Chapter [Sarga] 123  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 123


In the course of their flight to Ayodhya, Rama shows to Seetha, the whole City of Lanka, the battle-field where Ravana and other demons were killed, Nala-Setu the bridge which was built across the ocean, Mount Mainka, Setu-bandha (where the construction of the bridge was started), Mount Rishyamuka, Pampa River, Janasthana-forest, Panchavati, Godavari river, the hermitage of sage-Agastya, the hermitage of Atri and Anasuya, Mount Chitrakuta, Yamuna-river, the hermitage of Bharadwaja, Ganga-river, Sarayu-river and finally the City of Ayodhya.

anuGYaatan tu raameNa tadvimaanamanuttamam |
utpapaata mahaameghaH shvasanenoddhato yathaa || 6-123-1
1. anujJNaatam= as approved; raameNa= by Rama; tat anuttamam= that excellent; vimaanam= aerial car; hamsayukam= with images of swans painted on it; utpapaatam= flew; vihaayasam= into the sky; mahaanaadam= with a great sound.
As approved by Rama, that excellent aerial car, with images of swan painted on it, flew into the sky, with a great sound.
paatayitvaa tatashchakShuH sarvato raghunandanaH |
abravInmaithilIn sItaaM raamaH shashinibhaananaam || 6-123-2
2. tataH= then; raamaH= Rama; raghunanadanaH= the delight of Raghu dynasty; paatayitvaa= casting; chakShuH= his look; sarvataH= on all sides; abraviit= spoke; siitaam= to Seetha; maithiliim= the princes; of Mithila kingdom; shashinibhaananaam= having her face looking like the moon (as follow):
Casting his look on all sides, Rama, the delight of Raghu dynasty, then spoke to Seetha, who had a moon-like face (as follows):
kailaasashikharaakaare trikUTashikhare sthitaam |
la~NkaamIkShasva vaidehi nirmitaan vishvakarmaNaa || 6-123-3
3. vaidehi= O Seetha; iikShasva= look at; laN^kaam= the City of Lanka; nirmitaam= built; vishvakarmaNaa= by Vishvakarma, the universal architect; sthitaam= and resting firmly; trikuuTa shikharaakaare= like a peak of Mount Kailasa in appearance.
“O Seetha! Look at the City of Lanka, resting firmly on the mount of Trikuta, looking like a peak of Mount Kailasa and built by Viswarakarma, the universal architect.”
etadaayodhanaM pashya maansashoNitakardamam |
harINaan raakShasaanaan cha sIte vishasanaM mahat || 6-123-4
4. siite= O Seetha!; pashya= look at; etat mahataayodhanam= this great battle-field; maamsashoNita kardamam= covered with a mud a flesh and blood; vishasanam= and a cause for the death; hariiNaam raakShasaanaamcha= of monkeys and demons.
“O Seetha! Look at this great battle-field, covered with a mud of flesh and blood as also a cause for the death of monkeys and demons.”
atra dattavaraH shete pramaathii raakShaseshvaraH |
tava hetorvishaalaakShi raavaNo nihato mayaa || 6-123-5
5. vishaalaakShi= O the large-eyed Seetha!; atra shete= here lies; raavaNaH= Ravana; raakShaseshvaraH= the king of demons; pramaathii= the tormentator of people; dattavaraH= on whom boons had been conferred (by Brahma); nihataH= was killed; mayaa= by me; tava hetoH= for your sake.
“O the large-eyed Seetha! Here lies Ravana, the king of demons, the tormentator of people, on whom boons were conferred by Brahma and who was killed by me for your sake.”
kumbhakarNoatra nihataH prahastashcha nishaacharaH |
dhuumraakShashchaatra nihato vaanareNa hanuumataa || 6-123-6
6. atra= here; kumbhakarNa= Kumbhakarna; nihataH= was killed; prahastashcha= and Prahasta; nishaacharaH= the demon; atra= here; dhuumrakShaH= Dhumraksha; nihataH= was killed; hanuumataa= by Hanuma; vaanareNa= the monkey.
“Here, Kumbhakarna and Prahasta the demon were killed. Here, Dhumraksha was killed by Hanuma, the monkey.”
vidyunmaalii hatashchaatra suSheNena mahaatmanaa |
lakShmaNenendrajichchaatra raavaNirnihato raNe || 6-123-7
7. atra= here; mahaatmanaa suSheNena= by the great-souled Sushena; vidyunmaalii= Vidyunmali; hata= was killed; atra= here; lakShmaNena= by Lakshmana; indrajit= Indrajit; raavaNiH= the son of Ravana; nihataH= was killed; raNe= in a combat.
