Chapter [Sarga] 127  

Posted by Ambar jaiswal in

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 127


Bharata, after hearing the good news from Hanuma about the arrival of Rama, calls Shatrughna and commands him to make appropriate arrangements for the reception of Rama in the City of Ayodhya. Bharata departs with all others, for Nandigrama to receive Rama. The aerial car lands at Nandigrama. Bharata welcomes Rama and others, by embracing them and by greeting them joyously. Rama too offers his salutations to all his mothers, who come to receive him. Then, Bharata brings Rama’s wooden sandals and places them below the feet of Rama. Rama commands Pushpaka, the aerial car to return to Kubera, the lord of riches to whom it originally belonged.

shrutvA tu paramAnandaM bharataH satyavikramaH |
hR^iShTamAGYApayAmAsa shatrughnaM paravIrahA || 6-127-1
1. shrutvaa t hearing; paramaanandam= the news of a great happiness (from Hanuma); bharataH= Bharata; satyavikramaH= the truly brave ruler; paraviirahaa= and the destroyer of enemies; aajJNaapayaamaasa= commanded (as follows); shatrughnam= to Shatrughna; hR^iShtrughnam= to Shatrughna; hR^iShTam= shatrughnam= to Shatrughna; hR^iShTam= who too felt delighted at the news.
”Hearing the news of a great happiness from Hanuma, Bharata the truly brave ruler and the destroyer of enemies, commanded (as follows) to Shatrughna, who too felt delighted at the news.”
daivatAni cha sarvANi chaityAni nagarasya cha |
sugandhamAlyairvAditrairarchantu shuchayo narAH || 6-127-2
2. shuchayaH naraaH= let men of good conduct; archantu= offer worship; daivataani= to their family-deities; chaityaanicha= sanctuaries; nagarasya= in the City; sugandha maalyaiH= with sweet-smelling flowers; vaaditraiH= and to the accompaniment of musical instruments.
“Let men of good conduct, offer worship to their family-deities, sanctuaries in the city with sweet-smelling flowers and to the accompaniment of musical instruments.”
suutaaH stutipuraaNajJNaah sarve vaitaalikaastathaa |
sarve vaaditrakushalaa gaNikaashchaiva saMghashaH || 6-127-3
rAjadArAstathAmAtyAH sainyAH senAgaNA~NganAH |
braahmaNaashcha saraajanyaaH shreNimukhyaastathaa gaNaaH || 6-127-4
abhiniryAntu rAmasya draShTuM shashinibhaM mukham |
3-4. shrutvaaH= let bards; stutipuraaNajJNaaH= well-versed in singing praises and Puranas (containing ancient legends, cosmogony etc); tathaa= as also; sarve vaitaalikaaH= all panegyrists; sarve vaaditrakushalaaH= all panegyrists; sarve vaitra kushalaaH= all those proficient in the use of musical instruments; gaNikaaH= courtesans; samghashaH= all together; raajadaaraaH= the queen-mothers; tathaa= as also; aamaatyaaH= ministers; sainyaaH= army-men; senaaN^ganaagaNaaH= and their wives; brahmaNaashcha= brahmanas; saraajanyaah= accompanied by Kshatriyas (members of fighting class); shreNiimukhyaaH= leaders of guilds of traders and artisans; tathaa= as also; gaNaaH= their members; abhiniryaantu= come out; draShTum= to see; shashinibham= the moon-like; mukham= countenance; raamasya= of Rama.
“Let bards well-versed in singing praises and Puranas (containing ancient legends, cosmogony etc.) as also all panegyrists, all those proficient in the use of musical instruments, courtesans all collected together, the queen-mothers, ministers, army-men and their wives, brahmanas accompanied by Kshatriyas (members of fighting class), leaders of guilds of traders and artisans, as also their members, come out to see the moon-like countenance of Rama."
bharatasya vachaH shrutvA shatrughnaH paravIrahA || 6-127-5
viShTIranekasAhasrIshchodayAmAsa bhaagashaH |
5. shrutvaa= hearing; vachaH= the words; bharatasya= of Bhaata; shatrughnaH= Shatrughna; paraviirahaa= the destroyer of valiant adversaries; chodayaamaasa= called together; viShTiiH= labourers working on wages; aneka saahasriiH= numbering many thousands; bhaagashaH= and dividing them into gangs, (ordered them as follows):
Hearing the words of Bharata, Shatrughna the destroyer of valiant adversaries called together, laborers working on wages, numbering many thousands and dividing them into gangs, ordered them (as follows):
samIkuruta nimnAni viShamANi samAni cha || 6-127-6
sthAnAni cha nirasyantAM nandigrAmAditaH param |
6. nimnaani= let the cavities (on the path); itaH nandigraamaat= from this Nandigrama; param= to the other end (Ayodhya); samiikuruta= be levelled; viShamaaNi samaanicha= Let the rough and the even; sthaanaani= places; nirasyantaam= be made flat.
