Chapter [Sarga] 122  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 122


Rama commands Vibhishana to honour the monkeys with gold and precious stones. When Vibhishana has honoured them with the gifts, Rama along with Lakshmana and Seetha ascend the aerial car. When the monkeys and Vibhishana request Rama to permit them to accompany in the aerial car upto Ayodhya to witness his coronation-ceremony, Rama gladly permits them to do so. All of them start on their aerial journey in Pushpaka, the wonderful aerial car which can accommodate all, spaciously.

upasthitam tu taM kR^itvaa puShpakaM puShpabhuuShitam |
aviduure sthito raamamityuvaacha vibhiiShaNaH || 6-122-1
1. vihiiShaNaH= Vibhishana; kR^itvaa upasthitam= keeping ready; tam= that; puShpakam= Pushpaka the aerial car; puShpabhuuShitam= decorated with flowers; sthitaH= stood; aviduure= not very far; uvaacha= and spoke; iti= thus; raamam= to Rama (as follows):
Keeping ready Pushpaka the aerial car decorated with flowers, Vibhishana, for his part, standing not very far, spoke to Rama (as follows):
sa tu baddhaaJNjalipuTo viniito raakShaseshvaraH |
abraviittvarayopetaH kiM karomiiti raaghavam || 6-122-2
2. kim karomi= “What (more) can I do?”; iti= thus; abraviit= spoke; upetaH tvarayaa= with haste; saH raakShaseshvaraH= that Vibhishana; viniitaH= endowed with modesty; baddhaaN^jalipuTaH= and with joined palms; raaghavam= to Rama.
“What more can I do?” thus spoke with haste, Vibhishana endowed as he was with modesty and with joined palms, to Rama.
tamabraviinmahaatejaa lakShmaNasyopashR^iNvataH |
vimR^ishya raaghavo vaachamidaM snehapuraskR^itam || 6-122-3
3. vimR^iShya= after some circumspection; raamaH= Rama; mahaatejaaH= of great splendor; snehapuraskR^itam= affectionately; uvaacha= spoke; idam= the following words; tam= to him; lakShmaNasya upashR^iNvataH= while Lakshmana was listening.
After some circumspection, Rama of great splendor, affectionately spoke the following words to him, while Lakshmana was listening:
kR^itaprayatnakarmaaNaH sarva eva vanecharaaH |
ratnairarthaishcha vividhaiH saMpuujyantaaM vibhiiShaNa || 6-122-4
4. sarva eva vanecharaaH= (Let) all these monkeys and bears (ie. Denizem of forests) kR^ita prayatna karmaaNaH= who performed tasks of exertion; sampuujyantaam= be honoured; ratnaiH= with precious stones; vividhaiH arthaishcha= and riches of various kinds; vibhiiShaNa= O Vibhishana!
“Let all these monkeys and bears (ie. Denizens of forests), who performed tasks of exertion, be honoured with tasks of exertion, be honoured with precious stones and riches of various kinds, O Vibhishana!”
sahaamiibhistvayaa laN^kaa nirjitaa raakShaseshvara |
hR^iShTaiH praaNabhayaM tyaktvaa saMgraameShvanivartibhiH || 6-122-5
5. raakShaseshvara= O Vibhishana the king of demons!; tvaya= by you; amiibhiH saha= in collaboration with them; anivartibhiH= who never turned their backs; samgraameShu= in battles; hR^iShTaiH= and fought joyfully; tyaktvaa= ignoring; praaNabhayam= all risk to their lives; laN^kaa= Lanka; nirjitaa= has been conquered.
“O Vibhishana the king of demons! Lanka has conquered by you, in collaboration with these monkeys, who never turned their backs in battles and fought joyfully, ignoring all risk to their lives.”
ta ime kR^itakarmaaNaH sarva eva vanaukasaH |
dhanaratnapradaanena karmaiShaaM saphalaM kuru || 6-122-6
6. sarve eva te ime vanaukasaH= all these mokeys without exception; kR^itakarmaaNaH= have accomplished their task; kuru saphalam eShaam karma= reward their achievement; dhanaratna pradaanena= with gift of gold and precious stones.