"Here was Vidyunmali killed by the great-souled Sushena and here was Indrajit, the son of Ravana, killed by Lakshmana in a combat."
aN^gadenaatra nihato vikaTo naama raakShasaH |
virUpaakShashcha duShprekShyo mahaapaarshvamahodarau || 6-123-8
akampanashcha nihato balinoanye cha raakShasaaH |
trishiraashchaatikaayashcha devaantakanaraantakau || 6-123-9
8-9. atra= here; nihataH was killed; vikaTo naama raakShasaH= a demon called Vikata; aN^gadena= by Angada; viruupaakShaH= Virupaksha; duShprekShaH= who was disagreeable to the sight; mahaapaarshvo mahodarau= Mahaparshva, Mahodara; akampanashcha= and Akampana too; nihataH= were killed; anye= other; balinaH= mighty; raakShasaaH cha= demons; trishiraaH= Trishiras; atikaayashcha= Atikaya; devaantakanaraantakau= Devantaka and Narantaka (were killed).
"Here was killed a demon called Vikata by Angada. Virupaksha, who was disagreeable to the sight, Mahaparsva, Mahodara, Akampana, Trishiras, Atikaya Devantaka, Narantaka and other mighty demons were also killed here."
yuddhonmattashcha mattashcha raakShasapravaraavubhau |
nikumbhashchaiva kumbhashcha kumbhakarNaatmajau balii || 6-123-10
vajradaMShTrashcha daMShTrashcha bahavo raakShasaa hataaH |
makaraakshcha durdharSho mayaa yudhi nipaatitaH || 6-123-11
10-11. ubhau= both; yuddhanmattashcha= yuddhonmatta; mattashcha= and Matta; raakShasa pravarau= the foremost of demons; nikumbhashchaiva= Nikumbha; kumbhashcha= and Kumbha; kumbhakarNaatmajau= the sons of Kumbhakarna; balii= the strong; vajradamShTrashcha= Vajradamshtra; damShTrashcha= Damstra; bahavaH= and many; raakShasaaH= demons; hataaH= were killed; makaraakShasya= Makaraksha; durdharShaH= the most difficult demon to be attacked; nipaatitaH= was struck down; mayaa= by me; yudhi= in this battle-field.
"Both Yuddonmatta and Matta, the foremost of demons, as also Nikumbha and Kumbha the sons of Kumbhakarna, as also the strong Vajradamshtra, Damshtra and many demons were killed. Makaraksha, the most difficult demon to be attacked, was struck down by me in this battle-field."
akampanashcha nihataH shoNitaakShashcha viiryavaan |
yuupaakShashcha prajaN^ghashcha nihatau tu mhaahave || 6-123-12
12. akampanashcha= Akampana; nihataH= was killed; mahaahave= in the great battle; viiryavaan= the valiant; shoNitaakShasheha= Shonitaksha;(was killed); yuupaakShashcha= Yupakasha; prajaN^ghashcha= and Prajangha; nihatau= were killed.
"Akampana was killed in the great battle. The valiant Shonitaksha was also killed. Yupaksa and Prajangha were killed."
vidyujjihvo.atra nihato raakShaso bhiimadarshanaH |
yajJNashatrushcha nihataH suptaghnashcha mahaabalaH || 6-123-13
suuryashatrushcha nihato brahmashatrustathaaparaH |
13. atra= here; vidyujjihvaH= Vidyujjihva; raakShasah= the demon; bhiima darshanaH= with a terrific appearance; nihataH= was killed; yajJNashatrushcha= Yajnashatru also; nihataH= was killed; mahaabalaH= the mighty; suptaghnashcha= Suptaghna; nihataH= was killed.
"Here, Vidyujjihva, the demon was a terrific appearance, was killed. Yajnashatru also was killed. The mighty Suptaghna was killed. Surya shatru was killed and another demon called Brahma shatru was too killed."
atra mandodarI naama bhaaryaa taM paryadevayat || 6-123-14
sapatnInaan sahasreNa saasreNa parivaaritaa |
14. atra= here; parivaaritaa= surrounded; sahasreNa saagreNa= by more than a thousand; sapatniinaam= fellow-wives; bhaaryaa= a wife; mandodariinaama= named Mandodari; paryadevayat= lamented; tam= about that Ravana.
