Chapter [Sarga] 126  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 126


Hanuma recounts to Bharata, broad details relating to the soujourn of Rama, Seetha and Lakshmana in the forest from the day Bharata takes wooden sandals of Rama, till the day Ravana is killed.

bahUni naama varShaaNi gatasya sumahadvanam |
shR^iNomyahaM prItikaraM mama naathasya kIrtanam || 6-126-1
1. aham= I; shR^iNomi naama= am indeed hearing; priitikaram= a delightful; kiirtanam= mention; mama naathasya= of my lord; gatasya= who went; sumahat= to the vast; vanam= forest; bahuuni varShaaNi= so many years ago.
"I am indeed hearing a delight mention of my lord, who proceeded to the vast forest so many years ago.
kalyaaNI bata gaatheyaM laukikI pratibhaati me |
eti jIvantamaanando naraM varShashataadapi || 6-126-2
2. iyam= this; laukikii= common; gathaa= saying; pratibhaati= sounds; maam= to me; kalyaaNii= good; aanandaH= that bliss; eti= comes; jiivantam naram= to a surviving man; varShashataadapi= even if it be after a hundred years!.
"This common saying sounds to me good, that bliss comes to a surviving man, even if it be after a hundred years!"
raaghavasya harINaaM cha kathamaasItsamaagamaH |
kasmindeshe kimaashritya tattvamaakhyaahi pR^ichchhataH || 6-126-3
3. katham= how; kim aashritya= and being supported by what; samaagamaH= an alliance; aasiit= came to be concluded; raaghavasya acha kapiinaamcha= between Rama and he monkeys; kashmin deshe= and at what place?; aakhyaahi tattvam= tell the truth to me; pR^ichchhataH= enquiring as I am.
"How and on what ground, an alliance has been concluded between Rama and the monkeys and at what place? Tell the truth to me, enquiring as I am."
sa pR^iShTo raajaputreNa bR^isyaaM samupaveshitaH |
aachachakShe tataH sarvaM raamasya charitaM vane || 6-126-4
4. pR^iShTaH= when asked; raajaputreNa= by Bharata; samupaveshitaH= after making Hanuma to sit; bR^isyaam= on a cushion; saH= Hanuma; tataH= thereupon; aachachakShe= began to narrate; sarve= the entire; charitam= exploits; raamasya= fo Rama; vane= in the forest.
Seated comfortably on a cushion and interrogated by Bharata, Hanuma thereupon began to narrate the entire exploits of Rama in the forest.
yathaa pravrajito raamo maaturdatte vare tava |
yathaa cha putrashokena raajaa dasharatho mR^itaH || 6-126-5
yathaa dUtaistvamaanItastUrNaM raajagR^ihaatprabho |
tvayaayodhyaaM praviShTena yathaa raajyaM na chepsitam || 6-126-6
chitrakUTaM giriM gatvaa raajyenaamitrakarshanaH |
nimantritastvayaa bhraataa dharmamaacharitaa sataam || 6-126-7
sthitena raaGYo vachane yathaa raajyaM visarjitam |
aaryasya paaduke gR^ihya yathaasi punaraagataH || 6-126-8
sarvametanmahaabaaho yathaavadviditaM tava |
tvayi pratiprayAte tu yadvR^ittaM tannibodha me || 6-126-9
5-9. prabho= O lord; mahaabaaho= the long armed!; yathaa= how; tava= your; maatuH= mother; dattau= was bestowed with; varau= two boons (by your father); raamaH= how Rama; pravraajitaH= was sent to exile; yathaa= how; dasharathaH= Dasaratha; raajaa= the king; mR^itaH= died; yathaa= how; raajyam= sovereignty; na cha iipsitam= was not coveted; tvayaa= by you; praviShTena= who entered; ayodhyaam= Ayodhya; yathaa= how; tvayaa= by you; aacharataa dharmam= while following righteousness; gatvaa= and going; chitrakuuTa girim= to Mount Chitrakuta bhraataa= Rama your elder brother; amitrakarshanaH= the tormentator of enemies; nimantritaH= was invited; raajyena= to take back the kingdom; yathaa= how; raaJNaH vachane sthitena= Rama who stood by the king's words; visarjitam= abandoned; raajyam= the sovereignty; yathaa= how; punaH aagataH asi= you returned; gR^ihya= taking; paaduke= the wooden sandals; aasyasya= of your brother; sarvam etat= all this; viditam= is known; tava= to you; yathaavat= exactly; me nibodha= you know from me; yat= what; vR^ittam= occured; tvayi pratiprayaate= since you returned to Ayodhya.