"Let the cavities on the path from Nandigrama to Ayodhya be levelled. Let the rough and the even places be made flat."
si~nchantu pR^ithivIM kR^itsnAM himashItena vAriNA || 6-127-7
tato&&abhyavakiraMstvanye lAjaiH puShpaishcha sarvataH |
7. kR^itsnaam pR^ithiviim= let the entire ground; siN^ghantu= be sprinkled; himashiitena= with ice-cold; vaariNaa= water; anye= let some others; tataH= thereupon; abhyavakirantu= strew it; sarvataH= all over; laajaiH= with parched grains of paddy; puShpaishcha= and flowers.
"Let the entire ground be sprinkled with ice-gold water. Let some others strew it all over with parched grains and flowers."
samuchchhritapatAkAstu rathyAH puravarottame || 6-127-8
shobhayantu cha veshmAni sUryasyodayanaM prati |
8. rathyaaH= let the streets; puravarottame= in Ayodhya the excellent City; samuchchhrita pataakaaH= be lined with flags; veshmaani= let the houses (on the roadside); shobhayantu= be decorated; suuryasya udayanam prati= till the rising of the sun.
"Let the streets in Ayodhya, the excellent City, be lined with flags. Let the dwellings (on the road-side) be decorated, till the time of rising of the sun."
sragdAmamuktapuShpaishcha sugandhaiH pa~nchavarNakaiH || 6-127-9
rAjamArgamasambAdhaM kirantu shatasho narAH |
9. shatashaH naraaH= let hundreds of men; kirantu= sprinkle; asambaadham= on the wide; raajamaargam= royal highway; sugandhaiH paN^cha varNakaIH= with five fragrant colours; sragdaama mukta puShpaishcha= and with rows of garlands as well as with lose flowers.
"Let hundreds of men sprinkle, on the main royal highway, with five fragrant colours and with rows of garlands as well as lose flowers."
tatastachchhaasanaM shrutvaa shatrughnasya mudaanvitaaH || 6-127-10
dhR^iShTirjayanto vijayaH siddhaarthashchaarthasaadhakaH |
ashoko mantrapaalashcha sumantrashchaapi niryayuH || 6-127-11
10-11. tataH= thereupon; shrutvaa= on hearing; tat shaasanam= that command; shatrughnasya= of Shatrughna; dhR^iShTii= Dhrushti; jayantaH= Jayanta; vijayah= Vijaya; siddhaarthashcha= Siddhartha; arthasaadhakaH= Arthasadhaka; ashokaH= Ashoka; mantrapaalashcha= Mantrapala; sumantrashchaapi= and Sumantra; niryayuH= proceeded; mudaa anvitaaH= with joy.
On hearing that command of Shatrughna, Dhrushti, Jayanta, Vijaya, Siddhartha, Arthasadhaka, Ashoka, Mantrapala and Sumantra proceeded with joy.
mattairnAgasahasraishcha shAtakumbhavibhUShitaH |
apare hemakakShyAbhiH sagajAbhiH kareNubhiH || 6-127-12
niryayustvarayA yuktA rathaishcha sumahArathAH |
12. naagasahasraiH= (Some) by thousands of elephants; mattaiH= in rut; sadhvajaiH= with banners; subhuShitaiH= and well adorned; aparetu= and some others; kareNubhiH= by female elephants; hemakakShaabhiH= provided with golden girths; sagajaabhiH= along with those elephants; sumahaarathaH= and excellent chariot-warriors; rathaishcha= by chariots; niryayuH= issued forth; tvarayaa yuktaaH= with speed.
Some rode on thousands of well-adorned elephants in rut and bearing banners. Some others rode on female-elephants provided with golden girths, along with those elephants. Excellent chariot-warriors issued forth in their chariots, with speed.
shaktyaShTipaashahastaanaaM sadhvajaanaaM pataakinaam || 6-127-13
turagaaNaaM sahastraishcha mukhyairmukhyataraanvitaiH |
padaatiinaaM sahastraishcha viiraaH parivR^itaa yayuH || 6-127-14
13-14. viiraaH= warriors; turagaNaam mukhyaiH= on selected horses; mukhya taraanvitaiH sahasraiH= and even still superior ones in thousands; sadhvajaanaam= bearing banners; pataakinaam= and pennants; saktyR^ishTi pasha hastaanaam= carrying javelins, spears and nooses; parivR^itaaH= as also surrounded by; sahasraishcha= thousands; padaatiinaam= of foot-soldiers; yuyuH= sallied forth.
Warriors on selected horses even still superior ones in thousands, bearing banners and pennants, carrying javelins, spears and nooses, as also surrounded by thousands of foot-soldiers, sallied forth.
tato yAnAnyupArUDhAH sarvA dasharathastriyaH |
kausalyAM pramukhe kR^itvA sumitrAM chApi niryayuH || 6-127-15
kaikeyyaa sahitaaH sarvaa nandigraamamupaagaman |
15. tataH= then; sarvaaH= all; dasharathastriyaH= the wives of the deceased Dasaratha; kausalyaam sumitraamchaapi pramukhe kR^itvaa= keeping Kausalya and Sumitra in front of them; upaaruuDhaaH= mounting; yaanaami= their vehicles; niryayuH= issued forth; sarvaaH= all of them; kaikeyyaa sahitaaH= including Kaikeyi; upaayayuH= reached; nandigraamam= Nandigrama.