"Here, surrounded by more than a thousand fellow-wives, Ravana's wife named Mandodari lamented for Ravana."
etattu dR^ishyate tIrthan samudrasya varaanane || 6-123-15
yatra saagaramuttIrya taan raatrimuShitaa vayam |
15. varaanane= O Seetha, the lovely-faced one!; etat dR^ishyate= here is seen; tiirtham= a water-descent; samudrasya= of the ocean (on the sea-shore) yatra uttiirya= where having crossed; saagaram= the ocean; vayam= we; uShitaaH= spent; taam raatrim= that night.
"O Seetha, the lovely-faced one! Here is seen a water-descent of the ocean on the sea-shore, where having crossed the ocean, we spent that night."
eSha seturmayaa baddhaH saagare salilaarNave || 6-123-16
tavahetorvishaalaakShi nalasetuH suduShkaraH |
16. vishaalaakShi= O the large-eyed Seetha!; eShaH= here is; nalasetuH= the bridge called Nala Setu; suduShkaraH= which was so difficult (to execute for others); baddhaH= got built; mayaa= by me; lavaNaarNave= over the salt-sea; tava hetoH= for your sake.
"O the large-eyed Seetha! Here is the bridge called Nala Setu, which was so difficult to execute for others, got built by me over the salt-sea for your sake."
pashya saagaramakShobhyan vaidehi varuNaalayam || 6-123-17
apaaramabhigarjantan sha~NkhashuktiniShevitam |
17. vaidehi= O Seetha!; pashya= see; saagaram= this ocean; akShobhyam= the imperturbable; varuNaalayam= the habitation of Varuna; garjantam= and which is roaring; apaaramiva= as though it is boundless; shaN^kha shukti samaakulam= and teeming well with couches and oyster-shells.
"O Seetha! See this roaring imperturbable and seemingly boundless ocean, the habitation of Varuna (the god of waters), which is teeming well with couches and oyster-shells."
hiraNyanaabhan shailendran kaa~nchanaM pashya maithili || 6-123-18
vishramaarthan hanumato bhittvaa saagaramutthitam |
18. maithili= O Seetha!; parhya= see; kaaN^chanam hiraNya naabham= this golden mountain, Mainka; shailendram= the ruler of mountains; utthitam= and which rose; bhittvaa= by passing through; saagaram= the ocean; vishramaartham= in order to provide rest and relaxation; hanumataH= to Hanuma.
"O Seetha! See the golden mountain, Mainaka (the ruler of mountains) which rose passing through the ocean, in order to provide rest and relaxation to Hanuma."
etat kukShau samudrasya skandhaavaaraniveshanam || 6-123-19
atra puurvaM mahaadevaH prasaadamakarotprabhuH |
19. etat= this; (is the island); kukShau= located in the middle; samudrasya= of the ocean; skandhaavaara niveshanam= where my troops were stationed; atra= at this place; puurvam= formerly; prabhuH= the Lord; mahaadevaH= Shiva (the supreme deity); akarot= bestowed; prasaadam= his grace; (on me).
"See this island, located in the middle of the ocean, where my troops were stationed. At this place, the lord Shiva (the supreme deity) formerly bestowed his grace on me."
etattu dR^ishyate tiirthaM saagarasya mahaatmanaH || 6-123-20
setubandha iti khyaataM trailokyena cha puujitam |
etatpavitraM paramaM mahaapaatakanaashanam || 6-123-21
atra raakShasaraajo.ayamaajagaama vibhiiShaNaH |
20-21. etat tu dR^ishyate= here is seen; tiirtham mahaatmanaH saagarasya= the water-descent of the great-souled ocean; puujitam= worshipped; trailokyena= by the three worlds; khyaatam= called; setubandhaH iti= as Setu bandha; etat= this; paramam pavitram= is very much a sacred spot; mahaapaatakanaashanam= which destroys major sins; ayam= this; vibhiiShaNaH= Vibhishana; raakShasaraajaH= the king of demons; aajagaama= (first) came; atra= here.
"Here is seen the water-descent of the gigantic ocean, called a Setubandha, adored in all the three worlds. This is very much a sacred spot, capable of washing away major sins. At this very place, Vibhishana the king of demons first came."
eShaa saa dR^ishyate sIte kiShkindhaa chitrakaananaa || 6-123-22
sugrIvasya purI ramyaa yatra vaalI mayaa hataH |
22. siite= O Seetha!; eShaa= here is; dR^ishyate= see; saa kiShkindhaa= that Kishkindha; ramyaa purii= a beautiful City; chitrakaananaa= with colourful groves; sugriivasya= of Sugreeva; yatra= where; vaalii= Vali; hataH= was killed; mayaa= by me.