"O Lord, the long-armed! How your mother was conferred with two boons by your father, how Rama was sent to exile, how Dasaratha the king died, with a shocking sorrow for his son's exile, how you were brought quickly from Rajagriha (the seat of government of Kekaya kings) by the envoys, how sovereignty was not coveted by you when you returned to Ayodhya, how on your going to mount Chitrakuta, your, elder brother the tormentator of enemies was invited by you who followed righteousness to take back the kingdom, how Rama who stood by his father's words, renounced the kingdom and stood by his father's words, renounced the kingdom and how your returned to Ayodhya, taking with you the wooden sandals all this is known accurately to you. Hear from me now, that which occurred after you had returned to Ayodhya."
apayaate tvayi tadaa samudbhraantamR^igadvijam |
praviveshaatha vijanaM sumahaddaNDakaavanam || 6-126-10
10. tvayi apayaate= when you had gone away; tadvanam= that forest (of Chitrakuta); samapadyata= assumed; tadaa= then atyartham paridyuunam iva= a very miserable appearance; samudbhraarta mR^igadvijam= with the frightened animals and birds ( on seeing strange people in the forest).
"When you had gone away, that forest (of Chitrakuta) then assumed a very miserable appearance, with the frightened animals and birds (on seeing strange people there)."
taddhastimR^iditaM ghoraM siMhavaagramR^igaakulam |
praviveshaatha vijanaM sa mahaddaNDakaavanam || 6-126-11
11. saH= that Rama; atha= thereupon; pravivesha= entered; tatmahat= that large; ghoram= terrific; viJNanam= and solitary; daN^Dakaaranam= forest of Dandaka; taddhastimR^iditam= which had been trampled by elephants; simhavyaaghra mR^igaakulam= and extensive with lions, tigers and deers.
"Rama, thereupon, entered that large, terrific and solitary forest of Dandaka, which had been trampled by elephants and extensive with lions, tigers and deers."
teShaaM purastaadbalavaangachchhataaM gahane vane |
vinadansumahaanaadaM viraadhaH pratyadR^ishyata || 6-126-12
12. purastaat= in front; teShaam= of them; gachchhataam= even as they were going; gahane vane= in that dense forest; pratyadR^ishyata= there appeared; viraadhaH= Viradha, a demon; vinadan= uttering forth; sumahaanaadan= a very loud roar.
"In front of them, even as they were going in that dense forest, there appeared Viradha, a demon, uttering forth a very loud roar.
tamutkShipya mahaanaadamUrdhvabaahumadhomukham |
nikhaate prakShipanti sma nadantamiva ku~njaram || 6-126-13
13. tam prakShipantisma= (They) cast him; utkShpya uurdhvabaahum= who rushed with uplifted arms towards them; nikhaate= into a pit; adho mukham= turning his head bent low; nadantam= and who was emitting a loud cry; kuN^jaramiva= like an elephant.
"They cast him, who rushed with uplifted arms towards them, into a pit, turning his head bent low, and who was emitting a loud cry, like an elephant."
tatkR^itvaa duShkaraM karma bhraatarau raamalakShmaNau |
saayaahne sharabha~Ngasya ramyamaashramamIyatuH || 6-126-14
14. kR^itvaa= carrying out; tat= that; duShkarma karma= ardous task; raamalakShmanau= Rama and Lakshmana; bhraatarau= both the brothers; iiyatuH= went; ramyam= to the beautiful; aashramam= hermitage; shrabhaN^gasya= of Shrabhanga; saayahne= in the evening.
"Carrying out that ardous task, Rama and Lakshmana, both the brothers, went to the beautiful hermitage of Sharbhanga, in that evening.
sharabha~Nge divaM praapte raamaH satyaparaakramaH |
abhivaadya munInsarvaa~njanasthaanamupaagamat || 6-126-15
15. abhivaadya= offering salutation; sarvaan= to all; muniin= the hermits; sharabhaN^ge= when Sharabhanga; praapate= ascended; divam= to heaven; raamaH= Rama; satya paraakramaH= who was truly mighty; upaagamat= reached; janasthaanam= Janasthana= region.