Then, all the wives of the deceased Dasaratha, placing Kausalya and Sumitra in front of them, mounting their vehicles, issued forth. All of them, including Kaikeyi, reached Nandigrama.
dvijAtimukhyairdharmAtmA shreNImukhyaiH sanaigamaiH || 6-127-16
mAlyamodaka hastaishcha mantribhirbharato vR^itaH |
sha~NkhabherIninAdaishcha bandibhishchAbhivanditaH || 6-127-17
AryapAdau gR^ihItvA tu shirasA dharmakovidaH |
pANDuraM chhatramAdAya shuklamAlyopashobhitam || 6-127-18
shukle cha vAlavyajane rAjArhe hemabhUShite |
upavAsakR^isho dInashchIrakR^iShNAjinAmbaraH || 6-127-19
bhrAturAgamanaM shrutvA tatpUrvaM harShamAgataH |
pratyudyayau tadA rAmaM mahAtmA sachivaiH saha || 6-127-20
16-20. gR^ihiitvaa= placing; aaryapaadau= the wooden sandals of his brother (Rama); shirasaa= on his brother (Rama); shirasaa= on his head; aadaaya paaN^Daram chhatram= and taking the white parasol (intended for Rama); shuklamaalyopashobhitam= adorned with white garlands; shukle vaalavyajane= and two white whisks hema bhuuShite= decorated with gold; raajaarhe= eminently worthy of kings; dvijaatimukhyaiH= along with the foremost of Brahmanas; shreNiimukhyaishcha= leaders of the guilds of traders and artisans; sanaigamaiH= including the merchant-classes; mantribhiH VR^itaH= surrounded by the counselors; maalyaa maudakahastaiH= with garlands and ball-shaped sweets in their hands; shaN^kha bheriininaadiashcha= cheered by the blasts of couches and kettle-drums; abhinanditaH vandibhishcha= as also praised by panegyrists; mahaatmaa= the great souled; bharataH= Bharata (for his part); dharmaatmaa= whose mind was set on righteousness; dharma kovidaH= who was well-versed with the secret of virtue; upavaasakR^ishaH= who was emaciated through fasting; diinaH= who felt miserable; chiira kR^iShraajinaambaraH= was clad in the bark of trees and the skin of a black antelope; aagataH harSham= who experienced joy; tatpuurvam= for the first time; shrutvaa= in hearing; bhraatruH aagamanam= the arrival of his brother 9Rama); tadaa= then; pratyudyayau= went in advance; sachivaiH saha= along with his ministers; (to meet Rama).
Placing the wooden sandals of his brother (Rama) on his head and taking the white parasol (intended for Rama) which was adorned with white garlands and two white whisks decorated with gold, eminently worthy of kings, accompanied by the foremost of Brahmanas, leaders of the guilds of traders and artisans, including the mercantile class, surrounded by the counselors with garlands and bell-shaped sweets in their hands, cheered by the blass of conches and kettle-drums, duly praised by panegyrists, the great-souled Bharata, for his part, whose mind was set on righteousness, who was well-versed with the secret of virtue, who was emaciated through fasting, who felt miserable, was clad in the bark of trees and the sking of a black antelope, who experienced joy for the first time in hearing the news of the arrival of his brother then went in advance, along with his ministers, to meet Rama.”
ashvaanaaM kharashabdaishcha rathanemisvanena cha |
shaN^khadundubhinaadena saMchachaaleva medinii || 6-127-21
21. medinii= the earth; samcha chaaleva= was as it were shaking; ashvaanaam khura shabdena= with the noise of rims of chariot-wheels; shaN^khadundubhighoSheNa= and by the tumults of couches and kettle-drums.
The earth seemed, as it were, shaking with the sound of horse-hoofs the rattling of rims of chariot-wheels and by the tumults of couches and kettle-drums.
kR^itsnaM tu nagaraM tatu nandigraamamupaagamat |
samIkShya bharato vAkyamuvAcha pavanAtmajam || 6-127-22
22. tat= that; kR^itsnam= entire; nagaram= city (of Ayodhya); upaagamat= reached; nandigraamam= Nandigrama; samiikShya= glancing round; bharataH= Bharata; uvaacha= spoke; vaakyam= the following words; pavanaatmajam= to Hanuma.
The entire City of Ayodhya literally reached Nandigrama. Glancing round, Bharata spoke as follows to Hanuma.
kachchinna khalu kApeyI sevyate chalachittatA |
na hi pashyAmi kAkutsthaM rAmamAryaM parantapam || 6-127-23
23. na sevyate khalu kachchit= Indeed, I hope you have not indeed resorted to; chalachittataa= the fickle-mindedness; kaapeyii= peculiar to the monkeys?; na pashyaami hi= for, I do not indeed see; raamam= Rama; aaryam= my brother; kaakuttsa= who was born in Kakutthsa dynasty; paramtapam= and destroyer of adversaries.