“All these monkeys, without exceptions, have accomplished their task. Reward their achievement with gifts of gold and precious stones.”
evam saMmaanitaashchaite nandyamaanaa yathaa tvayaa |
bhaviShyanti kR^itajJNena nirviR^itaa hariyuuthapaaH || 6-122-7
7. sammanitaa= highly honoured; evam= in this way; yathaa nandyamaanaaH= and duly cheered; tvayaa= by you; kR^itajJNena= acknowledging their services; ete hariyuuthapaaH= the chiefs of monkeys-troops; bhaviShyanti= will feel; nirvR^itaaH= happy.
“Highly honoured in this way any duly cheered by you, acknowledging their services, the chiefs of monkey-troops, will feel happy.”
tyaaginaM saMgrahiitaaraM saanukroshaM jitendriyam |
sarve tvaamabhigachchhanti tataH saMbodhayaami te || 6-122-8
8. sarve= all; abhigachchhanti= will come nearer; tvaam= to you; tyaaginam= having the quality of generosity; samgrahiitaaram= and propitiating others; saanukrosham= showing compassion; jitendriyam= and having subjugated your senses; tataH= Hence; sambodhayaami= I am reminding; te= you.
“All will come nearer to you, for having possessed this quality of generosity, for propitiating them, for showing compassion to them and for having subjugated your senses. Hence, I am reminding you.”
hiinaM ratiguNaiH sarvairabhihantaaramaahave |
senaa tyajati saMvignaa nR^ipatiM taM nareshvara || 6-122-9
9. nareshvara= O king!; samvignaa= feeling agitated; senaa= the army; tyajati= deserts; tam nR^ipatim= that king; hiinam= who is bereft; sarvaiH ratiguNaiH= of all loving qualities; hantaaram= and who orders them to kill people; aahave= in battle.
“O king! Feeling agitated, the army deserts that king, who is bereft of all loving qualities and who merely orders them to kill people in battle.”
evamuktastu raameNa vaanaraaMstaanvibhiiShaNaH |
ratnaarthasaMvibhaagena sarvaanevaabhyapuujayat || 6-122-10
10. evam= thus uktaH= spoken; raameNa= by Rama; vibhiiShaNaH= Vibhishana; abhyapuujayat= honoured; sarve taan vaanaraan= all those monkeys; ratnartha samvibhaagena= by dispersing precious stones and gold to them.
Hearing the words of Rama, Vibhishana honoured all those monkeys, by dispersing precious stones and gold to them.
tatastaan puujitaan dR^iShTvaa ratnaarthairhariyuuthapaan |
aaruroha tadaa raamastadvimaanamanuttamam || 6-122-11
11. tataH= thereafter; dR^iShTvaa= having seen; taan hariyuuthapaan= those commanders of monkey-troops; puujitaan= honoured; ratnaarthaiH= with precious stones and gold; raamaH= Rama; tadaa= then; aaruroha= mounted; tat= that; anuttamam= excellent; vimaanam= aerial car.
Thereafter, having seen on that occasion all those commanders of monkey-troops honoured with precious stones and gold, Rama then mounted that excellent aerial car.
aN^kenaadaaya vaidehiiM lajjamaanaaM yashasviniim |
lakShmaNena saha bhraatraa vikraantena dhanuShmataa || 6-122-12
12. (He mounted the aerial car); lakShmaNena saha= along with Lakshmana; bhraatraa= his brother; vikraantena= who was valiant; dhanuShmataa= wielding a bow; aadaaya= taking; yashasviniim= the illustrious; vaidehiim= Seetha; lajjamaanaam= who was feeling abashed; aN^kena= in his arms.
He mounted the aerial car along with Lakshmana, his valiant brother wielding a bow and taking the illustrious Seetha, who was feeling abashed, in his arms.
abraviitsa vimaanasthaH puujayan sarvavaanaraan |
sugriivaM cha mahaaviiryam kaakutstaH savibhiiShaNam || 6-122-13
13. puujayan= bestowing his attention; sarva vaanaraan= on all the monkeys; savibhiiShaNam= as well as Vibhishana; mahaaviiryam= and the mighty; sugriivam cha= Sugreeva; saH kaakutthsaH= that Rama; vimaanasthaH= remaining in the aerial car; abraviit= spoke (as follows):
Bestowing attention on all the monkeys as well as Vibhishana and the mighty Sugreeva, Rama remaining in the aerial car, spoke (as follows):
mitrakaaryam kR^itamidaM bhavadbhidvaanararShabhaaH |
anujJNaataa mayaa sarve yatheShTam pratigachchhata || 6-122-14
14. vaanararShabhaaH= O the foremost of monkeys!; idam= this; mitrakaaryam= work of a friend; kR^itam= has been accomplished; bhavidbhiH= by you; mayaa anujJNaataaH= permitted by me; sarve= all of you; pratigachchhata= can go; yatheShTam= where you will.