"Offering salutation to all the hermits when Sharabhanga ascended to heaven, Rama who truly mighty, reached the region of Janasthana."
pashchaachchuurpaNakhaa naama raamapaarshvamupaagataa |
tato raameNa saMdiShTo lakShmaNaH sahasotthitaH || 6-126-16
pragR^ihya khaDgaM chichchheda karNanaase mahaabalaH |
16. pashchaat= thereafter; shuurpaNakhaa maama= a female-demon called Shurpanakha; upaagataa= obtained; raamapaarshvam= the presence of Rama; samdiShTaH= as ordered; raameNa= by Rama; mahaabalah= the mighty; lakShmanaH= Lakshmana; utthitaH= rising; sahasaa= quickly; pragR^ihya= and seizing; khaDgam= a sword; chichchheda= chopped off; karNanaase= her ears and nose.
"Thereafter, a female-demon called Surpanakha sought the presence of Rama. As ordered by Rama, the mighty Lakshmana thereupon rose quickly and seizing a sword, chopped off her ears and nose."
chaturdashasahasraaNi rakShasaaM bhImakarmaNaam |
hataani vasataa tatra raaghaveNa mahaatmanaa || 6-126-17
17. mahaatmanaa raaghaveNa= by the great-souled Rama; vasataa= who was living; tatra= there; chaturdasha sahasraaNi= fourteen thousand; janasthaana vaasinaam= demons inhabiting Janasthana; hataani= were killed.
"Fourteen thousand demons, inhabiting Janasthana-region, were killed by the great-souled Rama, while sojourning that region."
ekena saha saMgamya raameNa raNamuurdhani |
ahnashchaturthabhaagena niHsheShaa raakShasaaH kR^itaaH || 6-126-18
18. raakShasaaH= the demons; saha sangamya= who came together; raNamuurdhani= at the battle-front; kR^itaaH niH sheShaaH= were finished; chaturthabhaagena ahnaH= in a fraction of a quarter of a day.
"The demons, who came together at the battle-front, were wholly finished by Rama alone, in a fraction of a quarter of a day."
mahaabalaa mahaaviiryaastapaso vighnakaariNaH || 6-126-19
nihataa raaghaveNaajau daNDakaaraNyavaasinaH |
19. mahaabalaaH= mighty; daNDakaaraNya vaasinaH= inhabitants of Dandaka-forest; mahaaviiryaaH= who were causing obstacles; tapsaH= to the austerity; nihataah= were killed; aajau= in combat; raaghaveNa= by Rama.
"The demons who were the mighty inhabitants of Dandaka-forest, who were causing obstacles to the austerity of the ascetics, were killed by Rama."
raakShasaashcha viniShpiShTaaH kharashcha nihato raNe || 6-126-20
duuShaNaM chaagrato hatvaa trishiraastadanantam |
20. raakShasaaH cha= the demons; viniShpiShTaaH= were smashed; rane= in the battle; kharah cha= Khara also; nihataH= was killed; hatvaa= after killing; duuShaNam= Dushana; agrataH= first; trishiraH= Trishira (was killed); tadanantaram= thereafter.
"The demons were smashed in the battle. Khara (their leader) also was killed. After killing Dushana (his brother) first, Trishira (the other brother) was killed thereafter."
tatastenaarditaa baalaa raavaNaM samupaagataa || 6-126-21
raavaNaanucharo ghoro maariicho naama raakShasaH |
lobhayaamaasa vaidehiiM bhuutvaa ratnamayo mR^igaH || 6-126-22
21-22. tataH= thereupon; arditaa= tormented; tena= by the destruction of demons; baalaa= the foolish Surpanakha; samuppaagataa= approached; raavaNam= Ravana; ghoraH= a terrific; raakShasaH= demon; maariicho naama= by name, Maricha; raavaNaanucharaH= a follower of Ravana; bhuutvaa= diguised; mR^igaH= in the form of a deer; ratnamayaH= studded with precious stones; lobhayaamaasa= allured; vaidehiim Seetha.