“Indeed, I hope the fickle-mindedness which constitutes the peculiarity of monkeys, has not been resorted to by you. For I do not indeed see Rama, a worthy scion of Kakutthsa and the destroyer of adversaries.”
athaivamukte vachane hanUmAnidamabravIt |
arthaM viGYApayanneva bharataM satyavikramam || 6-127-24
24. evam= thus; vachame= the words; spoken; (by Bharata); hanuman= Hanuma; atha= thereupon; abraviit= replied; bharatam satyavikramam= to Bhrata of unfailing prowess; idam arthyam= by these meaningful words; vijJNaapayanneva= which were, as if, they were apprising the situation.
When these remarks were uttered by Bharata, Hanuma forthwith replied, as follows to Bharata of unfailing prowess, by his meaningful words which were, as if they were apprising the situation.
sadA phalAnkusumitAnvR^ikShAnprApya madhusravAn |
bharadvAjaprasAdena mattabhramaranAditAn || 6-127-25
tasya chaiSha varo datto vAsavena parantapa |
sasainyasya tadAtithyaM kR^itaM sarvaguNAnvitam || 6-127-26
nisvanaH shrUyate bhImaH prahR^iShTAnAM vanaukasAm |
manye vAnarasenA sA nadIM tarati gomatIm || 6-127-27
25-27. bhiimaH= a formidable; niHsvanaH= roar; shruuyate= is being heard; prahR^iShTaanaam vanaukasaam= from the rejoiced monkeys; praapya= having seen; vR^ikShaan= trees; sadaaphalaan= which yield fruits continually; kusu mitaan= which are in blossom; madhu svavaan= and dropping honey; matta bhramara naaditaan= which is drunk by bees and which are making reverberant sounds; bharadvaaja prasaadena= all, due to the grace of Bharadwaja the sage; paramtapa= O Bharata, the destroyer of adversaries!; tasya= to that Bharadwaja; eShaH= this; varaH= boon; dattaH= was bestowed; vaasavena= by Indra, the lord of celestials; (Earlier); aatithyam= a hospitality; sarvaguNaanvitam= rich with all excellences; kR^itam= was extended; (by Bharadwaja); tava= to you; sasainyasya= along with your army; manye= I think; saa vaanarasenaa= that army of monkeys; tarati= is crossing; gomatiim nadiim= the river of Gomati.
“A formidable roar of rejoiced monkeys is being heard, for, they are seeing on the way, trees which continually, yield fruit, adorned with blossom, flowing with honey which is drunk by bees, making reverberant humming sounds – all due to the grace of Sage Bharadwaja O Bharata, the destroyer of adversaries! A boon was conferred by Indra, the lord of celestials, by virtue of which a hospitality rich with all excellences was earlier extended by Bharadwaja to you, with your entire army. I presume that the aforesaid army of monkeys is crossing the rivers, Gomati.”
rajovarShaM samudbhUtaM pashya vAlukinIM prati |
manye sAlavanaM ramyaM lolayanti plava~NgamAH || 6-127-28
28. pashya= see; rajovarSham= the cloud of dust; samudbhuutam= shooting forth; saalavanam prati= towards the grove of Sala trees; manye= monkeys; lolayanti= are shaking; ramyam= the beautiful; saalavanam= grove of Sala trees.
“See the cloud of dust, shooting froths towards the grove of Sala trees. I presume that the monkeys are shaking the beautiful grove of Sala trees.”
tadetaddR^ishyate dUrAdvimalaM chandrasaMnibham |
vimAnaM puShpakaM divyaM manasA brahmanirmitam || 6-127-29
29. dR^ishyate= there is seen; duuraat= in distance; tat etat vimaanam= that very famous aerial car; chandra samnibham= shining brightly like the moon; divyam= the wonderful; puShpakam vimaanam= aerial car called Pushpaka; nirmitam= was built; manasaa= with his intelligence; brahmaNaa= by Viswakarma (the architect of gods, who has been referred to here as Brahma by virtue of his creative talent).
"There is seen, in distance, that very famous aerial car, shining brightly like the moon. The wonderful aerial car called Pushpaka was built with his intelligence by Viswakarma (an architect of gods, who has been referred to here as Brahma by virtue of his creative talent.)."
rAvaNaM bAndhavaiH sArdhaM hatvA labdhaM mahAtmanA |
taruNaadityasaMkaashaM vimaanaM raamavaahanam || 6-127-30
dhanadasya prasaadena divyametanmanojavam |
30. etat= this; divyam= wonderful; vimaanam= aerial car; taruNaaditya samkaasham= and with a shining of the rising sun; raama vaahanam= is the vehicle for Rama; labdham= and obtained; mahaatmanaa= by the great-souled Rama; hatvaa= after having killed; raavaNam= Ravana; baandhavaiH saardham= along with his kinsfolk; (This aerial car); dhanadasya= belongs to Kubera the lord of riches; prasaadena= who obtained it by the grace of Brahma the lord of creation.