"O Seetha! Here is seen the beautiful City of Sugreeva, Kishkindha, which is full of colourful groves, where Vali was killed by me."
atha dR^iShTvaa puriiM siitaa kiShkindhaaM vaalipaalitaam || 6-123-23
abraviitprashritaM vaakyaM raamaM praNayasaadhvasaa |
23.dR^iShTvaa= seeing; kiShkindhaam puriim= the City of Kishkindha; vaalipaalitaam= which was ruled by Vali (earlier); siitaa= Seetha; atha= then; praNaya saadhvasaa= who was feeling timed through love; abraviit= spoke; prashritam vaakyam= the following courteous words; raamam= to Rama.
Seeing the City of Kishkindha, which was earlier ruled by Vali, Seetha, who was feeling timid through love, then spoke the following courteous words to Rama.
sugriivapriyabhaaryaabhistaaraapramukhaato nR^ipa || 6-123-24
anyeShaaM vaanarendraaNaaM striibhiH parivR^itaa hyaham |
gantumichchhe sahaayodhyaaM raajadhaaniiM tvayaa saha || 6-123-25
24-25. nR^ipa= O king!; aham= I; ichchhe= wish; gantum= to go; raajadhaaniim ayodhyaam= to the capital City of Ayodhya; tvayaa saha= along with you; parivR^itaa= accompanied by; striibhiH= the wives; anyeShaam vaanarendraaNaam of other monkey-chiefs; taaraa pramukhataH= with Tara and other; sugriiva priyabhaaryaabhiH= beloved wives of Sugreeva.
"O king! I wish to reach the capital City of Ayodhya along with you, accompanied by the wives of other monkey-chiefs with Tara and other beloved wives of Sugreeva."
evamukto.atha vaidehyaa raaghavaH pratyuvaacha taam |
evamastviti kiShkindhaaM praapya saMsthaapya raaghavaH || 6-123-26
vimaanaM prekShya sugriivaM kaakyametaduvaacha ha |
26. evam= thus; uktaH= spoken; vaidehyaaH= by Seetha; raaghavaH= Rama; atha= then; pratyuvaacha= replied; taam= to her; evam astu iti= "Let it be"; praapya= reaching; kiShkindhaam= Kishkindha; samsthaapya= and halting; vimaanam= the aerial car; preShya= and seeing; sugriivam= Sugreeva; uvaacha ha= spoke (to him); etat vaakyam= the following words:
Hearing the words of Seetha, Rama then said to her in reply "let it be". Reaching Kishkindha, causing the aerial car to halt, and looking at Sugreeva, Rama spoke to him the following words:
bruuhi vaanarashaarduula saraan vaanarapuN^gavaan || 6-123-27
striibhiH parivR^itaah sarve hyayodhyaaM yaantu siitayaa |
27. vaanara shaarduula= O the foremost of the monkeys!; bruuhi= tell; sarvaan= all; vaanarapungavaan= the monkey-chiefs; sarve= "All of you"; yantu= come; ayodhyaam= to Ayodhya; siitayaa= with Seetha; parivR^itaaH striibhiH= accompanied by your wives.
"O the king of monkeys! Instruct all the monkey-chiefs to come to Ayodhya in the company of their wives."
tathaa tvamapi sarvaabhiH striibhiH saha mahaabala || 6-123-28
abhitvarasva sugriiva gachchhaamaH plavagaadhipa |
28. mahaabala= O the mighty; sugreeva= Sugreeva; plavagaadhipa= the king of monkeys; tathaa= and; tvam api abhitvarasva= you too hasten to depart; sarvaabhiH striibhiH saha= taking the wives of all the monkeys; gachchhaamaH= we shall proceed.
"O the mighty Sugreeva, the King of monkeys! You too hasten to depart, taking the wives of all the monkeys "we shall proceed."