"Tormented by the incident of destruction of demons, the foolish Surpanakha sought refuge with Ravana. Disguised in the form of a deer studded with precious stones, a terrific demon by name, Maricha, a follower of Ravana, allured Seetha."
saa raamamabraviiddR^iShTvaa vaidehii gR^ihyataamiti |
ayaM manoharah kaanta aashramo no bhaviShyati || 6-126-23
23. saa vaidehii= that Seetha; dR^iShTvaa= on seeing it; abraviit= told; raamam= Rama; iti= saying; ayam= let this deer; gR^ihyataam bhaviShyat= be caught; naH aashramaH= so that our hermitage; manoharaH kaantaH= would be charming and pleasing.
"That Seetha, on seeing it, told Rama, 'Let this deer be caught. Our hermitage will turn out to be charming and pleasing to the eye'."
tato raamo dhanuShpaaNirdhaavantamanudhaavati |
sa taM jaghaana dhaavantaM shareNaanataparvaNaa || 6-126-24
24. tataH= thereupon; raamaH= Rama; dhanuShpaaNiH= wielding a bow; anudhaavati= chased; tam mR^igam= that deer; saH= he; jaghaana= killed; tam dhaavantam= that running deer; shareNa= with an arrow; aanataparvaNaa= having curved knots.
"Thereupon, Rama wielding a bow in his arm, chased that deer and killed that running one, with an arrow of curved knots."
atha saumyaa dashagrIvo mR^igaM yaate tu raaghave |
lakShmaNe chaapi niShkraante praviveshaashramaM tadaa || 6-126-25
25. saumya= O good Sir!; raaghave= (while) Rama; yaate= was chasing; mR^igam= the deer; lakShmane chaapi= and even when Lakshmana; niShkraante= had gone out; dashagriivaH= Ravana; atha= then; tadaa= at that time; pravivesha= entered; aashramam= their hermitage.
"O good sir! While Rama was chasing the deer and even when Lakshmana had gone out, Ravana forthwith entered their hermitage during that interval."
jagraaha tarasaa sItaaM grahaH khe rohiNIm iva |
traatukaamaM tato yuddhe hatvaa gR^idhraM jaTaayuSham || 6-126-26
pragR^ihya sahasaa sItaaM jagaamaashu sa raakShasaH |
26. saH raakShasaH= Ravana, that demon; tavasaa= forcibly jagraaha= seized; siitaam= Seetha; grahaH rohiNiim iva= even as a planet like Mars would obscure the constellation, Rohini (by interposing itself between the moon and the lunar mansion); hatvaa= killing; gR^iddhram jaTaayuSham= a vulture by name Jatayu; traatukaamam= who sought to deliver her; (Ravana) tataH= then; jagaama= went; sahasaa= quickly; aashu= in haste; pragR^ihya siitaam= taking Seetha with him.
"Ravana, the demon, seized Seetha, even as a planet like Mars would obscure the constellation, Rohini. Having killed a vulture named Jatayu, who sought to deliver her, Ravana then went quickly in haste, taking Seetha with him"
tatastvadbhutasa~NkaashaaH sthitaaH parvatamUrdhani || 6-126-27
sItaaM gR^ihItvaa gachchhantaM vaanaraaH parvatopamaaH |
dadR^ishurvismitaastatra raavaNaM raakShasaadhipam || 6-126-28
27-28. tataH= then; adbhuta samkaashaaH= in surpise; vaanaraaH= (some) monkeys; sthitaah parvata muurdhani= who were staying on a mountain-peak; parvatopamaaH= looking like mountain; dadR^ishuH= saw; vismitaakaaraaH= with astonishment writ large in their faces; raavaNam= Ravana; raakShasaadhipam= the king of demons; gachchhantam= passing that way; gR^ihiitvaa= taking away; siitaam= Seetha.
"Then, in surprise, some monkeys who was staying on a mountain-peak, looking like mountain, saw, with astonishment writ large in their faces, Ravana the king of demons, passing that way, taking away Seetha."
tataH shiighrataraM gatvaa tadvimaanaM manojavam |
aaruhya saha vaidehyaa puShpakaM sa mahaabalaH || 6-126-29
praviversha tadaa la~NkaaM raavaNo lokaraavaNaH |
29. tataH= then; mahaabalaH= the mighty; raavaNaH= Ravana; raakShaseshvaraH= the king of demons; gatvaa= going; shiighrataram= still faster; aaruhya= and ascending; tat= that; pushpakam vimaanam= aerialcar, Pushpaka; manojavam= which was as swift as thought; vaidehye saha= along with Seetha; tadaa= and thereupon; parvivesha= entered; laN^kaam= the City of Lanka.