"This wonderful aerial car, with a speed of thought, which is carrying the great souled Rama, and shines brightly like the rising sun, belongs to Kubera, the lord of riches, by the grace of brahma, the lord of creation. (Who bestowed it on him)"
etasminbhrAtarau vIrau vaidehyA saha rAghavau || 6-127-31
sugrIvashcha mahAtejA rAkShasendro vibhIShaNaH |
31. etasmin= in this aerial car are; viirau= the valiant; raaghavau= Rama and Lakshmana; bhraatarau= the brothers; vaidehyaa saha= along with Seetha; mahaatejaaH= the immensely brilliant; sugriivashcha= Sugreeva and; vibhiiShaNashcha= Vibhishana; raakShasaH= the demon.
"In the same aerial car are the valiant Rama and Lakshmana, the brothers, along with Seetha, the immensely brilliant Sugreeva and Vibhishana the demon."
tato harShasamudbhUto nisvano divamaspR^ishat || 6-127-32
strIbAlayuvavR^iddhAnAM rAmo&&ayamiti kIrtitaH |
32. tataH= thereupon; ayam raamaH iti= the words 'Here comes Rama'; kiirtite= were loudly said; niHsvanaH= and clamour; harShasamudbhuutaH= born of joy; striibaalayuva vR^iddhaanaam= from the mouth of women, children, youth and elder; aspR^ishat= touched; divam= the sky.
Meanwhile, the words 'Here comes Rama' were loudly said and a clamour born of joy from the mouth of women, children, youth and elders touched the sky.
rathaku~njaravAjibhyaste&&avatIrya mahIM gatAH || 6-127-33
dadR^ishustaM vimAnasthaM narAH somamivAmbare |
33. avatiirya= Descending; ratha kuN^jara vaajibhyaH= from their chariots, elephants as also horses; gataaH= and standing; mahiim= on the ground; te naraaH= all those men; dadR^ishuH= saw; amabare somamiva= like the moon in the sky; tam= that Rama; vimaanastham= seated in the aerial car.
Descending from their chariots, elephants as also horses and standing on the ground, all those people saw, like the moon in the sky, that Rama seated in the aerial car.
prA~njalirbharato bhUtvA prahR^iShTo rAghavonmukhaH || 6-127-34
svAgatena yathArthena tato rAmamapUjayat |
34. prahR^iShTaH= the over-joyed; bharataH= Bharata; praaN^jaliH= with his joined palms; bhuutvaa aaghavaumukhaH= his face turned towards Rama; apuujayat= worshipped; raamam= Rama; svaagatena yathaarheNa= and welcomed him in a befitting manner.
The over-joyed Bharata with his joined palms, his face turned towards Rama, worshipped and welcomed him in a befitting way.
manasA brahmaNA sR^iShTe vimAne lakShmaNAgrajaH || 6-127-35
rarAja pR^ithudIrghAkSho vajrapANirivAparaH |
35. bharataagrajaH= Rama; pR^ithudiirghaakShaH= with his long and large eyes; vimaane= seated in the aerial car; sR^iShTe= created; brahmaNaa= by viswakarma the divine architect; manasaa= with his intelligence; raraaja= shone; aparaH vajrapaaNiriva= like another Indra who carries the thunderbolt in his hand.
Rama, with his long and large eyes, seated in the aerial car, created by Viswakarma the divine architect with his intelligence, shone like another Indra who carries the thunderbolt in his hand.
tato vimAnAgragataM bharato bhrAtaraM tadA || 6-127-36
vavande praNato rAmaM merusthamiva bhAskaram |
36. praNataH= bent low in reverence; bharataH= Bharata; tataH= then; vavande= saluted; raamam= Rama; vimaanaagragatam= who stood in the forepart of the aerial car; bhaaskaram yathaa= and shining like the sun; merustham= appearing on Mount Meru.
Bent low in reverence, Bharata then saluted Rama, who stood in the forepart of the aerial car and shining like the sun appearing on Mount Meru.
tato raamaabhyanujJNaataM tadvimaanamanuttamam || 6-127-37
hamsayuktaM mahaavegam nipapaata mahiitale |
37. raamaabhyanujJNaatam= as authorized by Rama; tat anuttamam vimaanam= that excellent aerial car; mahaavegam= having a great speed; hamsayuktam= and endowed with the images of swans; nipapaata= landed; mahiitale= on the ground.
As authorized by Rama, that excellent aerial car, having a great speed and endowed with the images of swans, landed on the ground.
Aropito vimAnaM tadbharataH satyavikramaH || 6-127-38
rAmamAsAdya muditaH punarevAbhyavAdayat |
38. muditaH= feeling glad; aaropitaH= when lifted on; tat vimaanam= to that aerial ear; bharataH= Bharata; satyavikramaH= of true valour; aasaadya= approaching; raamam= Rama; abhyavaadayat= greeted him; punareva= yet again.