“O the foremost of monkeys! This work of a friend has been accomplished by you. Permitted by me, all of you can go, where you will.”
yattu kaaryaM vayasyena snigdhena cha hitena cha |
kR^itaM sugriiva tatsarvaM bhavataa dharmabhiiruNaa || 6-122-15
kiShkindhaaM pratiyaahyashu svasainyenaabhisaMvR^itaH |
15. sugriiva= O Sugreeva!; bhavataa= by you; dharma bhiiruNaa= who are trembling alive to righteousness; sarvam tat= and all that; yat tu kaaryam= which ought to be done; snigdhena hitena vayasyena= by an affectionate and service-minded friend; kR^itam= has been done; bhavataa= by you; yaahi= go; aashu= at once; abhisamvR^itaH= accompanied; svasinyena= by your army; kiShkindhaam= to Kishkindha.
“O Sugreeva! All that which ought to be done by an affectionate and service-minded friend, has been done for your part by you, trembling alive as you are to righteousness. Accompanied by your army, proceed to Kishkindha at once.”
svaraajye vasa laN^kaayaaM mayaa datte vibhiiShaNa || 6-122-16
na tvaaM dharShayituM shaktaaH sendraa api divaukasaH |
16. vibhiiShana= O Vibhishana!; vasa= reside; laN^kaayaam= in Lanka; svaraajya= your own kingdom; date= conferred; mayaa= by me; divaukasaH api= even the celestials; sendraaH= including Indra; na shaktaaH= shall not be able; dharShayitum to attack; tvaam= you.
“O Vibhishana! Settle down in your kingdom at Lanka, conferred by me. Even the celestials including Indra shall not be able to attack you.”
ayodhyaaM pratiyaasyaami raajadhaaniiM piturmama || 6-122-17
abhyanujJNaatumichchhami sarvaanaamantrayaami vaH |
17. yaasyaami= I am going; ayodhyaam prati= to Ayodhya; raajadhaaniim= seat of government; mama pituH= of my father; ichchhaami= I bid; abhyanujJNaatum= adieu (to you); aamantrayaami= and wish to take leave; vah= of you; sarvaan= all.
“ I am going to Ayodhya, the seat of government of my father. I bid adieu to you and wish to take leave of you all.”
evamuktaastu raameNa hariindraa harayastathaa || 6-122-18
uuchuH praaJNjalayaH sarve raakShasashcha vibhiiShaNaH |
18. evam= thus; uktaaH= spoken; raameNa= by Rama; hariindraah= the monkey-chiefs; tathaa= and; harayaH= the monkeys; vibhiiShaNaH= Vibhishana; raakShasaH= the demon; sarve= and all of them there; uuchuH= spoke (as follows); praaN^jalayaH= with their joined palms.
Hearing the words of Rama, the monkey-chiefs, the monkeys, Vibhishana the demon and all of them there, with their joined palms, spoke (as follows):
ayodhyaaM gantumichchhaamaH sarvaan nayatu no bhavaan || 6-122-19
mudyuktaa vichariShyaamo vanaanyupananaani cha |
19. ichchhaami= we (also) wish; gantum= to proceed; ayodhyaam= to Ayodhya; bhavaan= you; nayatu= take; sarvaan naH= all of us there; vichariShyaamah= we shall range; vanaani= the gardens; upavanaanicha= and groves; mudyuktaaH= with rejoice.
“We also wish to proceed to Ayodhya. You take all of us there we shall range the gardens and groves there with rejoice.”
dR^iShTvaa tvaamabhiShekaardraM kausalyaamabhivaadya cha || 6-122-20
achiraadaagamiShyaamaH svagR^ihaannR^ipasattama |
20. nR^ipasattama= O the excellent king!; dR^iShTvaa= seeing; tvaam= you; abhiShekaardram= drenched with ablution (in the coronation-ceremony); abhivaadya cha= and offering our salutations; kausalyaam= to Kausalya; achiraam aagamiShyaamaH= we shall soon return; svagR^ihaan= to our homes.