“Going still faster and ascending along with Seetha, the aerial car, Pushpaka, which was as swift as thought, the mighty Ravana the king of demons thereupon entered the City of Lanka."
taaM suvarNaparikraante shubhe mahati veshmani || 6-126-30
praveshya maithilIM vaakyaiH saantvayaamaasa raavaNaH |
30. praveshya= conducting; taam maithiliim= that Seetha; shubhe mahati veshmani= into a large beautiful palace; suvarNapariShkaare= decked with gold; sah raavaNaH= that Ravana; saantvayaamaasa= sought to cajole her gently; vaakyaiH= with his words.
"Conducting that Seetha into a large beautiful mansion, embellished with gold, that Ravana sought to cajole her gently with his words."
tR^iNavadbhaaShitaM tasya taM cha nairR^itapuMgavam || 6-126-31
achintayantii vaidehii hyashokavanikaaM gataa |
31. achintayantii= without caring for; tam nairR^ita pungavam= that Ravana and caring for; tasya bhaaShitam= his talk; tR^iNavat= even as a blade of grass; vaidehii= Seetha; gataa= actually remained; ashoka vanikaam= in Ashoka-grove.
"Caring a straw for that Ravana and his talk, Seetha, later, actually remained in Ashoka-grove."
nyavartata tadaa raamo mR^igaM hatvaa tadaa vane || 6-126-32
nivartamaanaH kaakutstho dR^iShTvaa gR^idhraM pravivyathe |
gR^idhraM hataM tadaa dagdhvaa raamaH priyasakhaM pituH || 6-126-33
32-33. hatvaa= having killed; mR^igam= that deer; raamaH= Rama; tadaa= then; nyavartata= returned (to the hermitage); dR^iShTvaa= seeing gR^idhram= the vulture, Jatayu; vane= in the forest; kaakutthsaH= Rama; vivyathe= was greatly disturbed; dR^iShTvaa= seeing; gR^idhram= the vulture (Jatayu); priyataram= who was dearer to him; pituH= than his own father; hatam= killed; raamaH= Rama (was disturbed).
"Having killed that deer, Rama while returning to the hermitage, saw the vulture (Jatayu) in the forest. Rama was greatly disturbed. Seeing the vulture (Jatayu) who was dearer to him than his own father killed, Rama was disturbed."
maargamaaNastu vaidehiiM raaghavaH sahalakShmaNaH |
godaavarImanucharanvanoddeshaaMshcha puShpitaan || 6-126-34
34. raamaH= Rama; sahalakShmaNaH= along with Lakshmana; maargamaaNaH= who were searching; vaidehiim= for Seetha; anvacharat= strolled after; puShpitaan vanoddeshaamshcha= blossomed woodlands; godaavariim= along the bank of Godavari-river.
"While searching for Seetha, RAma along with Lakshmana strolled after blossomed woodlands along the bank of Godavari-river."
aasedaturmahaaraNye kabandhaM naama raakShasaM |
tataH kabandhavachanaadraamaH satyaparaakramaH || 6-126-35
R^ishyamUkaM giriM gatvaa sugrIveNa samaagataH |
35. aasetatuH= they met; mahaaraNye= in the great forest; raakShasam= a demon; kabandham naama= Kabandha by name; tataH= then; kabandha vachanaat= according to the advice of Kabandha; raamaH= Rama; satya paraakramaH= of tree prowess; samaagataH= met; sugriiveNa= Sugreeva; gatvaa= after heading for; R^iShyamuukagirim= Mount Rishyamuka.