Feeling glad, when lifted on that aerial car and approaching Rama, Bharata of true valour, greeted him yet again.
taM samutthApya kAkutsthashchirasyAkShipathaM gatam || 6-127-39
a~Nke bharatamAropya muditaH pariShaShvaje |
39. samutthaapya tat= fully rising from his seat; aaropya tam bharatam= and placing that Bharata; akShipatham gatam chiraaya= who was seen after a long time; aN^kam= on his lap; kaakutthsaH= Rama; muditaH= delightfully; pariShvaje= embraced him.
Fully rising from his seat and placing that Bharata, who was seen after a long time, on his lap, Rama delightfully embraced him.
tato lakShmaNamAsAdya vaidehIM cha parantapaH || 6-127-40
abhyavAdayata prIto bharato nAma chAbravIt |
40. tataH= thereafter; priitaH= the delighted; bharataH= Bharata; paramtapaH= the destroyer of adversaries; aasaadya= approaching; lakShmaNam= Lakshmana; vaidehiim cha= and Seetha; atha= then; abhyavaadayat= saluted in reverence; abraviit= (and also) announced; naama= his own name.
Thereafter, the jubilant Bharata, the destroyer of adversaries, approaching Lakshmana and Seetha, then saluted them in reverence and also announced his name.
sugrIvaM kaikayI putro jAmbavantaM tathA~Ngadam || 6-127-41
maindaM cha dvividaM nIlamR^iShabhaM chaiva sasvaje |
41. atha= then; kaikeyii putraH= Bharata; pariShasvaje= embraced; sugriivam= Sugreeva; jaambavantam= Jambavan; aN^gadam= Angada; maindam= Mainda; dvividam chaiva= Divivida; niilam= Neela; R^iShabham= and Rishabha.
Then, Bharata embraced Sugreeva, Jambavan, Angada, Mainda, Dvivida, Neela and Rishabha.
suSheNaM cha nalaM chaiva gavaakSham gandhamaadanam || 6-127-42
sharabhaM panasaM chaiva paritah pariShsvaje |
42. pariShasvaje= he also embraced; suSheNamcha= Sushena; nalamchaiva= Nala; gavaakSham= GAvaksha; gandhamaadanam= Gandhamadana; sharabham= Sharabha; panasamchaiva= Panasa; paritaH= and the surrounding monkeys.
He also embraced Sushena, Nala, Gavaksha, Gandhamadana, Sharabha, Panasa and the surrounding monkeys.
te kR^itvA mAnuShaM rUpaM vAnarAH kAmarUpiNaH || 6-127-43
kushalaM paryapR^iShhanta prahR^iShTA bharataM tadA |
43. tadaa= then; te vaanaraaH= those monkeys; kaama ruupiNaH= who can change their format will; kR^itvaa maanuSham ruupam= assumed the form of humans; prahR^iShTaaH= and rejoicingly; paryapR^ichchhan= asked; kushalam= about the welfare; bharatam= of Bharata.
Then, those monkeys, who can change their form at will, assumed the form of humans and rejoicingly asked about the welfare of Bharata.
athaabraviidraajaputraH sugriivaM vaanararShabham || 6-127-44
pariShvajya mahaatejaa bharato dharmiNaaM varaH |
44. atha= thereupon; mahaatejaaH= the immensely brilliant; bharataH= Bharata; raajaputraH= the son of Dasaratha; dharmiiNaam varaH= and the foremost among the virtuous; pariShvajya= after embracing; sugriivam= Sugreeva; vaanarShabham= the excellent monkey; abraviit= spoke to him (as follows):
Thereupon, the immensely brilliant Bharata, the son of Dasaratha and the foremost among the virtuous, after embracing Sugreeva the excellent monkey, spoke to him (as follows):
tvamasmaakaM chaturNaaM vaibhraataa sugriiva paJNchamaH || 6-127-45
sauhaardaajjaayate mitramapakaaro.arilakShaNam |
45. sugriiva= O Sugreeva!; tvam= you; paN^chamaH= are a fifth; bhraataa= brother; asmaakam chaturNaam= for all the four of us; mitram= a friend; jaayate= is born; sauhaardaat= of affection; apakaaraH= malifience; arilakShaNam= is the attribute of an adversary.
"You are a fifth brother, for all the four of us, O Sugreeva! A friend is born of affection, while malifience is the attribute of an adversary."
vibhIShaNaM cha bharataH sAntvayanvAkyamabravIt || 6-127-46
diShTyA tvayA sahAyena kR^itaM karma suduShkaram |
46. atha= thereafter; bharataH= bharata; abraviit= spoke; saantvavaakyam= (the following) kind words; vibhiiShaNamcha= to Vibhishana; diShTyaa= thank heaven!; suduShkarma= a very difficult; karma= task; kR^itam= was accomplished; tvayaa= by you; shaayena= as a companion (of Rama).