evamuktastu sugriivo raameNaamitatejasaa || 6-123-29
vaanaraadhipatiH shriimaaMstaishcha sarvaiH samaavR^itaH |
pravishyaantaHpuraM shiighram taaraamudviikShya so.abraviit || 6-123-30
29-30. evam= thus; uktaH= spoken; raameNa= by Rama; amita tejasaa= of great splendour; saH shriimaan sugriivaH= that illustrious Sugreeva; vaanaraadhipatiH= the lord of monkeys; taiH sarnesamaavR^itah accompanied by all those monkeys; shiighram= quickly; pravishya= entering; antaHpuram= his gynaecium; udviikShya= and looking; taaraam= at Tara; abraviit= spoke; (as follows):
Hearing the words of Rama of great splendour, that illustrious Sugreeva, the lord of monkeys accompanied by all those monkeys, quickly entering his gynaecium, spoke to Tara as follows:
priye tvaM sahanaariibhirvaanaraaNaaM mahaatmanaam |
raaghaveNaabhyanujJNaataa maithiliipriyakaamyayaa || 6-123-31
31. priya= O the beloved lady!; tvam= you; abhyanujJNaataa= have been permitted; raaghaveNa= by Rama; 9to proceed to Ayodhya); naariibhiH saha= in the company of the wives; mahaatmaanam vaanaraaNaan= of the great-souled monkeys; maithiliipriya kaamyayaa= with an intent to gratify Seetha.
"O the beloved lady! You have been permitted by Rama to proceed to Ayodhya, in the company of the wives of the great-souled monkeys, with an intent to gratify Seetha."
tvara tvamabhigachchhaamo gR^ihya vaanarayoShitaH |
ayodhyaaM darshayiShyaamaH sarvaa dasharathastriyaH || 6-123-32
32. tvam= you; tvara= hurry up; gachchhaama= we shall proceed; gR^ihya= by taking; vaanarayoShitaH= the wives of the monkeys; darshayiShyaamaH= we shall show; ayodhyaam= Ayodhya; saraaH= and all; dasharathastriyaH= the widows of Dasaratha.
"You hurry up, to proceed to Ayodhya, with the wives of the monkeys. We shall show Ayodhya and all the widows of Dasaratha to them."
sugriivasya vachaH shrutvaa taaraa sarvaaN^gashobhanaa |
aahuuya chaabraviitsarvaa vaanaraaNaaM tu yoShitaH || 6-123-33
33. shrutvaa= hearing; vachaH= the words; sugriivasya= of Sugreeva; taaraa= Tara; sarvaaN^ga shobhanaa= who was charming of every limb; aahuuya cha= called; sarvaaH striyaH= all the spouses; vaanaraanaam= of the monkeys abraviit= and spoke; (as follows):
Hearing the words of Sugreeva, Tara, who was charming of every limb, called all the spouses of the monkeys and spoke to them as follows:
sugriiveNaabhyanujJNaataa gantuM sarvaishcha vaanaraiH |
mama chaapi priyaM kaaryamayodhyaadarshanena cha || 6-123-34
34. anujJNaataaH= duly permitted; sugriiveNa= by Sugreeva; sarvaiH vaanaraishcha= and all the monkeys; gantum= hurry up to proceed (to Ayodhya); priyam kaaryam= a kindly act; mama chaapi= will be done to me too; ayodhyaadarshanena= through the sight of Ayodhya (which is so dear to me)."
"Duly permitted by Sugreeva and all the monkeys, hurry up to proceed to Ayodhya. A kindly act will be done to me too, through the sight of Ayodhya (which is so dear to me)."
pravesham chaiva raamasya paurajaanapadaiH saha |
vibhuutiM chaiva sarvaasaaM striiNaaM dasharathasya cha || 6-123-35
35. (we shall also see) praveshamchaiva= the entry; raamasya= of Rama; (into Ayodhya); paurajaanapadaiH saha= along with the people of that City as well as the inhabitants of the country-side; vibhuuti chaiva= as also the affluence; dasharathasya striiNaam= of the widows of Dasaratha.
"We shall also see the entry of Rama into Ayodhya, along with the people of that city as well as the inhabitants of the country-side, as also the affluence of the widows of Dasaratha."
taarayaa chaabhyanujJNaataaH sarvaa vaanarayoShitaH |
nepathyavidhipuurvaM tu kR^itvaa chaapi pradakShiNam || 6-123-36
adhyaarohanvimaanaM tatsiitaadarshanakaaN^kShayaa |
36. abhyanujJNaataaH= duly permitted; taarayaacha= by Tara; sarvaaH= all; vaanarayoShitaH= the wives of the monkeys; nepathya vidbhipuurvakam= wearing their costumes as per rule; kR^itvaa pradakShiNam= and going round clockwise; tat= that; vimaanam aerial car; adhyaaroham= ascended (it); siitaadarshana kaaN^kShayaa= with an intent to see Seetha.