“They met, in that great forest, a demon by name Kabandha. Then according to the advice of Kabandha, Rama of true prowess met Sugreeva, after heading for Mount Rishyamuka.”
tayoH samaagamaH pUrvaM prItyaa haardo vyajaayata || 6-126-36
itaretara saMvaadaatpragaaDhaH praNayastayoH |
itaretarasaMvaadaatpragaaDhaH praNayastayoH || 6-126-37
36-37. puurvam= even before (they met); samaagamaH haardaH= a meeting of hearts through affinity; vyjaayata= had taken place; tayoH= between them; sugriivaH= Sugreeva; nirastaH= had been banished; puraa= in the past; kruddhena vaalinaa= by the enraged Vali; bhraatraa= his elder brother; itaretara samvaadaat= and as a result of mutual talks; praNayaH= affection; pragaaDhaH= deeply arose; tayoH= between Rama and Sugreeva.
“Even before they met, a meeting of hearts through affinity, had taken place between them. Sugreeva had been banished in the past by the enraged Vali, his elder brother and as a result of mutual talks, affection deeply arose between Rama and Sugreeva.”
raamaH svabaahuvIryeNa svaraajyaM pratyapaadayat |
vaalinaM samare hatvaa mahaakaayaM mahaabalam || 6-126-38
38. hatvaa= having killed; svabaahuviiryeNa= with the strength of his arms; samare= in combat; mahaabalam= the mighty; vaalinam= Vali; mahaakaayam= with a colossal body; raamaH= Rama; pratyapaadayat svaraajyam= caused his own kingdom restored (to Sugreeva).
"Having killed with the strength of his arms in combat, the mighty Vali with a colossal body, Rama caused the kingdom of Sugreeva restored.
sugrIvaH sthaapito raajye sahitaH sarvavaanaraiH |
raamaaya pratijaanIte raajaputryaastu maargaNam || 6-126-39
39. sugriivaH= Sugreeva; sthaapitaH= who was established in his kingdom; sarva vaanavaiH= with all his monkeys; prati jaaniite= had given his pledge; raamaaya= to Rama; maargaNam= to commence a search; raajaputryaaH= for Seetha the princess.
"Sugreeva, who was established in his kingdom with all, his monkeys, had given his pledge to Rama, to commence a search for Seetha the princess."
aadiShTaa vaanarendreNa sugrIveNa mahaatmanaa |
dashakoTyaH plava~NgaanaaM sarvaaH prasthaapitaa dishaH || 6-126-40
40. aadiShTaaH= commanded; mahaatmena sugriiveNa= by the great-souled Sugreeva; vaanarendreNa= the king of monkeys; dasha koTya= ten crores; plavamgaaanaam- of monkeys; prasthaapitaaH= were sent sarvaaH dishaH= to all the four quarter.
"Ten crores of monkeys were accordingly commanded by the great-souled Sugreeva and sent to all the four quarters."
teShaaM no vipranaShTaanaaM vindhye parvatasattame |
bhR^ishaM shokaabhitaptaanaaM mahaankaaloatyavartata || 6-126-41
41. vipranaShTaanaam= having lost our way; vindhye= in Vindhya; parvatasattame= the foremost of mountains; mahaan kaalaH= a long time; teShaamnaH atyavartata= slipped past us; bhR^isham shokaabhitaptaanaam= and we felt sore stricken with sorrow.
"Having lost our way in Vindhya, the foremost of mountain-ranges, a long time slipped past us and we felt sore-stricken with sorrow."
bhraataa tu gR^idhraraajasya sampaatirnaama vIryavaan |
samaakhyaati sma vasatiM sItaayaa raavaNaalaye || 6-126-42
42. viiryavaan= the valiant; sampaatirnaama= Sampati by name; bhraataa= the brother; gR^idhra raajasya= of Jatayu (the ling of vultures); samaakhyaati sma= precisely communicated (to us); siitaam= (that) Seetha; vasatiim= was dwelling; raavaNamandire= in the habitation of Ravana.
"Meanwhile, the brother of Jatayu (the king of vultures), Sampati by name, precisely communicated to us that Seetha was dwelling in the habitation of Ravana."
soahaM duHkhaparItaanaaM duHkhaM tajGYaatinaaM nudan |
aatmavIryaM samaasthaaya yojanaanaaM shataM plutaH || 6-126-43
43. nudan= removing; tat= that; duHkham= grief; JNaatiinaam= of my kinsfolk; duHkhapariitaanaam= who were seized with sorrow; saH aham= I as such; plutaH= crossed; yojanaanaam shataam= one hundred yojanas (eight hundred miles); samaasthaaya= resorting to; aatmaviiryam= my own strength.