“O the excellent king! Seeing you, drench with ablution (in the coronation ceremony) and offering our salutations to Kausalya, we shall return to our homes.”
evamuktaH sa dharmaatmaa vaanaraiH savibhiiShaNaiH || 6-122-21
abraviidvaanaraanraamaH sasugriivavibhiiShaNaan |
21. evam= thus; uktaH= spoken; vaanaraiH= by the monkeys; savibhiiShaNaiH= and Vibhishana; saH dharmaatmaa raamaH= that pious minded Rama; abraviit= spoke; vaanaraan= to the monkeys; sasugriiva vibhiiShaNaan= Sugreeva and Vibhishana (as follows):
Hearing those words of the monkeys and Vibhishana, that pious-minded Rama spoke to those monkeys, Sugreeva and Vibhishana as follows:
priyaaatpriyataraM labdhaM yadahaM sasuhR^ijjanaH || 6-122-22
sarvairbhavadbhiH sahitaH priitiM lapsye puriiM gataH |
22. priyataram= something more dearer; priyaat= than everything dear; labdham= will be achieved (by me); yat aham gataH puriim= if I reach Ayodhya; sasuhR^ijjanaH= with the host of my friends; sarvaiH bhavadbhiH sahitaH= and with all of you; priitim lapsye= for, I shall feel delighted.
“Something more dearer than everything dear will be achieved by me, if I reach Ayodhya with the host of my friends along with all of you, for, I shall feel delighted.”
kShipramaaroha sugriiva vimaanaM vaanaraiH saha || 6-122-23
tvamapyaaroha saamaatyo raakShasendra vibhiiShaNa |
23. sugriiva= O Sugreeva!; aaroha= Mount; vimaanam= the aerial car; kShipram= quickly; vaanaraiH saha= along with the monkeys; vibhiiShana= O Vibhishana; raakShasendra= the king of demons!; tvam api aarhoha= you also ascend it; saamaatyaH= along with your counsellors.
“O Sugreeva! Mount the aerial cars quickly, along with the monkeys. O Vibhishana, the king of demons! You also ascend it, along with your counsellors.”
tatah sa puShpakaM divyaM sugriivaH saha vaanaraiH || 6-122-24
aaruroha mudaa yuktaH samaatyashcha vibhiiShaNaH |
24. tataH= thereupon; saH sugriivaH= that Sugreeva; vaanaraiH saha= along with the monkeys; mudaa yuktaH= gladly; aaruroha= ascended; divyam= the wonderful; puShpakam= Pushpaka, the aerial car; vibhiShanashcha= as also Vibhishana; saamaatyaH= together with his counsellors.
Thereupon, that Sugreeva along with the monkeys gladly ascended that wonderful Pushpaka, the aerial car. Vibhishana together with his counselors also ascended it.
teShvaaruuDheShu sarveShu kauberam paramaasanam || 6-122-25
raaghaveNaabhyanujJNaatamutpapaata vihaayasam |
25. teShu sarveShu= when all of them; aaruuDheShu= ascended; paramaasanam= that excellent aerial car; kauberam= belonging to Kubera; utpapaata= flew; vihaayasam= into the sky; abhyanujJNaatam= after having been duly authorized; raaghaveNa= by Rama.
When all of them ascended, that excellent aerial car, belonging to Kubera, flew into the sky, after having been duly authorized by Rama.
khagatena mivaanena haMsayuktena bhaasvataa || 6-122-26
prahR^iShTashchapratiitashcha babhau raamaH kuberavat |
26. prahR^iShTashcha= feeling greatly rejoiced; pratiitashcha= and satisfied; bhaasvataa vimaanena= while travelling in the splendid aerial car; khagatena= which was now in the air; hamsayuktena= and was provided with the image of swan; raamaH= Rama; babhau= shone; kuberavat= like Kubera.
Feeling greatly rejoiced and satisfied while travelling in that splendid aerial car, which was now in the air and was provided with the image of a swan, Rama shone like Kubera.
te sarve vaanararkShashcha raakShasaashcha mahaabalaaH || 6-122-27
yathaasukhamasaMbaadhaM divye tasminnupaavishan |
27. te sarve= all those; mahaabalaaH= mighty; vaanaraH= monkeys; R^ikShaH= bears; raakShasaashcha= and demons; upaavishan= sat; asambaadham= spaciously; yathaa sukham= and comfortably; divye tasmin= in that wonderful aerial car.
All those mighty monkeys, bears and demons sat comfortably and spaciously in that wonderful aerial car.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe dvaaviMshatyadhikashatatamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 122nd chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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