Duly permitted by Tara, all the wives of the monkeys, wearing their costumes as per rule and going round the aerial car clockwise, ascended it with an intent to see Seetha.
taabhiH sahotthitaM shiighraM vimaanaM prekShya raaghavaH || 6-123-37
R^iShyamuukasamiipe tu vaidehiiM punarabraviit |
37. prekShya= seeing; vimaanam= the aerial car; utthitam= having risen; shiighram= quickly; taabhiH saha= together with the wives of monkeys; raaghavaH= Rama; punaH= again; abraviit= spoke; vaidehiim= to Seetha; RiShyamuuka sapiipe= at the proximity of Mount Rishyamuka.
Seeing the aerial car having risen quickly, after having taken the wives of monkeys too, Rama again spoke to Seetha at the vicinity of Mount Rishyamuka (as follows):
dR^ishyateasau mahaansIte savidyudiva toyadaH || 6-123-38
R^ishyamUko girishreShThaH kaa~nchanairdhaatubhirvR^itaH |
38. siite= O Seetha! asau dR^ishyate= here is seen; R^iShyamuukaH= Rishyamuka; girivaraH= the excellent mountain; vR^itaH= endowed; kaaNchanaiH dhaatubhiH= with layers of gold savidyuttoadaH iva= and looking like a cloud with lightning.
"O Seetha! Here is seen Rishyamuka, the excellent mountain, endowed with layers of gold and looking like a cloud with lightning."
atraahan vaanarendreNa sugrIveNa samaagataH || 6-123-39
samayashcha kR^itaH sIte vadhaarthan vaalino mayaa |
39. siite= O Seetha!; aham= I; samaagataH= met; sugriiveNa= with Sugreeva; vaanarendreNa= the king of monkeys; atra= here; samayashcha= an agreement too; vadhaartham= for the killing; vaalinaH= of Vali; kR^itaH= was made; mayaa= by me.
"O Seetha! Here did I meet Sugreeva, the king of monkeys and an agreement too was made by me for the killing of Vali."
eShaa saa dR^ishyate pampaa nalinI chitrakaananaa || 6-123-40
tvayaa vihIno yatraahan vilalaapa suduHkhitaH |
40. eShaa dR^ishyate= here is seen; pampaa= Pampa-river; nalinii= abounding in lotuses; chitrakaananaa= and edged with colourful groves; yatra= where; aham= I; vilalaapa= lamented; suduHkhitaH= with great pain; tvayaa vihiinaH= having been separated from you.
"Here is seen Pampa-river, abounding in lotuses and edged with colourful groves, where I lamented with great pain, having been separated from you."
asyaastIre mayaa dR^iShTaa shabarI dharmachaariNI || 6-123-41
atra yojanabaahushcha kabandho nihato mayaa |
41. dharmachaariNii= the virtuous; shabarii= Shabari; dR^iShTaa= was seen; mayaa= by me; asyaaH tiire= at the bank of this river; kabandhaH= Kabandha; yojana baahuH= having arms, a Yojana (eight miles) long; nihataH= was killed; mayaa= by me; atra= here.
"The virtuous Shabari was seen by me at the bank of this river. Here was killed, Kabandha, having arms, a Yojana (eight miles) long."
dR^ishyateasau janasthaane sIte shrImaanvanaspatiH || 6-123-42
yatra yuddhaM mahadvR^ittan tavahetorvilaasini |
raavaNena hato yatra pakShiNaaM pravaro balii || 6-123-43
42-43. siite= O Seetha!; asau dR^ishyate= here is seen; shriimaan vanaspatiH= the illustrious tree; janasthaane= in the forest of Janasthana; yatra= here itself; jaTaayushcha= Jatayu; mahaatejaaH= the highly brilliant; balii= mighty; pravarah pakShiiNaam= and the foremost among the birds; nihataH= was killed; raavaNena= by Ravana; tava hetoH= for your sake; vilaasini= O sporting lady!
"And over there is seen in the forest of Janasthana, O Seetha, that illustrious tree under which the highly brilliant and mighty Jatayu, the foremost among the birds, was killed by Ravana, for your sake, O sporting lady!."
kharashcha nihatashsa~Nkhye dUShaNashcha nipaatitaH |
trishiraashcha mahaavIryo mayaa baaNairajihmagaiH || 6-123-44
parNashaalaa tathaa chitraa dR^ishyate shubhadarshanaa |
yatra tvaM raakShasendreNa raavaNena hR^itaa balaat || 6-123-45
44-45. varavarNini= O lady of beautiful complexion!; etat yatra= here is where; kharashcha= Khara; nihataH= was killed mayaa= by me; ajihmagaiH sharaiH= with straight going arrows; duShaNashcha= Dushana; npaatitaH= was struck down; mahaaviiryaH= and the mighty; trishirashcha= Trishiras (was also killed); tat= over there; asmaakam= is our; aashramapadam= place of hermitage; tathaa= and shubhadarshane= O charming lady!; dR^ishyate= here is seen; parNashaalaa= charming lady!; dR^ishyate= here is seen; parashaalaa= the leaf-hut; yatra= where; tvam= you; hR^itaa= were taken away; raakShasendreNa= the king of demons.