"Removing the grief of my kinsfolk, who were seized with sorrow, I, as such, crossed one hundred yojanas (eight hundred miles of the ocean), resorting to my own strength."
tatraahamekaamadraakShamashokavanikaaM gataam |
kausheyavastraaM malinaaM niraanandaaM dR^iDhavrataam || 6-126-44
44. aham= I; gataam= have gone; tatra= there; ashokavanikaam= to Ashoka-grove; adraakSham= and saw; ekaam= a woman living alone; kausheyavastraam malinaam= clad in a soiled silk-saree; dR^iDhavrataam= unflinching as she was in her vow; niraanandaam= and cheerless.
"There, I saw Seetha, living alone in a grove of Ashoka trees, clad in a soiled silk-saree, looking cheerless, but unflinching in her vow."
tayaa sametya vidhivatpR^iShTvaa sarvamaninditaam |
abhijJNaanaM mayaa dattaM raamanaamaaN^guliiyakam || 6-126-45
45. sametya= meeting; tayaa= her; pR^iShTvaa= and duly enquiring; aninditaam= that faultless Seetha; sarvam= of everything; raamanaamaNguliiyakam= a ring with the name, Rama engraved on it; dattam= was handover to her; mayaa= by me; abhiJNaanam= as token.
"After meeting her and duly enquiring that faultless Seetha, everything of her, a ring with the name, Rama engraved on it, was handed-over to her by me as a token."
abhiGYaanaM maNiM labdhvaa charitaarthoahamaagataH |
mayaa cha punaraagamya raamasyaakliShTakarmaNaH || 6-126-46
abhiGYaanaM mayaa dattamarchiShmaansa mahaamaNiH |
46. labdhvaa= receiving; abhiJNaanam= as a token (in return from her); maNiim= a jewel (from her head); aham aagataH= I came (to the northern sea shore); charitaarthaH= successful as I was in my undertaking; punaH aagamya= on returning; saH archiShmaan mahaamaNiH= that brilliant and valuable jewel; dattham= was given; mayaa= by me; abhiJNaanam= as a token; raamasya= to Rama; akliShTakarmanaH= who was unweary in action.
"Receiving in return from her, a jewel (from her head), I came back to the northern shore, successful as I was in my undertaking. On my return, that brilliant and valuable jewel was given by me as a token to Rama who was unweary in action."
shrutvaa taaM maithilIM hR^iShTastvaashashaMse sa jIvitam || 6-126-47
jIvitaantamanupraaptaH pItvAmR^itamivaaturaH |
47. shrutvaa= on hearing; taam maithiliim= the news of Seetha; raamastu= Rama for his part; aashasham se= regained the hope; jivitam= to survivie; jiivitaantam anupaaptah aaturaH= as a dying patient; (would); ptivaa= ond rinking; amR^itam= the ambrosia.
"On hearing the news of Seetha, Rama for his part regained the hope to survive, as a dying patient would, on drinking the ambrosia."
udyojayiShyannudyogaM dadhre la~Nkaavadhe manaH || 6-126-48
jighaaMsuriva lokaaMste sarvaaMllokaanvibhaavasuH |
48. udyojayiShyan= excited to put forth; udyogam= a war-effort; dadhre manaH= he set his mind; laN^kaavadhe= on the destruction of Lanka; vibhaavasuH iva= as the fire-god; jighaamsuH= intending to destroy; sarvaan lokaan= all the world; (would) lokaante= at the end of the universe.
"Excited as he was to put forth a war-effort, he set his mind on the destruction of Lanka, as the fire-god intending to destroy all the three worlds, would, at the end of the universe."
tataH samudramaasaadya nalaM setumakaarayat || 6-126-49
ataratkapivIraaNaaM vaahinI tena setunaa |
49. tataH= then; aasaadya= on reaching; samudram= the ocean; setum akaarayat= he got a bridge constructed; nalam= by Nala; tena setunaa= and through that bridge; vaahinii kapiviiraaNaam= the army of the valiant monkeys; aatarat= crossed (the ocean).