Thereafter, Bharata spoke the following kind words to Vibhishan: "Thank heaven! A very difficult task was accomplished by you, as a companion of Rama."
shatrughnashcha tadA rAmamabhivAdya salakShmaNam || 6-127-47
sItAyAshcharaNau pashchAdvavande vinayAnvitaH |
47. tadaa= then; viiraH= the valiant; shatrughnashcha= Shatrughna; abhivaadya= offered his salutation; raamam= to Rama; sa lakShmaNam= along with Lakshmana; abhyavaadayat= and offered his reverential salutation; siitaayaaH charaNau= to Seetha's feet; vinayaat= by bowing in humility.
Then, the valiant Shatrughna offered his salutation to Rama, along with Lakshmana and offered his reverential salutation to Seetha's feet, by bowing in humility.
rAmo mAtaramAsAdya viShaNNaM shokakarshitAm || 6-127-48
jagrAha praNataH pAdau mano mAtuH prasAdayan |
48. aasaadya= by going nearer; maataram= to his mother; vivarNaam= who became pale; shoka karshitaam= and emaciated due to her grief; raamaH= Rama; jagraaha= seized; paadau= her feet; praNataH= having bowed; maatuH manaH= making his mother's heart; praharShayan= delighted.
By going to his mother, who became pale and emaciated due to her grief, Rama, by bowing, seized her feet in salutation, making his mother's heart delighted.
abhivAdya sumitrAM cha kaikeyIM cha yashasvinIm || 6-127-49
sa mAtR^Ishcha tadA sarvAH purohitamupAgamat |
49. abhivaadya= offering salutation; sumitraamcha= to Sumitra; yashasviniim= the illustrious; kaikeyiimcha= Kaikeyi; sarvaaH maatR^ishcha= and all his mothers; saH= Rama; tataH= then; upaagamat= approached; purohitam= Vasishta, the priest (and offered his salutation).
Offering salutation to Sumatra, the illustrious Kaikeyi and all his mothers, Rama then went to Vasishta the priest and offered his salutation in reverence.
svAgataM te mahAbAho kausalyAnandavardhana || 6-127-50
iti prA~njalayaH sarve nAgarA rAmamabruvan |
50. mahaabaaho= O the great armed!; kausalyaanandavardhana= O the enhancer of delight to Kausalya!; svaagatam= welcome; te= to you!; abruvan iti= thus spoke; sarve= all; naagaraaH= the citizens; raamam= to Rama; praaN^jalayaH= with their joined palms.
With joined palms, all the citizens of Ayodhya said to Rama: "Welcome to you, O the great-armed! O the enhancer of Kausala's delight!"
tanya~njalisahasrANi pragR^ihItAni nAgaraiH || 6-127-51
vyAkoshAnIva padmAni dadarsha bharatAgrajaH |
51. bharataagrajaH= Rama; dadarsha= saw; taani= those; aN^jali sahasraaNi= thousands of joined palms; pragR^ihiitaani= held; naagaraiH= by the citizens; padmaniiva= as lotus-flowers; vyaakochaani= in bloom.
Rama saw those thousands of joined palms held by the citizens, appearing as lotus-flowers in bloom.
pAduke te tu rAmasya gR^ihItvA bharataH svayam || 6-127-52
charaNAbhyAM narendrasya yojayAmAsa dharmavit |
52. gR^ihiitvaa= taking; te= those; paaduke= wooden sandals; raamasya= of Rama; bharataH= Bharata; dharmavit= the knower of virtue; svayam= personally; yojayaamaasa charaNaabhyaam= placed them below the feet; narendrasya= of Rama, the lord of men.
Taking those wooden sandals of Rama, Bharata, the knower of virtue, personally placed them below the feet of Rama, the lord of men.
abravIchcha tadA rAmaM bharataH sa kR^itA~njaliH || 6-127-53
etatte rakShitaM rAjanrAjyaM niryAtitaM mayA |
53. kR^itaaN^jaliH= having offered his salutation with joined palms; saH bharataH= that Bharata; tadaa= then; abraviichcha= spoke; raamam= to Rama (as follows); etat= this; sakalam= entire; raajyam= sovereignty; te= of yours; nyaasam= (kept with me) as a deposit; niryaatitam= is being returned (to you) mayaa= by me.
Having offered his salutation with joined palms, Bharata spoke to Rama as follows: "This entire sovereignty of yours, kept with me as a deposit, is being returned to you, by me."
adya janma kR^itArthaM me saMvR^ittashcha manorathaH || 6-127-54
yastvAM pashyAmi rAjAnamayodhyAM punarAgatam |
54. pashyaami= I am seeing; tvaam= you; raajaanam= as a king; punaH aagatam= after having come back; ayodhyaam= to Ayodhya; yat= for which; me janma= my life; kR^itaartham= has accomplished its purpose; manorathaH cha= my wish too; samvR^ittaH= is fulfilled; adya= today.