"O lady of beautiful complexion! Here is the region, (known as Panchavati, so called because it consists of five banyan trees) where Khara the demon was killed by me with straight-going arrows, as also his brothers, Dushana and the mighty Trishiras. And over there is seen our enchanting leaf-hut, where you were forcibly taken away by Ravana the king of demons, O charming lady!"
eShaa godaavarI ramyaa prasannasalilaa shivaa || 6-123-46
agastyasyaashramo hyeSha dR^ishyate kadaliivR^itaH |
46. eSha= here is seen; shubhaa= the auspicious; ramyaa= and charming; godaavarii= (river named) Godavari; prasanna salilaa= containing clear waters; dR^ishyate= here is also seen; aashramashchaiva= the hermitage of Agastya; kadalii vR^itah= surrounded with banana-groves."
"Here is the shining hermitage of Sutikshna, the great-souled sage. And over there is seen the great hermitage of Sharabhanga, where the thousand-eyed Indra, the destroyer of Citadels, came."
diiptashchaivaashramo hyeSha sutiikSNasya mahaatmanaH || 6-123-47
dR^ishyate chaiva sharabha~Ngaashramo mahaan |
upayaataH sahasraakSho yatra shakraH purandaraH || 6-123-48
47-48. eShaH diiptaH aashramaH= here is the shining hermitage; sutiikShNasya= of Sutikshana; mahaatmanaH= the great-souled sage; dR^ishyate= (and over there) is seen; mahaan= the great; sharabhaN^gashramaH= hermitage of Sharabhanga; yatra= where shakra= Indra; sahasraakShaH= the thousand-eyed; puramdaraH= the destroyer of citadels; upaayaataH= came.
"Here is the shining hermitage of Sutikshna, the great-souled sage. And over there is seen the great hermitage of Sharabhanga, where the thousand-eed Indra, the destroyer of Citadels, came."
ete te taapasaavaasaa dR^ishyante tanumadhyame |
atriH kulapatiryatra sUryavaishvaanaraprabhaH || 6-123-49
49. devi tanumadhyame= O slender-waisted lady!; ete dR^ishyante= here are seen; te= those; taapasaaH= sages; yatra= where; atriH= Atri; kulapatiH= the head of the hermitage; suuryavaishvaanaropamaH= was equal in splendour to the sun and the fire.
"O slender-waisted lady! Here are seen those sages, where, Atri the head of the hermitage, was equal in splendour to the sun and the fire."
asmindeshe mahaakaayo viraadho nihato mayaa |
atra sIte tvayaa dR^iShTaa taapasI dharmachaariNI || 6-123-50
50. asmin deshe= at this place; mahaakaayaH= the gigantic; viraadhaH= Viradha; nihataH= was killed; mayaa= by me; siite= O Seetha!; atra= here; dR^iShTaa= was seen; dharma chariNii= the virtuous; taapasii= Anasuya, the ascetic lady (the wife of sage Atri).
"At this place, the gigantic Viradha was killed by me. O Seetha! Here was seen by you, the virtuous Anasuya, the ascetic lady (the wife of sage, Atri)."
asau sutanushailendrashchitrakUTaH prakaashate |
yatra maan kaikayIputraH prasaadayitumaagataH || 6-123-51
51. sutanu= O Seetha, having a beautiful body! asau chitrakuuTaH= here is Chitrakuta; shailendraH= the excellent mountain; prakaashate= shining; kaikeyiiputraH= Bhrarata; aagataH= came; atra= here; maam prasaadayitum= to seek my favour (in the form of my consent to return to Ayodhya).