"Then, on reaching the ocean, he got a bridge constructed by Nala and through that bridge, the army of the valiant monkeys crossed the ocean."
prahastamavadhInnIlaH kumbhakarNaM tu raaghavaH || 6-126-50
lakShmaNo raavaNasutaM svayaM raamastu raavaNam |
50. niilaH= Neela; avadhiit= killed; prahastam= Prahasta; raamaH= Rama; raaghavaH= the scion of Raghu dynasty; svayam= personally (killed); kumbhakarNam= Kumbhakarna; raavaNam= and Ravana; lakShmaNaH= Lakshmana; (killed); raavaNasutam= Indrajit, the son of Ravana.
"Neela killed Prahasta. Rama, the scion of Raghu dynasty, personally killed Kumbhakarna and Ravana. Lakshmana killed Indrajit, the son of Ravana."
sa shakreNa samaagamya yamena varuNena cha || 6-126-51
maheshvarasvayambhuubhyaaM tathaa dasharathena cha |
taishcha kaakutthso varaan lebhe paraMtapaH || 6-126-52
surarShibhishcha kaakutstho varaaMllebhe parantapaH |
51-52. shriimaan= the illustrious; kaakutthsaH= Rama; paramtapaH= the destroyer of enemies; samaagamya= meeting; shakreNa= Indra the lord of dissolution; varunena cha= Varuna the lord of waters; maheshwara svayambhuubhyaam= Maheshwara, the great lord (Shiva) and Brahma the lord of creation; tathaa= and; dasharathena= Dasaratha (his deceased father); dattavaraH= and was bestowed boons; taiH= by them; lebhe varaan= as also obtained boons; R^ishshibhiH= from sages; surarShibhishacha= and celestial sages; samaagataiH= who came there.
"The illustrious Rama, the destroyer of enemies, happened to meet Indra the lord of celestials, Yama the lord of dissolution, Varuna the lord of waters, Maheshvara, the great lord (Shiva), Brahma the lord of creation as also Dasaratha (his deceased father) and was bestowed boons by them. Sages and celestial masters who came there, too gave boons."
sa tu dattavaraH prItyaa vaanaraishcha samaagataH || 6-126-53
puShpakeNa vimaanena kiShkindhaamabhyupaagamat |
53. saH tu= that Rama for his part; dattavaraH= having been granted boons; priitya= with affection (by them); abhyugaamat= reached; kiShkindhaan= Kishkindha; samaagataH= accompanied; vaanaraiH cha= with the monkeys; puShpakena vimaanena= on Pushpaka, the aerial car.
"Having been granted boons, Rama for his part flew to Kishkindha in an aerial car called Pushpaka, along with the monkeys who gathered there."
taM ga~NgaaM punaraasaadya vasantaM munisaMnidhau || 6-126-54
avighnaM puShyayogena shvo raamaM draShTumarhasi |
54. punaH= again; aasaadya= reaching; gaN^gaam= the coast-line of River Ganga; tam raamam= that Rama; vasantam= is staying; munisamnidhau= in the presence of the sage, Bharadwaja; shvaH= tomorrow; puShpayogena= when the moon will be in conjunction with asteroid; pushyaarhasi= you will be able; draShTum= to see (Rama); avighnam= without any obstacle.
"Reaching the coast-line of Ganga-river again, Rama is staying in the presence of the sage, Bharadwaja. Tomorrow, when the moon will be in conjunction with the asteroid, Pushya you will be able to see Rama, without any obstacle."
tataH sa satyaM hanumadvacho mahan |
nishamya hR^iShTo bharataH kR^itaa~njaliH |
uvaacha vaaNIM manasaH praharShiNI |
chirasya pUrNaH khalu me manorathaH || 6-126-55
55. nishamya= on hearing (that narration); madhuraiH vaakyaiH= with the sweet words; hanuumataH= of Hanuma; bharataH= Bharata; tataH= then; hR^iShTaH= was gladdened; kR^itaaN^jaliH= and offering his salutation to him by joining his palms together; uvaacha= spoke; vaaNiim= the following words; manasaH praharShiNiim= which enraptured his mind; me manorathaH= "My desire; puurNaH khalu= has been indeed fulfilled; chirasya= after a long time."
"Gladdened to hear Rama's impending return to Ayodhya in the sweet words of Hanuma, Bharata offered his salutation by joining his palms together and spoke the following words, which enraptured his mind: 'My desire has been fulfilled indeed after a long time'."

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe ShaDviMshatyadhikashatatamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 126th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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