"My life has accomplished its purpose today and my wish too stands fulfilled, in that I see you, its king, come back to Ayodhya."
avekShatAM bhavAnkoshaM koShThAgAraM puraM balam || 6-127-55
bhavatastejasA sarvaM kR^itaM dashaguNaM mayA |
55. bhavaan= you; avekShataam= review; kosham= your treasury; koShThaagaaram= granary; gR^iham= palace; balam= and army; bhavataH tejasaa= by virtue of the power of your spirit; sarvam= everything; kR^itam dashaguNam= has been enhanced tenfold; mayaa= by me.
“You review your treasury, granary, palace of your spirit, everything has been enhanced tenfold by me.”
tathA bruvANaM bharataM dR^iShTvA taM bhrAtR^ivatsalam || 6-127-56
mumuchurvAnarA bAShpaM rAkShasashcha vibhIShaNaH |
56. dR^iShTvaa= seeing; tam bharatam= that Bharata; tathaa= thus; bruvaaNam= speaking; bhraatR^ivatsalam= with affection towards his brother; vibhiiShaNah cha= Vibhishana; raakShasaH= the demon; vaanaraaH= and the monkeys; mumuchuH= shed; baaShpam= their tears.
Seeing that Bharata, speaking thus with affection with his brother, Vibhishana the demon and the monkeys shed their tears.
tataH praharShAdbharatama~NkamAropya rAghavaH || 6-127-57
yayau tena vimAnena sasainyo bharatAshramam |
57. aaropya= placing; bharatam= Bharata; aN^kam= on his lap; raaghavaH= Rama; praharShaat= with delight; tataH= thereupon; yayau= went; tena vimaanena= in that aerial car; bharataashramam= to the hermitage of Bharata; sasainyaH= along with the army.
Placing Bharata on his lap with delight, Rama thereupon flew with his army (of monkeys and bears) in that aerial car to the hermitage of Bharata.
bharatAshramamAsAdya sasainyo rAghavastadA || 6-127-58
avatIrya vimAnAgrAdavatasthe mahItale |
58. aasaadya= reaching; bharataashramam= the hermitage of Bharata; sasainyaH= along with his army; raaghavaH= Rama; tadaa= then; avatiirya= descended; vimanaagraat= from the anterior of the aerial car; avastasthe= and stood for the time being; mahiitale= on the ground.
Reaching the hermitage of Bharata along with his army Rama then descended from the anterior of the aerial car and stood, for the time-being, on the ground.
abravIchcha tadA rAmastadvimAnamanuttamam || 6-127-59
vaha vaishravaNaM devamanujAnAmi gamyatAm |
59. tadaa= then; raamaH= Rama; abraviit= spoke; tat anuttamam vimaanam= to that excellent aerial car (as follows); vaha= carry; devam= the lord; vaishravaNam= Kubera; anujaanaanmi= I permit you; gamyataam= to leave.
Then, Rama, for his part, spoke to that excellent aerial car, “Serve as a transport to Kubera, the lord. I permit you to leave.”
tato rAmAbhyanuGYAtaM tadvimAnamanuttamam || 6-127-60
uttarAM dishamuddishya jagAma dhanadAlayam |
60. ramaanubhyanujJNaatam= thus permitted by Rama; tat anuttamam vimaanam= that excellent aerial car; tataH= thereupon; jagaama= proceeded; uttaraam disham= towards northern directions; dhanadaalayam uddishya= to reach the abode of Kubera the lord of riches.
Thus permitted by Rama, that excellent aerial car, thereupon proceeded towards the northern direction, so as t reach the abode of Kubera the lord of riches.
vimaanaM puShpakaM divyaM samgR^ihiitaM tu rakShasaa || 6-127-61
agamaddhanadaM vegaadraamavaakyaprachoditam |
61. diryam puShpakam vimaanam= that wonderful aerial car, Pushpaka; samgR^ihiitam= which was seized (once); rakShasaa= by Ravana; agamat= went; vegaat= in speed; dhanadam= to Kubera; raama vaakya prachoditam= as impelled by the advice of Rama.
That wonderful aerial car, Pushpaka which was seized by Ravana once, went in speed to Kubera, as impelled by Rama’s advice.
purohitasyAtmasamasya rAghavo |
bR^ihaspateH shakra ivAmarAdhIapH |
nipIDya pAdau pR^ithagAsane shubhe |
sahaiva tenopavivesha vIryavAn || 6-127-62
62. nipiiDya= affectionately pressing paadau= the feet; aatmasamasya purohitasya= of his family-priest (Vasishta the sage); who was his well-wisher; shakraH iva= even as Indra; amaraadhipaH= the lord of celestials; (would press the feet); bR^ihaspataH= of Brihaspati (the preceptor of gods); viiryavaan raaghavaH= the valiant Rama; upavivesha= sat; tena sahsha= by his side; shubhe pR^ithagaasane= on a separate seat.
Affectionately pressing the feet of Vasishta, his well-wisher and family-priest, even as Indra the lord of celestials would press the feet of Brihaspati (the preceptor of gods), the valiant Rama sat by his side, on a separate seat.

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayane aadikaavye yuddhakaaNDe saptaviMshatyadhikashatatamaH sargaH
Thus, this is the 127th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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