"O Seetha, having a beautiful body! Here is Chitrakuta, the excellent mountain, shining. Bharata came here to seek my favour (in the form of my consent to return to Ayodhya)."
eShaa saa yamunaa dUraaddR^ishyate chitrakaananaa |
bharadvaajaashramo shrImaaneSha dR^ishyate chaiSha maithili || 6-123-52
52. maithilii= O Seetha!; eShaa= here is dR^ishyate= seen; saa ramyaa yamunaa= the beautiful river of Yamuna; chitra kaananaa= surrounded by colourful groves; eShah dR^ishyate= here is seen; shriimaan= the illustrious; bharadvaajaashramaH= hermitage of sage Bharadwaja.
"O Seetha! Here is seen the beautiful river of Yamuna, surrounded by colourful groves. Here is seen the illustrious hermitage of Sage Bharadwaja."
iyaM cha dR^ishyate gaN^gaa puNyaa tripathagaa nadii |
naanaadvijagaNaakiirNaa saMprapuShpitakaananaa || 6-123-53
53. iyam dR^ishyate= here is seen; puNyaa= the holy; gaN^gaanadii= river Ganga; tripathagaa= which wends its way through the three worlds (viz. heaven, the earth and the subterranean world); naanaadvijayaNaakiirNaa= whose banks are crowded with flocks of birds; samprapuShpita paadapaa= and which is line diwth trees in full flowering.
"Here is seen the holy River Ganga, which wends its way through the three worlds (viz. heaven, the earth and the subterranean world), whose banks are crowded with flocks of birds and which is lined with trees in full-flowering."
shR^i~Ngaverapuran chaitadguho yatra samaagataH |
eShaa tripathagaa ga~Ngaa dR^ishyate varavarNini || 6-123-54
naanaatarushataakiirNaa saMprapuShpitakaananaa |
54. etat= here is; shR^iN^ga bherapura cha= the town of Shringabheripura; yatra= where; guha= Guha; mamasakhaa= my friend; (stays); eShaa= here is; dR^ishyate= seen; saa= that; sarayuuH= rows of sacrificial posts (the relies of sacrifices performed from time to time by Ikshvaku dynasty); naanaatarushataakiirNaa= bordered with hundreds of trees; samprapuShpita kaananaa= and with groves in full-blossom.
"Here is the town of Shringaberapura, where Guha my friend stays. Here is seen that river, Sarayu, lined with rows of sacrificial posts (the relics of sacrifices performed from time to time by Ikshvaku dynasty), bordered with hundreds of trees and with groves in full blossom."
eShaa saa dR^ishyateayodhyaa raajadhaanI piturmama || 6-123-55
ayodhyaan kuru vaidehi praNaamaM punaraagataa |
55. siite= O Seetha!; eShaa dR^ishyate= here is seen; saa raajadhaanii= that Capital-City'; mama pituH= of my father; vaidehi= O the princess of Videha territory!; punaH aagataaH= having duly returned; kuru praNaamam= offer your salutation; ayodhyaam= to Ayodhya.
"O Seetha! Here is seen that Capital City of my father. O the princess of Videha territory! Having duly returned, offer your salutation to Ayodhya."
tataste vaanaraaH sarve raakShasashcha vibhIShaNaH || 6-123-56
utpatyotpatya dadR^ishustaaM purIn shubhadarshanaam |
56. tataH= thereupon; sarve te vaanaraaH= all those monkeys; samhR^iShTaaH raakShasaaH= and the rejoiced demons; savibhiiShaNaaH= along with Vibhishana; tadaa= at that time; utpatyotpatya= bounding again and again (to have a glimpse of it); dadR^ishuH= saw; taam puriim= that City.
Thereupon, all those monkeys and the rejoiced demons along with Vibhishana, at that time, bounding again and again (to have a glimpse of it) saw that City.
tatastu taaM paaNDuraharmyamaalinIM |
vishaalakakShyaan gajavaajisa~Nkulaam |
purImayodhyaan dadR^ishuH plava~NgamaaH |
purIM mahendrasya yathaamaraavatIm || 6-123-57
57. tataH= thereupon; plavaN^gamaaH= the monkeys; saraakShasaaH= along with the demons; apashyan= beheld; taam puriim= that Ayodhya; paaN^Du harmya maaliniim= having rows of white palces; vishaala kakShyaam= intersected with wide roads; vR^itaam gajavaajabhiH= crowded with elephants and horses; amaraavatiim yathaa= looking like Amaravathi; puriim= the City; mahendrasya= of Indra the lord of celestials.
Thereupon, the monkeys along with the demons beheld that Ayodhya, having rows of white palaces, intersected with wide roads, and crowded with elephants and horses, looking like Amaravathi, the City of Indra the lord of Celestials.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe trayoviMshatyadhikashatatamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 123rd chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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