaaNaam= (while) the gods, the demons, Yakshas the supernatural beings pishaachoragarakShasaam= the devils, the serpents and the ogres; pashyataam= were witnessing; tat= that; mahaayuddham= great battle; avartata= occurred; saptaraatram= for seven days.
While the gods, the demons, Yakshas the super-natural beings, the devils, the serpents and the ogres were witnessing, that great battle occurred for seven days.
naiva raatriM na divasaM na muhuurtaM na cha kShaNam |
raamaraavaNayoryuddhaM viraamamupagachchhati ||6-107-66
66. na viraamam= there was no respite; raatrim upagachchhati= occurred in the night; na= nor; divasam= in the day; na= nor; muhuurtam= for an hour; na kShaNan= nor for an instant; yuddhan= in the battle; raama raavaNayoH= between Rama and Ravana.
There was no respite in battle between Rama and Ravana, either in the might or in the day-time or for an hour or even for a instant.
dasharathasutaraakShasendrayo |
rjayamanavekShya raNe sa raaghavasya |
suravararathasaarathirmahaatmaa |
raNarataraamamuvaacha vaakyamaashu ||6-107-67
67. anavekSya= not beholding; dasharathasuta raakShasendrayoH= between Rama and Ravana; saH= that; mahaatmaa= great souled; suravarasaarathiH= Matali the charioteer of Indra; aashu= quickly; uvaacha= spoke; vaakyam= the following words; raNarataraamam= to Rama, who was still engaged in fighting.
Not beholding the victory of Rama in the combat between Rama and Ravana that great-souled Matali, the charioteer of Indra quickly spoke the following words to Rama, who was still engaged in fighting.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe saptottarashatatamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 107th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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